DBZ - I had acupuncture for 3 months while I was taking clomid. The clomid didn't seem to do much for me, I was ovulating the same as usual. I stopped the acupuncture because I couldn't afford it anymore, and lo and behold the next month I reacted really well to the clomid. I had 3 follicles (that was the month of the bfp that ended in a twin miscarriage). I'm not sure if the acupuncture helped or hindered things, or if it was all just a coincidence.
Thanks for the response, Ella!
I'm so sorry for your losses.

But I'm glad to read that your body is getting back on track.
That's so interesting that you responded better to the Clomid without the acupuncture. Maybe it should be an either or thing. If I can finagle some Clomid, maybe I shouldn't bother with the acupuncture.
FWIW, the research on acupuncture for fertility is pretty equivocal--it may help, but there are other studies showing it made no difference.
The evidence that it helps during assisted conception is a bit stronger, although a brand new meta-analysis suggested the effects were very small. My doc said he believed acupuncture was effective for increasing IVF success %.
I'm starting acupuncture on Sat to go along with the IVF.
I read that too, that acupuncture is better for IVF and can increase the chances of success. It's interesting to hear that the difference might be minimal...
There's so much less put there about acupuncture for general fertility, and there isn't much to prove that it's worth it, but a couple of friends who were struggling swear by it. They're pretty persuasive, which is why I started looking into it in the first place.
I'm not sure where the place I looked into got the stats about it being as effective as Clomid, but then again, I haven't looked into the Clomid success rates either. Yet another thing to do before tomorrow. Though, the rates of success for Clomid in unexplained women aren't high enough for the NHS (NICE) to recommend it as a treatment anymore, so maybe they are comparable. Though I think it's the risk of multiples that really put the NHS off of it.
Though, I'm not unexplained IF just yet. Tomorrow I'll find out if there's something up or not. Maybe there'll be something to fix to help me get pg.
Hello everyone!
DBZ, I urge you to test 10DPO or so. You have lots of preg symptoms.
Last month you maybe had a chemical preg.- light positive test. It is important to record all those important details and tell to your RE.
Acupuncture does increase chances to conceive during IVF treatment. Lots of studies are done. My RE office has bussiness cards of local therapists.
About me.
I got to know how my body would feel during pregnancy. I have to report some reaction to hormone shots. HCG shot - I got acne on my chin and progesteron- I feel dizzy and I nausea every day.
My Dh was curious what I was writing in this thread. He was happy to read my posts. What about your DHs?
Thanks for the reminder, I will definitely mention the possible chemical to him tomorrow at my appointment.
I would love to have this be my month. I'm trying not to be too pessimistic about it, but I am keeping everything to myself this month. I'm not getting DH's hopes up if i don't have to. I usually don't test early, but I might if I don't feel AF knocking at my door.
Those are some nice symptoms you have, too bad they're from the HCG and progesterone. Here's hoping they stay around because you're pg!
And my DH gets a little bit jealous when I spend too much time on here in the evenings after he gets home from work. I like to tell him different things I hear about on here and then he goes "I think you need a hobby."

But he has admitted to being glad I can dump all my thoughts on TTC here because that saves him from having to listen to me talk about it all the time.
