Looking for Bump Buddies! (due Early-Mid February 2013)

yeah thank u that took two glorious days:-\ no fun doing the pretty when u have three kids at home already.. being pregnant just makes that much more sexy...NOT haha. anyways.. done and over it now;-)
im going out today while husband is home and maybe get some christmas shopping done... nice for him to b involved. hes home so little.
i got all mine done on black friday and the following saturday thank goodness. lol but our town's christmas parade is today so looks like i have alot of walking and standing ahead of me. but they hand out candy too, so i'm in :haha:
Hi ladies~

Mrs- I don't know why your dr would want to induce you at 39 weeks... at least he's not requesting a c-section I guess.. I understand concerns about having to drive a bit and being in labor and all but... IDk... I just have strong feelings about induction before your due date.
but it's my two cents . :)

Von~ I'm so sorry you had to deal with the stomach bug! I had that last spring and OMG did it suck!! I couldn't keep ANYTHING down and had to go to urgent care to have IV fluids! I am so glad you are feeling better now!

Nothing really new here. baby is definitly growing. most of the time when it kicks it kicks my ribs now. and when it stretches- I feel it on both sides :) Besides the consistant nightly reflux, I feel really good still. most people can't believe i'm 31+ weeks along!
I have BH regularly, but they're managable.
Last night we watched men in black 3. it was so so. Tonight we were supposed to go to a festival of lights at a park, but it doesn't look like that will be happening. So maybe we will pull down the christmas decorations, or maybe we will just be bums at the house.
I have a pic from last week I need to post. I'm bigger for sure! It's odd though- I don't feel huge. I have my moments where I stare at myself in the mirror and see a difference, but other than that the only way I know I am pg is feeling the baby kick, feeling more out of breath, or bumping something with my belly.
Gosh I hope I don't balloon out in the last 3 weeks and get tonnes of stretchies...
from what i've read and been told by my mom, induction seems easier. unless you start from no dilation or effacement at all.
i personally don't think i will make it to my due date anyways, i don't know why, i just have a feeling. lol
but i'm still reading up on it, and definately a little nervous still. its kept me up the past 2 nights. the only thing really scaring me though is the epidural, not really the pain, just the thought of if i move/twitch at the wrong time i could be paralyzed. i wish i could do it all natural but i know that i'll get in the hospital and start feeling the intense contractions and not be able to handle it..so alot to think about:wacko:
but glad everyone is feeling good :)
can't believe how close we are all getting! :happydance:
i was each time an hr and a half away:-( got induced first time cuz i had been leakin fluid for some time.. i do NOT want to.scare u in any way but i got a bad.reaction to it which made me have a.contractiin which lasted.forever and.only gave me.seconds.between:-(
epidural on the.other hand.. ud b surprised.. thise.doc.r.trsined.. a.little.twitch wont interrupt .... i got mine done in the middle of a contraction... just breathe through it.. go crosseyed and.done;-) i have done the natural birth.. and to compare... aiaiai..
i'm just going to try and go in with an open-mind and positive thoughts.
hopefully nothing too painful or traumatizing will happen.
i keep telling myself that something could alway go wrong and there could be complications just so maybe i'll be mentally prepared if something does happen.
i definately need to stop google'ing complications of labor and stuff like that though, its not really helping my whole 'positive thoughts' thing:dohh:
hope everyone is feeling well, and still wishing you good luck for your us in Jan!:flower:
good morning:)
ya not overly happy over here.... was on rest all day yesterday due to cramping .. late afternoon nleeding started again. uuurrrgghh so.frustrating! bbg was kickin up a storm but i was worried of.prelabour since i still.had menstrual like.cramps:-( monitor showed my braxton hicks but also a perfect.heartbeat. they.checked my cervix and it was all.good.
i have an app with my specialist tomorrow.. till then im supposed to take it very easy:-( uggh..
and MRS i wish u the best deliver anyone can ask for<3 maybe u will go in earlier anyways and show them what ur made off<3! time is gonna fly now u watch!
i think its bump pic time!! i cant upload through my phone.. ill try goin on the comp for that:) could u imagine a coffee get together between all of us? haha i believe we could.set off a bomb with all our hormones hehe.
how is everyones appetite? mine is still missing... makin weightgain a.struggle:-( but been able to keep it in the green.. almost17lbs at29 weeks. my doc is happy.
anyone have restless leg syndrome? didnt even know that.excisted till now.. drivin me NUTS! i uploaded a video on fb for my family overseas who.cannot be around so they get included... its of bbg kickin the bejeeebus outta me.. wish u guys.could see. i need to get up and.mive around to see how the.crampin will manifest..its there but not as intense as.yesterday.. so far:-\ hugs and.wiggles
oh no! :nope:
i hope the bleeding stops soon and LO stays put a little longer.
glad everything checked out on the monitors though and LO is still kicking:)
good luck at your appointment today!
and oh goodness, i don't think the coffee shop could handle 3 pregnant ladies at one time:haha:
so far no restless leg syndrome for me, but have had a few cramps in the bend of my legs in the middle of the night. it goes away when i change positions though.
my appetite isn't as strong as it was in 2nd trimester, but i'm still hungry at times. mostly for sweet stuff though :dohh: lol.
and i feel like a whale compared to your weight gain! i'm up 26lbs at 30 weeks:blush: i'm due for a 31 week bump picture in 2 days, so yes we definately need to compare! :D
and thank you for the labor wishes, i'm still feeling like he'll be here before my induction date, i'm saying Jan. 23-25. :winkwink:
i lovee your bump! :)
and no stretchies and on baby 4? you go girl!:winkwink:
how did your app with the specialist go today?
my app is today.. this morning:) and i have some previous stretchmarks which r super pale and amazingly didnt.show up on pic... the women on my spanish side.all made it without ANY stretchmarks and.they all.had a minimum of 3 kids... i wasnt so lucky... with my first i.got some.LAST week and a half! just getting ready.to.head out the door so ill update what doc.said... spotting only.visible on paper.this.morn.so thats good:)
ya.. cranky now..... doc is 90%positive i need cecerean. im too high risk.. hematomas plus placenta too close to cervix.. grumble grumble *pout* i need to go and bask in my selfpity for a lil while ...
i'm sorry dear ):
everything will work out though, maybe this is just how it was meant to play out with baby #4.
chin up!:flower:
that's subpar news von... but managable though. Whatever will keep bebe healthy the longest :)

How are you Mrs?
feeling huge! lol.
and had acid reflux for the first time last night.
but other than that everything is going pretty smoothly :D
how are you?

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