Looking for bump buddy - due 30th May 2011

I've not been on bnb much in the past few months, conor seems to be keepin me busy now!

Had a scare on saturday and conor was rushed into hospital and put on oxygen as he was struggling to breath, he's back home now and has got a special type of inhaler to open his airways which we have to give him every 4 hours!

Conor is 6 months tomorro, how time flies!

I think we need some upto date pictures! X
Jess, that must have been so scary. Do they know what caused him to have trouble breathing? I hope he is feeling better using the inhaler. I'm sorry you had to go through that!

Lou, good news on Foley rolling! I hope his teeth pop through soon so he can get some relief!

Anyway, I had written a post the other day but for some reason it didn't get posted. Dylan was nearly 27inches and 16.5 lbs at his appointment. He's still tall and skinny but the Dr. was really pleased with his growth, esp considering how little he was at birth. She also said we should try baby led weaning since the purees aren't working. So we tried banana yesterday and today and he's not to keen on it. I think he just wants milk :shrug:. He just started getting up on his knees so maybe he'll be crawling by Christmas! Giving me a run for my money with naps today. Let's hope he sleeps better tonight. Usually we put him to bed around 6/6:30 and then he gets up at 9ish then 12isn and 4ish. I think I've gotten used to it now, although some days it's rough. Especially when I fall asleep at night and he's up soon after. I thought he would be waking less by now. Not sure what to do. We've tried giving formula before bed or having DH put him down. Dh thinks we should give him bottles at night so we know how much he's eating but then I would have to pump or give formula and I am worried it would effect my supply. PLus it's so much easier whipping out the boob than messing with bottles. I am not ready to give up bfing yet. I am aiming for 9 mos-1yr.

Happy half birthday Conor! Will you start BLW now Jess? What foods?
Jess that sounds so scary, glad he is home and safe now and the inhaler is working. Happy half birthday for tomorrow conor! Time really does fly! Any signs of crawling or teeth?

Not sure about the waking's, but supply wise i'd agree with you and stick with bf as night feeding is really important for setting his supply as it's when the hormones are highest. it's so hard being the only one that can feed him, and i hate expressing it's such a pain. In middle of the night it's so much easier popping the boob out! I said to DH today once i stop i'm going away for the night so i can have full nights kip! Aiming for 9 months to year too.

Baby led weaning wise, try not to worry how much he eats. He gets all he needs from milk until 9 months. My friend weaned both hers this way so questioned her loads.GLad hes doing well weight and growth wise

Put Foley in his own room tonight for first time. Bit nervous. We are going to Fuerteventura on wednesday so first time on a plane. Hope he's not the screamer! Still no sign of a tooth, but so much pain. Feel like he's having calpol every night! Foley weighed in at 15lb 4, hes on the smaller size by following his line. Least his clothes last longer!

Will pop some pics up tomorrow. New laptop so none on. Will have to get some from FB
Thinking abou you two. This time last year we were in the home stretch! Isn't it crazy our babies will be a year soon! Dylan turns 1 in just 3 weeks! We are having a little party for him at the park. He is doing great! A proficient crawling, cruiser, and trouble maker ;). He has 6 teeth now and is able to wave hi/bye, clap, and says mama and dada. He LOVES reading now and will sit and take his books off the shelf for a long time and read through them. When he finds one he wants me to read he reaches to hand it to me. It is so sweet. I started weaning a few weeks ago because he developed a biting habit! I tried many different things, but that combined with issues we were having t nap time made me decide to start weaning. I did some nap training and the naps are much better now, all we need his for him to start sleeping in past 4:30/5am!!! This morning I nursed him for the very last time :(. It's bittersweet, but I am looking forward to getting my body back. Now we have to think about how we will get him off the bottle! He drinks a sippy with water finally, but we haven't tried formyla yet. I am thinking I will just do milk in the sippy. I already started trying a little cow's milk since he is so close to 1. Also, he is an awesome eater! He loves peas and carrots, grapes, yogurt, chicken, beans. He even likes spicy foods! He is still on the smaller size. I think he weighs close to 21lbs and is probably around 30 inches. Still tall and skinny.
Here are some pics:https://gallery.me.com/jeffvanearwage#100028

Oh, he also left the country for the first time! My husband got an expenses paid trip to Puerto Rico through his work. The travelling was a little rough, with a red-eye and 12+ hrs of travel each way. But, he did very well and had a ton of fun on the beach.

More pics: https://gallery.me.com/jeffvanearwage#100082

Hope you all are doing well and enjoying your almost toddlers!! Any thoughts on #2 yet? We are thinking of ttc when Dylan is 18mos-2 years. I am in no big rush. Just want to enjoy the time I have with the one :)

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