Looking for official TTC buddies!!

AFM- what a crappy evening :nope: It has been hot all day here, miserably so. I decided to skip the garage as I have been feeling so exhausted. Dh has so many issues of his own I don't feel like telling him every time I have an ache or pain but man! Sometimes I think he has it in his head that I am invincable... In all truth lately the heat has been draining me and I just grit my teeth and push through whatever needs to be done and I end up paying for it later. I woke up this morning with so much back/muscular pain it was hard to roll out of bed. And I do mean roll out of bed. Sitting up and swinging over is a thing of the past :roll: LOL!

I think it is all catching up to me. Dh suffers so much because f his nueropathy and I understand that and try to alleviate what I can as far as daily stresses, but I think I have managed to take just about all of it on myself :nope: I handle the shopping, budgeting, schooling for the girls and myself, all the bill paying, I have been working my butt of to prep for this baby and that includes re-arranging the entire household including the garage and all the closets in 90-100 degree heat. I do all the laundry, naturally, and the dishwashing, cooking, all the mom stuff, handle all the snacks and entertainment stuff for the girls, try to keep our one vehicle in running order (I am learning to be a mechanic :haha: and managed a tune-up all by myself :smug:). Then finally, the girls were out playing while it was cool this evening and dh told them to come in as it was almost bedtime...well naturally they just started crying and arguing and ended up dh shouting at me instead and blaming it all on me then storming of to bed himself--leaving me with the crying girls, walking the dog, doing the dishes, cleaning up after dinner, plus a hundred otherr little evening finish-up-bits...all while I was trying to bang out my already late assignment. So I had myself a hard cry in the bathroom...all the while my two children tried to break the door down because they "needed Mom for stuff" :roll: which just made me feel worse at the moment. Anyway, everyone is asleep and I am nearly finished with my assignment but I feel even crappier now. And I know this late-night finish-up is going to either cause me to sleep late and miss my cool morning walk or get up early and be exhausted :nope:

My last 2 pregnancis dh used to try and help, e.g., massage once in a while, etc...this time round I mention the fact that my muscles feel like they are ripping loose and its killing my back and sides and he makes a sympathetic noise and that's it. :growlmad: Sympathetic noises do not help me :haha: Am I asking too much maybe? :shrug:

Sorry to rant ladies, I am just pooped form everything right now and can't stop tearing up with the stress of it all at the moment. I know my little problems don't compare to some but they sure feel mountainous right at the moment :haha: I am sure by tomorrow I will chalk it all up to hormones :shrug:

Thank you all for letting me RANT! :hugs:
Now I love vampire films & program's! Have you seen trueblood Shradha?
Yes..I am up to date with true blood... I can only watch it on Monday as it is aired on Sunday night..... I have watched..vampire diaries, moonlight...my dh calls me vampire crazy:haha:..... I wish we were living close by we could have watches all the series and movies together....:happydance:
Coy- That's why I say you are simply amazing.....so much to handle and you do it all by yourself.....I was wondering I am having terrible time this pregnancy....how did you manage? And now you are in your third....:hugs:
You are so tuf....do everything....I feel so scared.....i guess my mom has told me so many frightening things that I panic....
Tom going for blood test.....will get the reports by night.....
Coy- That's why I say you are simply amazing.....so much to handle and you do it all by yourself.....I was wondering I am having terrible time this pregnancy....how did you manage? And now you are in your third....:hugs:
You are so tuf....do everything....I feel so scared.....i guess my mom has told me so many frightening things that I panic....
Tom going for blood test.....will get the reports by night.....

What frightening things has youre mom told you? :growlmad: LOL! Re: labor...nothing to be scared of for sure! It will be entirely new to you of course but it is such a natural thing, just remember- you are a woman and your body is designed for this :thumbup: And all baby care comes naturally, just expect to be super exhausted for the first few months! :) Other than that- nothing to worry about :hugs: As far as being busy, well, that comes with motherhood too :roll: I am feeling better today, dh and I talked some, but I had a tough night with really bad hip and leg cramps, I thought my knee was going to dislocate :shrug: will talk to doc about it today, I must be deficient in something...:shrug:

Can't wait for your scan coming up! :happydance: Yay! And tell your doc YOU WANT TO SEEEEE! :haha:
Hi Ladies

Just want to share something with you.

My Mum made me a beautiful photo book for my 30th bday in March. In the back she wrote a message which is just beautiful and the end is special for all Mummy's and Mummy's to be. This is what she said:

For Laura, compiled with love, memories of the past 30 years for you to look back on, keep and treasure for the future generations. Hoping the next 30 will bring you just as much happiness as your first 30 years, especially now you have started a new chapter in your life, your marriage to Steve and children and if they turn out to be like you and Steve then you will be very proud parents just like I am. You were a joy when you were young and you are still a joy to have as a daughter now and I hope your children bring you as much happinmess and pleasure as you have brought me.
words of wisdom - show your love to your children, be patient, relaxed, give them your time, choices, guidence, bounderies and have fun with them, being a parent will always be the most important job you ever do, enjoy it.

I love my Mum so much :cloud9: :cloud9:
Aw, that's awesome Laura, and so very true! I love being a mom, there are moments of frustration sure--but nothing compares to being a mom!!
You rant away Coy, sounds like you have good reason to. :hugs: you're almost 30 weeks now & its your third pregnancy, you're going to start feeling it. You've done so so well but it's time to get more rest & get DH to help our more.

Afm - I also could do with a rant but haven't got the energy to type it properly & Xanders asleep so I should be too really. I'll sum it up into topics!!

Frustration, crying baby, trying & failing to get into a routine, DH stupid rolling shift pattern, lack of sleep, baby sleep regression & fighting sleep, my weight, massive hips, can't exercise or diet due to taking warfarin, kind of feeling alone.............

DH is doing the next feed (Xander allowing, he sometimes screams for booby after finishing his bottle!) so hopefully I'll feel better after a longer sleep, haven't had any more than 2 hours at a time in the past few days when Xander used to go 3 - 4 hours at night. *sigh* hoping it's just due to a 6 week growth spurt is just keeping me sane!!
Boy-- tell me some more about resting!! :cloud9: LOL! Today I did not get much of anything accomplished :nope: I did manage to sort some stuff for throw-away out of storage. This is all designed to make more room :haha: The less we have in the house, the better :thumbup: I was feeling defo hormonal last night I think and just exhausted. Better today though. Dh and I talked and he apologized several times…his diabetes has caused dangerously high trygiceride levels so he’s on a new med that, unfortunately, causes hours of severe vomiting and nausea :roll: Plus it binds to all his other meds so his BP and diabetic meds are rendered almost useless :shrug: So I do understand…I just didn’t feel very understanding last night :blush: Thanks, though, you ladies are awesome, I’ll probably rant again :haha:

Re: your list:

Frustration: this is brought on by all of the following symptoms! Everything you list below causes frustration, and the only thing that will help is catnapping, a good bitch-fight (even if it’s just to the mirror! :haha: and one of those gorgeous cocktails you mentioned yesterday…:huh:

Crying baby: totally normal- here’s the thing. Crying is what gets babies everything they want. Baby wants booby- baby cries, baby gets booby :shrug: Baby wants rock-a-bye, baby cries, baby gets rock-a-bye…So the first thing a baby learns is that (s)he can cry to get great stuff! :thumbup:

Trying & failing to get into a routine: There probably won’t be a routine until a couple manths or more have passed. Newborns are tedious and stressful to care for! They are so demanding and never had to follow a schedule in utero, so- it will take some time to get them to adapt to “the outside world”. I remember it seemed like I suffered more (just because I am “mom”) because I had breastmilk and the strongest tie to babes- they grow inside of you and believe it or not are very attached to your presence, nothing but MOM will do.

DH stupid rolling shift pattern: :growlmad: Stupid work! I hated working rolling shifts!
Lack of sleep: aaargh, the best advice I can give is stop planning anything except caring for Xander, your basic needs, and cat-napping!

Baby sleep regression & fighting sleep: Ah, this is a normal stage also. Both my girls went through this. They are so perfect the first two weeks, and you think “what an angel!” then the devil shows up :haha:

My weight:/ Can't exercise or diet due to taking warfarin
No, not so much the weight as feeling “weighty”. I struggle with this too, but a lot of it is hormones changing and exhaustion. When I get tired I feel like a ton of bricks! There is always extra weight after pregnancy but it will come off! And there is no “magic window” for the weight to come off before the window closes…if you can’t exercise now because of the warfarin then you will certainly notice a huge difference after when you CAN start working out! :thumbup: By then Xander will be perfect age for push-chairing around town and you’ll get tons of great walking in! Plus breastfeeding helps burn off extra! :thumbup:

Massive hips: same category as above, plus we women tend to gain on our hips—chin up though! This is the first area I always noticed would lose weight! :thumbup: Hips and thighs go fast, it was always my belly I struggled with :haha:

Kind of feeling alone.............Hormones also, plus, as you probably do 95% of the care fir Xander you are feeling a bit like me at the moment- swamped and taking it all on! It will get easier as time goes by. As I mentioned before cat-napping helps, Make yourself do it! If it comes down to cat-napping or vacuuming- cat-nap. If it’s a toss-up between cat-napping or cooking dinner…make sandwiches! :haha: Not sure how you and dh work your meals since his schedule is all screwy, but I always like to have meat cooked ahead and refrigerated for microwave, plus a salad made-up and stored in a Tupperware. Easy stuff that’s good for you. Plus, I keep a Hershey bar in the fridge door :blush: lol!
:saywhat: First night I have with no school and nobody to chat with! :growlmad: LOL!

Akshu- how did the appt. go today??

Shradha- how are you feeling? I am soooo excited, you will be past your first tri soon :hugs: I am so happy for you and glad the m is waning some :thumbup: I miss our midnight chats! Awesome to have bump-buddies on bnb!

Ashley- howz ya doin'? I hope your meds are still working right for you and you are getting some better rest at night now. Dh is currently on a medicine that makes him violently ill all day long so he has blamed me for "getting him pregnant" lol! :haha: He feels he has morning sickness now, lol!

Where's Steph? We never got our birth story .....:sadangel:.....
AFM- didn't do too much today, stayed in out of the heat except for some basic shopping for groceries. There was a big parade in town today so I took the girls to that- hit the cool shower first then again right after just to cool down! They loved it as their adopted grampa was on one of the floats so they got to see him AND get candy :roll: Poor girls though, they were in total awe of this massive Clydsdale horse and he came up and stopped right in front of them! And plopped the biggest poop they've ever seen :haha: :rofl: lol! Poor kids :nope: lol....

Cooked chicken and salad again for dinner, my poor family, I am not very inventive lately with meals :nope: especially when it is so hot out! Wish I knew some of Shradha's awesome spicy recipes! :thumbup:
:saywhat: First night I have with no school and nobody to chat with! :growlmad: LOL!

Akshu- how did the appt. go today??

Shradha- how are you feeling? I am soooo excited, you will be past your first tri soon :hugs: I am so happy for you and glad the m is waning some :thumbup: I miss our midnight chats! Awesome to have bump-buddies on bnb!

Ashley- howz ya doin'? I hope your meds are still working right for you and you are getting some better rest at night now. Dh is currently on a medicine that makes him violently ill all day long so he has blamed me for "getting him pregnant" lol! :haha: He feels he has morning sickness now, lol!

Where's Steph? We never got our birth story .....:sadangel:.....

Hey coy. I'm okay. Meds are good but I still feel kind of icky. :sick:
Today, I had my first "catholic" class. It went really well, as I didn't feel sick. My daughter came with me since she is in the 2nd grade she has to take those classes as well, but if I decide to join the catholic faith with my husband, our younger ones of course don't need to go through classes, they can just go to sunday school and go through the church traditionally. My husband told me today that he DOES NOT want to move to Texas. WHAT?! Which he would just make up his mind! Anyways, here since it feels like it's almost one denomination, I really wish (if we decide to convert) we could send our children (so far, and next year would only be two kids...) to catholic school. There are plenty of catholic schools here, but of course would cost 429.00 per month (a little over $5,000 per kid for a single child) which I know there is a sibling discount and all. They do offer financial aid and since we are a single fix-income family I'm pretty sure we would qualify for financial aid/reduced tuition not sure how we would pay the rest. I know their are scholarships but who knows if I'd get them. Has anyone here done the private school thing and how did you pay for it?
Ashley- nope, dh and I have never done thr private school but I can inderstand your interest because of the religious stigmatism there :nope: It can be so hard on kids. Have you considered home schooling or is that an option not available in Utah? It is awesome, our kids are so bright and learn so much, plus you get to schedule them yourself. Only "downside" is of course social life. Not sure about the finances either, are there grants to help with that?

I wouldn't wanna move to Texas either :haha: Too hot! :haha: But I do agree with you on wanting to move from Utah- I hated being there just because of the religion issue. The little town we are in now is tremendously LDS...I have no issue with LDS but if they find out you are not lDS then it's hell to pay! I had an awesome job once and one of the head officers "caught" me reading my bible (regular KJV) and he fired me outright! :shock: Nuts! :dohh: lol! So I am much more quiet about it now but refuse to buckle under religious pressures :growlmad: This is America for crying out loud! :growlmad:

Sorry to hear you are still feeling icky but it shouldn't last too much longer and you'll have your babes in your arms! Time flies by so fast! :hugs:
Ashley- nope, dh and I have never done thr private school but I can inderstand your interest because of the religious stigmatism there :nope: It can be so hard on kids. Have you considered home schooling or is that an option not available in Utah? It is awesome, our kids are so bright and learn so much, plus you get to schedule them yourself. Only "downside" is of course social life. Not sure about the finances either, are there grants to help with that?

I wouldn't wanna move to Texas either :haha: Too hot! :haha: But I do agree with you on wanting to move from Utah- I hated being there just because of the religion issue. The little town we are in now is tremendously LDS...I have no issue with LDS but if they find out you are not lDS then it's hell to pay! I had an awesome job once and one of the head officers "caught" me reading my bible (regular KJV) and he fired me outright! :shock: Nuts! :dohh: lol! So I am much more quiet about it now but refuse to buckle under religious pressures :growlmad: This is America for crying out loud! :growlmad:

Sorry to hear you are still feeling icky but it shouldn't last too much longer and you'll have your babes in your arms! Time flies by so fast! :hugs:

Oh, no I can't homeschool........:trouble: LOL!!!!!! My kids would drive me crazy!! haha Plus with a little baby....I just can't do it. I've thought of it but..:nope: *sigh* wish I had the strength.....

Coy, today my seven year old told me that she has no friends in school after being here for over a year in a half. She said she gets asked if she is Mormon and when she says no, the kids just stop asking her to do things outside of school (they do somewhat play with her on the playground but I think it's more her following them around). It just breaks my heart!! :cry: At least if I could get her in catholic school she would be around like-minded people.

..If only I was rich.. LOL
PS:i like harry potter But i like Ron more than Harry potter..i lurveeee RONNN

Snape... yes, I know I'm weird :haha:

I'm rubbish with scary/gory films but I'm better if I watch them during the day. I never go to bed straight after watching something creepy!

heyyyy emma...same pinch..even i like snape...especially the way he talk and walk...ha ha...the stress he gives to words will be annoying sometime..

but i like the annoying way.he is the only MAN in the movie..i even like Fred and george..
Ok girls...

here is the update...

Doc has prescribed clomid 100mg for 5 days(3rd to 7th). Then HSG on saturday...

am scaredddd....god why all this???hope everything goes well.

Any idea abt hsg??i googled,,it says the procedure will be painful. am gone:-(
thanks shradha,coy,emma,laura and ashley:)

hope everything goes well this month.

my friend told me that clomid will create lots of mood swings.Will warn my dh abt that and exploit the situation as much as possible..ha ha ha ha ha
AFM- what a crappy evening :nope: It has been hot all day here, miserably so. I decided to skip the garage as I have been feeling so exhausted. Dh has so many issues of his own I don't feel like telling him every time I have an ache or pain but man! Sometimes I think he has it in his head that I am invincable... In all truth lately the heat has been draining me and I just grit my teeth and push through whatever needs to be done and I end up paying for it later. I woke up this morning with so much back/muscular pain it was hard to roll out of bed. And I do mean roll out of bed. Sitting up and swinging over is a thing of the past :roll: LOL!

I think it is all catching up to me. Dh suffers so much because f his nueropathy and I understand that and try to alleviate what I can as far as daily stresses, but I think I have managed to take just about all of it on myself :nope: I handle the shopping, budgeting, schooling for the girls and myself, all the bill paying, I have been working my butt of to prep for this baby and that includes re-arranging the entire household including the garage and all the closets in 90-100 degree heat. I do all the laundry, naturally, and the dishwashing, cooking, all the mom stuff, handle all the snacks and entertainment stuff for the girls, try to keep our one vehicle in running order (I am learning to be a mechanic :haha: and managed a tune-up all by myself :smug:). Then finally, the girls were out playing while it was cool this evening and dh told them to come in as it was almost bedtime...well naturally they just started crying and arguing and ended up dh shouting at me instead and blaming it all on me then storming of to bed himself--leaving me with the crying girls, walking the dog, doing the dishes, cleaning up after dinner, plus a hundred otherr little evening finish-up-bits...all while I was trying to bang out my already late assignment. So I had myself a hard cry in the bathroom...all the while my two children tried to break the door down because they "needed Mom for stuff" :roll: which just made me feel worse at the moment. Anyway, everyone is asleep and I am nearly finished with my assignment but I feel even crappier now. And I know this late-night finish-up is going to either cause me to sleep late and miss my cool morning walk or get up early and be exhausted :nope:

My last 2 pregnancis dh used to try and help, e.g., massage once in a while, etc...this time round I mention the fact that my muscles feel like they are ripping loose and its killing my back and sides and he makes a sympathetic noise and that's it. :growlmad: Sympathetic noises do not help me :haha: Am I asking too much maybe? :shrug:

Sorry to rant ladies, I am just pooped form everything right now and can't stop tearing up with the stress of it all at the moment. I know my little problems don't compare to some but they sure feel mountainous right at the moment :haha: I am sure by tomorrow I will chalk it all up to hormones :shrug:

Thank you all for letting me RANT! :hugs:

coy you are just amazing all the things you do and a little rant now and again is totally understandable.. i think you are super woman..lol you do so much and doesn't seem like you're asking too much to deserve a message now and again i mean with all you do for your family you deserve it..maybe you should let dh see your frustration once in a while so that he can truely understand or let him try your role for one day and then he will see all you do and understand.
i know i haven't been on here much ive missed hearing all the buzz with all you ladies..there's adorable new babes and some bfp congrats..

afm: when is enough..enough..when should i say forget it and just be happy with the two children i have even though dh and i do not have children together.. feeling like even though we have only been trying for a little over a year and only fpund out 4 months ago that i was not ovulating i feel like im driving myself and dh crazy with the obsession of having a baby which makes me feel like im doing it alone..also was supposed to be on my last round of clomid before going to re but missed day 5 start so now have to wait till next cycle but starting to think about just giving up..if dh doesn't want to hear me rant and rave about wanting a baby or go through my emotions then why am i even bothering..i feel like im more obsessed now that i've found out im not ovulating and have become so indecisive about moving forward with trying or just giving up..what do you think ladies really could use some words of wisdom one way or another.
i know i haven't been on here much ive missed hearing all the buzz with all you ladies..there's adorable new babes and some bfp congrats..

afm: when is enough..enough..when should i say forget it and just be happy with the two children i have even though dh and i do not have children together.. feeling like even though we have only been trying for a little over a year and only fpund out 4 months ago that i was not ovulating i feel like im driving myself and dh crazy with the obsession of having a baby which makes me feel like im doing it alone..also was supposed to be on my last round of clomid before going to re but missed day 5 start so now have to wait till next cycle but starting to think about just giving up..if dh doesn't want to hear me rant and rave about wanting a baby or go through my emotions then why am i even bothering..i feel like im more obsessed now that i've found out im not ovulating and have become so indecisive about moving forward with trying or just giving up..what do you think ladies really could use some words of wisdom one way or another.

I think that you should not give up! Had you known earlier tat you were not ovulating you could have takled that sooner. However, here ya are and you know now and it may go by so much faster now that you are treating it! I lost my AF completely for about 2 years and doc put me on clomid...I also started Black Cohosh as it helps with woman problems. I immediately got my AF and got prego within 2 months- after 2 years of trying! So GL and I am sure oyu will have you bfp soon. Re: your dh. Men are different, they either don't show their stress (and prefer not to know about ours) or shrug off the difficulty and truely don't understand why we get so antsy! Now that you know you have not been ovulating you can focus on that. Try not to stress out...if talking to dh causes stress because of his responses then maybe leave him out of the loop a little bit- just tell him where and when to take his pants off! :rofl: :haha:

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