Looking for bump buddy - due 30th May 2011

hi this is my first pregnancy and looking for buddies to chat with i am 17 weeks
Sorry the nipples are sore, i never used shields and was really damaged and fed through it, so know your pain, it does get better :hugs: I found laying down feeding helped with healing as he could stay latched on easier as i have fast flow, so less on and off's.

Foley also feeds 40 minutes each time, but he only has one boob during that time so gets a lot of the hind milk. Does Dylan have both in those 40 minutes? If not you could try just offering the one so he gets more hind milk? See if that makes a difference.

Foley also custer feeds each evening, he will have bath at 7 - then into our room with curtain drawn, dark room where he will then cluster feed for 2 to 3 hours (we will watch DVD's!). He will have both boobs then, 45 to an hour on each. He has then been sleeping for 5 to 7 hours for last few weeks. Not sure how much is just his nature sleep wise as he has done 4 hours since a week old. Not sure if any of that's any help. Think our night routine helps, he's been very conistant sleepwise, 5am each morning this week (hopeforly I haven't jinx tonight! Lol!) day we have no routine! But he does feed every 2 to 3 hours.

My DH wants to move Foley to his room too as he is very noisey, plus DH snoring!

Sorry to hear about your dog being unwell, it's hard working baby around dog. By time i've showered, fed and dressed Foley its near on 12 sometimes! poor dog!
hi well not bad bad really the usual morning sickness all day lol and bad back but it is worth it i am due 15th december i can not wait to see my little babba

Lou, that's great Foley is sleeping so well after cluster feeding. I hope he's doing even better now! Have you thought about when you want to move him out of your room?

We moved Dylan out a week ago I guess. I think it was a good move, however he really has a tough time sleeping in his crib. I will nurse him to sleep and wait a bit to put him down, but as soon as I do he wakes up and cries so I have to start the process over. It takes 2 hours or more to get him down finally and then once he's down we're lucky to get 2 hours. I am not sure if this has to do with reflux or maybe his active startle reflex. Upon the advice of my pediatrician we started using the swing at night (a decision for which I was scolded for on the baby club). I did my research and couldn't find any ill effects. Dylan is able to sleep 3 hours or more at a time in the swing. So...it's a last resort but it works. We also were giving the simethicone (infacol) with each feed, but it wasn't doing much so we decided to try zantac. We just started that so we'll see if it helps. The collicky bouts are tough sometimes. Esp when I want to go out in public. I feel like people are judging me if I can't help my baby to stop crying. But then there are the moments where he is smiley and happy and they make me forget about all the crying :).

We are off the nipple shields finally and feeds are much shorter now (15-25 mins) versus 40+. But he still eats every 2 hours during the day. Sometimes he clusters too, but mostly he likes to comfort suck, and it's become how he gets himself off sleep a lot of times. I guess I worry about this, but from what I've read it's not bad. He won't usually take a pacifier.

Any of you ladies DTD yet? I got the green light at 6 weeks, but I wasn't feeling at all ready. Finally tried last night and it was uncomfortable and had to stop, but it wasn't as bad as I imagined it would be.

So, overal Dylan is great! He's getting stronger and stronger all the time. Loves to stand up in my lap. He also likes to sit up and his head is pretty steady. I will put a link to some pics. How about you guys? Any recent pics?
DTD?????!! I hope you are joking??!! haha... The idea is scary enough..

To be honest though as bad as this may sound, i don't even want sex now... Just doesn't appeal to me...i'm finding even being intimate even just having cuddles an effort...

which seems really bad...and i feel awful... OH is being great about it but i can't help feel i'm pushing him away slightly...

Between looking after Conor all day and then sharing a bed with Conor at night too i just don't feel like there is time for intimacy as i just feel like i don't stop...

Will upload some piccies shortly xxx
Here some piccies of me and little man (Please excuse the state of me!! haha)


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Jessica you both look great!! I don't think I saw your face before...only bump and baby ;). Conor is so strong in the last pic! Where did you get that hungry caterpillar onesie?

I find I am feeling very unattractive these days. That on top of the baby... Dtd is the last thing on my mind. But dh has been begging for it since we were in the hospital after Dylan came!!! I find myself being terrified of getting pregnant straight away too. It's odd because at times I really miss being preggo but then to think about going through it all again so soon. Not to mention we don't have the resources ATM. I have my hands full with Dylan as it is! I know it's unlikely to get pregnant while bf but we use condoms anyway. Wonder when/if I'll get my period again while bf?
Haha, I hid my face while pregnant... I just didn't have the energy to put make up on....and even now i only do it for special occasions haha...

I've got loooads of hungry caterpillar things, i get them from Sainsburys supermarket...They have some great clothes in there!!

The last picture was actually taken about an hour ago!!

Just been using that coloursplash on photobucket...heres my work of art...

Hi Ladies!

Jess your looking great! Connor is looking very cute too, love the catapiller! Know what you mean about make up for special occasions! I just don't have the energy or the time to do full face of make up! My brother bought foley the hungery catapiller bits from sainsburys too.

dtd, nah not yet! Not even crossed my mind (mind you with DH broken collar bone he has not been capable anyway as would been in too much pain). Went to GP to get pill, but she said i have to wait for af to return, but with bf it may not! So no idea what to do there. Being a bridesmaid on thrusday so looking forward to someone dressing me up all nice and doing my hair and make up. Though i have to take the dress off to feed!

Sleep wise he is doing good, all of last week he was sleeping from 9ish to 7 to 8am. Last two nights he has been waking at 5ish again, but he is very hungery in the day too so thing it may be a growth spurt. Not too bad though, just 20 to 30 min feed then he goes back to his basket. Not sure when to move him, we are going to cornwall on holiday where he will sleep in a room with us still in september. So thinking when we get back.

Mama don't see an problem with the swing, foley sleeps in his too. If it means he gets a nice long kip (and you too!) i don't see the problem. Your doctor wouldn't have oked it otherwise.

Some recent pics of Foley and me. Please excuse the state of me! Last one was in the garden last night, his first time on grass!


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You and foley are looking great lou!

Great that he's sleeping well, would defo say to wait until after you've been away before moving him!

1sttimemama - your turn for piccies now! Haha

Yukkkk... Conor just done a dirty nappy whilst sat on my knee... Will keep this message short but sweet and attend to the smelly nappy :nope: just what I wanted! Lol xx
Aww! Cute pics Lou!

Dylan is on a nap strike the last couple days. Won't sleep for more than 10-15 minutes at a time and only after comfort nursing :(. Once asleep he cries anytime I try to put him down anywhere. I finally gave up and strapped him into the carrier. He fought it at first (tries to stand up) but eventually after pacing my house he passed out so I could eat some lunch. He's now been sleeping for 30mins!!

Maybe it's another growth spurt because he wants to nurse constantly. But he's a growing boy! He weighed in at 11lb 8oz! So he doubled his birth weight! He's still sleeping in the swing because it's the only thing he'll tolerate and I just don't think I could co-sleep all night. It really hurts my back, which is already sore from carrying/holding/nursing all day. Maybe if Dh wasn't in the bed and there was more room I would do it. But it's not like I'm gonna kick him out. But we do end up cosleeping in the morning so I can get a little extra sleeping between 5-7. He went 6 hours in the swing last night. Unfortunately it was from 7:30pm-1:30am so I was only sleep for a couple of the hours and then he was fussy the rest of the night.

As for the DTD, Dh informed me that only the "tip" went in the other night. Although that's not what it felt like...LOL. Oh well...I'm sure it'll get easier...if we ever do it again, lol. Who has the time?! I wish I felt sexier but I feel really ugly. None of my clothes fit as I have 10lbs to get off. So I live in leggings and sweats. Most day I barely have time to brush my teeth, let alone put on makeup/do my hair. I'd really like to lose the baby weight plus 10-15 more lbs. It came off so quickly after he was born but the I've been at this weight for a while. And I developed stretch marks on my hips/thighs/butt :(. Somehow the belly was skipped. So I guess I need to try some bio oil or something.

Anyway, here are a few pics and link to more.

Where you guys been? Sorry the pics were so big. Dylan is doing just great. Hes so much fun to play with and make smile. He's 13lbs now! How are you and you're LO's?
Hey we're good thanks, conor got weighed 3 weeks ago and was 14lb 9oz so i dread to think what he is now! He's gettin big and heavy now!
You'll both have to post some more recent pics of LO's, I'll have to keep this short as little mans bottle is nearly ready...

Btw... How is feeding and sleeping going for you both now xxx
Hi ladies,

sorry been awol, just so on the go - Foley does not do day time naps!

We are doing good, he's now rolling on his side (only at feed times as i often feed him laying down) and giggling. 2 weeks ago he weighed 11lb 11. Feeding is going well, did a very public bf at the oval watching england v india at the cricket! Sleep wise he goes 11 to 12 hours through the night so can't complain!

Mama2b dylan is looking great, will have to post us some newer pictures. How is the feeding and sleeping going now? Great weight, can't beleive he is 3 and half months already!

jess how is the sleeping going now? Conor is looking great in your avatar!

I'll pop some new pics up soon, we have just changed laptop so now pics on here - old one died!
Well on the day conor turned 11 weeks i had just bought a new big boy cot bed....so though why not try him, what have i got to lose seeing as though he already sleeps in my bed....

and to my amazement he slept in it...

so since 11 weeks he has slept in his cotbed, sleeps from 10pm until about 5am, has a feed then goes back to sleep until about 9am...

Conors not started laughing yet, well hes done it about 3 times but at random things like when he saw the doctor and when he was watching his mobile on his cot!

Just sat looking to find photographers for the wedding next year at moment...busy busy busy...

Lou...OMG Thats what i call a public feed!! hahaha Conor doesnt really do day time naps either, 30 minutes here and there at that!


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Where are you getting married Jess? Remember ours - so much to plan! You getting excited?

He's looking great Jess, great news on the cot bed! Is it in his own room or did you put it in with you?

Managed to get few pic's of Foley off phone. Yep one very public feeding, 10 odd thousand people plus sky cameras! I did wonder if they pan the crowd and spot me feeding! Going back on Monday, so more public feeding for me, much more relaxed about it now.


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The cotbeds in our room at the far side against the wall as nowhere else to put it, but when we move in december it'll be going into his own room...
Ahhh well we've not got a great deal to plan as we're getting married in cyprus next August so takes the pressure off it as i say what i want and the wedding co-ordinators just sort it for me haha.

Jst trying to find a local photographer in cyprus as thomson travel agents are a rip off, and need to try and find a venue for the reception as in two minds over having it at the hotel or just in a local taverna.

Foleys looking great! getting big now!! Can't believe how big they're getting and how fast its gone considering how slow pregnancy was!! xx
Think I may keep foley in with us till December too in his cot. He's no hassel in our room, and I kinda like him in here while he is still young. Hv says it's good too as he sleeps through the night, my body hearing him keeps my milk supply up. One did suggest getting up at 3am to express which I laughed at!! If he's sleeping through so am I! Think my supply is well linked now as I never express and don't get engorged.

That's great you have a planner who is doing it all for you! Sooo much easier!! Did you get any luck finding a local photographer? Is a lot of family going out with you?

Thanks, I know it's just flying by! 3 months preganat seemed to take ages, but times flying with a baby!
Wow, I can't believe how big Conor and Foley are now! The pics are so adorable :). Sounds like you both are doing great with night time sleeping. Jess, that's awesome that the cot is working out for you. Do you think Conor's out of the clear with the colic? Or do you still have some crying episodes. Well, good luck with the wedding planning, that's great you have someone to sort the details as it can be a lot of work!

Lou, you are brave to whip it out somewhere so public. I still have only managed to nurse in the car. But, I bought a nursing cover so I think I'll be more brave now. I think it's a cross between me being modest, having ginormous breasts that are tough to hide/nurse with and also the way Americans view bf'ing :(. Yesterday I took Dylan to be weighed and nursed in the car and my battery died :( so I was sort of stranded there waiting for someone to come and jump me. I was glad that I could feed him easily at least. He isn't taking a bottle sometimes. We will occasional supplement with formula, but it's been less and less these days and now he rejects it a lot. Not sure what that's all about. Guess he wants the good stuff ;)

Naps are elusive some days. Dylan usually takes short naps here and there and usually they are on me or in the car seat. As for nights. Well, we are still using the swing as he won't go down in the crib. Some nights he is down at 8 and sleeps till 2 and then usually 5. Other night's he sneaks in another wake up at midnight. We bring him to bed in the morning usually as I'm just to lazing to wait for him to fall asleep and try to put him down. I am not a fan of co-sleeping though (except for naps). I love waking next to him but Dylan is SOOOOOOO loud and moves a ton. He has to be right up next to me and then he nurses constantly so I don't get any sleep. Would love to get him sleeping longer at night. But I guess it could be worse. Before he was up every 2 hours. Oh and we started him on reflux meds and I wasn't sure i they were doing anything so I stopped for a bit and thats when he picked up the 3rd night time feeding. So, we started him back, but I think we need to up to dosage as he's grown.

Dylan still won't laugh for me!! He's laughed a couple times in his sleep and he gets they really mouthy grins (esp when I pretend to eat his feet) but no laughs.

Well, I have to load some more pics onto the computer and then I'll post some more.

I agree with you, Lou! The time is flying! I still occasionally miss being pregnant now and again. It was a simplet time in some ways. It really was such an amazing time. Feels like yesterday Dylan was born. At least I remember it as if it were. We captured it all on video too! We only watched it once and it was too soon I think. With Dylans traumatic entrance to the world and all, we were both sobbing. When it happened it felt like a long time before Dylan cried (because he was stunned) but then we watched the video and it was about 2 mins! The longest 2 minutes of my life. I really wasn't sure if he was going to be okay :(. Thank god that's all in the past

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