@dovkav: good info. I always thought I was a late ovulator, but I think Im a day 10-14 ovulator now.. Im not very sure.
So a little update: Ive been having crazy heartburn for 3 weeks, and we tried SMEP for march in addition to my usual Vitex ( which Ive been taking since the last MC in january) We got a BFP about 2 weeks ago, BIG SURPRISE, because I was not very concentrated on the baby making strategies... we were drinking and smoking,and enjoying the company of tequila. So we are pretty stoked and happy, but also very apprehensive because of our last 2 experiences.
I went for my appointment with my endocrinologist last tuesday ( talk about good timing!) and she said all my tests results are normal, so I dont have insulin resistance and I have no blood clot disorders. She did say that I have a genetic mutation that requires that I take 5mg of folic acid.. I dont remember the details... Oh and she did an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy, that was pretty sweet. She said I have some blood behind the "placenta" so I am on pelvic rest ( NO sexy times for me...) and hopefully it will clear up. ive read a bit about these bruises, but I decided not too look into it too much. I dont want to stress myself out. If the baby stays we will be elated, but if I lose this one, I just want to handle it rationaly and not so emotionally like the last two times..