Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Coy- wow..your bump must be becoming bigger.......must be so eager to hold Augusta...... Even I am waiting to see our princess...... Wow you BS is low.... I am scared.....isn't 90 normal? Mom wanted to make some of my fav deserts...but I told her not now....... So sad......
Shradha- how are you this morning? It is night here so I assume you will be getting up for your day soon! Eat something today if you can, I always found the simpler the better, like cucumber slices, and they won't spike your BS...
Yea....thank you so much for the tip...... Today again vomitted while brushing with hands used little baking powder..... Baby is very naughty:dohh:....I am calling the doc....
You must eat well....you are lucky your BS is low...take care...
Oops! Hope you are using Baking SODA and not baking POWDER--they are different :blush:
Coy- wow..your bump must be becoming bigger.......must be so eager to hold Augusta...... Even I am waiting to see our princess...... Wow you BS is low.... I am scared.....isn't 90 normal? Mom wanted to make some of my fav deserts...but I told her not now....... So sad......

Yes, 90 is perfect, but I got concerned when I checked and mine was 118! But doc said the quick rise after eating is normal and fine- just not to let it drop so low as 59 and stay there. He said to eat small and often :roll: OK! :happydance:
Well done Coy on keeping your bs in check. I approve whole heartedly of your test!!

Good news for me, I'm home. Yay!!

Bad news. Scan shows anomalies :(

Gotta go back at 8am tomorrow & have a second slightly different scan to see if they still show up. It's not looking great at the minute. I don't however have the more savere symptoms so if I do have a clot hopefully they'll treat me as an outpatient & not keep me in again.
Laura- the definition of anomoly doesn't tell you much :growlmad: NUTS! :dohh: Were they able to give you any specifics? I am glad you are home again, they wouldn't have released you if they thought it unsafe. Do you still have a fever?

nd yes, I enjoyed my testing! :)
Laura- the definition of anomoly doesn't tell you much :growlmad: NUTS! :dohh: Were they able to give you any specifics? I am glad you are home again, they wouldn't have released you if they thought it unsafe. Do you still have a fever?

nd yes, I enjoyed my testing! :)

They did want to keep me in as there's a risk of bleeding but I pursuaded them to let me go home as if they hadn't Xander would have had to go home with DH as I've got to keep my distance for 12 hours due to the radioactivity. It would be very mean keeping me away from my new born son. Plus I only live 5 mins away so can quickly get back if there's any probs. it does bode well though that if they are blood clots they'll let me be treated as an out patient rsther than keep me in, I don't have the savere symptoms so in theory any blood clots should be small.

They can't commit to what the anomalies are without the second part of the test. It's a vq test, Ventilation & perfusion.

Still got the fever which is actually a symptom but paracetamol is keeping it lower, around 37.5. Also got a raised heart rate & pain when breathing in.
How will they treat the clots Laura, Has that been discussed yet? I don't know much about them, just that the one my Mom has in her thigh has to be treated with daily Clexane injections. They're done at home though, she only goes into hospital to have it checked once a month. I don't know if hers is a completely different thing to yours though :shrug: xx
How will they treat the clots Laura, Has that been discussed yet? I don't know much about them, just that the one my Mom has in her thigh has to be treated with daily Clexane injections. They're done at home though, she only goes into hospital to have it checked once a month. I don't know if hers is a completely different thing to yours though :shrug: xx

Pretty much the same thing but mine are in the lungs. I'll be treated with daily heperin injections I think. It's usually warfarin but I can't have that when breast feeding. Hopefully it'll all come to nothing though. Had the second scan & just waiting for the results.
It's 5:23 am in the morning. Really can't go back to sleep.

Well, the toilet and I have become very good friends...

Although, I was pretty good yesterday it seems to go in waves, I read that when that happens its you usually getting sick on the days that your levels get higher. I don't know how much higher I can get though. At 6w 1d I was already at 90,000 LOL. However, my stomach is still touchy even on the days I'm not vomiting so can I can and cannot eat really just depends day by day. Right now I'm eating almonds and drinking some raspberry leaf tea (the box said it was safe during pregnancy). I figured almonds are good for you and probably won't come back up. LOL

There is a girl on my fb who said she was 12 weeks along and her doctors appt today they couldn't find the heartbeat. She said her dr was like "well, they can curl up so it can be hard to hear, lets get you in for an ultrasound on the 24th" Whhaaaaaaaaat?!!!!!!! Why wouldn't you get her in asap? So lame. Ya know, I am tempted to private message her encouraging her to get an earlier ultrasound, but this is her first pregnancy. I don't want to be the one to blow the whistle and probably scare her half to death, ya know?

Yesterday was my son's dance class. Totally spaced it. UGH.

Took Haylie shopping for some clothes yesterday. She got a CUTE outfit (man, it's SO darling!!) new capris for only $11.00 from this DARLING grey/hot pink shirt for $14 both from JCPenney. Got her a pair of new TOMS shoes and a pair of cute little girl earrings from Clarie's for her "back to school, first day of school outfit" today! Cute, right? Yeah, no. I logged in her school website this morning to what? ugh, find out her first day of 2nd grade doesn't start until NEXT Wednesday.

... I give up. Apparently my memory is shot. lol

DH and I started arguing last night when we went to bed. He informed me that he isn't sure if he wants to take the possible promotion + raise because we'd have to move about an hour south. (Coy, about 15 minutes past Provo). He rather would stay here in the SLC valley/ SLC county but I'm all for a 3.00 raise AND it's a little cheaper to live down there since it's not metro. And, if he started he probably would start in December and he's complaining because our lease isn't up until Feb, and we'd have to stay with his MIL (who doesn't live any farther, but not any CLOSER either) for a month or two while we try and buy a house down there. He isn't sure about gas and yadda yadda yadda. I say it'll be worth it in the end. Than, he tried to say it was MY fault we don't have extra spending money because I "pushed" him into buying a car and renting this apartment. First off, before we had two cars...we had one beater with a heater. I was always stranded at home with kids because I had no car. His credit is good, but has bad history so the only kind of car he could get was one that was 3 years or newer. As far as moving, I love my MIL but living her in basement (remodeled into an apartment, separate entrance) for a year wasn't fun. She would walk right in, it was really dark, hardly any windows... I was getting depressed sitting in dark all day because the lighting totally sucks down there.

We are not LDS Mormon, but my daughter feels terribly left out because A LOT of people here (it's the staple of the state..really). She has gotten the "Are you Mormon?" "No, but I'm Christian" "Oh..." and after that never invited to one single birthday party. She's only been invited to one girls house before, and that's only because I'm pretty sure my daughter invited herself by asking "can I go to your house?" AND because the girl is from a family that just moved here from Mexico. The ONLY one that spoke English was the girl. I know moving to Utah county (away from the metro) will only be worse, with honestly, only a handful of really small non LDS churches down there, and with the rest of the Utah County Valley/Canyons statistically being 95% LDS. I yelped at my husband that he either needs to suck it up and join the church (we were going to start going and joining but DH than stopped it after awhile) or he needed us to move away from the state. Haylie is wanting to join so she doesn't feel left out, and she's too young to know anything about theological differences between Mormonism and Orthodox Christianity.

Have you ever seen the show Big Love? The fundamentalist mormon (not mainstream) modern polygamist family? How about Sister Wives? Heh....

My husbands parents are now divorced, but he grew up in a plural family and had three moms. They were "modern" so you'd really never know. They went to the same church as "Sister Wives" are from. In fact, DH's grandpa, now deceased, used to be the prophet of the church that his family was from, and that "Sister Wives" are from. (No kidding). DH left the church when he was 17. And while it has VAST differences from the mainstream mormon/LDS church, they are similar in a lot of ways.

I don't know. Sorry for the rant. I just needed to talk to someone. LOL
Hi Ashley

Don't want to scare you but I would stop drinking the raspberry leaf tea. It can cause uterine contractions & is generally taken to help strengthen the uterus & contractions in the 3rd tri. There is some benefit to drinking it to fertility when ttc but shouldn't be drank in the first tri.

Sounds like you e got quite a lot going on & to think about. I can't really offer an opinion as I don't know a lot about the different churches & states. In the Uk it's church of England & catholaism which are the 2 main christian followings. We also have a large Muslim following.
Shradha- how are you this morning? It is night here so I assume you will be getting up for your day soon! Eat something today if you can, I always found the simpler the better, like cucumber slices, and they won't spike your BS...
Yea....thank you so much for the tip...... Today again vomitted while brushing with hands used little baking powder..... Baby is very naughty:dohh:....I am calling the doc....
You must eat well....you are lucky your BS is low...take care...
Oops! Hope you are using Baking SODA and not baking POWDER--they are different :blush:
Oh god......was using the opposite......will use baking soda:dohh:...
Laura- dear I feel so sad for you and Xander darling..... I was thinking now all all your pain and problems have vanished....Xander is doing good...everything is going good.....now you are not well:nope:..... I am worried about you.... What does the second scan say? Why are you having fever and breathing problem? Sorry if I am ranting.....feeling so helpless....I wish I could be of some help:hugs:.....
Ashley- I have started drinking tender coconut water.....today vomited 3 times in the morning ..whatever I am eating is coming out....can't stand the smell of face wash.... When I wash my face I am vomiting......it's so sickening...:nope:....now I fear to eat anything.....already losing weight......not good....but I guess it's also the thyroid tablets that I am having.....already lost 3 kg in 15 days....... Just can't eat......can't eat fruits, milk......I just end up throwing up:dohh:.......

Seer now I too am ranting.....I guess it's the hormones......nothing to worry we all are going through the same.....feel free to say your heart out...:hugs:.... You take care.....:hugs:
Ashley- I have started drinking tender coconut water.....today vomited 3 times in the morning ..whatever I am eating is coming out....can't stand the smell of face wash.... When I wash my face I am vomiting......it's so sickening...:nope:....now I fear to eat anything.....already losing weight......not good....but I guess it's also the thyroid tablets that I am having.....already lost 3 kg in 15 days....... Just can't eat......can't eat fruits, milk......I just end up throwing up:dohh:.......

Seer now I too am ranting.....I guess it's the hormones......nothing to worry we all are going through the same.....feel free to say your heart out...:hugs:.... You take care.....:hugs:

I know, it's aweful. The only thing I can say is it will get better. Either in a few weeks or after baby is born. :haha:
Hey ladies.. I was wondering what, if any, symptoms you had during tww?

Laura sorry you've been poorly.. hope your being well looked after and you and baby Xander are well :hugs: xxxx
Hey ladies.. I was wondering what, if any, symptoms you had during tww?

Laura sorry you've been poorly.. hope your being well looked after and you and baby Xander are well :hugs: xxxx

I had no symptoms.....No implantation bleeding...nothing.... I didn't know till I got tested that I was pregnant.... As I was tempg my temps were going up....
How many dpo are you?
Hey ladies.. I was wondering what, if any, symptoms you had during tww?

Laura sorry you've been poorly.. hope your being well looked after and you and baby Xander are well :hugs: xxxx

With the baby I am currently pregnant with, nothing. With the one prior to this one, it mostly was just pinching and cramping feeling in my lower pelvic area.
Hey ladies.. I was wondering what, if any, symptoms you had during tww?

Laura sorry you've been poorly.. hope your being well looked after and you and baby Xander are well :hugs: xxxx

I had some really noticesble symptoms with Xander. I was constipated from about 6dpo (and it stayed for pretty much the whole pregnancy!!) wine also started tasting weird from 9dpo, I also started hating the texture of red meat on my gums & my gums started bleeding at about 11dpo. Still can't eat a stake now & the thought of it makes my gums tingle!!

Have you got any symptoms?

Oooo I forgot I also had implantation bleeding at 10dpo, just a 1 off lot of brown tinged cm. I knew what it was as soon as I saw it & got my bfp on dilated wee that night!!
I've made it home again & earlier today, yay!! :)

Not so good though is my second scan is inconclusive!! Got to go back tomorrow & have a ct scan now which should give us a conclusive answer. They didn't want to do this initially as it increases the risk of breast cancer but don't have any choice now as its the only way to know for definite. The increased risk isnt particularly high though and as an ex smoker I've done far more damage already! It's far more dangerous walking around with a clot & not being treated, 25% mortality rate from what I understand, scary stuff!!
AFM, wow sorry ladies I havent been on much. I only have 5 days left before I leave and I must say, I have been very busy getting everything sorted out so I can finally relax before leaving. Im very excited to go in. I cant wait to see DH. My family is coming around now about me leaving to go to the Navy. And they even bought a webcam so we can video chat once I get out of boot camp. We received the formal invite for DH's graduation on August 31st :shock: Cant believe he is graduating already. It doesnt seem like he has been in there for like 3 weeks now. Time surely is flying. Speaking of time, I am already on cd14. I havent been really paying attention to my cycle at all. I just want to say that Im going to miss every last one of you. Im so glad that I have you women in my life going through my journey as well as letting me into your journeys. We have been through good times and bad and even whacky times :haha: But we have all kept each others' spirits high and always was willing to give out a helping hand and I must say, you ladies made me who I am today as a woman and a wife that is ttc. So i want to say thank you for everything you ladies have done and will do for me in the future :hugs: And one more thing...i am officially an E2 yay :happydance: AIRMAN APPRENTICE CLAYTON!!!!

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