LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

Hi ladies :hi:

Can I join? New to this group but not BNB and certainly not LTTC. :nope:

As my siggy says my DH and I have been trying for over 3yrs now with no!

For the extended version of my story click my journal link in my siggy.

The short version:

DH is 42 y/o no children. I am 33 y/o no children

In 2010 I had a myomectomy to remove a fibroid from my uterus.
In 2012 dh was diagnosed with abnormal sperm/low count.
A few weeks ago he was also diagnosed w/ high hormone levels and varicocele.
I am also overweight. Technically he is too.:blush:

We have been recommended to IUI and expected to start sometime in the fall.

I am trying to get my BMI down into treatment range


DH has be prescribed meds to lower his hormones which he has not taken :growlmad: and fert vits which he FINALLY has started.:thumbup:

It's been a long journey but finally some answers. Now to the positive pregnancy test PLEASE! :)

Wishing the best for each and everyone of us! :hugs:
What's everyone else up to? :flower:
I have just come off the phone with the nurse and they have given me some slightly better news now :flower:

I went in this morning for my first progress scan and the words out of the scanners mouth as soon as she saw my ovaries were 'oh my gosh they are PCO aren't they' - it didn't exactly fill me with confidence as I knew I had a good chance of over responding to the stimms :(

So I have over responded but my blood work has just come back and my oestradiol levels are ok so we can go ahead with ER (10.2 K). I am concerned about the quality of the eggs since they have all grown incredibly fast but I can't do anything about that now. They have brought my ER forward to this Friday! (initially it was planned for Monday but due to me over responding we need to collect asap).

I have 9 follicles on my left ovary ranging from 8 - 15 and 18 follicles on my right ovary ranging from 10 - 23.

Even though we are now going ahead with ER (this morning they told me there was a chance we would have to cancel ER) I still might not make it to ET. It all depends on how my body reacts and whether or not I get OHSS. They did warn me that when they get people with over 25 follicles they do sometimes cancel the cycle after ER and freeze any viable embryos to use in a later frozen cycle.

I have to drink 3 litres a day and take some new drugs which have been associated with causing pathological gambling in order to try and prevent OHSS :dohh:

I heard drinking gatorade or similar also helps with OHSS... as well as resting! Hope it goes okay :hugs:
Welcome regalpeas!

I tested this morning, bfn unfortunately. Feels like af is on her way. What a shame, I really had some hope this time.
Pipi, so sorry. :hugs: Your long LP really messes with my brain, so I imagine it's even harder for you. There's still time before your IVF, so don't give up! :hugs:

Welcome, Regalpeas! :hi: Sorry you find yourself here. It's good that you have a plan of action--hope that you can get your BMI down so you can get your long-awaited bfp! :hugs:
Thanks for the warm welcome Ladies!

Sorry Pipi . Bfns really suck. Hang in there.
Pipi sorry about the bfn :hugs:

Hi regal, i hope you get a bfp soon. GL with the iui.

Serenyx GL with the ER. Hope you get some good ones!

Im cd7 today and am ready to get on with this cycle. Ive got about 10 days until O.
Hi all.

pipi sorry about the bfn.

hi regal. I just found out I need to Lose 5 kg to get ivf referral. Am popping into ur journal for diet tips!

the fert cons also said oh has low count and morphology but we knew that ans can try and improve with lifestyle changes. Also being referred for hsg whilst waiting.
Welcome regalpeas!

Sorry about the bfn pipi :(

AFM - I got another blood test and ultrasound done today. (3 weeks after miscarriage) - HCG is down to 6, and progesterone has gone up to 7, so I've ovulated with HCG in my system... weird! (Progesterone is a bit low but I'm happy that my body is working as well as it is considering everything)
:hugs: That sounds very stressful! I hope that things calm down for your next step. It's good to know that freezing is a possibility. Some women even choose that, as they think their bodies will be more relaxed after a rest following stims. So it sounds like you're going to gets lots of good eggs, which is wonderful! Just rest, drink your fluids, and think lots of positive thoughts. :hugs:
It was rather stressful :dohh:

I triggered last night so now we just have to wait for tomorrow :) DH's work are being awkward about him being off (Friday was probably the worst day for it as they have a big event on but there is nothing we can do about it!).
@Flou thanks!. Here's some dust for this cycle!

@Nessaw Thanks and you can do it! Dh is trting lifestle changes too. Trying to.get him off sugar and high carbs. Hoping you lose quickly for IVF. Have you done IUI first or straight to ivf?

@Ella so sorry for your losses. Hoping you heal well and soon. Love that you are a fighter who does nit give up. Thanks for the welcome.

@Seren praying everything goes well!
Thanks :)

Well we had EC this morning. Out of 27 follies, only 12 were mature and of those 12 only 9 contained eggs. They have decided to go with normal IVF not ICSI as DH's sperm showed a remarkable improvement (so much so that I now have a niggling concern they have mixed his up with someone else :dohh: ).

So it's a waiting game until tomorrow now whilst we wait for the call to tell us how many have fertilised. Slightly concerned that we may not get as many fertilise with normal IVF but I have to trust they know what they are doing :)

Feeling a bit groggy at the moment and a bit sore, but nothing too bad.

Hope everyone else is ok :flower:
Hello ladies. :flower:

Ummmmm, Pipi, can't help but notice there's still no AF. :shrug: Have you thought about testing again? There are a lot of false negatives in this world! Still hoping for you. :hugs:

Ella, yay for O and finally moving on! :yipee: I def think the body will O will a tiny bit of HCG in the bloodstream. I'm pretty sure I wasn't at absolute zero for my first O post m/c either. I mean, HCG is also a trigger for ovulation, which I don't at all understand, but it's clearly not totally inhibitory. :shrug: I hope you're one of those people with super-quick post-mc sticky bfps! :dust:

Serenyx, that sounds like a good number! I asked my docs about their ideal, and he told me that recent studies have actually suggested that fewer eggs is better. He said one study found that the ideal number is 8, which he said sounded a bit low to be ideal, but clearly wasn't a bad number. I don't know that much about ICSI, but there was one woman on here (bunyhuny?) who got 0% fertilization with ICSI and quite good % without it. So you just never know. :shrug: But you're through the worst past now! Just rest and think peaceful thoughts for your transfer. Do you know yet if you'll do 3 or 5 day transfer? :hugs:

Ness, we talked elsewhere. :winkwink: Yay for your plan! Are you going to schedule the HSG soon or in a few weeks?

Flou, waiting to O is so much more boring that the TWW. :coffee: Hope yours comes soon. :hugs:

Regal, I've seen a lot of women here have trouble getting their OHs to take pills. Two tips from them, in case they're not on your radar already: day-of-the-week pill boxes to help keep track, and an incentive program that you two decide together. Perhaps you'll make him his favorite meal for each week he takes all the pills on time? There are, of course, few stronger incentives for men than the old-fashioned BJ. :haha: I'm sure you two can come up with something. :winkwink: I hope your sticky bfp is coming soon! :hugs:

Nothing to report for me. This is going to be a very boring five-ish weeks. :coffee: Hope everyone I missed is doing well. :friends:
Thanks :)

Well we had EC this morning. Out of 27 follies, only 12 were mature and of those 12 only 9 contained eggs. They have decided to go with normal IVF not ICSI as DH's sperm showed a remarkable improvement (so much so that I now have a niggling concern they have mixed his up with someone else :dohh: ).

So it's a waiting game until tomorrow now whilst we wait for the call to tell us how many have fertilised. Slightly concerned that we may not get as many fertilise with normal IVF but I have to trust they know what they are doing :)

Feeling a bit groggy at the moment and a bit sore, but nothing too bad.

Hope everyone else is ok :flower:

That sounds good. Fxd the eggs become fertilised and at least one of those become your little one. Good luck!
Serenyx, that sounds like a good number! I asked my docs about their ideal, and he told me that recent studies have actually suggested that fewer eggs is better. He said one study found that the ideal number is 8, which he said sounded a bit low to be ideal, but clearly wasn't a bad number. I don't know that much about ICSI, but there was one woman on here (bunyhuny?) who got 0% fertilization with ICSI and quite good % without it. So you just never know. :shrug: But you're through the worst past now! Just rest and think peaceful thoughts for your transfer. Do you know yet if you'll do 3 or 5 day transfer? :hugs:
Oh that is interesting :) Originally I would have preferred normal IVF but after reading how one poor lady on here had none fertilise with all normal IVF I got a bit worried :dohh: I had also prepared myself for the fact we would most likely need to do ICSI. However DH's count went from 29 mil to 102 mil and his motility and morphology had both improved :shrug: (see why I am worried they have him mixed up - over 3x increase in the count seems an awful lot!)

We won't find out until Monday if we are going for a day 3 or a day 5 transfer. I did ask the nurse about this as I thought day 5 blast transfers had a higher success rate but she said this wasn't necessarily true. At our clinic if there is a clear front runner at day 3 then they will go ahead and put that one back on day 3. If they have a few that are of similar quality then they prefer to keep them on until day 5 so that they can select the best one. She said that your body is the best incubator and that if they are confident on day 3 they go for that one but also sometimes if they don't think the eggs will make it to day 5 some clinics put them back at day 3 and hope for the best which is maybe why day 3 transfers don't have quite the same success rate as a day 5 blast :shrug:

That sounds good. Fxd the eggs become fertilised and at least one of those become your little one. Good luck!
Thank you :flower: We have done all we can now, we just have to wait and see (and hope!).
Serenyx, what an exciting time, I hope you get lots of eggs fertilized!

Dovkav, how are you?

Pbl_ge, I hope your cycle finishes soon. It seems cruel to have to wait so long.

I know, my cycle is really weird now.No af, but temps going down slowly, so I think I probably get her today. But I'm starting to hope about false negative too, I will test again tomorrow morning if she doesn't show. I started to feel slight nausia in the morning, but possible thats pms. But my 2ww nearly is at the 3 week marker, and i'm wondering whats going on.
Please keep your fingers crossed for me.
Af arrived this afternoon. Off to the next cycle. I'm a bit sad, because it looked quite good.

On the other hand we got a letter with dh scsa results, which only showed damage in a normal range, yay! So we only have to tackle low sperm count and low motility, and the doc said things are looking good for ivf!
Sorry to hear AF got you Pipi :( Is your DH on any supplements? My DH had a poor SA last time (low count, poor motility, poor morphology) so they thought we would have to do ICSI but we put him on supplements, severely reduced his caffeine intake and cut out all alcohol (not that he drank much anyway) and he has shown a remarkable improvement, so much so that they went for normal IVF instead of ICSI.

Serenyx, what an exciting time, I hope you get lots of eggs fertilized!
Well the nurse called this morning to tell us that 7 of the eggs fertilised :happydance: (the two that didn't weren't mature eggs).

They will call again on Monday to give us another update :flower:
Hi Ladies,

pipi, sorry for AF. You had such a huge hope!
Good news about your DH's sperm.
IVF will end this waiting for BFP game.

pgl, beautiful chart! 5 dpo! Now you can chill out! Finally you know what's going on with this cycle and what to expect and when! Good luck to you. This coulb be the one!

serenyx, your IVF is progressing smoothly. I can't wait for ET and your 2ww! It is such an excited and imptortant time of your life.
You're so funny about your DH'sperm. It is his sample! It improved! Beleave it or not! Body is amazing! It Heals on his own terms and paste.

Ella, baby dust to you! You must be in 2ww!

About me,
My HCG(250microgram) trigger shot is gone and my preggo symptoms are gone too. It stayed 8 days in my system. If this cycle won't work at least I got to taste what it feels beeing preggo with nausea and dizziness...Staying postivive! Trying to find light in the darkness!
I am lucky that progesteron doesn't give me any side effects. I take it orally 200mg a day.
My blood preg test is on Sept4th. I am 10dpo, I can test, but avoiding, I have no urge to do it. I really want to know 100% about BFP with a blood test, because then I have to quit my progesteron.

Fall is almost here, and cloudy days are not my favourite.
Serenyx, yay for the 7 eggs, I so hope this is your month and the Et goes smooth!

Dovkav, I keep my fingers crossed for you, not everyone gets symptons early on.

Dh has been taking supplements for nearly 3 months now, so they might have some impact by now. We live healthy and he hardly drinks, so all good from that side of things.
Our Doctor also recommended icsi, so maybe we get lucky like you and can avoid it.
serenyx, your IVF is progressing smoothly. I can't wait for ET and your 2ww! It is such an excited and imptortant time of your life.
You're so funny about your DH'sperm. It is his sample! It improved! Beleave it or not! Body is amazing! It Heals on his own terms and paste.
Lol! I must admit this has always been one of my concerns about doing IVF - I even asked the nurses how they ensure there are no mix-ups :blush:

I am lucky that progesteron doesn't give me any side effects. I take it orally 200mg a day.
Lucky you being able to take it orally! I would prefer that to the pessaries!

Serenyx, yay for the 7 eggs, I so hope this is your month and the Et goes smooth!
I hope so :flower: We should get a day 3 report tomorrow - i'm getting a bit nervous now. I'm also due back to work tomorrow so we'll see how that goes - I am still in a bit of pain from EC.

Dh has been taking supplements for nearly 3 months now, so they might have some impact by now. We live healthy and he hardly drinks, so all good from that side of things.
Our Doctor also recommended icsi, so maybe we get lucky like you and can avoid it.
Yes supplements take a minimum of 3 months to work so hopefully you will see an improvement when he has another SA :flower:

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