LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

Hey guys, we are finally house hunting and it is crazy. I can't believe how stressful this is, but we are going to make it through it ... I am sure.

From your lips to gods ears Dov!
myshel, house hunting should be so much fun! It's a life time experience! Enjoy! Relax, take some deep breaths. I hope you'll find a cozy and beautiful home!

WE went to U/s on Friday 04/04/14. The follicle is on the R side 16.8mm on CD8. ER is on Monday.
I asked my dr about his morfology during dna sperm analysis and I was so sad to know his morfology dropped to 5% again. I feel crushed and cheated. I did my HCG shot yesterday and ER is tomorrow. I have thoughts to cancel IVF and do another IUI.

My hubby drank a lot yesterday. He wants to have sex today. This is crazy cos tomorrow he needs to provide his sample. It is not a good idea. His volume will be too low.

I found some info about your menstrual period and egg quality:
Dr. Hannam writes this:

"Ideally ovulation will occur days 11 or 12. Delayed ovulation -day 13 or later- is not a sign of egg quality concerns; in fact, it is more commonly a sign of an excess ovarian reserve, generally a good thing. But early ovulation -days 8,9, or 10 of the cycle- implies lower quality eggs"

Please look more about this topic. I have never read anywhere else about this
Dovkav, that is very interesting information, and somewhat reassuring for me, as I am a "late ovulator" (I usually o around day 18-20). Also, he confirms a frustration I had with my clinic previously - my Day 21 progesterone came back around 5ng/mL, and I thought that sounded low, but no one seemed concerned. This information confirms that I was right to be suspicious of those results. ARGH!! Thankfully I'm not seeing that doctor anymore.
I am in 2ww.
We transfered 8cell, grade B embryo.
I am on aspirin.
Test due on the Easter.
Blood test on the 22nd.
Hoping and praying for a 2014 baby
@dovkav123: Hi! Hope you will finally have that BFP. crossing my fingers for you.

ey, guys, do you happen to know anything about evening primrose? I'm planning to take it with metformin. Any success stories about this supplement?
I am in 2ww.
We transfered 8cell, grade B embryo.
I am on aspirin.
Test due on the Easter.
Blood test on the 22nd.
Hoping and praying for a 2014 baby

Good luck hun!

Regarding Prim rose I did find it helped increase CM it was not tastey at all! Remember to stop after you ovulate and take with lots of water. No BFP this way but good cervical fluid can't hurt as far as I am concerned.

Still on the house hunt I am going home pretty soon so hoping this happens soon if not will have to live with my parents for a few months until we find one.
@dovkav: good info. I always thought I was a late ovulator, but I think Im a day 10-14 ovulator now.. Im not very sure.

So a little update: Ive been having crazy heartburn for 3 weeks, and we tried SMEP for march in addition to my usual Vitex ( which Ive been taking since the last MC in january) We got a BFP about 2 weeks ago, BIG SURPRISE, because I was not very concentrated on the baby making strategies... we were drinking and smoking,and enjoying the company of tequila. So we are pretty stoked and happy, but also very apprehensive because of our last 2 experiences.

I went for my appointment with my endocrinologist last tuesday ( talk about good timing!) and she said all my tests results are normal, so I dont have insulin resistance and I have no blood clot disorders. She did say that I have a genetic mutation that requires that I take 5mg of folic acid.. I dont remember the details... Oh and she did an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy, that was pretty sweet. She said I have some blood behind the "placenta" so I am on pelvic rest ( NO sexy times for me...) and hopefully it will clear up. ive read a bit about these bruises, but I decided not too look into it too much. I dont want to stress myself out. If the baby stays we will be elated, but if I lose this one, I just want to handle it rationaly and not so emotionally like the last two times..
@Myshelsong: Thanks for the info. That's the thing about ovulation I don't know when I did O. Or when I will be O-ing. I stopped taking my BBT. Other ways of finding out when I O-ed? I wanted to take this while on Metformin maybe it will help me get my AF? By the way, we will also be house hunting soon. Like in a week's time. Summer is coming here in Abu Dhabi so the hunting isn't that much fun.

@Sabster: congratulations! Maybe what they say is true, miracles happen when you least expect it. I wish you a healthy nine months!
I am so so joyful for you! He will be a sticky one. Hope and pray for you, Sabster. You so deserve him!
Your tests are great! You'll take your folate and you guys will be just fine. :thumbup: to your dr. that doesn't leave your fertility to nature, :thumbup:for some tests and findings.
I am proud of your positivity and strong spirit. Happy mommy, happy baby...
Sending you best wishes.

I have checked my folic acid levels , they were OK.

Myshel, how would you and your hubby feel living with your parents?
Sabster congratulations! I wish you a h&h 9 months.

Dovkav i have my fxd for you and I hope you get your bfp soon.

Myshel me and my DH are currently living with my parents whilst we look for our next home. Its going ok but I can't wait for us to get our own place again. I'm hoping it will be a case of new home new baby for both of us!

piglet I've never tried taking evening primrose but i know you are supposed to stop taking it after O. You could try opks to determine O. I can normally tell when I O by the pain in my side and the fact my cycle is very regular. I normally always O on either cd 17/18.

AFM AF arrived late Saturday. So on to another cycle. I am now on to cycle 6 since my last mc. Felt a bit low over the weekend wondering how much longer this will take. I know its only been 5 months since my mc but I have been waiting to meet my little one for three years now. I hope we all don't have to wait too much longer for the little ones we want so much.
Sab: Congrats have happy healthy next nine months!

I would stop talking it after day 14 just to make sure. I haven't heard of it helping you get af if you have a long cycle though ....

Not looking forward to living with the parents for a number of reasons but baby making isn't one of them. I feel like home there is very stressful my parents do not understand personal space and I don't know how I will handle that after ten years of being out on my own. Oh well, going to the old house to pack up and starting fertility aid when I get there. Will let you know how that goes!
Congratulations Sabster!

AFM- Not a whole lot to report. Went in for my Day 21 test today. I'm disappointed that Clomid didn't really make me o earlier in my cycle, but at least my blood tests have come back showing that I'm o-ing for sure. I'm not 100% positive that I was before, as the only other blood test I've had came back pretty low.
Happy Easter weekend to all that celebrate.

I am officially back home and hubby is in Ontario working. Packing up the remainder of the house and getting the lawn ready for the new owners. Can not believe how fast this is coming!

Started taking Fertilaid when I got back home and haven''t seen any negative side effects that i have been reading about, so hoping that it will help regulate my hormones a little bit. As I wont be seeing DH this month there is no hope for pregnancy but going to start charting again after AF to get back into the swing of things and see if this has any impact on my LP.

When I use to chart (I had to take a break for my mental health) I always had a spike showing ovulation occurred however I never had a positive OPK which was concerning. I have purchased some tests and will see with this new regime if I can finally get my LH surge strong enough to show via a pee stick lol. I know it is a shot in the dark but I cant help but remember a comment my Dr dismissively said after reviewing my blood work 2 years ago. "Your progesterone is a bit low, but that could be because of ...." and then he trailed off. I didn't think anything of it then because we were just starting the process but now I wonder if this could be a slight hormone imbalance issue .... oh well shot in the dark.

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.
Myshelsong: I have been taking vitex sine january ( right after MC) and it really helped to regulate my hormones and get my AF. When I had my first MC I didnt take anything and I felt like i had been dipped in a concoction of hormones and it took almost 2 months to get an AF. the second time around with the vitex, it took 42 days to get my AF back and I got a BFP in the first cycle.... I think fertilaid has vitex too.

I took 1200mg of vitex for a month to really saturate my system and then went down to 800mg. I also took vitamin d, c and B complex 100. and I just ate more veggies and had my "fetility/antiinflamatory" smoothies almost every morning.

@flou: It took me 6 months to get a bfp after the 1st mc, and that also ended in a mc. Honestly, id rather it take longer but catch a good egg, then to be able to get pregnant "easily" and just lose them... Don't despair! it will come :)

our mental and emotional state reflects in our body and our health. its all connected so we have to remain positive and strive to appreciate everything we have right now. I struggle with this everyday, but I am trying to remain positive because I am scared shitless something will go wrong with this pregnancy, so everyday is a milestone and hopefully I can get to the "finish" line. but If i dont, I am done trying for a baby. FOR A LONG TIME.
Sabster I have my fxd for you. I hope it all works out for you this time and you will have a lovely little rainbow in 9 months time.
:wohoo::wohoo:BFP today!

14 dpo Clear blue digital

Tearful, speechless, shocked, blessed......


2 years and 5 months TTC

First BFP ever!

Blood tests tomorrow.

Never say never! It will happen soon!
:wohoo::wohoo:bfp today!

14 dpo clear blue digital

tearful, speechless, shocked, blessed......


2 years and 5 months ttc

first bfp ever!

Blood tests tomorrow.

never say never! It will happen soon!

congratulations!!!!! May you have a healthy and happy nine months you deserve this
Congrats!! So exciting seeing all the bfp's on here. I can poas on Thursday. fx :winkwink:

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