Wow, I can't believe how big Conor and Foley are now! The pics are so adorable

. Sounds like you both are doing great with night time sleeping. Jess, that's awesome that the cot is working out for you. Do you think Conor's out of the clear with the colic? Or do you still have some crying episodes. Well, good luck with the wedding planning, that's great you have someone to sort the details as it can be a lot of work!
Lou, you are brave to whip it out somewhere so public. I still have only managed to nurse in the car. But, I bought a nursing cover so I think I'll be more brave now. I think it's a cross between me being modest, having ginormous breasts that are tough to hide/nurse with and also the way Americans view bf'ing

. Yesterday I took Dylan to be weighed and nursed in the car and my battery died

so I was sort of stranded there waiting for someone to come and jump me. I was glad that I could feed him easily at least. He isn't taking a bottle sometimes. We will occasional supplement with formula, but it's been less and less these days and now he rejects it a lot. Not sure what that's all about. Guess he wants the good stuff
Naps are elusive some days. Dylan usually takes short naps here and there and usually they are on me or in the car seat. As for nights. Well, we are still using the swing as he won't go down in the crib. Some nights he is down at 8 and sleeps till 2 and then usually 5. Other night's he sneaks in another wake up at midnight. We bring him to bed in the morning usually as I'm just to lazing to wait for him to fall asleep and try to put him down. I am not a fan of co-sleeping though (except for naps). I love waking next to him but Dylan is SOOOOOOO loud and moves a ton. He has to be right up next to me and then he nurses constantly so I don't get any sleep. Would love to get him sleeping longer at night. But I guess it could be worse. Before he was up every 2 hours. Oh and we started him on reflux meds and I wasn't sure i they were doing anything so I stopped for a bit and thats when he picked up the 3rd night time feeding. So, we started him back, but I think we need to up to dosage as he's grown.
Dylan still won't laugh for me!! He's laughed a couple times in his sleep and he gets they really mouthy grins (esp when I pretend to eat his feet) but no laughs.
Well, I have to load some more pics onto the computer and then I'll post some more.
I agree with you, Lou! The time is flying! I still occasionally miss being pregnant now and again. It was a simplet time in some ways. It really was such an amazing time. Feels like yesterday Dylan was born. At least I remember it as if it were. We captured it all on video too! We only watched it once and it was too soon I think. With Dylans traumatic entrance to the world and all, we were both sobbing. When it happened it felt like a long time before Dylan cried (because he was stunned) but then we watched the video and it was about 2 mins! The longest 2 minutes of my life. I really wasn't sure if he was going to be okay

. Thank god that's all in the past