LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

Dovkav, I wish you good luck for this round too. I'm with everyone here: 3rd time's a charm.
I'm also struggling reading everyone's hard journey and am so hoping for a bfp here.

I got my letter with my date for pre ivf meeting with the fs which will be just before Christmas. And I guess my first cycle will start at the beginning of the new year.

Work has calmed down back to normal, which is a big relief.

A good weekend to everyone!

That's exciting. Maybe will be doing IVF at the same time?? Will be starting Mini IVF (Short Protocol) around January 13th.:happydance:
Dovkav, I wish you good luck for this round too. I'm with everyone here: 3rd time's a charm.
I'm also struggling reading everyone's hard journey and am so hoping for a bfp here.

I got my letter with my date for pre ivf meeting with the fs which will be just before Christmas. And I guess my first cycle will start at the beginning of the new year.

Work has calmed down back to normal, which is a big relief.

A good weekend to everyone!

That's exciting. Maybe will be doing IVF at the same time?? Will be starting Mini IVF (Short Protocol) around January 13th.:happydance:

I am very happy for you girls! So exciting! I am doing 3rd natural IVF this month. Why did you choose Mini IVF? Will you follow your natural cycle? It will be about quality egg not quantity. Is that right?

CD8 My blood tests were good yesterday.
LH 4.7 U/I
Estrogen 135.8 pg/ml
Uterine lining 8mm
16mm follicle

HCG shot is on Saturday 9:15pm, Monday retrieval 8:15am

We talked on phone with our RE
1. They did ICSI because of low motility. Fertilisaton rates are higher now because of ICSI and they've been doing it for 20 years. ICSI can hurt an embryo, but you can see it 2 hours after procedure it becomes dark, cloudy.
So RE will decide on Monday depending on the sperm count. It varies through the month. MY dh had normal SA 3 months ago. is it a fluke, or more stress causing low motility? Probably nothing geneticaly wrong. I am more comfortable with ICSI after a conversation today. My friend had 10 eggs retrieved anf non of them fertilise with IVF(SA were normal), they did ICSI next time and bingo!! They were lucky.
2. RE can not speculate why we didn't succeed this time. He agrees about doing a mock transfer after ER(try to do ET without embryo). The same RE will try to do ET on Wednesday.
3. No difference 2 day or 3 day transfer. We can do 2 day this time. Last month we did 3 day transfer,8A embryo. I thinkmy embryo is safer in me than in the lab.
4. Valium during ET. He says yes if I want if it helps me, it won't interfere with implantation. Maybe I should use natural form valerian root? It helps me with a stage fright....My legs were shaking!!! during ET! Maybe my cirvix and uterus were tight too? We had complications with ET.
5. He still says that natural IVF is a lower chance with one embryo than traditional.(if we put two embryos, i agree) Yes I agree finding egg, fertilising and growing in lab taking chances with singleton. I did it, we went against all odds and we did it !!!! Unfortunate it didn't stick.
But when my embryo is in my uterus, I beleave I have a higher chance of implantation because of normal hormonal levels and general natural body balance.
Dovkav, I wish you good luck for this round too. I'm with everyone here: 3rd time's a charm.
I'm also struggling reading everyone's hard journey and am so hoping for a bfp here.

I got my letter with my date for pre ivf meeting with the fs which will be just before Christmas. And I guess my first cycle will start at the beginning of the new year.

Work has calmed down back to normal, which is a big relief.

A good weekend to everyone!

That's exciting. Maybe will be doing IVF at the same time?? Will be starting Mini IVF (Short Protocol) around January 13th.:happydance:

I am very happy for you girls! So exciting! I am doing 3rd natural IVF this month. Why did you choose Mini IVF? Will you follow your natural cycle? It will be about quality egg not quantity. Is that right?

CD8 My blood tests were good yesterday.
LH 4.7 U/I
Estrogen 135.8 pg/ml
Uterine lining 8mm
16mm follicle

HCG shot is on Saturday 9:15pm, Monday retrieval 8:15am

We talked on phone with our RE
1. They did ICSI because of low motility. Fertilisaton rates are higher now because of ICSI and they've been doing it for 20 years. ICSI can hurt an embryo, but you can see it 2 hours after procedure it becomes dark, cloudy.
So RE will decide on Monday depending on the sperm count. It varies through the month. MY dh had normal SA 3 months ago. is it a fluke, or more stress causing low motility? Probably nothing geneticaly wrong. I am more comfortable with ICSI after a conversation today. My friend had 10 eggs retrieved anf non of them fertilise with IVF(SA were normal), they did ICSI next time and bingo!! They were lucky.
2. RE can not speculate why we didn't succeed this time. He agrees about doing a mock transfer after ER(try to do ET without embryo). The same RE will try to do ET on Wednesday.
3. No difference 2 day or 3 day transfer. We can do 2 day this time. Last month we did 3 day transfer,8A embryo. I thinkmy embryo is safer in me than in the lab.
4. Valium during ET. He says yes if I want if it helps me, it won't interfere with implantation. Maybe I should use natural form valerian root? It helps me with a stage fright....My legs were shaking!!! during ET! Maybe my cirvix and uterus were tight too? We had complications with ET.
5. He still says that natural IVF is a lower chance with one embryo than traditional.(if we put two embryos, i agree) Yes I agree finding egg, fertilising and growing in lab taking chances with singleton. I did it, we went against all odds and we did it !!!! Unfortunate it didn't stick.
But when my embryo is in my uterus, I beleave I have a higher chance of implantation because of normal hormonal levels and general natural body balance.

I wanted to do the Mini IVF because you only use oral drugs. and yes your 100% right, it's about quality not quantity. I ovulate fine on my own so I don't think we need to be messing with that. I will be taking bc pill before we go, then I will stop taking it 3 days before we leave. af will arrive then I will be starting med's from cd3-8. They will be monitoring me during this time. Might need to do a trigger if needed. Then it should be the same as a regular IVF cycle.

Good luck with IVF. fx this time it will stick. :winkwink:

I must apologise for my rude manner in which I just jump and join you ladies post/thread.

I happen to have communicate with Myshelong several times on another post and just seeing her, reading her story made me want to respond without thinking that my mother thought me manners and respect.

So here goes Hello!!!

My story:
Ttc for a very long time, cant seems to hold a pregnancy or have a living child.
Spend tons of cash on doctors who cannot seem to settle an exactly what my problem is.
Cannot comprehend some of the things you ladies are communicating about.
Currently I am CD 36 and six days late....
Hoping this is a positive.
Thank you ladies for allowing me to be a brief part of your group.
I wish each and everyone a BFP, good luck!!
Dovkav, I wish you good luck for this round too. I'm with everyone here: 3rd time's a charm.
I'm also struggling reading everyone's hard journey and am so hoping for a bfp here.

I got my letter with my date for pre ivf meeting with the fs which will be just before Christmas. And I guess my first cycle will start at the beginning of the new year.

Work has calmed down back to normal, which is a big relief.

A good weekend to everyone!

That's exciting. Maybe will be doing IVF at the same time?? Will be starting Mini IVF (Short Protocol) around January 13th.:happydance:

How exciting! If my cycle stays regular mine will start around the 20th. We are doing ICSI. Not sure which protocol, I will find out in late December.
I hope that 2014 will bring many babies for us all!

Welcome pieceofpie, I keep my fingers crossed for you. 6 days late, I hope this is it!
Dovkav, I think your doc had really good suggestions. Apparently my clinic gives women a prescription for Valium for all transfers. They said it does help relax your inside lady parts. :haha: I also think it's a good idea for the same doc to do a trial transfer right before the real thing. I hope this time works for you!

Pippi, IVF is not too far away! :happydance: I hope you and TLB will be at the same time. It's really nice to have the buddies on here going through it more or less together. :cloud9: But you still have a few chances to get it yourself! :winkwink: :hugs:

Piece, hope this is it!

AFM, I'm off the birth control, so it's getting closer! :happydance:
Good morning:

I truly hope so Pipi and pbl_ge. Trying to conceive for over all those years and reading and seeing others getting pregnant is very hard. Make me think on many occasion that I am a failure as a woman and serve no purpose here on earth. As of this morning and while typing this post I am somewhat dizzy, I hope its a good sign, don't want to start symptom spoting or reading something into every little thing only to know that I am having a late period.
Had some run and pineapple last nite and one glass of vodlka for the first time. I am trying not to imagine pregnancy to the extreme and live life like I would if I did not want kids and it sneak up on me. I know it sounds weird but I guess its how I can deal with any disappointment if any.

I truly hope everyone work out for you ladies, I will be counting down with you all.
Hello ladies,

I know I have just started posting to this thread but I do have a very urgent question that I would more than happy if someone can answer seriously for me.

I called my doctor but my appointment is not until Wednesday.

(tmi) I am supposedly on CD37, with no symptoms of AF. I mean nada, nothing, I check my cervix this morning and it was high, close and medium. Last night and early morning BF and I had intercourse, we got a bit carried away and it ended up a bit rough sorta, I had no cramps or pain. This morning we continued and had another bout of sex around 10am and it was medium rough not like last night but not as gentle as it used to be. About one hour later, I developed cramps right in the lower abdomen, pubic area and a sharp back aches. Went to the bathroom and see light pink/orange/very, very faint red blood spot in underwear and when wipe on tissue. I put a pad on, chose not to go the tampon route and kept watching it. The pain subside within half hour of starting but the spotting continue in the same colour and getting less and less in amount of flow.

Would you considered this a period (I record it as such) or would you considered it a miscarry of very early pregnancy? and does this mean sex would be a problem for me in the future?

Thanks for the response, if any.
Hi ladies,

I learn so much from y'all and I am so thankful for it. I thought I had educated myself about this stuff pretty well... but the deeper I get, the more I feel like I know nothing.

My husband and I went to see a reproductive specialist and he gave us a lot of really great information. So now we just have to get all the testing done (again-since most of our testing is almost a year old). Well the first test so far was testing my AMH. My gyno never tested my AMH so I was a little nervous. The clinic called back and said my number was 5.36 and anything over 3 is good. But then she asked me if I have ever been checked for PCOS or had anyone ever said anything to me about it? I told her "no" and she said, "O.K. you can talk to the doctor about it at your next appointment".

I am a little freaked out. I don't know what to think. Am I supposed to be happy that I had a good number or is it cause for concern? Am I overreacting? I know lots of women have PCOS, but I feel like the nurse just didn't want to talk to me about it all and just wanted to get off the phone.

I just feel silly to be struggling with this for so long and feeling like I know nothing. I was hoping someone might be able to enlighten me a little bit.

Hi ladies,

I learn so much from y'all and I am so thankful for it. I thought I had educated myself about this stuff pretty well... but the deeper I get, the more I feel like I know nothing.

My husband and I went to see a reproductive specialist and he gave us a lot of really great information. So now we just have to get all the testing done (again-since most of our testing is almost a year old). Well the first test so far was testing my AMH. My gyno never tested my AMH so I was a little nervous. The clinic called back and said my number was 5.36 and anything over 3 is good. But then she asked me if I have ever been checked for PCOS or had anyone ever said anything to me about it? I told her "no" and she said, "O.K. you can talk to the doctor about it at your next appointment".

I am a little freaked out. I don't know what to think. Am I supposed to be happy that I had a good number or is it cause for concern? Am I overreacting? I know lots of women have PCOS, but I feel like the nurse just didn't want to talk to me about it all and just wanted to get off the phone.

I just feel silly to be struggling with this for so long and feeling like I know nothing. I was hoping someone might be able to enlighten me a little bit.


I have high AMH (~6.0) without PCOS. The docs gave me the whole hormone panel to explore PCOS, but it all came back normal. The good news is that it means I have plenty of eggs. The bad news is that ovulation induction can be a little trickier (I also am "brittle," meaning that it's very difficult to calibrate ovulation stimulation meds, but I don't know how common that is for people with high AMH/no PCOS) as you're more likely to over-respond.

You should read up on PCOS to see if it sounds like you:
There are other symptoms associated with it, the most important being no or inconsistent ovulation. That's not a problem I've ever had.

Hope this helps!
Thanks for the info pbl_ge! I don't seem to have any of the other symptoms. I guess I will just have to wait and see what the Dr. says and go from there. I am just used to getting bad news at this point that I immediately assume the worst.

Thanks again for taking the time to answer my post!
Had to go to the hospital on a emergency. Having a M/C, I could just jump off the bridge at this moment. I know I have no one to answer question for me and sit my hip home thinking the blooding would sort out and now this. I have to go into hospital tomorrow.

Tired of this, I really have no one.
Np post please, I just want to wallow in my own stupidness and sadness.
Hello ladies,

I know I have just started posting to this thread but I do have a very urgent question that I would more than happy if someone can answer seriously for me.

I called my doctor but my appointment is not until Wednesday.

(tmi) I am supposedly on CD37, with no symptoms of AF. I mean nada, nothing, I check my cervix this morning and it was high, close and medium. Last night and early morning BF and I had intercourse, we got a bit carried away and it ended up a bit rough sorta, I had no cramps or pain. This morning we continued and had another bout of sex around 10am and it was medium rough not like last night but not as gentle as it used to be. About one hour later, I developed cramps right in the lower abdomen, pubic area and a sharp back aches. Went to the bathroom and see light pink/orange/very, very faint red blood spot in underwear and when wipe on tissue. I put a pad on, chose not to go the tampon route and kept watching it. The pain subside within half hour of starting but the spotting continue in the same colour and getting less and less in amount of flow.

Would you considered this a period (I record it as such) or would you considered it a miscarry of very early pregnancy? and does this mean sex would be a problem for me in the future?

Thanks for the response, if any.

Hi piece. :hugs:

Not sure if I'm reading this right, but you had some spotting after rough sex and you're afraid you might be having a miscarriage? Have you tested? Has the bleeding gotten heavier? I've heard some spotting is common in early you think it could be this?

I wouldn't consider it CD1 unless it's red blood and quite a bit of it. I don't think sex should be a problem for you in the future, but if you are pregnant and you think it has caused the bleeding, I would stop until you get further along and are cleared by the doctor. But, in general, sex in early pregnancy is ok.

I hope everything is okay! :hugs:
Had to go to the hospital on a emergency. Having a M/C, I could just jump off the bridge at this moment. I know I have no one to answer question for me and sit my hip home thinking the blooding would sort out and now this. I have to go into hospital tomorrow.

Tired of this, I really have no one.

Oh no! Just read this. :hugs: I'm sorry you feel so alone!

So, you went to the hospital yesterday and they sent you home and told you to come back in again today? How are you doing?
I am at the hospital, had an u/s and they say it seem like I had a M/C I did a beta and the test showed my hcg at 6.9. I have been given Arcoxia which is a muscle relaxant, the doctor says it will help stop the contraction.

I am so hurt and frigging hate Dwayne at this point and time, I really did not want to because I suspected a baby was there and told him this but nooooo and then I give into the charm and his dimples. I could just kick myself over. I am still spotting pale blood that only come when my back aches. My doctor wants to keep me in another day for observation, I just feel so alone, I think if one more person come to say its for the best I will shoot them.

I will talk to Dwayne and let him know that I cant handle this and continue with this because it hurts too much, that is the 3rd pregnancy so I don't think its in the making for me to be mother. I need about a case of red wine and somewhere to hide and rethink my life because this is not worth it.

Thanks ladies and I wish you all the best.
I am at the hospital, had an u/s and they say it seem like I had a M/C I did a beta and the test showed my hcg at 6.9. I have been given Arcoxia which is a muscle relaxant, the doctor says it will help stop the contraction.

I am so hurt and frigging hate Dwayne at this point and time, I really did not want to because I suspected a baby was there and told him this but nooooo and then I give into the charm and his dimples. I could just kick myself over. I am still spotting pale blood that only come when my back aches. My doctor wants to keep me in another day for observation, I just feel so alone, I think if one more person come to say its for the best I will shoot them.

I will talk to Dwayne and let him know that I cant handle this and continue with this because it hurts too much, that is the 3rd pregnancy so I don't think its in the making for me to be mother. I need about a case of red wine and somewhere to hide and rethink my life because this is not worth it.

Thanks ladies and I wish you all the best.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I can't believe people are saying that 'it's for the best' to you at a time like this! How insensitive!:growlmad:

You know, as much as you think it was the rough sex that may have caused this, it's also possible that there was something chromosomal that went wrong and the sex was just a coincidence...Try not to hate Dwayne. I know it's hard not to blame him right now, or to feel guilty, but it wasn't anything you did or didn't do. I would suggest you do talk to him and get your feelings out. Letting him know how you feel and having his support through this tough time is important.

M/Cs are so hard. So so hard. I'm sorry you have to go through it. :hugs:
I agree with DBZ - This is no ones fault, not yours or Dwaynes.

Just want to give you a virtual hug, so sorry you are goign through this, I know you have worked very hard to become pregnant. Very sorry Pie.
:hugs: pieceofpie

You did nothing wrong and did not cause your mc. Im so sorry for your loss. People would say that to me when i had my mc that it was probably for the best and at least i know i could conceive. It was the last thing i wanted to hear after i had just lost a most wanted baby. Take care and talk to your OH about how you feel. You're never alone. There are plenty of ladies on here who understand what you are going through.
Hugs pieceofpie, sounds like a horrible experience. It really wasn't your fault, or anyone else's! Hope you feel better soon x

When I had my m/c my grandmother was all full of 'Oh, well at least you can get pregnant.' and even my GP said that to me when I told her. I felt like saying, 'Well, what's the point in getting pregnant if you don't get a baby at the end of it, huh?' I mean, what else, at least I ovulate? At least I have a man in my life? At least I have a uterus? I'm very thankful for all of that but it doesn't help me one bit!

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