Looking for bump buddy - due 30th May 2011

Oh, do you guys notice your tickers being off. By my count Dylan is 15 weeks (will be 4 months next wed!!) but the ticker is a week off.
Glad you and dylan are doing well!

Conor still has colic and is on meds at every feed but he is improving slowly.

Nope, don't think ticker is out, conor is just over 14 weeks, and 13 weeks is 3 months and 17 weeks is 4 months old. I think it works out a month is 4 and a half weeks. As a month is classed as babys birth date the next month iykwim... Like conor was born 12.5 so he'd offically be a month on 12.6, then 12.7, 12.8, 12.9 etc.

Ladies.... Onto the highly debated subject on here... WEANING!
What are your plans and when?

I'm looking to wait until as close to 6 months as possible as I'm looking to do BLW, I can't wait until he weans I'm really looking forward to it! Xx
Your very brave watching the birth again, don't think i'd want to watch mine (be very long too!!) Its all worth it in the end though

With the feeding we don't use a wrap. It never worked for me, foley got hot, started crying and flapping, i got upset and we lost our confidence and i started planning my day around feeding. So we use the 2 layer approach now. I wear a vest top under everything and pull that down under the boob and unclip bra, then pull top layer up over boob, latch him on then pull the top layer down to where he is latched. You can't see a thing. I have 32GG so a lot of boob on top so this works really well. I pop a muslin sqaure over his head just in case he pops off. I feel more confident feeding out in public when DH is there as he would tell people where to go, but i've just decided legally i can do it so i just whip it out now. Though it was very scary at the cricket!

Glad he is sleeping a bit more for you. Has his reflux improved?

Jess i'm going for baby led weaning too. Waiting till 6 months to start. Going to a morning session on it next week.
The birth video is only of the pushing stage and you can't see anything except the dr and my knees.

Weaning? Jess for some reason I thought you went to ff? Here in the States they recommend bfing for at least a year but I am shooting for btwn 6-12mos. MY sister and bf both just weaned around 5/6 months and it didn't seem to be a prob. I have conflicting feelings about bfing. On the one hand, we worked so hard to do it I feel like I should do it as long as we can, not to mention the health benefits for both of us. I also really enjoy the bonding time I get to share. But on the other hand, I really look forward to having my body back. I was a 30G/GG before pregancy and now while bfing I am a 32K :(. It's really effecting my confidence that none of my shirts fit and I have to wear wireless bras so I feel all droopy :(. I am really hoping my breasts get a little smaller when we stop and I'm looking forward to wired bras and no more aches and pains in the boob area. I keep getting clogged ducts all the time :(. So if I can make it to 6 months and decide to stop then I won't feel too bad. Thats only a couple more months so it's doable. How does the baby led weaning work? If I left it up to DS to wean I think he's be on there till kindergarten :/. He loves the booby!!
What about solids? Any idea when you will start. I am going to ask ped. at 4month visit. Because DH has bad food allergies she may say to wait till 6 mos. I know some people start as early as 4mos though. My sister did with Connor. He's 23lbs now!! Already in size 12-18mos clothes at 7mos!!! My poor sister having to carry him around!
Oh I just looked up baby led weaning? I thought you were talking about just weaning from bfing. I will def ask my ped about this as it seems really interesting.
Hi mama2b, yeah it's a way to start solids. Sounds really interesting. My friend did it with both of hers, was great to watch them feeding themselves solids. I'm waiting till 6 months to start solids. Weaning off bf, I'd like to go 9 months to a year if I can. Just starting him with expressed in a bottle so I can leave him if I need to.

Know what you mean about non wired bras. Took ages to get fitted proberly. Once I got right size my clogged ducts stopped, but read the sleep bras should not be used at night over a dd cup size, so think that's why I was getting them now as I wear normal bra to bed now.

Dylans looking great!
Yes, due to the problems i had with milk production and LO's ever growing appitite we went onto ff completely at 8 week,
BLW for solids was what i meant, lol. Sounds really good but all depends if Conor will hold out until 6 months so just going to take each day as it comes, at the moment he is on 5oz bottles every 3/4 hours a day and no feeds in the night so only has 6 bottles in 24 hours so hoping as theres room for increasing his bottles that we'll last out until 6months so he can do BLW.

Conro just loves eating his hands at the moment, such a funny boy!!
He may be teething jess? Is he dripplung more? Foley has been teething for few weeks now, dripple central and finger chewing! Makes them red sometimes!

Is 5oz quite a bit then? Sorry I'm a bit dim with oz's etc as never used a bottle with foley to know how much he has!
5oz isn't a great deal to be honest, some babies as old as conor drink upto 8oz at a feed so I know he's not anywhere near hungry enough for weaning for a good few months at the rate he's going.

Yeah he is teething, little bump on his gum appeared 2 weeks ago and he's dribbling and chomping away, he's not been crying though which is good, looks so cute trying to fit his whole hand in mouth though lol xx
That's good, hopeforlly he will make it till 6 months then! Foley is being good with it too, even smiles while still chomping his fingers! Think now he's learnt that hands can be open he seems much more happy. Think a whole fist was too hard to teeth on! Lol!
Hi Ladies! Dylan had his 4 months appointment. Although I guess he's not technically 4 months till Monday? Thanks for explaining the math Jess. I always thought a month was 5 weeks. But the way you explained it makes sense.

The appt went well! I am so pleased with his growth. He went from the 5th percentile in height/weight to the 50th percentile in height (25in) and 25th percentile for weight (13lbs 8oz). Our Doctor said she could feel a tooth coming in, which I suspected. She also said we can start him on pureed fruits and veggies and cereal now. I'm not in a huge rush to start, but I probably will before 6months I think. I am looking forward to making his food. I used to make all the food for the little girl I nannied and there's just something really rewarding about making fresh/healthy foods for a baby and watching them enjoy it. Esp when you know it's so good for them! Although, if I was working I might consider giving those organic jars of baby food.

On the sleeping front...he had a MAJOR regression a couple weeks ago where he went from waking 1-2 times per night to waking 3,4,5 times a night :(. It was torture because all of a sudden he wasn't taking a bottle either. SO I was the walking zombie getting up with him 5 times :(. My Doctor recommended letting him cry it out :(. Never say never, but at this point I can't even stomach the idea. It' just seems so wrong. But then again I have been reading up on it and it sort of makes sense in that it teaches them to self soothe. I used to take care of a little girl when she was 3 through age 5 and she had no ability to self soothe because she always had to have someone lay with her until she fell asleep. This sleep association was so engrained that she spent most of the night in bed with mom...kicking her all night :(. I wish co-sleeping was better for us, but I feel like I get no sleep because he is such a noisy and restless sleeper. Not to mention he nurses all night long. Generally though we co-sleep from about 4am on. Anyway, I want him to learn to sel soothe but I just don't think he's developmentally there yet. So for now I nurse him off and wait the 20 mins or so till he's in a deep sleep to put him down.

I am trying to regulate his naps and wake sleep times better. I was good about the bedtime and sticking with our rituals but now I am making sure we get up at a set time and he gets 3 naps a day. Usually he goes for 4-5 cat naps. I've realized the only way I can put him down for a nap is if I nurse him on my bed. So I've been doing that and he'll sleep an hour, sometimes 2 in the am. It's tough cause I miss the days he would nap on the go in the car seat/stroller. But he's way to excited about the world around him now :)

I feel like it's getting so fun now!! He's so playful and smiley! Hope you guys are well!

Sorry to hear about the sleep regression but it is a common thing at 4 months...can sometimes happen a little earlier or a little later...

Conor went through a sleep regression at about 14 weeks and for the past 2 nights has gone back to his old routine...So it may be something Dylan will improve on in the next week or 2...fingers crossed!!

Conor is getting big now... rolled from front to back for the first time last week....did it several times that day and hasn't done it again since... :shrug:

Glad to hear Dylan is doing so well on his growth charts..:thumbup:

Conor is getting VERRRY heavy now!!

Hes in the 75th percentile for weight and 99th percentile for height....

Hes looking more and more like a toddler as each day goes by! Hes already in 6-9 month clothes!!

AFM.... I'm currently on the slimfast diet trying to shed some of this last stone...
On monday i weighed 8st 10lb and yesterday i was down to 8st 8lb.... Slowly but surely!!
Not looking to get down to prepregnancy weight as i know my body has changed shape as i've now got a pair of hips..

Just want to get rid of my jelly belly and hopefully fit back into some of my old clothes but cant see that happening anytime soon as still a stone over my pre-preg weight!!

Hope you and Foley are well Lou!!


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Hi ladies! Hoping this will post, as on holiday in cornwall and 3g signal goes in and out.

Wow, go conor! Rolling over! He is getting big bless him! Hope the slim fast plan helps you to lose the last stone. Hows the wedding planning going? Hes looking great in your pictures!

Glad Dylan is doing well in his charts. sorry to hear about his sleep regession, might be a growth spurt, then hopeforly go back to normal. Foley is going through one now, feeding till very late at night, then up early. Great to hear he is doing well and is fun and playful. I find Foley too has the best naps if I feed him on our bed then leave him there after hes asleep.

Foley's doing good, can roll onto his side from his back. Still not great on his front, gets upset quick and doesnt really do anything. He has found a way if moving, he puts his feet flat on the floor, arches his back and pushes back, he loves to 'run' away during nappy changes!

Git down to holiday yesterday, long 6 hour drive to cornwall. had a nice walk today with Foley in his baby carrier along the cornish coastal path.
Woooo Go Foley!

Conor runs off at nappy time like that too!! They're going to be little monkeys when they start crawling and rolling all the time!!

Wedding planning is going well... got a journal on here, its linked on my signature...

In process of sorting flowers and rings now... got the photographer booked,

Earrings and waistcoats sorted... even found Conors outfit :happydance:

Got conors christening coming up at the end of october...

Hope you have a lovely break Lou!!
Hey ladies! How are you and the babes? I was thinking of you all as Dylan turned 5 months today! It's so crazy how the time flies! He is doing so great! Rolling all over the place, babbling, blowing raspberries. We are still working on sleep, but I am happy to report he now sleeps in his crib! He wakes generally at least 3 times per night. We are thinking about how we want to tackle sleep training as he def. possesses some self soothing skills now. In his crib he'll wake up and talk himself back to sleep or his latest game is grabbing his footie (from his pj's) and pulling it to his mouth. Naps he's still taking on or next to me, so I would really like to be able to put him down so I can get a shower or something.

Well I hope you all are doing well!
Hey Ladies! I know you are probably all so busy. I just was feeling nostalgic when I pulled up this thread and realized it was a year ago today that I first posted on the thread/met you guys. It's hard to believe how much has changed in the last year. I can't believe Dylan is turning 6month this friday!! And to think I thought he was due on the 31st of May. He is doing really well. We've been working on sleep a lot. He is now able to soothe himself to sleep and for naps....thank god!! He is still waking up 3 times at night so I'm not sure what to do about that. I know his Dr. will say to let him cry but I don't feel comfortable doing this if I think he might be hungry :(. No teeth yet although he's def teething. He is still trying to sit up. The other day he sat up in his bath and peed in him mouth and eyes :(. He was not happy...lol. He also started saying mama in addition to baba. He says mama when he's crying now and it's so sweet/sad. What's up with you guys? jess did u move yet?
Hi mama! (no need for the 2b now ;-) )

We are doing good, kept meaning to pop on and check if either you or jess had posted by harldly get on the laptop. Need to pop thread on my phone as easier to check.

Great news that he is now self settling, what sort of times is his 3 wakes? Is he hungery each time? Can't believe he is 6 months on Friday. Foley turned 5 months on Tuesday. I agree, i don't do leaving to cry - i know some people swear by it - but i just can't do it. Also i don't want him to be sick and waste the milk! I haven't really made a bank of expressed!

We are doing good. No teeth yet, but he is teething again quite bad now. When he is not teething he is sleeping well, around 10 hours, but seems to lost the ability to self settle during day. So he is normally napping in pram or after a feed. He feeds on the bed, so can just leave him there. At moment he is struggling to send himself to sleep at night, can tell he is in pain - see it on his face. Up late each night.

He rolled from back to front for first time today. Didn't see it, just left the room, came back and he was on front. He has done it 3 times since. Trick of the day i say!

Hope your well Jess.

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