LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

I'm sorry Af showed flou.

Welcome madtowngirl. I'm sorry for your loss.

Myshel, have you od yet? I hope you have luck and it happens on the weekend.

How are your numbers developing pblge? I hope they don't cancel the cycle.

Dovkav, how are you?

Lots of chaos in my life, got an interview for a job which sounds fantastic but would mean I couldn't do ivf, and I'm nervous. The interview wont happen for a week or even a bit more.
I also have to go away next week and I still have to do a day 2 blood test for the ivf assessment and it might be during that time. I rang them up if i can do it in November, but they weren't really helpful. And my chart does look different than past ones.

Wishing everyone a good weekend
Hey Ladies, Temp shot up this morning and was having back pains yesterday so pretty sure I ovulated yesterday. Not fantastic but we did get some in on Sunday so FX .... although not really expecting anything with it.

Pipi - why would you not be able to do IVF if you have a job interview? Is it on a day you have to go to a drs appointment?

Mad - Welcome
I am also around the same age, turning 32 in less than a week and just feel so much pressure!
Myshel, not the interview itself but if they would offer me the job. It's a really good job but in a different country and I wouldn't be eligible for funding, and there is no way we could afford going private.
Myshel, not the interview itself but if they would offer me the job. It's a really good job but in a different country and I wouldn't be eligible for funding, and there is no way we could afford going private.
Pipi, that's a terrible decision to have to make. It is in a country in which you might have health insurance coverage for it? I'm not sure whether to offer you good luck on your interview or not! :shrug:

Myshel, if you did O, that means OH wasn't around, right? Hope you caught it, anyway! FWIW, I just turned 36, and the doctors keep telling me I'm young. :jo: :haha:

Mad, welcome. Sorry for your loss. :hugs: i think most people here accept 1 year or more as LTTTC, although there are definitely some who disagree. Don't feel bad about posting here, though I hope your stay is short and sweet.

Flou, so sorry about the anniversary. :hugs: My 1 year mark was hard, too. NEVER thought I'd see that date without getting pregnant again. :nope: Now I just hope I get to see two lines again SOME time! I hope that you can see your FS. I think that one year post-MC before you get help rule is so cruel.

AFM, I'm in the thick of it for IVF. I'm not PCOS, but I do have high AMH, and I'm very close to over-responding. They're monitoring me closely so I don't get into OHSS range. I'm also worried because my estrogen levels inexplicably crashed during my injectables cycle, so that seems like a very real possibility for me this cycle. I'm also getting pretty sick of the needles, but that may be because I'm a little cranky and teary (HORMONES!). Next scan is tomorrow, and I'm hoping I'll get an egg retrieval date.

Hope everyone here is doing well! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Pipi that's a very difficult decision to make. Good luck with whatever you decide.

pbl good luck with the scan and the first steps of IVF to hopefully get your little one.

My appt with my GP went well today. He has referred us back to the fs so now we just have to wait for the appt. I spoke to him about my painful periods and the fact that my back in the last few cycles is killing. I get constipation and bloating about a week before AF until AF. He thinks the back pain could be this and has given me some pain meds and some mild laxative to help. But he also thinks it will be worth me getting checked for Endo. He is going to put this in his letter to the FS. So more waiting but at least i feel a tiny step forward.
Flou, sorry to hear about your backpains. Have you tried probiotics?
Maybe dr. will recommend you a lap?
My dr also suspects endo. I have only one symptoms for years now. After Ov I have urinary cramping, sometimes mild, or sometimes bad.... But this month they were less than minimum.
I was checked for UTI twice and I was negative.

pipi, I can see you are really excited about a new job! I really hope you'll get both. Which country are you talking about? Maybe they have affordable IVF?

myshel, welcome to 2ww. I hope it'll go by fast to you.I understood you BD'ed before O, :thumbup:more chances to success.

how do you like new b and b? I don't, so I changed to the old one. You scroll down all the way and find purple magnolia, click on bandb momtastic.

I am 10dpo. I am really optimistic this month. I don't have any special symptoms...but just overall feeling is positive.

We did IVF not ICSI and we transfered day 2 instead day 3. I was 2 days after O and my ET was easier. Still it was not 100%. Dr. says i think catheter is in, I think see bubble in here (embryo on the u/s). Uncertinty, uncertinty......
My hubby wants me to test now, but I want to wait till Sat. I don't have a test at home, so I have no temptation... On Sat we are planing a day trip to Switzeland and I don't want BfN to spoil our nice mountain ride.
I am having a very stressful life right now. My hubbies dad is 92 and he has Alzheimers, and his mom is emotinal person, so it is very tough everyday. We live in the same house but dif. appartments, still too close for the comfort zone. I am really trying hard not to suck bad energy and stress to my soul.
I pray and hope everyday that the baby will bring peace and joy to us!
I really wish to get preggo this month, because we really have to come back to US.
Thanks for the condolences/welcomes, ladies. I know this sounds weird to say, but I feel a lot more comfortable with LTTTC-ers than...well, some others. This forum in general seems to be a lot more realistic and supportive. I can't tell you how many times people have just told me to "relax! It will happen!", "just stay positive! This is totally your month!" or "it will happen when it is meant to happen!"

I understand the sentiment when people say that, but pushing false hope only makes every failed cycle worse. :wacko:

dovkav123, FX for you! I'm really interested to hear more about how IVF works for you.
Pblge and Dovkav, the job would be in Australia, I need to look into Health insurance over there.

I still have the interview to go through so maybe the decision will be made for me.

Dovkav, I cross my fingers for you. You so deserve this. I hope you get to relax on your weekend getaway.

Good luck for the scan tomorrow Pblge.
12dpo today and BFN
5-6 days till my AF. Hoping it was too early.
I am taking it less stressful than my hubby. He wants to quit IVF. He can't handle this any more....
On the other hand He thinks that this test was the cheapest in the store, and the worst one.
Motto of the day: LoL and blame the test.I
It does pick up 25 sensitivity. But it states the best results on the day of missed period.

pipi, good luck this cycle, I pray and hope. You told us that your chart looks different this month. How? Longer LP? Temps higher?
12dpo today and BFN
5-6 days till my AF. Hoping it was too early.
I am taking it less stressful than my hubby. He wants to quit IVF. He can't handle this any more....
On the other hand He thinks that this test was the cheapest in the store, and the worst one.
Motto of the day: LoL and blame the test.I
It does pick up 25 sensitivity. But it states the best results on the day of missed period.

So sorry for bfn, Dovkav. I hope it was too early, too. Are you going to test again with a better test, or wait until blood test? :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
I'm so sorry Dovkav. I'm hoping it was too early. You are not out yet. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for you.

My temps were climbing higher and higher and I had hoped that I was lucky, but this morning I got a massive temperature drop and af arrived late this afternoon. Sigh.
Hey Mad, I completely agree and understand. Sometimes when I am with my friends who have children and never had any issues I have a hard time just acting normal. How do you have sympathy to the women that have everything we want when they are complaining about it. I understand we all need to vent and Motherhood has stresses but honestly I would kill for those stresses vrs mine.

Dov - Hun you are so early do not stress out or worry. Wait until you are closer to your missed af to test. Day 12 is crazy early so fx for you!!!

Pip - that is not fun, sorry. :( AF sucks!

It is my Bday weekend and we are pretty sure we missed our shot this cycle so I have decided to just relax and have a good time. Not going to worry about anything and if it happens it happens.... or so I say until af arrives and I curl up into a little ball and cry for 2 hours. Oh well, turning 32 Yay for me.
Happy birthday myshel! I'm also 32. I hope you have a good birthday and you never know may be this month will surprise you. And if not i hope next cycle is lucky for you.

sorry AF arrived pipi :hugs:

dovkav 12dpo is very early. I hope you get a bfp soon!
Happy birthday, Myshel!!! :cake: :cake: :cake: Hope it's a great one! (And perhaps you'll get a surprise!) Definitely hear you about complaining mothers, but I dislike the braggy ones more. :sulk:

So sorry about AF, Pipi. :hugs:

Dovkav, any more testing? :dust:

How is everyone else? :flower:

Just had my last scan, and things are looking good. Will trigger either today or tomorrow, depending on estradiol levels. Have tons of follies, so I just gotta hope that some of them are filled with healthy eggs! (%s decrease after age 35. :jo:) Then I have to be very careful about OHSS, as I'm high-ish risk.

Hope all are well. :hugs:
Happy birthday Myshel! Good on you for relaxing and having a good time.

Wow Pbldge, you are nearly there. This is so exciting. I hope you get a few eggs, it's looking really promising though.

I'm going onto a spontaneous road trip tomorrow after my day 2 blood test. I have the week off and decided to join my dh at his out of town work. It's a nice coastal town, and if the weather is nice I might book in that first surf lesson I wanted to do for years. And there is also Christmas shopping to be done.
Hello ladies,

May I join your group? I have been trying to conceive for over two years with no success --Nothing. I had irregular cycles; some where over 120 days long and then they would only restart with a progesterone shot. This was so frustrating until this summer when I started getting acupuncture. My cycles became very regular and normal at around 31 days long. However, I still did not get pregnant. Probably because my DH's sperm are irregularly shaped and slow, but the most recent semen analysis showed that there is some improvement in this area. Anyway, I got really discouraged and stopped the acupuncture for a few months, but recently restarted it because I didn't get my period.

I think I am in denial about this whole thing. I am really hesitant to do anything more then acupuncture, because the next steps seem so involved and difficult. I keep hoping that something will happen "naturally". But I think by posting on this thread I am starting to take step toward accepting that conception for me will probably not be an easy, spontaneous process.
myshel, Happy birthday to you! May all your dreams be not only dreams anymore!:flower:

pipi, sorry for the :witch:, it sucks, she never misses Halloween.
how fun! road trip, surfing, Christmas shopping you have a great life, girl! Jelous, jelous!

emaraldjoy, welcome! Have you diagnosed with PCOS?

The blood tests were BFN. No signs of implantation. Nothing. I felt empty this morning, I came to the clinic for my blood tests with eyes full of tears.
My hubby made me cry.
He told me maybe it is not the right time.
He told me maybe we not meant to have children. Maybe our purpose of life is a different one.
Childless couples we know 3 of them, they are happy.

My life without a child, I see no purpose. It is unconditional love and I need that maddly!!! It is a magical experience. It is a different love than my relatives or my hubby.
We do live in stressful household and I do agree that stress can cause our infertility.
I think infertility is a disease and we have pills for that!
Animals don't suffer infertility only we humans. Except My dog, she never had puppies because she didn't let any of the dogs close to her.
I think we all gonna have children in one time of our lives, it is just the matter of when. When the right moment comes.

1.I. am seeing my RE on the 8th of November.
2. I am doing my thrombofilia genetic testing this week. It cost around 200euro. This gene is common with a women with unexplain infertility.
3. Also I want to test my hubbies sperm(genetic way), maybe we'll pick the healthiest one and do ICSI.
4. Adding hormones to my IVF doesn't make sense. If my uterus doesn't take one, it won't take 2 or 3 embryos.
5. Also I want to talk about assisting hatching. In the lab dr. grows embryos for 5 days and than dr. make a whole in it. That suppose to help embryo leave the shell. Maybe this is our problem too.
6. I was a child when Chernobyl radiactive atom factory exploded. Children are the most vulnerable. The cloud did go by Lithuania. And we love mushrooms!!! Many people are diagnosed with cancer in Lithuania and my age girls suffer with thyroid problems. If my eggs are damaged somehow, I am in the deep problem. I can test them, if I have only one why should I test. Just wait for a healthy egg to pop!
If I do medicated IVF, I have a reason to test and pick a healthiest one.
I was Exposed to Radiation and I have a risk to develop cancer later on in life. Hormonal treatment, high levels of estrogen can only turn on my cancer cells to thrive!

Oh no dovka! Stop talking nonsense!
Be thankful for this beautiful Tuesday. Fresh air, beautiful mountains and sky! One day more I have lives and I am very grateful for that!

We have it good!
Now I just want to relax, have :wine: and gourmet sex!
Holy Dov - That sounds like one crazy horrible day with alot of internal discussion going on. I don't really know what do say except You have to keep on doing what you are comfortable with and try to stay positive.

I know you dont probably want to go down this route, but have you guys considered adoption? Scott and I have been talking about this and once we move have decided to put ourself on the waiting list for private adoption. It is probably expensive but takes years so hopefully will have already done IVF by the time this rolls around.
Emerald - welcome and good luck on your journey. I also wonder if you have been tested to find out why your cycles are so wacked?

Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I had a great weekend and a great birthday. Very nice to take some time to myself and just relax. Did have a sad moment but got over it quickly with a glass (or two) of wine.

Pipi - Have a great road Trip!!!

Pebble: you are getting so close! Hope the trigger goes well. FX and baby dust EVERYWHERE!
Dovkav, I'm so sorry. :hugs: It does seem like you have a lot to discuss with your RE. Is OH okay with continuing to try more thing? I know he struggles with ART. :nope: I hope that you get some answers and can find a plan that makes sense for you. Some additional testing seems like a good idea. :hugs: I definitely will want to go the adoption route (foster to adopt...we don't have $20,000 sitting around for private) if none of this ever works. I know adoption isn't for everyone, but I know a bunch of adopted families and they seem pretty happy. It's a different journey, but parenting is still important to me, even if it's not my own. There's also donor eggs and donor embryos to consider. Hope you and OH have some good gourmet times!: winkwink:

Myshel, glad you had a good birthday weekend! :cake:

Emerald, welcome! :hi: Deciding not to try on your own anymore can be really tough. It is difficult to go through assisted conception, but it also can make it happen much faster than it would otherwise, and of course for lots of women it won't happen at all without help. It also can feel good that there's a team of people helping you in your efforts. If your cycles are that long, getting some meds to help you regulate them (Clomid or Femera) could be all you need. We're here to support you no matter what you do!

AFM, I really thought my IVF was going to be cancelled, but it wasn't! Egg retrieval tomorrow. Will give an update soon!

Hope everyone here is doing okay. :hugs:

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