Looking for official TTC buddies!!

i know i haven't been on here much ive missed hearing all the buzz with all you ladies..there's adorable new babes and some bfp congrats..

afm: when is enough..enough..when should i say forget it and just be happy with the two children i have even though dh and i do not have children together.. feeling like even though we have only been trying for a little over a year and only fpund out 4 months ago that i was not ovulating i feel like im driving myself and dh crazy with the obsession of having a baby which makes me feel like im doing it alone..also was supposed to be on my last round of clomid before going to re but missed day 5 start so now have to wait till next cycle but starting to think about just giving up..if dh doesn't want to hear me rant and rave about wanting a baby or go through my emotions then why am i even bothering..i feel like im more obsessed now that i've found out im not ovulating and have become so indecisive about moving forward with trying or just giving up..what do you think ladies really could use some words of wisdom one way or another.

I think that you should not give up! Had you known earlier tat you were not ovulating you could have takled that sooner. However, here ya are and you know now and it may go by so much faster now that you are treating it! I lost my AF completely for about 2 years and doc put me on clomid...I also started Black Cohosh as it helps with woman problems. I immediately got my AF and got prego within 2 months- after 2 years of trying! So GL and I am sure oyu will have you bfp soon. Re: your dh. Men are different, they either don't show their stress (and prefer not to know about ours) or shrug off the difficulty and truely don't understand why we get so antsy! Now that you know you have not been ovulating you can focus on that. Try not to stress out...if talking to dh causes stress because of his responses then maybe leave him out of the loop a little bit- just tell him where and when to take his pants off! :rofl: :haha:

thanks coy that made me laugh really needed that one and of course sh has no problem takin his pants off for me haha..I'm gonna try to hang in there and wait till next month hoping for my bfp in early October and if not then see about going to an re...do u know anything about soy isflovones..I read that it acts like clomid if any of you ladies have heard or tried it let me know your outcome with it thanks
Msperry- I have heard tons of great things about the soy but never tried it-- I am a huge believer in natural products to help with our bodies. I used Black Cohosh back 4 years ago or so when my AF stopped coming around and that helped immensley. Plus I read that -get this- tapioca helps with ovulation! Apparently there was a study where women were given huge amounts of tapioca and they all produced twins or multipples above two :shock: So the theory is that it helps women ovulate. Anyway, it was all I needed to gorge myself on tapioca while ttc :blush:
Helllooooo bnb buddies! :haha: How were all of you today?

Shradha-0 I hope it didn't get too awful hot for you there- I envy your evening rains! :rain: I wish it would rain here, except I have about half of my garage gutted out and sitting in my front yard :rofl: It'll all get wet then I'd HAVE to throw it away :smug: lol

Ashley- how are you?

Laura- are you getting any rest today? Please don't worry about weight at this point- you need to eat right so that you have enery to care for yourself. Your body has been through one heckuva journey the last few months and you still have a lot to recover from---take it easy when you can :thumbup:

Akshu- how was your day today?

Emma- how are you feeling? Eat any more candy :haha: Mmmmm...after the parade yesterday the girls had tons and I just tried a min dark chocolate Three Muskateers mini-bar..Very tasty but I threw it away after one bite cause it is waaaay too sweet :shrug: What did I expect, right? ;)

AFM- today was another hot day working outside...I just went bra-less and wore a filmy cool shirt and repeatedly soaked myself with cool water :haha: Stupid neighbors shouldn't be staring over here anyway, right?:growlmad: LOL! Babes has been kicking me silly, always really low for some reason, I can't figure out which end is up at the moment....
Good luck at your appointment Ashley, let us know how it goes :thumbup:

Coy - Physically, I feel fine. Mentally... I've never been so impatient :rofl: I haven't been eating as much sweet stuff lately, my appetite dropped for a few days. It's coming back up now though, and I'm eating enough so that's all that matters :munch:
Thanks for all the advice & support Coy.

Think a bad 3 hour crying/refusing to sleep stunt ending at 1am really got to me!! He then slept for 5 hours though!!

I think re the weight i'm scared it won't go at all, I haven't lost a single pound in 3 weeks & that's breastfeeding & not eating as much as when I was pregnant. I'm also almost a size 18 just because of my hips now. I've never felt more unattractive :( thankfully with the weather changing I've been able to go out for more walks & I had my 6 week check up today & my Doc has cleared me for gentle cardio at the gym & weights, yay!! :happydance: DH had said he's happy to have Xander for a few hours a couple of times a week so I can go to the gym so I'll also get a little bit of me time. Feel a bit guilty by this but I do really miss my freedom, I absolutely adore Xander & being a Mum but I don't want to only be that if you know what I mean. I've always been more of the opinion baby's fit into your life not you completely change it to suit them. Granted there's still an awful lot of changes but not everything. Feeling lots more positive about things now.

Xander also had his 6 week check with both the Dr & health visitor & he's doing great. He now weighs 9lb 5 & is following his growth curve perfectly along the 9th percentile. Still small for his age but Im so pleased he's putting on weight proportionally to that. He doesn't see anyone now until he's 4 months, other than his first lot of immunisations at 3 months.

Coy - I bet your neighbours eyed popped out at you!! :haha: sounds like bliss though. I remember how hot I got while pregnant & am grateful that it never really got too hot. I really sympathise with you & Emma.
The warm weather is really getting to me today and it's only 24c (75f)... I bet it's a lot worse where you are Coy?

I'm glad your 6 week checks went well Laura. Getting out to the gym every so often will do wonders for your self esteem, never mind your weight. My aunt barely ever left her daughter's side for the first three years and really suffered for it... her confidence was at an all time low and because of the stress, kept all of the baby weight. We all thought it was weird because she only ate a couple of slices of toast at night, nothing else, and was constantly running around after the baby... and yet she stayed at a size 20 for more than two years. But over the last few months, since L has started nursery, she's been able to get out on her own and go on more walks etc... the weight has just dropped from her, she's a size 10 now! She says she feels more like herself again, rather than just Lilly's mum IYKWIM.
Laura- “I absolutely adore Xander & being a Mum but I don't want to only be that if you know what I mean.” Do I EVER! :haha: Lol, this is something I really had to stress with dh after the birth of both girls, that I do need to get out and do my own thing at least once a day. Even more recently Kat had decided to pitch a hellish fit every time I went on a walk or went to the store w/o her :shrug: I told dh to handle it and I left :haha: He does too :hugs: which is nice. She is therefore NOW getting to where she doesn’t mind so much. Re: the weight—it WILL come off! Xander is a 10 pound weight you are constantly lugging around extra now, and that’s going to show in your arms and thighs. Even better now you’ll be able to get out to the gym :thumbup: I felt unattractive too, it’s a must for us women :roll: But I saw your post-labor pics and you are beautiful! :thumbup:

Emma- yes, it has been in the upper 90’s F here :nope: So me and my water bpttle have made great friends :haha: I woke up this morning with the fans in my room going full blast (3 total :roll:) and turned on the air conditioner in kitchen and still feel hot :sad1: I think it’s just me :shrug: Impatience is the name of the game at this point Emma! Not long now though honest! Anyday could be it or could stretch another 3 weeks depending but all in all not long to wait :thumbup:

Ashley- what time is your appointment? Keep us posted! :hugs:

AFM- Going to head out to sort garage stuff again…I will quit when it gets hot though I think. Then I’ll work indoors, I have enough baby cloths and dresser drawers to clean and fill to keep me busy :thumbup:
Msperry- I have heard tons of great things about the soy but never tried it-- I am a huge believer in natural products to help with our bodies. I used Black Cohosh back 4 years ago or so when my AF stopped coming around and that helped immensley. Plus I read that -get this- tapioca helps with ovulation! Apparently there was a study where women were given huge amounts of tapioca and they all produced twins or multipples above two :shock: So the theory is that it helps women ovulate. Anyway, it was all I needed to gorge myself on tapioca while ttc :blush:

Coy when you say large amounts if tapioca dies that mean lots of pudding cups LOL.or is there an over the counter I can take that has tapioca in It.
Laura, I've just noticed that Xander weighs 9lbs 5oz now. That's an oz less than me at birth, and half a pound less than my brother... my poor poor mother! Apparently she had my brother naturally, but had to have an epidural afterwards just so she could cope with the stitches :shock: People who say big babies are a genetic thing scare me :argh: :haha:
Laura, I've just noticed that Xander weighs 9lbs 5oz now. That's an oz less than me at birth, and half a pound less than my brother... my poor poor mother! Apparently she had my brother naturally, but had to have an epidural afterwards just so she could cope with the stitches :shock: People who say big babies are a genetic thing scare me :argh: :haha:

You know I do look at him and wonder how on earth anyone could squeeze a baby out his size!! Your poor poor Mum!! Were you both overdue?
Laura, I've just noticed that Xander weighs 9lbs 5oz now. That's an oz less than me at birth, and half a pound less than my brother... my poor poor mother! Apparently she had my brother naturally, but had to have an epidural afterwards just so she could cope with the stitches :shock: People who say big babies are a genetic thing scare me :argh: :haha:

You know I do look at him and wonder how on earth anyone could squeeze a baby out his size!! Your poor poor Mum!! Were you both overdue?

We were both 8 days overdue... we put my weight at birth down to the sheer amount of food she ate during the pregnancy (mainly riced pudding and mashed potato :haha:) because I was just fat! My brother on the other hand was solid, he looked about 3 months old when she brought him home from the hospital :rofl:
MsPerry- nope, apparently anything with tapioca in it...I ate the cups but also found a better variety the Kozy Shack brand is loaded and has less sugar in it. Or you can cook your own...haven't heard of an over the o****er- YET! :haha:

Laura- re:weight loss ...hmmm..I have been thinking about it. You would probably notice dropping faster if you cut something out and added something else. Like, for instance, I was eating those wicked wicked instant noodles, like just half a package a day and gained 8 pounds in a month! I cut those out and stopped gaining anything :shrug: Also- I found that items that spike my glucose make me gain weight faster so cut out crackers and added whole wheat toast (gluten free in your case) and peanut butter. For some reason even though the PB has fat in it it doesn't make me gain weight. I am thinking if you cut out the carbs, e.g., potatoes are evil! Pasta is evil....Sweet potatoes, even some squash is evil :haha: Anyway, I found by cutting out just a couple small items (they usually end up being one of your staple items :growlmad:) that helped a ton! :thumbup: What do you normally have for dinner? Here is my typical day:

Morning: 1/2 cup coffee with 2 slices whole wheat toast spread with PB.

Afternoon: 3 egg omelot packed full of tomatoe, green onion, green pepper, a slice of cheese.

Dinner: green tossed salad with red leaf lettuce, couple slices of broiled or baked chicken, tomato, celery, cucumber, etc...

Snacks: Usually I have ice cream before bed :blush: If I get hungry in the day- rarely happens on this diet- I eat something like a yogurt cup, or something. I also snack (during the day!) on fresh fruit. A root beer...Hmm, and tons of water! :thumbup:

For some reason this works wonderfully for me. And I found out even the mini candy bars are evil! I had 2 BITES!! last night and my glucose spiked 40 points in about 10 minutes! Not worth getting heart palpitations over, so it's back to the basics for me :haha:
10 weeks, 5 days

Today, I had my prenatal appointment. Doctor wanted an ultrasound too, so I walked across the hall to the ultrasound room. I knew from my previous ultrasounds that baby must have implanted or something a little late because the measurement of the baby didn't jive with when I'd suspect I would have ovulated but because my cycle was out of wack, I didn't question it.

I freaked out when I see the baby. LOL! He/She is a lot bigger and fills up my womb a lot more than what I was expecting...and he said that I was measuring 10 weeks 5 days! Making me almost 11 weeks! (*whew* this week went by fast...lol!) Which makes more sense to me because it more so coincides with how far I THOUGHT I might have been originally. Apparently baby just needed to play a little catch-up in the growth department. Sooo exciting!!!
Oh wow Ashley! Hey, another week and a couple days you'll be second tri sister! :thumbup: Almostover the ms hump :hugs: Awesome pic, btw, can see babes head and tummy so clearly! :cloud9: I am sooo excited for you and your dh! :happydance: Happy you got to do another US :)
Good luck with the HSG akshu :flower:

Lovely scan pic Ashley... I was put forward a week at my first scan and loved it! Skipping days in the first trimester is so satisfying :haha: xx
Just got my blood test done.....thyroid all normal...:happydance:, lipid normal....fasting sugar 95..... It was 90 so I am not happy.....hemoglobin from 13 it's 12.5 ok.... I am happy about thyroid..... Will be going to the endo ton Tuesday....I guess he may tell me to stop the pills... I am surprised coz I am having no sweets and have cut down sugar intake completely....I guess I need some physical exercise like walking...... If I can walk I don't have to worry....coz my food intake is very poor....so diet is not an issue...after mommy came I am completely taking rest. Can't take evening walks as it rains heavily everyday.....so I have started taking walks inside the house.... I keep Checking my bp it's always..117/76 - 120/76 which is normal.....
Ashley- you are so lucky...you have got the scan.....I have to ask the doctor about mine..... My first scan when I had calculated 7 weeks the baby showed 6 weeks within 2 weeks when i recalculated 8 weeks for my second scan baby was showing 9 week and 1 day.....:hugs:...is your MS fading away? Today I tried eating little and I had a terrible time.....so going back to salads.... now having lower back pain...

Coy- my mommy has told me to take care for the first three months....which I guess is correct....even the doctor has told me to be extra careful....becoz of the thyroid......as this is my first baby....we all are taking extra care.... My mom had a difficult pregnancy......so she is worried about me.....I can't think about a second pregnancy....just want this 9 months to pass quickly...as I am having a terrible time.....you are strong to go for a third one....hats off.....

Akshu- All the best for tom's appointment.....:thumbup: and don't worry everything will go good..... Do not panic.....be strong.... You will be fine.:hugs:

Msperry- now you know the problem, so you can act accordingly.... You will find many have conceived after taking clomid....so nothing to worry....just have your pills and soon you will give us good news:happydance:...:thumbup:

Laura- that was so sweet of your mom to give you such a lovely present:happydance:... Felt so good just thinking about it.....

Steph- missing you.....

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