Looking for buddies with mental health problems to share my journey with..

So happy you got good news yesterday ces!

My news on the other hand isn't so good. They found a cyst on my rgiht ovary during my mapping yesterday. So for now we are at a stand still. We are going to schedule lap surgery in either july or august (right now he's booked until august, but he's checking with some other drs to see if they are going on vacation so he can use their surgical suite time). During the surgery he will take care of the cyst and also clean out the endometriosis again ( I had it done a year ago). So that will give us a clean start when we do the next IUI again.

My question is this.... what are my chances that this cyst will ruputure before the surgery?? Will I know when it happens?? That is what you had happen right ces??

yes thats what happened to me. except i didnt know the cyst was there! most cysts dont rupture, and when then do, most people dont feel it. i would say, dont worry about it unless it causes u pain. wait it out for surgery! Im really sorry u got bad news! hopefully the surgery will help and ull get ur BFP right away! fingers crossed he can get u in sooner then august!
sorry ladies. i cant do today meditation. i cant find my book! when i do ill add it! hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Ha Ha! Found the Book!!! Question first. Does anybody like me putting these on here daily? Or would y'all rather I stopped?
June 22
Learning to Live with a Mental Illness
Learning to live with a mental illness is a process. We are always growing, learning, accepting, and reaccepting. At every step, the process includes emotional and spiritual growth. Although it may bring us to our knees, it teaches us humility and perserverance, and it helps us to rise to our feet once again.
But most of all, learning to live with a mental illness is about learning to live with ourselves.
Am I learning to live with myself and my illness today?
Thought for the Day
Learning to live with myself and my illness is sometimes himbling and sometimes painful, but always valuable.
June 23
Loving Ourselves First
At some point, many of us with mental illness concluded that we were unworthy of being loved. We assumed that because we were different, we didnt deserve love. We searched everywhere, hoping to findsomeone who would care for us.
But eventually we discovered that we had been searching in the wrong places. We sought the love and approval of others before we had come to love and approve of ourselves.
Needing the love and approval of others is natural, but part of recovery is also learning to love ourselves. For when we loveourselves, we are better able to accept and appreciate the love of others.
Am I learning to love myself today?
Thought for the Day
Wanting others to love me is not unhealthy, but loving myself is essential to my recovery.
June 24
Not Me
Chances are, we never thought we would experience a mental illness; never thought we would become isolated or at times lose all hope; never thought suicide might become an obsession; never thought we could act so out of control, often aganst our morals or values.
We also probably never thought we could find hope and recovery; never thought we could learn to ccope with the illness, be resonably content with ourselves, and live each day as best we can. Yet all of this can happen to us.
Today, am I stuck in what I think should happen or fear might happen--or am I focused on what is possible here and now?
Thought for the Day
Although life is full of unknowns and surprises, I can make the choice each moment to affirm my life.
Kinda having a hard time right now. My heart keeps racing, causing high blood pressure. Not sure whats going on. Going to see my Primary DR tomorrow about it.
Feeling exhausted and depressed. Had a dream last night that I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. In my dream, I then proceded to slit my wrists. Not a very good dream, thats for sure.
I dont know what to do. I'm 8DPO right now.
My heart keeps racing, causing high blood pressure. ... I'm 8DPO right now.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you - one of my early early symptoms was heart palpitations. Let us know how you get on, ok?

My heart keeps racing, causing high blood pressure. ... I'm 8DPO right now.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you - one of my early early symptoms was heart palpitations. Let us know how you get on, ok?


Definately! Im going to see my primary this afternoon.
June 25
No Guarantees
We dont know when our next worsening of symptoms will occur, how long it will last, how long it will take to recover. We dont know how long our medications will remain effective nor whether a cure will be found for our illness. We cant know the future nor fully control the present.
But we can learn to do the best with what we are given, accept the rest, and cope with the unpredictable. Today we have one day in which to live and do our best.
Today, do I search for guarantees or do I live my life one day at a time?
Thought for the Day
Why spend my time looking r guarantees when I can live life to the fullest this very moment?
So, I just got done seeing my Primary for my heart. I have a slight condition that they are just now starting to learn about. Its call Prolonged QT Syndrome. Now I have to do some research to learn more. My Dr said that there are certain meds that are bad when you have this condition. One of which is Seroquel, of which I take 300-400Mgs daily. I need to try to taper it down to 100Mgs daily. Big drop. I have to watch my moods closely and let him know if they are getting too bad. He didn't say that I should be concerned with getting pregnant, and he knows I'm trying! Kinda nervous!!!!!!
In a really bad mood now! AF got me!!!!!!
June 26
Hanging On
There are days when we wonder why we should even get out of bed. Our symptoms are severe. Our serenity has disappeared. Our attitude is grim. We are at odds with ourselves.
On these days, it is enough to just hang on. We dont have to feel guilty or pretend to be healty or worry about our to-do list. Instead, we simply call a friend or someone in our support system and let that person know how we're doing.
If today is a day when all I can do is hang on, can I acknowledge that fact, let go of my plans, and reach out for help?
Thought for the Day
I cant control when my symptoms flare, but I can take care of myself when they do.
June 27
Learning and Sharing
Let us take a moment to congratulate ourselves. We have graduated from the School of Hard Knocks into a life of recovery.
We have paid steep tuition: our illness and its symptoms. But we learned a lot and we did not give up. Of this, we can be proud.
Being in recovery means that we can now teach what we have learned. We can offer to share our experience and wisdom to those just beginning their journey.
Today, do I continue to learn and share my understanding?
Thought for the Day
Recovery is a continuous cycle of learning, teaching, listening, and sharing.
June 28
Great Expectations
It is normal to have expectations of ourselves and expectations for our future. But it they become too great, we can set ourselves up for failure.
We can either make our expectations impossible or keep them realisti. We can make them part of our illness or positive forces in our recovery. They can make us feel like a failute or a success. They can become an enemy or a helful guide. The choice is ours.
Do I have healthy expectations today?
Thought for the Day
If I fail to meet my expectations, I am gentle with myself because I am still learning to be realistic.
June 29
Seeking Professional Guidance
Some of us with depression or mental illness find it difficult, and sometimes impossible, to seek professional guidance for our illness. Yet professional guidance may be critical if we are to survive.
With anf illness such as ours, self-reliance can be dangerous, even fatal. Mental illness is a medical condition that demands regular attention by professionals, just like asthma or diabetes. For the sake of our emotional and physical health, forb the sake of our recovery, let us seek the professional guidance and support we need and deserve.
Will I seek professional guidance for my illness if I need it today?
Thought for the Day
There is no shame in asking for help.
June 30
Careful Monitoring
Once we come to know our illness and learn to cope with it, we may decide one day to take recovery into our own hands. Thats ok.
But if we begin to experience impatience, intolerance, or lose control of our thoughts and feelings, it may be time to seek help.
Today, do I continuew to trust in my judgment as well as the judgment of other people and my Higher Power?
Thought for the Day
I need to do whatever is necessary for my spiritual, emotional and physical health.
hi all, ive got a lot of mental health issues going on, im adhd, not on meds, im servre depression, anxity and stress, mutli personal disorder, ocd, diabetic type 1 and bipolarII, im on 300mg day serqueol, 15mg mirtapine, and 15mg pericyazine, also with 3.75 of zopiclone nite times, along with my insulin

im closely monitired with all my meds due to them causing my blood sugars to rise, when im having episodes i forget my insulin which i know is important to take every day but i think id ont need it at the time, a few months ago the doctors didnt know how i wasnt in a coma due to very high blood sugars, my bipolar came out last yr 2011 when i had my son by emergency csection due to low blood sugars, he was born at 32wks weighing in at 4lbs15ozs and spent 2 wks in nicu of which i spent every day with him for about 18hrs a day,we now have a very close relasionship due to me not letting anyone close to him

my husband has give up work to be myu full time carer due to my problems, i also have 3 other children, daughter 13, step daughter 12 and son 6, at the moment we are waiting to try next yr as hubby is going for a versecotomy resvesal, we were pressuriced in to the vestacvtomy due to my health with my diabetes but its stable now and we wud like more children,

sorry to go on thanks donna
hi all, ive got a lot of mental health issues going on, im adhd, not on meds, im servre depression, anxity and stress, mutli personal disorder, ocd, diabetic type 1 and bipolarII, im on 300mg day serqueol, 15mg mirtapine, and 15mg pericyazine, also with 3.75 of zopiclone nite times, along with my insulin

im closely monitired with all my meds due to them causing my blood sugars to rise, when im having episodes i forget my insulin which i know is important to take every day but i think id ont need it at the time, a few months ago the doctors didnt know how i wasnt in a coma due to very high blood sugars, my bipolar came out last yr 2011 when i had my son by emergency csection due to low blood sugars, he was born at 32wks weighing in at 4lbs15ozs and spent 2 wks in nicu of which i spent every day with him for about 18hrs a day,we now have a very close relasionship due to me not letting anyone close to him

my husband has give up work to be myu full time carer due to my problems, i also have 3 other children, daughter 13, step daughter 12 and son 6, at the moment we are waiting to try next yr as hubby is going for a versecotomy resvesal, we were pressuriced in to the vestacvtomy due to my health with my diabetes but its stable now and we wud like more children,

sorry to go on thanks donna

Wow! I cant believe its July already!
July 1
Holding Sacred and Being Held
At times, we all need someone to hold us. Sometimes we need someone to hold us and say nothing. At other times we need someone to tell us that everything will be ok. We need to feel safe and know that we are not alone. We need to know that someone else cares and will be here for us, both in triumph and despair.
But what we need most is for someone to hold us sacred. Someone to let us know that no matter what we have done or how awful we may feel, they believe in us and love us. They love us fo who we are this very moment and not for who we may someday become.
Do I allow others to hold me sacred and give me what I need today?
Thought for the Day
Being held, whether physically or spiritually, contains a sacred healing power to be treasured.
So, I'm going to see my Primary again today. Dropping down my Seroquel to 100 mgs a day isnt going well. I'm feeling extremely depressed, and having dreams and thoughts of hurting myself. Cant go on feeling this way, so back to him I go. I can tell that it is sorta helping my heart tho. Its still racing, but not as bad. However, now when it does race really bad, I get short of breath and liteheaded. Prob not a good thing. How are y'all doing?
So, my dr determined, via another ekg, that my heart condition didnt change after lowering my seroquel so the seroquel isnt what caused it. This means its something that i "naturally have" so Ill have it the rest of my life, more then likely. He increased my seroquel back to 300mgs every day. Hopefully my moods go back up now!
Ok. So I missed yesterday, so here comes both.
July 2
If we think about it for a moment, finding recovery can be like winning the lottery. No, we didnt win millions of dollars, In recovery we win something more valuable the chance for a new life.
We are no longer prisoners of our illness. Yes, we still have some limitations, but freedom of opportunity is ours.
Do I appreciate the opportunities I have today?
Thought for the Day
Illness limits my freedom; recovery reclaims it.
July 3
But for the Grace of God
There but for the grace of God go I. How true this is for many of us. Our situation could have been far worse. We arrived at this point in our recovery through the grace of our Igher Power--the God of our understanding.
Let us embrace and be grateful for the many gifts our Higher Power has given us. Let us share them graciously with others.
Do I realize where my gifts come from today?
Thought for the Day
When I am grateful for and share the gifts I have been given, I am more likely to keep them.
For any of you in the US, HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 4
Independence Day
Independence is relative. For those of us with a mental illness, it means living our lives as best we can in spite of our illness.
Many of us can recall when we were entirely at the mercy of our illness. But in each moment, step by step, we are reclaiming our lives and our independence.
Do I value the independence I have in my life today?
Thought for the Day
Independence is measured individually and achieved one moment at a time.

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