Looking for bump buddies pregnant with number 4 due July 4th 2010


Sep 16, 2009
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I am pregnant with number 4, 3 daughters and a son on the way. I am 27 and due July 4th 2010. Just would like to have Bump buddies. Anyone due around the same time or having baby 4. Thanks
Hi :flower:- I am due 13th July with my lil boy. :blue:

Baby number 4 for me also ,I already have a daughter aged 15, and two other sons ages 12 and 8.

Look forward to hearing from you xx

Welcome, how is your pregnancy going so far? So are boys easier than girls? This is our first boy, we dont know anything about them. It kinda feels like being a 1st time parent again.
Hi there

I know what you mean about feeling like a first time again lol -it has been so long since we had a newborn at home. I am really excited about it actually.

When I had my first son we had a whole family of girls (1 daughter, 3 neices and I also came from a family of 4 girls lol) and I remember thinking OMG -what do we do with a boy lol? But he was an absolute joy of a baby -took to bf-ing like a pro, slept through the night, happy and giggly all the time and just adorable -but mainly just the SAME as having a girl -all their basic needs are exactly the same (although remember when changing nappies to watch out for fountains and to point their lil man down lol). As toddlers though, my boys were definately more mummy's boys - very cuddly and in fact are still sweet and cuddly with me.

So are you keeping well? I had hyperemesis G for 12 weeks and then just as I started to feel wonderful and human again my spd has kicked in big style. I have been on crutches since week 16 and wearing a huge tubigrip over my entire bump, and also wearing a huge support girdle lol -so not quite the dream pregnancy. In saying that, I feel as though I am compalining a bit but I AM enjoying being pregnant, just feel like everything I do is taking me much longer and I really need to be careful or I am in severe pain.
Hence, how I find myself on here everyday lol -as I have been signed off on the sick for the past 5 weeks. And also spending a fortune online shopping!!! Gives me lots of parcels to look forward to receiving.

Take care xx
It seems like a lot of women I have talked to that are having number 4 have more problems this time then in other pregnancys. I think my body is telling me ok one last time, but that's it. Do you think you will have any more? I think we are done.
I would have loved another one after this - there is such a gap between this baby and my others that I wanted to have another to make sure that he has a sibling to grow up with. However, I feel like such a burden on my family and my work (can't see me getting back until after baby is born truthfully) that I think this will be my last. I am too old to leave it a few years, so really would have had to have been another baby right after this one and don't think my body could take it. Shame really ,but is really making me appreciate all the little kicks and al the baby shopping. If it's my last I am going to make the most of it lol.

On that point -I received my nursery bedding, curtains and lampshade today - it is so cute -I cant wait to get a nursery together. We are doing huge refurbishments on the house just now, so I am living in a building site lol -but it will be worth it in the end -all to get my lil man a nursery haha. And I have bought my pushchair /travel system (stroller and carseat type thing). Yay!!!

Have you bought anything yet? I keep panicking that I shouldn't be buying so soon.
But I can't help it, espec with being home a lot lol.

We bought a boy carseat lol and we bought a playpen co sleep bassinet thing. and I started buying baby outfits. my parents got us a babyswing for Christmas. I got him a little shirt that says mommys little man. I'm very excited. he will be staying in our room for a while. our home is rather small. we would like to sell and buy a. new home but at the moment we can't afford to. maybe 2 years. we still have baby stuff from our 2 year old but no blue.
Hi Amy

Hope you are well today.

Glad to see it isn't just me buying then lol

My next purchase is going to be a baby swing -I love the fisher price papasan swing -especiallythe starlight one but I cant seem to get it oer here (in Scotland), unless I am willing to pay £160 (about $240) and although I love my lil man to bits already -I still cant justify that amount when there are other swings out there, with practically the same function for less than half the price. What one did you get? and do you recomend it? I will prob go for the fisher price precious planets one tbh, it's cute with a polar bear and other animals on and is a more affordable £77.

A wee while to go yet -but are you lookign forward to the birth?? Silly question prob, but I am!!! I'll regret that at the timeI bet lol.

My first labour and delivery was awful - in excess of 30 hours, stitches, stirrups, pethidine, throwing up, hallucinating HORRID!!!
Second was relatively fine -only 8 hours and no stitches and only G&A
Third was great -less than 2 hours start ot finish, home a few hours later and felt great

So hoping to follow suit with this one - lol -It's been quite a while though so maybe it will be more like my first again. OMG Ihope not.

Hope you are having a good day -I am off to the doctors again today -hate asking for another sick line but I couldn't do my job safely or effectively if I was to attempt to go back. I am a staff nurse in ITU -so neeed to be able to move quickly in an emergency etc. -still feel really guilty about being off though, especially so early on -still 18 weeks to go. My work are going to hate me!!

xx Donna xx
Happy 22 weeks. :) you know I don't even know what swing we got. We put it in the closet, fear my 2 year old would try and get in it and break it. Fisher price is always a good choice. That's what we had before, it was jungle scenes. I am very excited about my little man being here. I just want the placenta to move so I can have vag. Birth. I'm scared to have a c-section. I've never had one. My 1st labor was the worst, I'm surprised that I had morechildren after that. But after you have them you forget about the pain. My 1st I had over 50 stitches. My 2nd only a handfull of stitches, and my 3rd none at all. So if I get to have him vag. Then I am very ready even though I still have a while. Good luck at your Dr. Today.
I know how you feel about the prospect of a having a c-section - I would be terrified too -but if you get a healthy baby and a healthy mommy at the end of it all ,then it's worth it xx

Fx'd for a normal delivery for you -still early days yet!!

Been to the doctors -another sickline and that's it really -there is nothing really that anyone can do unfortunately -just pray we have reached a plateau stage and it doesn't get any worse I s'spose lol.
My Dr. is wanting me to go and visit her more frequently as she is concerned I am getting depressed.

Oh well - hope you are well ,and not too fed up with your pelvic resting - time will fly by, and by the summer we will have our lil boys in our arms yay!!!!!
it's hard not to be depressed these days. I had depression after all 3 pregnancy's, this time it started during my pregnancy, My dr. put me on med. for it right now, one that wont harm the baby. Sometime we need a little help. 8 days until my next scan. At least you have more time off, amd your body can heal. Hope you have a great day.
Hi Amy

Well -I have a midwife appt today and so hoping that I get to hear lil ones heartbeat -for the first time lol. SHe said it was too early at my 16 week appt so I haven't heard it yet. Annoying thing is that by now it is audible by stethoscope - and I cant find mine as the house is in turmoil with all the refurbishments going on lol.

He's bouncing about all the time, so its not even a reassurance thing now -I just want to hear it lol.

Hope you are having a good day and really hope everything goes well with your next scan. xx
Good luck today. I hope you get to hear your little man's heartbeat. Hope you have a wonderful day.
Yay heard his heart beat -it was wonderful -although shortlived, as she was listening to his heart beat she was teling me that because of my spd I'll need to go consultant led. I was kind of listening to my lil man's heart and thinking awww so wonderful; and then going what?? I cant have my baby here in the community midwife unit??? She said no, probably not as my spd is so severe sob sob :cry:

The CMU is so lush ,big private homely rooms, with tv/ dvd; even games consoles for the kids, huge birthing pool, loads of birthing 'toys -beanbags, wedges, etc. I want to go there. And its only a few minutes from my house, and I used to work upstairs in a different ward so my work pals could all pop in before I went home. :cry:

Sorry for being on a bit of a downer today -promise Ill stop whining now. I am going to play with my pram -just arrived lol :happydance: I know its early but it was such a bargain. xx :hugs:

Take care xx
:) for hearing little man's heartbeat. :( to the cmu news. I'm sorry. I have heard a lot of good things about midwifes. We have always used the hospital. I hope your day gets beter. I'm sorry I'm not very bright today. Whats Spd?
SPD -symphis pubis dysfunction (or pelvic girdle pain). Instability in the pelvic ligaments and joints, which can cause pain in pelvic region, hips, back, legs.
Midwife thinks that my symphis pubis joint (right at the front of the pubic bone) has split, Ouch!!!

At the other hospital,I will still be cared for by midwifes, just not my local midwifery team -so strangers really -and there will be medics and my consultant OB on hand if needs be. Whereas at my CMU, it is midwifes only with no medicla support. In cases of emergency, they need to get you transferred via ambulance to the larger maternity unit ,so I s'pose if me and lil man are both safe then it's not the end of the world. I just so wanted to go to my local CMU.

Anyway -how are things with you today?
Have you thought of any names yet? We are really struggling ,with our last son we eventually decided on one name only and that was hard work. I have a few but DH isn't so keen, and likewise lol -It is so hard isn't it lol???

I love Cole, Tyler, Mason but DH not so keen; also love Finn and Max but neither go right with my surname -Fox : Finn Fox sounds like a cartton character, and Max Fox (Matchbox lol) isn't much better. OOh love Ethan too, but DH vetoed it last time ,wonder if he'll remember -Just threw that out to him there lol -hmmm, not bad he said quite like that. Promising lol
He likes Calvin - I didn't mind it until I looked up the meaning lol - means bald haha; and Dawson is on our list too, cos he found out it means son of David (him being a David lol).

This time next week we'll have another bundle of not-so -sure-about names; hopefully when we think of the one it willl just be right. Ethan David Fox sounds nice though, whatcha think? Or Cole David Fox?

Anyway -I'll stop rambling on now -have a fab day, take care of yourself and bump xxxx
I'm sorry about your Spd. That sounds painful. At least they are taking every step to make sure you and baby are ok. We are naming our little man Noah Michael. Noah has been our boy name for all of our pregnancies. But we never got to use it. Until now. Lol. Michael is after my dad. I figured that he already gets his dads last name so his middle name comes from my side. Ny grandpa is michael, my dad is Michael and my middle name is Michelle.( the female version of Michael) I like the names that you have picked out. Tyler is cute. I have a friend that is due next. Week and they still do not have a name for there boy. She said they have a list of names but they want to see him 1st. I like being able to talk to my baby with his name for practice. Ours was easy to pick when we thought of noah when we were pregnant with our oldest. We saw a sign at the side of the road that said even noah has a sign. Lol turned out we had. Girl so that sign wasn't for us. Lol
I'm hoping to get a nap in today I'm very. Tired. Hope you have a great day.
I'm sorry about your Spd. That sounds painful. At least they are taking every step to make sure you and baby are ok. We are naming our little man Noah Michael. Noah has been our boy name for all of our pregnancies. But we never got to use it. Until now. Lol. Michael is after my dad. I figured that he already gets his dads last name so his middle name comes from my side. Ny grandpa is michael, my dad is Michael and my middle name is Michelle.( the female version of Michael) I like the names that you have picked out. Tyler is cute. I have a friend that is due next. Week and they still do not have a name for there boy. She said they have a list of names but they want to see him 1st. I like being able to talk to my baby with his name for practice. Ours was easy to pick when we thought of noah when we were pregnant with our oldest. We saw a sign at the side of the road that said even noah has a sign. Lol turned out we had. Girl so that sign wasn't for us. Lol
I'm hoping to get a nap in today I'm very. Tired. Hope you have a great day.
Do you know what?? -I knew that lol -its been on your ticker the whole time lol -Lovely name. My kids middle names have all been after family -I quite like telling them about who they were named after and why. My other three's middle names are after my grandparents and this lil man will be having David (after my DH and my godfather too)

I have moved up a box today -yay Box 6 already OMG!!

Hope you managed a sleep today and are feeling abit more refreshed
Take care xx
I did get a nap but woke up feeling even more tired. I believe have a 2 and a 3 year old dont help. Lol it feels like the first half of this pregnancy has flown by. Now its starting ti slow down. Well I am off to bed. Hope you have a wonderful day.

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