Lotus birth!?

I'm sure there are plenty of things that we think are disgusting and others don't . That makes us who we are. We're not all the same . And by thinking its disgusting your not going out to offend anyone unless your a nasty person . Which doesn't seem like any of us here are . We're all just expressing our opinion. And I don't think breast feeding is a good example as that is far more natural than a lotus birth . It's great to here of all these new things but there just not for everyone :)

I don't breast feed myself for personal reasons but if someone did say it was disgusting or even ff wasnt the right thing to do ....I wouldn't even take offensive I would just think whoever made this comment is a very small minded person who doesn't have a clue . And I agree with a pp saying "your disgusting" and "its disgusting" are two very different things . Your can have an opinion on the act itself without judging the person
I can't quite put my finger on it, but something about some of the respones on this thread bother me. It's not necessarily that a lotus birth needs to appeal to everyone, but the insinuation that it's gross. We're all adults here and that just seems kind of immature and disrespectful to me.

Breastfeeding is natural, normal, all mammals do it. Where in nature does this happen? Eating it makes more sense then leaving it attached...

I don't know the answer, but I assume that mammals let their placentas detach naturally? Perhaps someone more knowledgeable about the subject can chime in.

Even if it's not "natural", we do a lot of things that aren't natural (formula feeding, crib sleeping, hospital births, using bouncers.... the list goes on). Doesn't mean it's inadvisable or dangerous.
Maybe if people had more of an understanding and it was more common to do it they would have a different opinion but a lot of people never heard of it until this thread and never seen it done . So I think it's understandable to think its gross .

Personally I think a placenta is gross looking from pictures I wouldn't like to see or touch my own . It's is not saying your gross for wanting to see yours . I don't understand how I would be immature to think this .

It seems like any thread started these days ends in a debate or argument ( not directing this comment at anyone) . Be nice if people could get on and express their opinion without others taking offense . We're not all going to have the same views on stuff . And I really don't think anyone was being nasty or rude to others with their comments :)
People shouldn't take offence in others saying its disgusting. It's just someone else's opinion. I do personally think its horrible- but I'm not very good with blood and all stuff like that. I didn't even have LO Put straight onto my chest until he had been wiped down.
Wouldn't say someone is disgusting for doing it though, just not my cup of tea.
I don't have a problem with lotus birth, logically thinking about it, it's more natural as you are not intervening. I delayed cord clamping, I'd never heard of lotus birth.

But I understand some people will find it disgusting. I don't think it's wrong to feel that way.
Just as a general example, not about lotus birth, my husband finds anything to do with blood disgusting- it makes him throw up. He's not being offensive it's just how he reacts.
People shouldn't take offence in others saying its disgusting. It's just someone else's opinion.

I'm all for opinions, but I think there's a more dignified way of expressing a belief. Calling something "disgusting" is just kind of silly.

What if breastfeeding was called disgusting? Perineal massage? Elimination communication?

My point is that there are a lot of things that one might find "disgusting" that are still worthwhile for others. There are ways to debate these topics while having respect for those who choose these things.

If you really want to have a conversation, let's have it. But there's no way one would be taken seriously in a real academic debate by simply stating they thought something was unappealing because it's icky. It's just silly.

I should add that it's totally fine to feel a certain way. It's normal, it's human. Before I had a child, I felt a bit weird about breastfeeding despite it being totally natural. But in my opinion, it's possible to have an initial reaction to something and follow it with a different perspective.
I'm not very into Lotus births as I feel they are not what nature intended - I reckon our instincts would tell us to cut the cord if we stuck true to them as mammals tend to do this themselves. Encapsulation is definitely something I'd like to do next time round though.
No, how can you fry it up and eat it if its still attached :)
Only reason I dont think id do this is because of curiosity, id constantly want to peek at it and that probably wouldnt be good.
Plus id end up wanting to keep it after and hubby freaked out at me keeping Brians cord so cant imagin what hed say to me at this :)
I'm not very into Lotus births as I feel they are not what nature intended - I reckon our instincts would tell us to cut the cord if we stuck true to them as mammals tend to do this themselves. Encapsulation is definitely something I'd like to do next time round though.

Mammals tend to cut cords themselves? Very interesting!
I know I thought this thread was a question as in expecting different opinions in response! For me I couldn't imagine anything worse! Like I said its hard enough coming to terms being a new mum and having lots to take on, I couldn't be looking after the placenta and cord... What if it got caught on something? Come on now that would be yuk! : s
Dont mammals lick the new born clean and eat the after birth
I loved looking at placenta after birth. I got photos of it and had a good old look!
Like I said, i didnt consider lotus birth as I was out and about day after birth.
I did ask for this to be closed.
Its the usual story....we have to accept some people think its natural, beneficial, etc but they wont accept we think its a little gross! Im all for having a discussion but it doesnt work when one set of people think they are right and we should all accept their views but they wont accept that just because some people find it odd, disgusting, unnecessary, etc doesnt mean their view is any less relevant.

Can this please be closed, as I requested on page 2 ( i think)?

Why close the thread? I guess you wanted to start a thread and call a practice that you don't do disgusting and just have people agree with you. A discussion on the topic is much more worthwhile, no? You don't have to take part if you don't have anything further to say than "it's gross" though.

People shouldn't take offence in others saying its disgusting. It's just someone else's opinion.

I'm all for opinions, but I think there's a more dignified way of expressing a belief. Calling something "disgusting" is just kind of silly.

What if breastfeeding was called disgusting? Perineal massage? Elimination communication?

My point is that there are a lot of things that one might find "disgusting" that are still worthwhile for others. There are ways to debate these topics while having respect for those who choose these things.

If you really want to have a conversation, let's have it. But there's no way one would be taken seriously in a real academic debate by simply stating they thought something was unappealing because it's icky. It's just silly.
Completely agreed! :thumbup: :thumbup:

Lotus birth is a cultural and spiritual practice in some parts of the world, and since it doesn't hurt anyone, it's small minded and disrespectful to come on and publicly belittle it. It's okay to not like it. It's okay to be disgusted by it. But I really don't think it's okay to express your disgust in such a way in a public forum. There really are better ways of putting it as not to offend people who have practiced such a birth. How about just "it's not for me"?

It's just like you can't come onto a forum and say "breastfeeding is disgusting" or "gay people are disgusting." Sure, think those things if you want, you have a right to your own opinions, but people are going to be offended if you express such opinions publicly, and rightfully so. Lotus birth isn't often practiced, but that doesn't make it okay to belittle it.
I'm not very into Lotus births as I feel they are not what nature intended - I reckon our instincts would tell us to cut the cord if we stuck true to them as mammals tend to do this themselves. Encapsulation is definitely something I'd like to do next time round though.

Mammals tend to cut cords themselves? Very interesting!

I believe they do if they teeth. Some mammals like anteaters, manatees etc don't as they don't have the capabilities. But as we have full-on jaws, I reckon that's what we're naturally meant to do.
I'm not very into Lotus births as I feel they are not what nature intended - I reckon our instincts would tell us to cut the cord if we stuck true to them as mammals tend to do this themselves. Encapsulation is definitely something I'd like to do next time round though.

Mammals tend to cut cords themselves? Very interesting!

I believe they do if they teeth. Some mammals like anteaters, manatees etc don't as they don't have the capabilities. But as we have full-on jaws, I reckon that's what we're naturally meant to do.

Main reason animals in the wild eat the after birth and chew the cord ti severe it is to hide evidance of birth, to prevent preditors smelling it and drawing attention to a newborn and a mother that may not be up to deffing itself yet.
Apes actualy ignore the placenta and leave it ti dry up and fall off natuarlt because they are normaly up in trees so dont have much of a preditor concern.
So in theory you could say its natural for humans as we decend from apes bur on the other hand ir may not be natural in terms if evolution because caveman had more of a preditor attraction problem beung on the ground so may of adapted the idea of disposing of the plecenta ti prevent attracting danger to a newboen and mother.
Interesting thought anyway.
i would like to try placenta encapulation (i think its called that right?) i believe it helps mom with nutional values as well as post pardom blues etc. for this reason i woyld not keep the placenta attached, but it would be an interesting concept. i would love to even SEE my placenta! in all my deliveries the doc just kinda pulled it out and kept it hidden from me, and into the incinerator it went! just never sat right with me:-(
i would like to try placenta encapulation (i think its called that right?) i believe it helps mom with nutional values as well as post pardom blues etc. for this reason i woyld not keep the placenta attached, but it would be an interesting concept. i would love to even SEE my placenta! in all my deliveries the doc just kinda pulled it out and kept it hidden from me, and into the incinerator it went! just never sat right with me:-(

I only caught a glimps of it as the dr was looking at it, I had a unexplanable urge to poke it and have a good look but that may be just me :)
One thing that does bug me is why is it called lotus birth, who thought uo that name and does it having a meaning to that name.

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