Looking for TTC buddies

Well got my stupid AF today, so looks like I'll be trying again this month.. what methods or supplements is everyone trying this month?
Sorry to hear ladyapril. I don't have much to offer in terms of methods for right now.

I'm in limbo land. I did a pregnancy test last night just to see if the HCG was going down (I know, stupid thing to do) and it was still a blaring positive. I was hoping my body would regulate quickly, but I guess it will probably take some time.
Good luck with your procedure today Ricschick, hope everything goes as well as it can under the circumstances. :hugs:

Sorry about AF ladyapril. I'm not able to try yet (only 5 days out from d&c) but I've started taking indole3carbinol again. My naturopathic doctor gave this to me 3 weeks before I got pregnant with DS and since that's my only pregnancy that stuck I thought why not? I think it's supposed to increase progesterone and decrease estrogen or something...

Sorry about your test karoolia, I have been afraid to test too for that reason. The only time we don't want to see a BFP...

At this point I am hoping for a March or April baby.
I forgot ricschic's procedure was today. Good luck! My D&C was textbook with a very easy recovery. Hoping for the same for you. It is an awful thing to have to do, but I felt like I could begin to heal afterwards.

Fit_Mama I know I shouldn't have tested, I just wanted an idea of where I was at. My OB doesn't test HCG levels. I didn't expect it to be at 0 yet, but was hoping for a faint line at least. I want to start TTC again asap, but don't want to be wondering if a bfp is real or not. I think I'll probably test again in a week or so. I am also hoping for a March or April baby now.
Sorry ladyapril that af came I hope it's your month!

Thanks karoolia & fitmama it's went well I'm hardly bleeding which is good but a little tender but that's fine.
Sorry your test was still so positive! It's so frustrating as all we want to do is to just get on with it! I'm planning on testing too as I want to no where my bodies at so I no when to expect af or ov.
Wow o really never thought this would happen to me either and it's such a sad thing to go through and so disappointing but I have to count my blessings as we have 5 beautiful children without a hiccup.
Hi ladies is it ok if i jump in? First of all, ss for all your losses. :(

I had a miscarriage back in September and immediately started trying again since. I've suffered from infertility for a while, my first want a problem but it took 2 years and fertility drugs for my baby girl.
#3 was a surprise but we weren't preventing for 2 years so... you could say it took 2 years for #3. I miscarried at 10 weeks. Had bleeding so they sent me to get a scan and the heartbeat was 140, then a few days later i begged for another scan because i just didn't feel pregnant anymore and my hunch was correct, and that night i completed the miscarriage naturally.. I'm currently on my 3rd cycle of clomid and in limbo because I'm on cd30 (2 to 3 days late now) and yesterday my rest was bfn... tired of limbo!
Welcome darling queen, you can most certainly join. I feel so strange as more people join this thread, happy to have more people to relate to, but sad that they need to be here. I'm sorry you're in limbo land. It really is the worst. Hopefully you'll either get a bfp soon or start a fresh cycle.

Ricschick - I'm glad to hear you are doing well! I was really surprised, by how little bleeding I had. After that day I only had some very minor spotting afterwards. Hopefully it will be the same for you. My OB did warn me that a lot of his patients are fine for a few days and then have some bleeding so be prepared in case that happens. Do you plan to start trying again right away? I think we are going to wait until I have af. I don't really want to, but DH is nervous to try before it happens.
So sorry darling queen. I know how awful it is. The waiting game can make you crazy. I think it might be the worst part. I just said bye to af so now I'm back in the month long cycle that we all go through. I try to live my normal day to day life but lately I feel as though I live from period to ovulation to hope and then disappointment. This month I am really trying to not think about it so much.
Welcome darling queen I hope this is your month and you get a bfp! Do you normally get a early bfp? You might of ov a boy later maybe? Xx

Karoolia I'm not really sure what to do for the best?! We were advised to wait to first af but I think that is just for dating purposes but was told no sex for 2 weeks to make sure all had heeled which is fine as I'd hate to fall within that time as I'd be paranoid that my body wouldn't be ready. I think once the hcg has gone down il see how I feel. I did a test this morning and blaring positive! Boooo so il text again Sunday I think xx
Welcome darlingqueen but so sorry to have to be here. Hope you get your rainbow soon!!

Glad your procedure went well ricschick. And that is amazing that you had five children before ever having a loss - you are a rockstar!!

Karoolia I wish my doc had told me what yours did...I had only very minimal spotting and sometimes nothing at all, then suddenly the other day I started bleeding quite heavily out of nowhere. Now it's tapered off to light bleeding but the heavy stuff sure made me appreciate how spoiled I am to have light periods.

Ladyapril have you ever tried the sperm meets egg plan? DH and I used it for two cycles (DS and the chemical) and I got pregnant both times.

We're going to wait one period before trying again too. I got pregnant right after my chemical with no period in between and then had my recent MMC, so I'm paranoid about not waiting now. After my first MMC we waited one cycle and then I conceived DS right away so I'm going back to what worked before.
Sorry about the bleeding Fit_Mama! Ya, he said that happens to about half of his patients so he always warns people not to get scared.

I just downloaded the Sperm meets Egg plan book! I think that is essentially what we did to get pregnant before, we just hadn't read the plan and were just BDing away haha.

I have always had pretty easy periods too. I'm kind of scared for the first one post miscarriage. My aunt told me it may be pretty brutal.

We keep going back and forth on waiting or not DH really thinks we should wait, but I have such a strong urge to try again. It's so frustrating. I don't want to get stuck wondering if I'm pregnant or if it is just lingering HCG though.
It's so tricky isn't it to no what to do for the best! Il just see how it goes.
Sorry about the bleeding Fit_Mama! Ya, he said that happens to about half of his patients so he always warns people not to get scared.

I just downloaded the Sperm meets Egg plan book! I think that is essentially what we did to get pregnant before, we just hadn't read the plan and were just BDing away haha.

I have always had pretty easy periods too. I'm kind of scared for the first one post miscarriage. My aunt told me it may be pretty brutal.

We keep going back and forth on waiting or not DH really thinks we should wait, but I have such a strong urge to try again. It's so frustrating. I don't want to get stuck wondering if I'm pregnant or if it is just lingering HCG though.
I'm going to be trying the SMEP plan this month! But I am going to do a few modifications.. both of my fertility apps ovia and FF both gave me a fertile period lasting from May 14-19th so my goal is to try to do it every single day of that lol.. I'm gonna be exhausted 😩
Have any of you been told to take more folic acid? I was also told to take baby aspirin. I have had three miscarriages before I started the routine and haven't gotten pregnant yet. I am hoping it works.
emptybc I know there are lots of ladies on here who are taking baby aspirin, I haven't though. I'm hoping it works for you!

ladyapril - when we got pregnant last time I was really into BDing so we did it a lot and DH started to complain about his abs getting sore haha. If he survived I'm sure you will.

As for me, I was bad and took another pregnancy test today, but the good news is my line seems to be fading! It is still clearly there. I would be hopping around feeling excited if I were TTC, but it has definitely gotten fainter. Kind of looks like the first BFP I got last time. I am taking this as good news!
emptybc I was told to take 5mg of folic acid but that was at my booking in appointment before the mmc but that was due to my bmi being slightly higher and she said that my body will obsorb the 5mg tablet better so im planning on still taking those. I don't no about baby asprin.

karoolia great news! must be dropping now then mine too was slightly lighter this morning too, clearly still positive but lighter.:happydance:
hopefully we can all get a bfp together!:hugs:
Yes hoping we all get to be bump buddies!!! 👍

Karoolia my first AF after my first MMC was light and exactly the same as my regular periods so you may be lucky like that too! I have heard of people having really heavy periods after but this wasn't my experience. I didn't bleed *that* much heavier than usual with my chemical either.

Bleeding has stopped again here, hopefully it's done.

I am curious about baby aspirin myself so I'm going to ask when I go to the miscarriage clinic. Because I had a healthy baby not long ago my gyno just says to keep doing what I'm doing until I get a pregnancy that sticks, so who knows. :shrug:

Is anyone else having baby's remains tested? The doc who did my d&c offered since this isn't my first loss. She suspects a chromosome abnormality. They tested my first angel but I didn't even get the results back until I was already 14 weeks pregnant with DS, so not hugely helpful.
Good to know Fit_Mama! I'm hoping I get lucky. I honestly thought everyone got a terrible AF post miscarriage so I'm glad to hear there is a shot at an easier time.

I have tried researching the baby aspirin thing, but haven't gotten much info. My DH is a family doctor and he doesn't understand why OBs are recommending it (Although I keep telling him he is useless for all this stuff anyway).

We didn't have the remains tested. The OB told us we could, but it would cost a lot and would likely just say chromosomal abnormality. They did do a basic pathology test, but in the materials they tested there weren't even any fetal remains, which freaked me out at first until the OB explained that they only take a sample.

If I have more miscarriages I'll probably want to do more testing, but hopefully that won't happen at all or at least not until we move back to Canada where everything won't be so expensive. Waiting for the D&C bills to roll in has been so stressful!

We're away for the weekend right now in Ontario (yay Canada!) while my DH writes an exam. He made me promise to leave my pregnancy tests at home so I wouldn't obsess. I am so tempted to go buy some here to see if it has turned negative yet. I feel like an addict going cold turkey!

I hope everyone is having a good weekend!
Hi ladies. How is everyone doing? Hope you've all had a good weekend? I've just started the really long and slow two week wait. Anyone else? X
I hope you all are doing well. Those of you in your two week wait- try to relax and not stress. Remember it only makes things worse. I know that is the worst advise ever. I always hate it when people tell me that, but I know that its true. :winkwink: I am in the fun part- TTC. LOL! Hope you all are good. Have a great day!!!

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