Hi Ladies! Dylan had his 4 months appointment. Although I guess he's not technically 4 months till Monday? Thanks for explaining the math Jess. I always thought a month was 5 weeks. But the way you explained it makes sense.
The appt went well! I am so pleased with his growth. He went from the 5th percentile in height/weight to the 50th percentile in height (25in) and 25th percentile for weight (13lbs 8oz). Our Doctor said she could feel a tooth coming in, which I suspected. She also said we can start him on pureed fruits and veggies and cereal now. I'm not in a huge rush to start, but I probably will before 6months I think. I am looking forward to making his food. I used to make all the food for the little girl I nannied and there's just something really rewarding about making fresh/healthy foods for a baby and watching them enjoy it. Esp when you know it's so good for them! Although, if I was working I might consider giving those organic jars of baby food.
On the sleeping front...he had a MAJOR regression a couple weeks ago where he went from waking 1-2 times per night to waking 3,4,5 times a night

. It was torture because all of a sudden he wasn't taking a bottle either. SO I was the walking zombie getting up with him 5 times

. My Doctor recommended letting him cry it out

. Never say never, but at this point I can't even stomach the idea. It' just seems so wrong. But then again I have been reading up on it and it sort of makes sense in that it teaches them to self soothe. I used to take care of a little girl when she was 3 through age 5 and she had no ability to self soothe because she always had to have someone lay with her until she fell asleep. This sleep association was so engrained that she spent most of the night in bed with mom...kicking her all night

. I wish co-sleeping was better for us, but I feel like I get no sleep because he is such a noisy and restless sleeper. Not to mention he nurses all night long. Generally though we co-sleep from about 4am on. Anyway, I want him to learn to sel soothe but I just don't think he's developmentally there yet. So for now I nurse him off and wait the 20 mins or so till he's in a deep sleep to put him down.
I am trying to regulate his naps and wake sleep times better. I was good about the bedtime and sticking with our rituals but now I am making sure we get up at a set time and he gets 3 naps a day. Usually he goes for 4-5 cat naps. I've realized the only way I can put him down for a nap is if I nurse him on my bed. So I've been doing that and he'll sleep an hour, sometimes 2 in the am. It's tough cause I miss the days he would nap on the go in the car seat/stroller. But he's way to excited about the world around him now
I feel like it's getting so fun now!! He's so playful and smiley! Hope you guys are well!