Looking for Bump Buddies! (due Early-Mid February 2013)

i go every 3 to 4 weeks.
and before i was put on pelvic rest, i wasn't very comfortable on top either. maybe its a pregnancy thing..lol.
plus i've always been self-conscious and my growing belly didn't help that matter when i was naked :haha:
good gosh is ANYONE else a blubbering high emotional hormonal mess lately?? SIGH!!
what makes you high risk?..
and oh my gosh, yes!! i adore my husband for putting up with me :haha:
one minute i'm happy, next minute i'm furious over absolutely nothing!
i have a large hematoma on my cervix and as it turns out on my placenta as well:-( they worry about a placenta abrubtion.
oh my goodness, i'm so sorry ):
i pray everything goes smoothly until your precious LO is here!
we will b alright:) thank u:) after the last hospital stay bbg and i vowed we didnt wanna eat hospital food ever again lol<3 now just to get rid of this cold...
oh goodness, i hate hospital food! lol
and i know what you mean, i got the sniffles :growlmad:
Wow we got a bunch of placenta and cervix issues here now don't we? Man that sucks ladies :nope: Sorry you all are in these positions! Rest assured your bodies will do what they need to, and you'll get through this just fine:hug:

DH and I only DTD occasionally so it's not really that big of a deal. Wish we could do it more, but either he has no energy or I have no energy. at one point last week we tried just because we hadn't done it in like 3 weeks, but it ended horribly....:blush:

Other than a swollen vagina and hemhroids Im doing fine... Baby seems to be lulled to sleep by all my movement during the day and has found that night time is the most fun to be awake. Mostly that doesn't bother me. I enjoy lying in bed feeling the kicks :cloud9:

Today DH said he can't wait for the :crib: to be here and I said I can LOL!
I am not ready yet to have this baby on the outside!

I am ready for the shower next weekend :happydance:
Oh, gotta go- dh wants to go over our names we've picked out.:kiss:
ooh, do tell the names! :)
and our showers are only like a week apart!
mine is this coming Friday, and we got the cake picked out and ordered today. i was dreading it but now i'm actually super excited! i know how you feel with the whole hemhroid thing i just hope i don't get more than 1 :p wishful thinking :haha:
still patiently waiting for my u/s to see how my placenta is coming along, but i'm not really concerned that much. if it moves up yay, if not c-section here we come :p
me and DH are definately ready for Bray to be here though.
i can't wait to see who he looks more like and get to know him!
anybody else have u/s coming up soon?
i got one comin up in a week or two. it will be my9th or even 10th o_O on a bright note... my shower is going to happen on the 24th of this month! my friends surprised me by putting it on facebook hehe. i got a mean cold just noe and u know the crap that collects itself in ur throat and lungs over night? well i hack and gag the moment i get up.... it hurts soo much and i feel im gonna blow a vessel geeees! litterally.. i worry about my hematomas busting and.causing more bleeding grrr! i have a check up today. another.bright note.. i finally gained.10lbs!!! i worked hard on that! im gluten intollerant and to gain weight has always been a struggle.. pls dont hate.. it really.IS.stressful. bbg is upset with me from all the.coughing i done and is doing some mega kickin and.stretching lol..
flu shot.. yes or no? was told i should get one by my doc... uggh iffy
Mrs~ Actually our showers are only a day apart. Mine's on the 10th which is this saturday:happydance: I can't wait to see what we will be getting! I registered on Amazon.com and have not seen anything come off the registry yet which makes me sad a bit... But I do know that at least 3 people will be buying off it as they've just asked me questions about it. In my head though I'm going "really?! youve waited till NOW?!" but at the same time I still have all of nov, dec and jan to go... I don't feel like its too soon to have the shower, but the girl who's throwing it for me keeps telling me how it is.:shrug:
I feel like a. I'd rather get stuff now, and know what else I NEED to buy before bebe get's here rather than after he/she arrives. b. the next few months are laiden with holidays which means people will be busy and not able to attend the shower, so I'd rather have more people come than not and host it earlier.
Either way- It's happening this weekend :haha:

Sorry you aren't feeling good Von~ I hope it's not bronchitis... Will you be seen for it? With all the coughing/ hacking and mucous if it doesn't get much better soon I would. Not that they can put you on anything strong, but maybe a decongestant would be helpful?

I don't have any more U/S in the future unless something changes drastically. The Birth Center I will be seen at from now on likes to do things as minimally invasive, and only when necissary. So from now on, it should be only figuring out babys position by feeling where the head/ butt is, figuring out growth by my uterus position, and maybe hearing baby's heartbeat on the doppler. I can ask for a fetoscope instead of the doppler, but I'm not sure if I want to or not...

With the doppler and U/S its all about risk versus benefit. because there is no hard core proven evidence that either are considered "safe" during pregnancy (really what IS safe during pregnancy? That's a whole other topic in itself.) The birth center likes to steer away from them unless there is a need to use them (for instance if I wasn't feeling the baby move, or had bleeds etc..)

Does anyone else feel like their SO is not involved enough in the pregnancy? I feel like that from time to time... I feel like DH should be asking to feel the baby kick, and wanting to help with my exercises but he just doesn't. Even when I jump or make a weird sound when baby ribes me he just looks at me funny like "what is your deal?" and when i tell him the baby's kicking, he just says "oh":dohh: I feel like he should at that point ask if he could feel it too... IDK...
And I feel like the shower is very excluding as well. I know traditionally that the men folk don't participate in them, and I've hosted one that way. But when it comes to my DH, I feel like he should be there opening gifts with me too... I didn't feel that way in the beginning, as I figured he wouldn't want to be included in it. But then he asked if he was, and when I told him no, it made me re think it a bit.
Maybe I will get him a gift just for him before the shower, and give it to him that day. Like a little Onesie that says "I love my daddy" or something like that.

Geez do I ramble or what?!
Hope you are all feeling well today!

Oh, and Mrs~ We are not sharing the names until LO arrives. :kiss: I want it to be a secret up until then :)
Von~ They say people who work with the public, the elderly, children and pregnant ladies should.
I work with the public, and have never gotten the flu (knock on wood!!!!!) nor a flu shot. The flu shot is such an iffy thing because they prepare it with a few strains of the flu that they THINK will be the widest spread, but even if you get the shot you could still get a different strain of the flu. So IMO~ if you are generally healthy, there is no reason to get it.
I will not be getting one. I will instead be fortifying my diet with flu preventing foods rich in Vit C, Zinc, and magnesium, as well as getting adequate sleep and limiting my exposure to people who may be infected.
And of course washing my hands and not touching my face!!!
von- i hope you get to feeling better soon! and i wouldn't recommend a flu shot either unless your just prone to getting it anyways. i haven't had one or been asked to get one but when that time comes i will be telling them no thank you :p lol and your going to have a busy week! thanksgiving, black friday if you do that, and then your shower :)

premom-i didn't even bother doing a registry, lol. its only going to be my OH's family and our friends. guys too. my family doesn't really socialize well with some of his:dohh: and we already have all the big stuff so we just told everybody get the little necessities and anything else they wanted.
he is going to be there with me though the whole time, and handing me my gifts, entertaining the guys, etc. i think its only fair, i mean i couldn't have made this precious gift without him so he needs to play a role in everything!
i do wish as you said though that he would ask to feel the baby move and all that. he did try to hear the heartbeat by pressing his ear to my tummy though cause we read around 26 weeks it was possible. but no luck ):
how many people are attending? and do you have a cake picked out yet?
i'm definately looking forward to the games, lol. :p
and well darn, i guess i'll just have to wait a little longer to find out your names, i'm sure they are worth it though :)
i choose <3<3<3 Selina May <3<3<3
i got some bitter news yesterday SIGH.. sad thing is i should have guessed it.. should not have come to such a surprise to me:-( my doc urged me to talk to my.specialist about.cecerean since i have never needed one:-\ he said i am not even allowed to go into labour.as the.pressure could rupture the hematoma and bleed bla bla.bla.. uggh frustrated
lovely name :)
and don't fret, God has a plan and if a c-section is what you have to have then maybe that was just better for this baby. atleast you will have a scheduled date that little one will be coming home :)
i might be in the same boat if my placenta hasn't moved up by my u/s this month then we can be section buddies :hugs:
i choose <3<3<3 Selina May <3<3<3
i got some bitter news yesterday SIGH.. sad thing is i should have guessed it.. should not have come to such a surprise to me:-( my doc urged me to talk to my.specialist about.cecerean since i have never needed one:-\ he said i am not even allowed to go into labour.as the.pressure could rupture the hematoma and bleed bla bla.bla.. uggh frustrated

Von I'm sorry you may have to make a tough decision about this. Please ask a few doctors and specialists their opnion on this matter. your life and your LO's life will depend on it.
OHH MRS u made me smile<3 when is ur u/s? and premomt..i dont have much choice unfortunately. they litterrally SHOWED the hematoma on the.screen which is.smack in the way of my bbg s exit*pout* for the last few days it has felt like.as if bb dropped o_O plus that makes me.waddle much more.cuz it almost hurts to.walk any distance:-\ doc app with specialist on the 14th...
i go back on the 12th of this month, so only 5 days! :)
i'm just going to go with the flow though. whatever it takes to get him here safely and healthy i will be more than happy with.
and i'm sorry that your having to deal with a hematoma, i proli spelled it wrong, :dohh: i hope all goes well at your specialist appointment, please keep us updated! :hugs:

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