Looking for some feedback on my preemie loss


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Nov 26, 2010
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I hope you ladies don't mind me posting here as I've just lost my son and could really use some feedback from other mothers. Loss is mentioned here, so if that upsets you, please don't read on.

My waters broke at 21 weeks and 6 days, I gave birth at 25 weeks and 6 days, my boy weighed 1lb 15oz, and seemed healthy enough. He had a grade 3 IVH, and still seemed OK, he came off vent in 2 days, on CPAP for 30 hours before he was back on vent. Then he started to deteriorate pretty fast. He self extubated a couple of times but struggled on CPAP for more than a couple of hours. He ended up, at 17 days old, (the day he died) on 100% oxygen on vent, the highest breath setting and highest pressures allowed, and his o2 sats were still only high 70's and dropping slowly. He was needing bagging frequently, and had needed full resuscitation once.

Initial lung cultures showed pseudomonas, and pseudomonas on his long line too. He was very swollen, his eyes were swollen shut. They did a blood culture and put him on antibiotics. Another baby on the unit was on "barrier nursing" but no one would tell us what for. He started getting little sores on his hands because the blood wasn't flowing properly. I assumed sepsis, his CRP was 88!!! On the day he died, he was also having seizures, he was already on 2 types of sedation, and they put him on a third one for the new seizures. His IVH was trying to resolve apparently, and causing swelling on the brain, but they refused to tap him. They told us, with his sats at 78, and full vent setting, there was no hope and to stop active treatment. I disagreed and spent a few hours watching him, and he was still having full body seizures, even on 3 types of sedation and morphine. He also felt cold to the touch. So i told them to remove his vent, so I cold hold him as he died, rather than have him die in the incubator, he lasted only 15 minutes!

Later his blood cultures apparently came back negative...for anything? Despite his CRP, and everything else, I had assumed he had sepsis. Now I'm not sure what to think, could he have recovered, anyone else's preemie have full vent with 100% o2 and come out OK? Or am I just second guessing because of the grief? I want honest feedback, as I know the risk of having another membrane rupture next pregnancy, and needing to go through all this again and knowing what to do differently.

Thanks and sorry if this is not the right place for my questions.
i cant offer any advice or explantion but i would just like to say i am so so sorry for your loss xxx
Happy panda, I don't know the answers to your questions, but I wanted to say that I'm so so sorry for your loss of your son. My heart goes out to you. I hope someone who knows more about the medical side of things can give you an opinion.
I don't have any experience of NICU so wouldn't know how to answer your question, but I just really wanted to say how very sorry I am for your loss. Wishing you all the strength, love and support in the world.

I am so sorry for your loss. I can't offer any experience of a baby on 100% ventilation, but my father died of lung cancer. At the end he was fighting an infection and was put on the ventilator, every day his ventilator pressures would need to be increased, and when he got to 80% the doctor told us that 100% is as far as they can go, and if that was still not enough help for him, we were at the end of the road. I am guessing that it must be the same for babies?
Sending you much love and best wishes, I can't imagine what you're going through :hugs:
I have no advice to offer hun, but I just wanted to say I'm so so sorry for your loss xx
I wish I had the answers, but as mummy you did the best for him hunny, don't ever question that :hugs: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh Sweetie, i am so sorry for your loss, i can't offer any answers only :hugs:

V xxx
Very sorry for your loss dear. You did what was best for your baby, dont ever forget that. :hugs::hugs:
:hugs::hugs::hugs::hug: Sorry for your loss hunni and sorry i cant offer any advice to you.
I don't know the answers to your questions, sorry. I just wanted to say that I am so sorry for your loss. x:hugs:
:hugs: :hugs: I am very very sorry for your loss.

I had twin girls and one of my lo's vent was giving her highest pressures and 100% oxygen and they were still struggling to get her blood oxygenated. She ended up having a massive brain bleed and passed away very shortly afterwards.

Take each day as it comes and when you need to cry, shout, scream then do and don't feel bad about it. No one should ever have to experience the loss of a child. Xxxx
sorry for your lose. I can only say that when Ellie was in her incubator on day 3 she had what our hospital call an episode and she stopped breathing for 10 mins and needed resusitated and full oxygen for 2 days and then she was eased of it I think that they gave her the oxygen as a precaution as she was fine after that and didnt have another episode, not sure if that helps or not xx
I am so sorry for your loss.

We didn't have to have our kids on 100% oxygen so I can't help with your question
I`m so very sorry for your little one *hugs*

I can perhaps compare some, in the hopes it help... my son was born at 27+0 weighing 1lb4oz, so similar to your precious one. They started him on CPAP but within 24 hours his lungs couldn`t handle the extra pressure of an open PDA and his lungs ruptured - he had a major hemorrage and they had to ressuscitate him then intubate him.

He was placed on a high frequency oscillator, at 100% oxygen. A scary machine the size of a fridge that makes your baby shake like a leaf. Not a pretty sight. You don`t mention it so I don`t know if your little one was on it, but it`s essentially a system that breathes for the baby, making the air vibrate at such a high frequency that the gas exchanges happen in the alveoli without the lungs needing to inflate, giving them well-needed rest. The inhalotherapist explained it was actually bad for the lungs and could cause complications but the alternative was... well, nothing.

He stayed on that for over a week. Then regular ventilation. Then they tried CPAP for a few days. Then back to ventilation for a few weeks, then when his lungs got tired again, back on high frequency. He was on so many systems so many times, I got to know the machines so well that I felt like I could give a course on them ha.

He essentially played yoyo with O2 requirements until finally we were at 50%. Then he plateau'ed at 35% for a while. Some days his saturation would just drop to 30, then climb back up for no apparent reason. When we finally reached 35% oxygen he was stable for a week, then for 12 harrowing hours he suddenly needed 100% oxygen again, for no apparent reason. Then he went back to 35%. I got so tired of the doctors never really knowing WHY these things were happening. They would just monitor his state and react accordingly.

THEN it took a few more weeks of gradually getting that down to about 25%. Then just straight O2 for another few weeks. 105 long days later he came home. So far he only has mild health issues *knocks on wood* It`s actually his first birthday today.

I understand soooo well your frustration regarding sepsis and other infections. My son got quite a few during his stay, and asking for a cause only gave us vague answers like 'oh no environment is 100% aseptic' etc etc. Asking different doctors, nurses, or even peeking at lab results ourselves often gave conflicting results. He did had sepsis. I think he was on regular ventilation at the time. He just looked so weak and tired. His O2 requirements went up but not by that much.

For all our talk of 'modern medicine' I often felt treating my son was half guesswork, half trial and error. They tried a spinal tap during his sepsis, only to mess it up (getting blood in the sample, essentially making it useless), and in the process making him so uncomfortable (They roll up the baby in a ball ugh) he desaturated so much they had to bag him. His blood parameters varied so much he had regular blood transfusions, platelets etc - i lost count after 10 heh.

I don`t know about pneumodomas or CRP (inflammation indicator?). I`ve seen other small preemies be on 100% oxygen like mine but they were all saturating above 90 at that level. I`m sorry your little one didn`t respond well to it. I`m glad to hear you had 17 precious days at his side. I wish you the best and please feel free to pm me if you want to talk.
It is so sad when these little ones cannot survive. And there will always be more questions than answers. I'll bet there is not one woman in this little corner who hasn't had a number of "what if..." questions about their premature births.

You deserve to know, at the very least, what the medical issues were and why things happened the way they did. You have the right to meet with your consultant to talk through what happened and if you feel they are baffling you with science, ask them to be clearer. There are enough questions which will never be answered, without you having to wonder about the things which can. :hugs:
thanks everyone. I have to say i was never offered the oscillating vent, which surprises me, from my research now, I think it could've helped him. he was never on it, but i do think it was there, just not turned on? I just had no idea, they told me there was nothing else they could do. i just keep going over that day in my head. wish i could live it again. :(

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