Looking for Bump Buddies! (due Early-Mid February 2013)

oh no):
i'll keep you and LO in my prayers.
hope everything turns out ok, atleast if that is the case they caught it early enough to where they can monitor you though.
good luck and please keep us posted!
Oh gosh Von, That's not what we want to hear :-( But if it is, at least it has been caught and hopefully with little intervention can be managed well. Will definitly be thinking about you and your LO in the days to come. Please update us with any info you get!

Well it sucks, but I'm glad I'm not the only one with a soccer player for a child! Today Baby is head down, and it feels so different. I wouldn't say more comfortable, but the change of pace from kicking my cervix to kicking my belly button is a much needed one.

I haven't thought about changing my ring lately honestly... I've changed it to a bar instad of a ring, but still metal. Not had any issues with it really though. I wonder the same thing about when is best to change it?

What name did you choose? I'm so nosy :rofl:

Are any of you doing any sort of scrap booking or journaling through out your pregnancies? I haven't been and I feel like I should be cause I'll want to look back on it someday... I guess I can come back through here and read what I've written lol, but there's more than that I could be doing. I'm just lazy and not creative :nope:
i've been thinking the same thing lately!
at the beginning of my pregnancy i kept up with everything, now i'm just so lazy and 'think' i will remember whatever happened and don't need to document it, only to not remember it whenever someone asks me about it :p
oh well. we could always start scrapbooking now, better late than never right?
also, the name we have chosen is Braylen William Paul, our last name is Meeks. :)
are your bumps getting very big ladies? mine has defintately grown,,lol:haha:
aw I love your avitar! So fun :) and what a strong name! love it
thank you! we love it:)
and i finally got DH into the Halloween spirit, lol.
good morning ladies! so bitter sweet news... i have a large hematoma right on top of my cervix. good news? - no placenta previa. im allowed to go home but remain in the high risk category:-\ gonna b interesting .... still have 18weeks to go though im told i wouldnt make it to my duedate:-\ cest la vie.... trying to make the best out of it:)
i'm glad you get to go home. :)
take care of yourself and LO!
hope you have no more scares and the rest of your pregnancy is a breeze
Wow! I too hope you have no more scares and the rest of your pregnancy is a walk in the park! Will you be on bedrest for the hematoma?
im supposed to take it slow and easy. listen to my body... my hemagloben was a lil low from the bloodloss so it makes sence why on earth im so tired all the time:-\ im just takin day by day:) thank u girls<3
Hematoma on the cervix must not be uncommon... Just was reading about Cbass' recent going's on. She too has one. And she is having horrible cramping and bh contractions. Been having them for days to the point of pain and regular.... She needs to be seen again but wont go! It's so hard to see this online and not be able to express how important it is she be seen! Frustrating..
just found out at my glucose testing today..
that i have a low-lying placenta, i'm not really sure of what this means yet as my doctor isn't very detailed and i posted this first thing when i got home instead of looking up information on it. lol hoping maybe you ladies can help.

and Premom- i didn't even think to post about the gender scan on this one, lol. i was convinced it was a boy until people kept telling me it looked more like a girl because of how i was carrying it. but i do have another ultrasound Nov. 12th to check on my placenta...i'm so glad we get to see lil' Braylen again, just scared because of why.
haha its fine! Just funny I found it out there lol.
I don't think it means much really... From what I understand having a low lying placenta can mean that when you go into labor you have a higher risk of hemroghing. But from what I understand when you go into labor your placenta may move out of the way and not be a problem at all. So it really just depends on how low it is.
I wouldn't worry about it right now though.
guess all there is to do is wait and see..
its frustrating.
and also i'm gaining weight bad /:
even though i don't eat that much, so now i'm watching carbs too lol
pregnancy isn't as easy as some people make it out to be.

also...the drink was not that bad, but still not good.
i made it 2 hours after i drank it and then back up it came :dohh:
they got my blood though, thank goodness :)
how are you ladies doing? feeling huge yet?
good morning! im feeling pretty huge alright lol. my phone wont let me upload pics but just changed my avatar to my most updated preggo pose lol. i pretty much have the waddle down pat. baby is very active and has been makin my kids laugh as she wiggles my belly.
im doing my glucose test around.28 weeks. so i have a ways to go. anyone else rh negative? i am and since i have had plenty of major bleeds i already got TWO shots and was told ill b getting at least one more.. hmmm... every pregnancy is different.just amazes me that even though this is the same body.it can do things so differently!
Mrs babybump.. a low lying placenta at this point can still move upward some. they prob wanna do another US to make sure. with my second baby i had partial placenta previa but was told at 20 weeks it can change which it did and.it was far enough out.of the way for me to have a natural birth. they just wanna make sure u have all the info and know why they want.another US:) look at.it as another chance to see ur lil sweetling<3
Oh my.... 100 days... I don't know what to think about that! LOL! It seems so far away yet, but when it's stated as 100 days, it seems much closer! And really it could be sooner than that! (or later!)

At least my shower is in 18 days. I am SO hoping to get LOTS of items so I can feel much more prepared!

My Glucose test is in 14 days so I'll be around 27 weeks or so.
It's funny, I counted the days until I hit the 12 week mark, and now they just kinda roll into each other. I'm not even sure when third tri really starts?:shrug:

I am feeling pretty good though! Took a little trip to the city this past weekend with my husband and were tourists in our own town. It was fun! We went to a park saturday and had a picnic lunch, then biked around a bit. Then we checked into a hostel for the evening. Neither of us had ever been to a Hostel and it was a really great experience! We will definitly do it again!
My husband ended up with a migraine which kinda put a damper on things a bit, but he rallied and we went out to dinner then a comedy club then for icecream before heading back to the hostel. I could have stayed out much later (which is super odd for me! I'm usually a early to bed kinda gal latley!) but we he was feeling groggy and as soon as his head hit the pillow he was OUT.
I on the other hand could not fall asleep :dohh: It wasn't noisy or anything, I just couldn't stop thinking about if our vehicle was going to be towed, or if there were bed bugs... and my hips were KILLING me from all the walking and biking we did. I definitly paid for all the exercise as I have been really bad about keeping up with it otherwise.
I think I may have gotten about 4 hours of sleep, and then when I woke up around 7:30 I was up. We packed up and went out for breakfast, then home. once back home, I napped on and off all afternoon, and then slept like a ROCK that night!:happydance:

IT was a much needed get away, and I think we may have spent around 175$ for the entire two days. Which considering a hotel downtown would cost that or more, I think we did marvelous! The weekend was almost like a reset button for my DH. He's been under a TON of stress at work latley, and I felt like if I hadn't done something like it, he may have imploded.
It will most likely be our last "vacation" as a couple for a while.... That's kinda sad to think!:cry: But in a good way...

Other than the achey hips, I feel really good most of the time. I have my moments where I can't breathe because of how the baby is sitting, and my feet or the way I walk has changed slightly because the outer sides of both my feet hurt pretty regularly. But I still don't feel like a whale. I still have time though.:haha: and I'm sure it wont be much longer till I do. Baby gains the most weight in the last 3 months, and that's right around the corner!
I was laying in bed with dh the other night and the baby was moving around a bit, then stopped but I still had my hand on my tummy. I started feeling little tiny rythemic bumps on my hand and didnt think much of it at first. then I though wow those are really steady! then I thought - Hiccups!! :cloud9:
I tried to get dh to feel them but it's just not easy for him to feel much unless it is substantial. He has "worker" hands and they are all callused and rough so it's no wonder really.
But today I got a massage (heaven by the way- everyone should get massaged regularly but ESPECIALLY while pregnant!) and when i was laying face up i could feel little bumps that were in the same pattern, and I knew right away that's what they were. :thumbup: They didn't last long but it was so cute to feel!

how are the rest of you? I'm stressing about money but what else is new :growlmad::dohh:
awhh, how cute:)
i can't wait til lil' Braylen has hiccups.
and nothing new to report here except for my baby shower is suppose to be on the 9th of Nov. finally got a date set :)

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