Looking for Bump Buddies! (due Early-Mid February 2013)

sorry my phone is being mean lol i keep pressing the .... button instead if the space.. fat finger syndrome i call it lol.
FANTASTIC NEWS!!!! well.. not about maybe not being able to have an epidural but WHAAAAAHOOOOOO!!!! grr and u wait karma will CATCH up with that.person eventually!!! i was thinking about u and ur ultrasound.today!!! i kept checkin if u updated yet!!
yeah... im.down cuz im.always the one everybody.asks favours.from... and i pretty much do anything for friends.and.fam if.its in my power.. even if i have to step back.. well i have a.doc.app on thursday and noone is available to watch my 3 year old for a little while.. so i can discuss c-section stuff.with.doc:-( all of a sudden everyone is busy:-(

i hope so! she drove by me and was flipping us off and waving and smiling...made me sooo mad! and i know what you mean, i make that mistake alot and people never seem to be able to return the favors i do for them..my baby shower made me realize all i need is my family not really any friends. you can't trust anybody now a days..its ashame. i'll come down there and watch him/her for you (; ha. and i hope your app goes good!! maybe somebody's schedule will clear up or they'll realize how sorry they're being.
so i went for my app with specialist today.. and.today of course my 3 year old decides to be a complete sook and behave in the crankiest manner!! BUT i got some fantastic news!!! i need one more ultrasound at around 33 weeks but if everything goes as my doc says it will...i will b able to have a normal.delivery and will carry till i go into labour myself without c-section!! so wish me luck that his prediction is right<3<3
heartbeat was great and i measure almost 28weeks lol!! he was impressed that i FINALLY got my weight into the normal range.. still a low normal but muuuch better!! overall todays news worked out in my favour.. even though the night sucked bad! i dreamed that i was having another bad bleed again :-\ i woke completely frazzled and wobbled to the bathroom sick excpecting to see a mess... just a dream... thank goodness! im home alone for long periods at a time with 3 kids so i really dont want nomore nasty surprises!
how u doin??? Loads of braxton hicks which make me wanna pee everytime! AHHHH Im in a HUGGY mood hehe<3
so i went for my app with specialist today.. and.today of course my 3 year old decides to be a complete sook and behave in the crankiest manner!! BUT i got some fantastic news!!! i need one more ultrasound at around 33 weeks but if everything goes as my doc says it will...i will b able to have a normal.delivery and will carry till i go into labour myself without c-section!! so wish me luck that his prediction is right<3<3
heartbeat was great and i measure almost 28weeks lol!! he was impressed that i FINALLY got my weight into the normal range.. still a low normal but muuuch better!! overall todays news worked out in my favour.. even though the night sucked bad! i dreamed that i was having another bad bleed again :-\ i woke completely frazzled and wobbled to the bathroom sick excpecting to see a mess... just a dream... thank goodness! im home alone for long periods at a time with 3 kids so i really dont want nomore nasty surprises!
how u doin??? Loads of braxton hicks which make me wanna pee everytime! AHHHH Im in a HUGGY mood hehe<3

so glad your appointment went good and you'll be having a regular birth more than likely :)
i haven't had any bad dreams lately, but i was having them quite often,hope yours stop soon.
i forgot to post about my doc visit. the specialist said that my low platelet count was nothing to worry about and they would do an epidural unless i got down to 50,000 or 60,000 and i'm at 123,000 and steadily dropping. he said i wouldn't need treatment unless it was 30,000 and he didn't think i would get that low.
then i go to my OB and he says next time i go to tell the specialist that he 'mentioned' steroids to bring my levels up and that i couldn't have an epidural if i reached 100,000 which i probably will by the end of my pregnancy...i don't know which one to go by and am really confused. i know that i'm gonna need some kind of pain relief, i don't think i'm that strong /:
and i don't think i've had any bh but wouldn't know them if i had them more than likely lol. i don't know what to look for :p
sure sounds confusing!
braxton hicks for me feels like tightening if whole tummy and pressure on my bladder... so even if i just went the pressure makes me wanna go again. they wont b painful yet thank gawd or id b one cranky lady o_O !
i noticed today that i have less than 100days to go!! aaaand of course after.excitement i spazzed o_O i still get those HOLY SHIT moments sigh!
its very confusing :wacko: lol
and oh, in that case i haven't had those yet :p
and woohoo! :)
i have those spaz moments still too, i never thought i would make it this far and i remember hitting my 100 day mark was soo exciting. it won't be long before our little one's will be here! :happydance:
can't wait to post and read birth stories and see pictures!!

on another note, i hope premom is ok. she hasn't been on here in quite awhile /: maybe we'll hear from her soon.
i KNOW!!! its not like her at all! i keep hopin she will have a post ready for ur to enjoy....i even checked her journal:-\
maybe she is just busy, i'm hoping so anyways. she did say that those classes were starting soon, right? she could be worn out, lol.
and i feel like a total ditz just now, lmao! :haha:
you changed your picture and i was like, oh shit, i didn't even know this person was in the bump buddy group :p ha!
then i seen your name and was like :dohh:
speaking of that i need to add you to my signature as a bump buddy, how rude of me!
Have no fear ladies~ I'm here!!:thumbup:
Just been super duper busy this past week :wacko::wacko::wacko:
Last Friday my MIL and my Aunts, and mom's best friends from Highschool came into town. My MIL for the baby shower, and my Aunts and moms friends for a surprise birthday party for her 50th.:cake:

So my dad DH and I went to the movies fri night to go see the new Bond movie (really good BTW!) then picked the 4 ladies up from the airport (my MIL drove in to town) Then we picked MIL up and went over to my parents house and surprised the SHIT out of my mom!
It was late, and she was already asleep in bed lol! But she got up and had pizza with us and hung out for a bit.

Sat was my shower day :happydance: but it wasn't until 2pm. So MIL and I went to the mall and hit Motherhood maternity where I picked up a FABULOUS pair of underbelly jeans (they look like real jeans with a zipper and belt loops and all!) Then to Babies R Us so I could get my lover a gift (since he wasn't gonna be at the shower.)
I got him cute bib that says "if you think I'm cute, you should see my dad!" :haha:
Then we came back for the shower.
The shower was fun, but I was also hoping more friends would show up for it. Two friends (I call them friends but really they are my husband's friends wives who I get along with OK) both said they'd come but then cancelled last minute. Both got gifts for the baby though. Other than that it was my two aunts, Mom, Moms two best friends MIL, BF that hosted, other GF who I'm close with, two of moms friends, my massage therapist and a good client of mine. A mish mosh of people lol!
But the food was good, the games were fun, and the gifts were great. :)
Still need LOTS more stuff though!
My best friend asked that in lieu of a card, people got their favorite childhood books and wrote a little something to baby in them. So I got ALOT of books. Then there was alot of onsies, hats, blankets both purchased and hand made, outfits and gift cards... the usual.
however, only a FEW people purchased items off my registry :growlmad:
I spent a TON of time on that registry... and I know I was asking for a lot of unique items (cloth diapers, CD accessories... organic lotions etc...) but I wish they had purchased some things off it.
Oh well. That's what the gift cards will be for.
I've gotta go through the list and prioritize what we Need versus what I want. (so hard!!!)
And I've been told by second time moms that after the baby's born more stuff will come. (fingers crossed!!!)

I picked up our Arms Reach Co-sleeper a few days ago too! :happydance: I've even got it set up on my side of the bed right now to see how hard it will be to get in and out of the bed with it there. (not bad I must say, but I will probablly move it when I get a bit bigger!)
It was a STEAL! I got it, two sheets, a mattress protector pad all for $80. The co-sleeper alone is worth over $100. I'm happy :dance:

So today I'm washing all the new clothes and blankets so I can put them away. My goal is to get the baby's diaper bag ready soon, as well as our "hospital" bag pieced together soon too.

I had a friend gift me her Madela Pump In Style and all it's accessories a whie back, and I am so thankful for it. I don't have a clue if I will pump or when, but not to have to worry about getting a pump is so huge!
My bradley class instructor (which I only have 2 classes left!!) is a Madella rep and we were discussing the sheild size etc.. So I decided to pull the pump out today and try it on for size :blush: I think I may have to get the next size up shield. But I don't know cause I've never used one before!
Either way- in using it today, I figured out that I've got colostrum! Only a few drops of it came out, but my boobs are making juice!!! :rofl::holly:
But in using the pump, I also realized it brought on Braxton hicks contractions.... Of which I have been getting regularly multiple times a day.
Mrs, you have been getting them too, we all do from about 19 weeks on. You just aren't realizing it yet. Which is a good thing!! if you arent realizing you're having them, you're gonna breeze through the first stage of labor :thumbup:

Well I'd better get to writing my thank you cards... i feel really blessed that you were thinking about me and worried :)
Thanks ladies!:hugs::hugs:
yay! :)
glad your shower went well.
sounds like you got alot of useful stuff:thumbup:
and speaking of breastfeeding, one of my DH's friends wife just had a baby on oct 16 and she said that she wanted to bf and wouldn't even consider formula. which is how i feel. But she said she tried it for the 1st week and it hurt like hell, and now she is formula feeding...so i was wondering, how bad can it hurt? and if it does hurt that bad why are there still ladies out here who are doing it and how do they have a smile on their face?. lol

and thank you for that tid bit about BH!!
it makes me feel soo much better about labor as i've been reading and discussing birth stories and kinda getting myself scared. lmao.
how is everybody feeling and coming along?
breastfeeding when done right can hurt at latchtime but then its no big deal.. though i speak for myself. i breast fed my first three... the big deal is to have the right latch and not.loose patients.. both new mama and baby r new at this<3 i have been having a lot of pressure and my muchacha sorta feels swollen:-\
BBG is throwing quite a punch these days! my poor hips are just hanging by a threat so it feels haha.. oh im a whiner! my.bbshower is.on saturday.. getting real nervous... im not used to getting gifted so i know i will feel pretty akward sigh.. im weird like that..im a giver
breastfeeding when done right can hurt at latchtime but then its no big deal.. though i speak for myself. i breast fed my first three... the big deal is to have the right latch and not.loose patients.. both new mama and baby r new at this<3 i have been having a lot of pressure and my muchacha sorta feels swollen:-\
BBG is throwing quite a punch these days! my poor hips are just hanging by a threat so it feels haha.. oh im a whiner! my.bbshower is.on saturday.. getting real nervous... im not used to getting gifted so i know i will feel pretty akward sigh.. im weird like that..im a giver

i'm hoping that me and Bray are just naturals when it comes to latch time :p lol but i really want him to have all the benefits of bf'ing so i'll give it my best shot!:thumbup:
did you have any issues with nipple confusion? i want to express milk so that DH can feed him too, and was thinking maybe i shouldn't use but the certain kind of bottle nipples, and no pacifier until he was used to bf'ing?
muchacha!:haha: love that word. i hope LO lets you get some relief soon!
and maybe it won't be too weird, i hated sitting in front of everyone and being stared at while i opened everything but after about the 3rd gift i got into looking at everything and thinking of him being here and it wasn't too bad. free stuff is always a plus :p
hope you get tons of stuff and its everything you expected. :)
i found when bb released.the nipple it resembled.closest to the NUK nipple.... i pumped as well and alternated since i was also working. u will do great ! ur.already wanting the very best so whatever happends.. u will.have tried ur very best and that is the best most wonderful thing u can give ur bbboy!! ggooood grief my feet hurt!! oh ibhad another one of my.friends.cancel on me for the shower today:-( guess wait and see. kids r in a funky mood.today... makes for a looong eventful.loud day
okayy. i'll look for that one.
and oh no ): atleast she let you know though. my friends were just rude and made excuses after i called them out on it. :growlmad:
but anyways, hope your feet feel better. so far i'm feeling pretty normal, just alot of movement from junior :)
Yes BF can hurt, but after the first week or two (or three??) I've been told it gets to be no problem at all. and yes mostly the latch. The class I take suggests not using passifiers or other nipples for the first 3 weeks or so to establish a good correlation between the breastfeeding and your nipple. after that it shouldn't be a problem to introduce a silicone passifier. many babies don't even like them.
The class suggests using your (clean) pinky finger to soothe baby until it's feeding time.
It also suggests not pumping right away so as to establish a good supply/ demand between baby and you.
But some moms find that pumping is more comfortable than bf so it all varries really.

Von I'm sorry your hooha is feeling swollen! I know the feeling :nope: Ice packs helped me!

OMG yesterday I was really concerned i may be in real labor! I felt weird early in the morning, having soreness on my right side. so much so I had to get up at 4:30 and stretch. felt off all day... had multiple BH all day... then in the evening I decided to time them and I was having minute long contractions about every 4-6 minutes. It was a bit surreal. I was sitting, then after timing a few I laid down, and they decreased and eventually stopped. It was about 2 hours total that i timed them. I didn't feel like I needed to call the dr or anything though... They didn't get stronger or closer together so I felt like I was OK.
Just my body gearing up for the real deal!
i was thinking of trying to avoid the whole paci thing all together.
and i guess if it hurts, then so be it. eventually i'll have to get used to it if i just stick with it :p lol.
it'd be better for him and less expensive than formula anyways. so in the end its not really if its comfortable for me or not. i just hope he latches, i've been reading up on it and apparently some babies just dont wanna latch /:

and oh my, i would have been a nervous wreck!
anytime my stomach hurts whatsoever it freaks me out, i'm super scared of going into labor too early..hope LO doesn't come out too soon! :haha:
the way I see bf versus formula is that it's gonna hurt one way or the other. either my boobs for a bit, or my wallet for a whole lot longer LOL!
And with our insurance changing in the new year (not for the better...) We need to save any way we can.
I worry too about the pain of it, as well as the possibility that the LO will be tounge tied or allergic to bm... but the crap that is in formula is also concerning as well!
Oye... Here goes the worrying that comes along with being a parent...
honestly... i never had them fears.when i had my first.... she was born and.had her latched before the nurse could come and offer help. trust me.... both of u ladies will do fantastic! in the first week or so less so with ur first u will also feel some.contractions while nursing as the sucking and nippel.stimulation wilk help get the.mechanics back in order lol. as soon as milk.comes in u will.sport.the firmest biggest tatas ever! very sore and frustrating but rest assured.. nurse often and use cold cabbage.leaves dont.leave.house and within about 2 days the supply will adjust to.bbs needs. i for one ALWAYS needed a hlass of.water.while feeding.. i could not do it without. i felt like i.was.dying.of.thirst.so just in.case.. keep a glass handy. turn of phone till ur comfortable. soon enough u will.find.urself nursing.while.shopping hahaha
u will.see ur bb drinkin from u relaxed and happy and u.will feel this.amazing.love.and.joy!! for a special moment do it with only a.nursing bra no.shirt.and a shirtless bb. the.skin to.skin is the pure blissful.part!! once again.sorry.for the.constand.periods... i gave up correcting. im replying from my phone and they.think putting the period button right next to the.spacebar was a good idea..pfft haha
i've experienced quite a bit of pain, lol.
so i don't think i will worry about the bfing anymore :p
and if i can get piercings and tats for no apparent reason at all and suffer then i'm definately going to do it for child.
p.s i was making an orange crush cake for thanksgiving tomorrow. and had the cake out of the oven on the stove top while i was reading ya'll's post and i accidently turned on the wrong stove eye as i was trying to boil water for jello too. so now i'm making a mad dash to walmart and having to get another cake mix :dohh:
picture a flaming cake and frantic pregnant lady running outside to flag down DH, maybe you'll get a good laugh:haha: :haha:
seems like things always go wrong lately when i try to multi-task,,darn pregnancy brain! :nope:
Hope you both have a lovely Turkey Day!! :D

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