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Looking for Bump Buddies! (due Early-Mid February 2013)

never too much lol..happy depositing haha.. well so doc said *drummroll*... i could go anytime* ...o_O like DUH!
IDK about your situation Mrs.~ I don't think having sex at this point is going to be an issue though even if you did ask your dr. I would think it would only have been to avoid preterm labor... But who knows. I think if youre comfortable then do it. LIterally :babydance:
Von~ What a time you've had over the past few days! Good for you for not freaking out and jumping the gun and getting all worked up and going into L&D . It must be hard knowing your hubs isn't there right now, and I can't even fathom your inlaws. Arseholes~! I hope when the time comes they will get their heads out of their asses and bury the crap they are dishing out now. DOesn't sound like it will happen though...

I think I overdid it a bit today. DH came home sick and I didn't want to be around him so I took off and went to the pet store for dog food and kitty litter, then to Lowes to do a return, then to walmart to get a few things including a watch I want to give DH. Then to the chiropractors for an adjustment. THen grocery shopping at two different places. I was DONE by the end of the day but I feel accomplished.
I stocked up on food *just in case* so DH and I won't have to worry about what's for dinner if baby comes in the next two weeks or so.
I also have a few meals made up in extra batches in the freezer so all we have to do is reheat them. Goulash, enchiladas, soups, and a few crock pot throw togethers.
Is anyone else hoping that friends and family will pitch in to feed your new family when baby comes? I am... I have a few friends and relatives who are in church groups or mom groups who tell me how they had dinners provided for a month after birth. How nice would that be?:cloud9: I was told about www.foodtidings.com and made a schedule people could sign up for. So far only two people have :-( and one other said she'd drop something off the week I'm due... Wishful thinking that my far away relatives would order a pizza online to have delivered to us or something like that.. LOL~
I know my mom will definitly make us some food, and my best friend neighbor will also make us a dinner or two. so we won't be too hard up I'm sure.
I guess this is where "friends" come in handy... (we really don't have a lot of "close" friends...) :shrug:

Its only been one day on maternity leave and I'm already asking myself when baby will be here already...:wacko: I can't fathom if baby decides to wait till valentines day....

OH so the watch~ I wanted to get it for him for christmas to have for the birth, and also because he wanted one to replace the one he's had for ages... but I couldn't afford it then. So I splurged a tiny bit today and got it for him. And I want to give it to him~! Part of me wants to wait till the birth, and part of me wants to give it to him now so he can get familliar with its functions... And I also want to have it engraved, but I am torn with what to put on it...
Baby's birthday and time
"We Love You Daddy!"
"Always make time for family."

What do you think?
sweet idea with the watch.. hmmm i think u should.give it to him on the day u turn 39weeks... so tomorrow? today was not too bad.. other than regular.preggo pains it was minimal. odd. i did however get.pretty mad.today .. i think.i simply got overwhelmed.with what ppl were.excpecting if.me including my kids... and ppl texting me.wanting.imediate replies... holy.crap ppl... take a.number.. i WILL get.to u! im home.alone now.9months.preggo.with three.kids and.a.shitload of.chores.to.do! i have animals.that.need.tending ... kids.that need.and.want my attention.. household.. need.i say more??? see... getting worked up again already:-\ and absolutely NOONE offering a hand...
gotta say pre... i have never had anyone.cook.for.me.for.any of my births:-( never had any help other.than.dh who.stayed.home.for.a.week... my inlaws have always been no help so im used to that! my best.friend.who.moved a.while.back.is.coming back.in a few.months and she will b there.if.i need.anything.. i know that:) uhhhh look at my fantabulous typeing skills on this.darn phone.again.. uggh.sorry:-\ sooooo MRS.... WHEN is.D.DAY??? Im.telling u.. once.dh.gets.back hopefully next week.he.wont.leave.the.bedroom.for days! sigh!
I couldn't wait. I gave it to him last night along with a valentines day card lol. It fitbhim perfectly and he loves it :happydance: and I think ill have the babys birthday engraved on it later.
Honestly von I dont know how you do it as it is and then add that ppl want you to be at their beck and call... its too much.
If I was there id make you a meal or two or at least pick up some timmy hos for ya :winkwink:
Had a dr appt today. Nothing new really. We went over our birth plan and discussed a few things. I've been doing some stimulation things to try and get somethi jn gto happen and I think I've made mt contractions stronger.. and I had a little pink on the tp earlier. Nothing goopy or copious... just different.
But the bh are not any more frequent just more painful.

Anyways- mrs when is d day?
And S- where are you and how are you?
That was an awesome idea pre!
I never thought to get dh a present :p
Von- i hope your in laws change the way they act soon!
I don't see how you do it without your dh or anybody's help. Shew.

No news on d day yet, but will find out at my app tomorrow :)
still crossing my fingers for the 31st!
dh has been giving me 'deposits' as pre says lol but i don't feel like its doing anything ..
i did have what i think was 2 really strong, like stopped me in my tracks strong, bh last night.
But then nothing else) :
lo has to have moved down atleast a little though cause I'm feeling alot of pressure, and my belly looks different, like more rounded and out?
So I feel like something has definetly changed... I think baby has dropped, and engaged maybe... bh are waaaay more intense. I had a few in the night that woke me up out of a sound sleep. And of course I had to pee right after them. And if I change positions ill get a good one... and if I lie still I will too. Its like 4:30 am and since 3 I think I've had like 6-7really strong ones that I have to focus and breathe through.
Im wondering if im a bit dehydrated from yesterday... I didnt drink enough water...
Oh here's another one... oye!
I think im gonna put dh on alert today...
Who knows maybe if I get up and move ttheyll quit...
Well I got up made a bagle and a drink and ate with dh before he went to work. I had a few really strong ones but now im sitting on the couch and they've slowed way down. So its just practice it seems... im gonna chill for a bit more and hopefully go back to bed in a bit.
Oh another one...
Went back to bed and had 2 more. But was able to sleep between. No im gonna get up for the day and see how it goes.
And btw-youll notice a grammar and spelling difference now as im using my phone a bit more to getnon here :) sorry in advance!
well... dont.think anyone.REALLY wants to know this but i got the.poops again... and right after i got MAJOR pressure.again with lower backpain and.menstrual.crampin... like... whut?? forth.preggohood and all is.sooo different!! and to top it all off.. school.closure.due.to bad weather!
lol pre when i said noone is as bad as me i meant my fine.typeing skills on the phone
Oh goodness... so you've got the kiddos to occupy today eh? Fun times... the pooing I've been told is a early labor sign too ya know. So you could just be cleaning out so ya dont poo onnthe table! :winkwink:
Oh goodness... so you've got the kiddos to occupy today eh? Fun times... the pooing I've been told is a early labor sign too ya know. So you could just be cleaning out so ya dont poo onnthe table! :winkwink:
And youll have to let me know if you deliver sunny side up cause the low back stuff is an indicator of a face up babe.
Which is where I've been feeling it too. Who knows...
I'm 1cm dilated, but lo is still not decended to where dr can feel his head and my cervix is still high up, but a tad bit softer. I think thanks to me and dh gettin busy (; ha!
Which dr still doesn't know is going on and isn't advising, i even had to lie and tell him we had stopped! /:
But as long as braylen scoots his stubborn butt down and i can get dilated atleast 2 more cm then i will be induced on the 31st:)
only one week to go!!:)
i will go back monday @ 1 to see how my cervix is coming along.
Then if all is well will see doc one last time on 30th and register at the hospital.
how are you ladies? Any updates?
Well after a rather non eventful day yesterday, here I sit at 3 am contracting again. And regularly too.
I want to keep track of my progress for future for myself and for others so i'm gonna recap what's been going on in the past few days...:thumbup:

Lets see~ This all started 2 days ago now on the 23rd of Jan. That day and the day before were FULL of nesting! I went out to the store and stocked up on groceries and bought the last few things for the babys room to keep it organized.
I've been taking Evening primrose oil orally 3x a day and inserting it at night, I've been taking Dr. Christophers Labor prep as suggested on the label (2pills 3x daily now) and been drinking Red Raspberry Leaf Tea all for the past few weeks in order to prep my body for its upcoming job.
So two days ago on the 23rd~ I got up at a decent time and did the usual morning routine. The one thing I did differently was use nipple stimulation in the shower. This (along with some other techniques like accupressure, herbs, sex, walking etc) is supposed to help induce labor. So I thought what the heck and gave it a try.
Then I also, ahem*, had a release :blush: self provided since dh was at work.
For the rest of that day and since then my contractions have changed. They on the 24 woke me up a few times in the middle of the night. Then around 3 they woke me up and were really consistant for about an hour or so, but then petered off and I ended up going back to sleep. It felt like they were stronger, but no more frequent throughout the rest of the day. It just felt like when I had one that baby was really low, almost pushing on my rectum.
Another BnB member described the feeling "like a ball appeared in my butt". And that's how I'd describe it too lol! Made me think I had to poo every time after one.:dohh:
Then last night after a rather non eventful day of random BH contractions I went to the bathroom and when I pulled my pants down I could feel that I was sticking to my underwear:blush: turns out~ I was loosing my plug.
TMI: It's a nice brownish tinged color. My cervix has always been sensitive, so I'm guessing that's why.

So here I sit, timing my contractions (which are averaging to be about 6 min apart and a min long) and wondering if I should wake DH up or not... I've already texted the doula, though she hasn't responded so I'm not sure it woke her up lol.
DH will be getting up for work soon anyways, so I guess I'll just wait till hes awake and go from there.
Is this it??
update: contractions have not subsided this time. and have gotten closer together. I went back to bed, talked to dh a bit and decided he would go to work and I'd call if things got heavier.
I feel in and out of sleep being woken up by contractions every 10 min or so. at around 6 i felt like I needed to poo, so got up and decided while on the pot that a bath sounded good.
So I stayed in the tub for about 30 min with contractions I couldn't really time, and then went back to bed. Again I slept on and off with contractions waking me up every 10 min or so.
At some point I woke with a contraction and looked at my phone and noticed I had a message from our photographer (whom I had texted earlier) I read it and decided not to message her back right away, but then she texted me so I told her what was going on, then messaged the Doula again with more info. The doula then called me and we discussed what was going on. I told her at that point I could probably lie in bed and be lazy for a bit. But then when I got off the phone with her I decided I was hungry and got up.
Well HELLO contractions... As soon as I moved they came on hard and fast(er).
So in between contractions I made some oatmeal, and a protein drink and just as I was about to sit down my mom comes over.
I had called her to let her know what was going on earlier and she swung by before work. She really wanted to come with us to the center, but I polietly told her we didn't want anyone but professionals there but that she was welcomed to come over after we were home and settled. She was a bit dissapointed but understood.
So I called DH and told him to come back home (after being at work for 3 hours or so lol) and he's here now getting things together and picking up the house a bit.
Other than that~ waiting waiting...

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