LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

I've done a bit of research about flying while pregnant, back in the day when I thought it was going to happen straight away.

But what I found out was that flying in the first trimester is only discouraged because of morning sickness and being ill on flights. If you don't mind that, flying is probably fine 1st tri. Second tri is the best time to fly because you're the most comfortable, but you should have access to the aisle (for walking/stretching legs/keeping the blood flowing) and should consider getting compression socks for circulation as well. Fly in the third tri is more risky and after the 7th month, many airlines won't let you fly.

Studies with stewardesses have shown that m/c rates go up after the stewardesses have flown over 75 hours, so I would assume they get grounded before that and only do short flights before then.

AFM- I'm back! Still waiting on the TWW. Ov is probably off because of my longer cycle last month, but that's cool. DH and I are working on Operation Slick and Stick this month (using Pre-seed and hoping for a sticky BFP at the end) and I'm still getting used to popping Pre-seed up there. By the time ov rolls around, I'll be a pro. ;) Now to go back and catch up on what's been going on with all of you lovely ladies. :)
Welcome back Dbz!

Pbl_ge, does this mean there is a possibility that you still can get pregnant this cycle? Very confusing, the meds really seem to screw with your cycle. I hope the Ivf chat with your doc goes well!

Thanks everyone, I know my friends were really insensitive with their comments, but I know they didn't mean to hurt me. I think people are not thinking if they don't know anything about infertility.

Thanks for asking about the quake dovkav, I think the centre is about 80km away, aftershocks seem to have stopped, which is a relief.

Again in my 2ww, I don't feel anything. Well, maybe no sign can be a good sign.
pipi - Thats true, sometimes people dont mean to hurt those who are infertile. They obviously have experienced the feeling and hopefully they never have to either. Sometimes my family/friends talk about children and I feel it in my heart but outwardly I show Im fine and go along in their conversation. xx
DBZ & Dovkav, thanks for that flying info--very helpful! I think we'll make our January reservations and just hope for the best. :thumbup: I didn't ask my doc about it, as I think that's more of a question for an ob/gyn rather than an RE. Also, I'd already asked him 20,000 and I didn't want to be a pest. :haha:

Oooh, Pippi, eek about the earthquakes! Glad you're okay. :hugs: Hope the lack of signs is a sign!

Big :hugs: to everyone else.

AFM: it's official--doing IVF next cycle! :yipee: I have a scan and some bloodwork scheduled tomorrow, to try to get some idea when that next cycle will start.
hey everyone,
First IVF appointment update!
Officially I am on the green IVF firtility treatment schedule.
Blood work was perfect.
16mm follicle on Monday and HCG trigger shot at 9:30pm
Wednesday egg retreaval at 8:30am
Probably Friday(after 2days) eggy is back to my incubator!

I had a huge scare last night about HCG shot. 4 pharmacies didn't have it, they offered to order the next day. I was in shock and had tears i my eyes and I felt was so hoppless I needed that night at 9:30pm. The pharmacist told us to go to another city. Firtility clinic (the one I visited last Thursday is close by), it was a big possibility that they had it. And they did indeed! They were open till 10pm. WE were so blessed and so lucky!

pbl, how wonderful is that! Congrats! You have IVF next cycle! What a news!

DBZ, I asked RE today about flying, she told me it is not recommended, but everybody does it. Radiation is the biggest concern.

All my rambles and emotions are compacted here
pbl - WOW thats great!!!! Welcome to the IVF journey! Ohh blood tests, theres like a million times you will get them done. I always used to read on uTube/website that when doing IVF be prepared for lots of visits to the clinic for blood test and I used to think, 'Ohh they probarly mean just a few' but it turned out there are quite a few. For he past 3 scans I had, I had to have blood tests too.

Keep us posted. Really excited for yoU! xx
Dovkav, sorry about the pharmacy scare! I had an experience like that when I started my injectables last cycle. Soooo stressful! So you're already going to start triggering? That was fast!!! Good luck! :hugs:

Yearning, one of the reasons I went with IVF this cycle is that I realized I was already doing 50-75% of the work. They had me coming in for a scan and blood draws every other day! :dohh:

I meant to ask for the latest on you, Yearning. You must be getting close to triggering, too, right? :dust:
pbl - I see, then yeah in that case its good you moved to IVF. Im still doing my 2 injections a day. I have a scan tomorrow so I will have update tomorrow. I hope the follicles grow enough that I can have the egg collection. Im so excited but nervous too. I have so much work to do its unbelievable, I have work starting soon and I need to provide work for the person who will cover, so my plan is to hopefully finish it all before the Embryo transfer.
Il keep u updated tomorrow. xx
Finally some good news! Our chosen clinic called this morning to tell me that our funding has been approved, I am so happy :happydance:

I know it is only the start but still ... AF caught me 2 days ago so I have been rather down these past two days.

They have agreed to fund 2 fresh and 2 frozen cycles. They are speaking to our consultant this afternoon on how to proceed (as we have already had all the consultations and bloodwork done). The nurse said there is a very slim chance they may be able to fit me in this cycle but most likely we will start on my next one :)
pbl - I hope your appointment goes well, keep us posted and yeah ask away to your doctors! When I used to go for my fertility appointment I used to go with questions and I used to sit with the doctor with a pen and pad in my hand. The info they would give me, I used to write it down. Taking notes used to help me otherwise by the time I come I would forget half of the things the doctor said! :-)
This is exactly what I do :blush:

I went in with a list of questions already written out so I wouldn't forget and tried to write down nearly all of what he said in response - it was the only way I would be able to remember it all!
That's great Serenyx! :happydance: Lots of IVF going on around here!

Had a scan this AM, and it looks like I have a looooooooooooooooong wait until I can start. All the follies shrank back down to tiny. I'm betting I won't O for at least 10 days, and it might even be more than two weeks. Then I'll still have to sit through the TWW. :dohh: So I probably won't even start downregging for another month. :coffee:
pbl - awwwww dont worry, time was pass fast. Just keep yourself busy and avoid looking at the calender too much like me! :-)

I look at my calender so many times a day even though I know how many days I have left before appointment/scan

Good luck to everyone going through or about to go through IVF! Hope for some bfps soon!

Im 15dpo today and no AF. I haven't tested yet as i think the witch will show so going to hold off a little longer. If she is still not here by thursday i will test.
Thanks flou! I really hope I do see a BFP and all the ladies here TTC. Good luck with you! x
Wow lots of exciting news to come back too.

Serenyx - that is excellent news you are officially on the funding list, i hope it comes round fast for you. :happydance:

Pbl - This fantastic news you are starting IVF very soon sorry its been delayed but so hoping you get your xmas BFP. Either way we will be doing IVF around the same time, would be great to be bump buddies. :hugs:

Yearning - Really hope the scan goes well and you get your BFP. :thumbup:

Flou - Hope you get your BFP :thumbup:

Dovcav - Yes the quake was fairly scary especially all the aftershock. I am very close to the epicenter but so far no real damage here, just noticed on the hills there are lost of huge cracks. So hoping there isn't another one as they are currently predicting :wacko: And I cannot believe there is yet another one of us doing IVF at present, so great to share this journey with someone, another potential bump buddy :hugs:

Interesting to read what everyone has too say about flying. I am a flight nurse which is part of my job working on ICCU however I think I am going to have words with my manager about not doing it for a while.

AFM - Currently waiting on my drugs to arrive today and then just over a week I start injecting. Feeling very excited now :happydance:

Hope everyone else is all good.

:dust: to all and bring on lots of :xmas12: xmas BFPS!!!
Lorna - Heyyy thats great stuff! I remember when I was waiting for the medication, it is an exciting feeling. Good luck with your IVF, I hope all goes smooth and well. Keep up posted. x
dovkav- Yikes! That sounds really panic-inducing, running around, looking for injectables right before you need them. I would have lost it. I'm so glad you found them and were able to do it on time.

Today is egg retrieval day, right? How Exciting!! Are they just retrieving and putting back one? I hope that eggy is perfect! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for a sticky eggy that will grow into a beautiful baby. :)

You know, I read up on the radiation too during my research because I was planning some trans-Atlantic flights. There is cosmic radiation exposure, sure, but the dose you get isn't enough to have an effect on you or your pregnancy (unless you're flying frequently and then you have to be aware of the 75 hour cap)...which is probably why pg women do it anyway.

We are usually protected from a lot of the cosmic radiation by the atmosphere, but when flying, we go up where the air is thinner and so we're exposed to more radiation than we would be on the ground. It's still a negligible amount and doesn't increase the risk of m/c or birth defects. But, smaller planes and shorter trips expose you to less radiation as you don't go up as high. So, those are "safer" to do, in terms of radiation.
Pebble- I can't believe your follies shrank! Ugh. I'm sorry you're in this holding pattern while you're waiting to ov and then you've got the TWW too. Are you and DH going to "try" this month or are you just going to wait until IVF time?

serenyx- I'm glad to hear that they're going to fund you for so many cycles of IVF! That's wonderful! I hope you don't need all of them though. Here's to first time lucky!

flou- I hope AF stays away!! Good luck!

Lorna- I would definitely talk to your manager, especially when your IVF works (fingers already crossed for you!!) if your job requires a lot of flying. Short trips and small planes are better in terms of radiation, but even with that, there a lot of other things to consider (thrombosis and general discomfort are more of a concern, especially the farther along you get in your pg). Good luck!!

AFM- TWW is here and I'm not even a little bit excited. Maybe I will be in a few days. I'm just waiting for my doctor's appointment at the end of the month so we can discuss options. I want to make a list of questions for my fertility doc, but I have no idea where to start.
Lorna, I think you're going to be several weeks ahead of me, but I'll see what I can do! So scary about those earthquakes. :argh:

DBZ, if you go to the first couple of pages of my journal I made a list of all the Qs I took to my RE for my first visit. Some art particular to me, but a lot are very general. :flower: And, yes, OH and I will try naturally this month, but I don't have a lot of faith in that! :nope: Sorry you don't have a PMA about this month. It's hard to keep it up, isn't it? Just stay busy and it will fly by! :hugs:

Dovkav, hope ER went well! :hugs: Yearning, scan today, yes? Good luck! :dust:

Hugs to all. :hugs:
DBZ34 - Good luck with your appointment. Yeah do make a list of questions, what I used to do is every time I thought of a question in my head I quickly I used to write it down or on mobile phone so that way I dont forget. Like that I kept adding questions, then when I would go for the appointment I would ask away to the doctor. Some laughed at my writing pad but said its a good idea.

pbl - You rememberd me scan!!! :-) Thats sweet! - Yeah I just got home from the scan. Today is Dya 14 of Gonal F and Day 10 of Cetrotide. I have been eating protein and drinking milk.
Anyways the doctor said I have quite a few follicles, I think there is 17-22 follicles in both ovaries. The biggest is 18mm (Just 2) some 16mm,14mm,12mm and quite a few are less than 10mm. The doctor said I should stim for few more days so its perfect. I have another scan on Friday and then on Monday is the egg collection!! :-) Finally! I am so excited.
My Gonal F dosage has gone down from 225 to 187.5 so I will still continue on Gonal F and Cetrotide. Now I am going to keep looking at my calender waiting for Fridays scan.

Anyways enough of me, I can go on. How are you? Hows your day been?

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