LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

Hi all,
Pbl - I cannot tell you what is best for you but am glad I am now starting IVF. Sorry you had to go through all that though.

Myshel - Hopefully see you back soon and relax and enjoy your break

yearningheart - I am also about to start IVF what protocol etc are you on.

AFM - We have just returned from consent signing etc to find out I am starting this month on IVF. I will be on the long protocol so day 21 of this cycle I will start the injections. Nervous but very excited. The only upsetting thing on the day was that my egg count has diminished some more, so hoping the drugs do their work well. Will keep you all updated!!
pipi - Hi, I totally know what you mean. I wanted to conceive naturally and was kind of scared of IVF but since I wasnt conceiving naturally and years were just passing, I thought I dont care what method is used I just want a baby. Im like half way in my IVF, I am currently taking 2 injections a day and hopefully next week Friday will be my egg collection day.. so not long left. I just hope it goes well, Iv heard so many IVF fail first time and I cant help but worry if you know what I mean. xx

Lorna - Heyyy How are u? My doc didnt say what protocal I am on but Im assuming its the long protocol. I had to take pills (Birth control) for 3 weeks thereafter the injection phase began, Iv been doing the injecions for 6 days now.
Best of luck with your Injections/IVF, Make sure u keep us updated! xx
Dovkav, haven't heard from you in a while, how are your natural ivf plans coming along?
I've been wondering about how quiet things are. :shhh: How is everyone? :flower:

Dovkav, hope the IVF plans are coming along!

Pippi, TWW! Good luck to you. :hugs:

Lorna, I am LOVING the new ticker!

Yearning, we want IVF updates!

Big hugs to everyone else--Ella, Myshel, Flou, and sorry to anyone I missed! :hugs: Hope everyone is doing okay. :lolly:

We have a consult with the doc to discuss IVF on Monday. I've also realized my clinic's success rates are about ~10% less than national average, so I may schedule a consult at another clinic about an hour away, depending on what my doc has to say for himself.
Hi everyone im at 11dpo. AF is due tuesday so i will be testing wednesday if AF stays away! Ive had quite a few symptoms but i always suffer PMS so i can't tell the difference between PMS and the cycle i did get a bfp. Just trying to keep my mind off of it. How's everyone else doing?
Hi Ladies, How are you?

pbl - Did you check up another clinic? If you do go to the Mondays appointment, Good luck, hope it goes smooth n well! xx

flou - Im well thanks, how are you? What does 'dpo' and 'PMS' stand for. When I first came to the forum, I was so confued with all these abbriviations like DH,SIL,AF etc. lol

AFM - (Even amf I dont know what it stands for but im assuming its something along, at the momment, I can just tell from peoples messages)..
Anyways I had my scan today after 5 days of Cetrotide. The doctor said I have 3 follicles on my right ovary and 6 on my left overy. They are growing slowly. The size is 10mm. I had to have a blood test as well and the nurse said depending on my blood test results etc. they might make my Gonal F dosage higher. Currently I am taking 150 dosage for Gonal F.
I have another scan on Wednesday and until then its just taking the Gonal F and Cetrotide injections everyday.

Yearning, here's the acronym decoder thread:

Sounds like good progress on the follies! :thumbup:

Flou, good luck to you!!! :dust:
One week in with visit from Mom, Dad is coming tonight and they will be staying for a few Weeks. O have realized that I am officially crazy. Mom was in the kitchen destroying it and I lost my mind! Lol fingers crossed I don't have a fit when Dad comes.

Flou, good luck this cycle!

Pebble, good luck with your drs appointment! Ivf is so exciting

Sorry for ask those I missed on my little phone and can't do this very well.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
pbl - Thanks for that link! I was just going through it and I realised that I wrote 'EC' on one of the thread as in 'Egg Collection' but on the Abbreviation EC stands for 'Egg Cyro/Freezing' lol

I just got call from the nurse. My Gonal F dosage is going up from today. I will be now be taking 225 dosage form 150.
Hello everybody!
IVF heat is on in this thread! Good luck to you girls!
flou, I hope this is your month! BFP!
myshel, you are taking a break from charting but I am glad you are still here with us.
My family left and now I am back to my daily life. baby making worries are on!
WE went to a new RE and she told us about mucous and sperm interaction. Hormonal problems may make it hostile to sperm. Or sperm can cause problems to mucous. She can see in the lab if the sperm is alive in my mucous.I t cost 100 euro for this test. My Dh always wanted this test.But For IVF it doesn't matter.
She also checked my June CD25 hormone test and she noticed they were little low. (prev dr. told me they were good). Some women get preg. with levels like that. Maybe I am the sensitive one? Spotting before and after period could be the sign of hormonal problems. Now I am worry about natural IVF cycle success.
Dr. told us about my DH age and sperm DNA. He may have problems too.
Dr. is very much against transfering 2 embryos, because of multiple high risk. She told us that human body is build to carry one baby. I dissagree, why do we have two ovaries and two tubes?

She told us that stress should not be a problem to conceive. if you BD 3 times a week, you're doing good.

I didn't like that she didn't study my med history very well. She didn't know about my hysteroscopy and I had to remind her about my ruptured appendix.

IVF price in her office is 3times higher than in the other clinic. My dr.and 3 other RE does 100 natural and 900 stimulated cycles a year.
I made an appoinment on Monday for an ultrasound and blood tests in the cheaper clinic. WE are taking a chance and doing a natural IVF cycle.
Nice to hear from everyone!

Flou, I hope af stays away, I so want to see a bfp in our thread.

Dovkav, great to hear from you! I don't like doctors who rush through your history, good to check out another in the meantime.

Myshel, I love when my folks come to visit, but they make me crazy as well. I always miss them, it's great when they are here, but it is also great when they are leaving again.

It looks like a lot of ivf around here indeed! I cant wait to hear your experiences, it might make me more confident when I start.

2ww, and a big nasty cold, and another series of frightening earthquakes with the biggest at 6.6. All good, damage in a smaller village but I think thankfully no injuries I think. But it is hard to stay calm.
Thinking of you Lorna, hope you can relax during these quakes and don't get stressed too much during your ivf cycle.
Hope you feel better, Pippi. :hugs:

Dovkav, definitely doesn't sound like an amazing doctor. :nope: Hope this IVF does the trick for you! :hugs:
Flou, good luck with the end of your TWW. Hoping you get a BFP!

Dovkav, sounds like you have a lot going on, I hope your doctor is attentive! One thing about doing a lot of research and finding out a lot about TTC is often feel like the doctor assumes I don't know anything or doesn't pay attention to what I'm saying... I'd rather they speak to me like I'm another doctor, if you know what I mean!

Myshel, I hope you manage to relax and enjoy your time before you pick up TTC again.

Pipi, I hope you feel better.


I'm back in the TTC game finally!

I've stopped bleeding now after the m/c, and my pg tests are almost negative - It's been a horrible two weeks but I'm so glad it's over :)

We're gonna NTNP this month before AF, then back to real TTC (with clomid again maybe) next month unless the doc. says otherwise.

Thinking of you all!
Ella, i'm glad the bleeding stopped, and you are able to start ttc again soon. I can't imagine what you had to go through, and its good to see you back!

Pbl_ge, are you sure you ovulated on day 9 like your doctor said? Your chart looks like you just od a couple of days ago (sorry, chart stalking. Being sick in bed I get bored, hope you don't mind).

Big party at a friends house the other day, and guess what they said? "we are having #2, it was the first cycle we tried, but we were expecting it to take ages, we must be totally fertile"
I just thought this was a little insensitive, they know about our struggle. And I mean really, at the first try? Life is unfair sometimes. I'm still happy for them, they are good people, and I guess they don't know that comments like these can hurt.
Pipi and Lorna, You girls had a big one- 6.6 earthqauke. How far do you live from epicenter? Did you feel it? I hope you are OK.

Ella, welcome back to our nest! I am glad you're in good spirit and ready TTC.

Pbl_ge, I am sorry about this unlucky cycle. How dr. knows that you O'ed early? Your chart states different. Do you have any side efects from Gonal-F? How many units did you take? My dr. suggested to take 150 units, when I was ready for stimulated IVF cycle.
Yearning heart IVF buddy! I hope this will be the first IVF and the last one! I saw you switched the dose Gonal-F from 150 to 225. Do you have any side effects? I hope that you'll see nice matured follies next ultrasound.

pip,, I just don't get it, I can't understand why your friends with their joy breaks your heart? Why they can't feel other's pain? Why they are so insensitve? They can announce their pregnancy, I have no problem with that. But why they need to comment on it and say insensitive remarks? I know how you feel pipi. We need to go through this period of life. WE need to look at the positive side of infirtility. It will make us better and stronger individuals, unites us and bonds us even more with our DH.

This cycle I didn't have any spotting after AF. It is a good sign. Spotting after and before AF could mean some hormonal imbalance. My egg starts to mature too early.(dr. said so)
I am on CD10 and I still don't have any firtile signs. I may O later this cycle.
I and my Dh should be more excited about Monday. We just don't beleave that it is happening now...We can't imagine ever that we'll go this road to conceive. I have never met green firtility IVF dr. team. I am nervous to meet new dr., I hope he'll be patient and he'll answer to all our questions.

My cousin's dr.(in England) told her not to fly before 12 week preg. Do you really think that radiation can harm the baby? I know that you should avoid everything risky during first weeks of preg. It means flight attendants must take a maternity leave in the begining of their preg!!??

Hugs to all that I missed.
Dovkav, I've heard both from doctors: a. Only fly in second trimester. B. Only fly in first trimester. I have no idea, but we want to take a trip in January, so maybe I'll find out. :shrug: Hoping this green IVF does the trick for you! It IS hard to accept. :cry:

Pippi, sorry about your friend. That's pretty insensitive. I can't believe the crap people say to infertile couples. :grr: I hope you get well soon. :hugs:

Dovkav, V exciting that you're starting IVF! Only gonal-f side effect i had was a tiny bit of dry mouth. 150 is standard first dose.

As for my chart, you're both right. No ovulation. Docs actually told me week that their theory was wrong. We're going to try the natural way, but it may take a while. One woman who also over-responded didn't O until cd39!!!!! :grr:

I have my whatthehelljusthappened/IVF consult with my doc tomorrow. :argh: long list of questions in my journal.

Hope all are well. I agree--bring on the bfps! :happydance:
Dovkav, I've heard both from doctors: a. Only fly in second trimester. B. Only fly in first trimester. I have no idea, but we want to take a trip in January, so maybe I'll find out. :shrug: Hoping this green IVF does the trick for you! It IS hard to accept. :cry:

Pippi, sorry about your friend. That's pretty insensitive. I can't believe the crap people say to infertile couples. :grr: I hope you get well soon. :hugs:

Dovkav, V exciting that you're starting IVF! Only gonal-f side effect i had was a tiny bit of dry mouth. 150 is standard first dose.

As for my chart, you're both right. No ovulation. Docs actually told me week that their theory was wrong. We're going to try the natural way, but it may take a while. One woman who also over-responded didn't O until cd39!!!!! :grr:

I have my whatthehelljusthappened/IVF consult with my doc tomorrow. :argh: long list of questions in my journal.

Hope all are well. I agree--bring on the bfps! :happydance:

Have an efficient conversation with your dr..I wish you the best.
My question list is long too, I hope I'll get all my answers!
Please ask your dr. about flying during first trimester. Thank you

I found some info here Travel and Pregnancy.pdf
Ella - I hope this time it works for you without any complications! best of luck. xx

pipi - Awwwwww I know it sucks hearing pregnancy announcements especially from those you know. Stay strong, hopefully your BFP is far off.

dovkav123 - Heyyyy, Thanks I really hope this is the first and last IVF, I dont know how I would feel if I had to do it again. Even now it mentally effects me sometimes. Yeah my dosage did go up to 225. As for side effects - Errrmmmmmm.. I had headache at the beginning for like 2/3 days so I took painkillers. My weight has gone up a little so I am trying my best to do exercise and eat healthy but I read one of the side effect is weight gain.

Best of Luck with your treatment! Hope all goes well. xx
pbl - I hope your appointment goes well, keep us posted and yeah ask away to your doctors! When I used to go for my fertility appointment I used to go with questions and I used to sit with the doctor with a pen and pad in my hand. The info they would give me, I used to write it down. Taking notes used to help me otherwise by the time I come I would forget half of the things the doctor said! :-)

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