@flou, how is your 2ww?
@madtowngirl, I had HSG. I could tolerate a very short painful cramping. You should get it done. You'll learn more about your uterus and tubes and get help if there is a problem. Doing some tests and going forward will give you peace.
Aspirin and fish oil can help decrease chances of M/c. Have you tried them?
We failed 2 IUIs and 3 perfect embryos didn't stick so far. We don't give up and we go forward. THis April will be the 9th month of intensive fetility treatments. We didn't TTC naturally almost a year. WE did diagnostic tests, lots of blood tests....We consider we have unkown infertility.
We did a sperm dna fragmentation test this month.
The sperm results should be in 2-3 weeks. I have an appointment on Friday for u/s on CD8. Possible ER on Monday or Tuesday.
My dr. wants us to wait till the results. She doesn't have a treatment for a high fragm sperm anyways. We are doing for our own peace and mind. However, If we do IVF and we get lucky than we did dna test for nothing...
If his sperm has high dna damage than I'll look for a clinic which uses IMSI method to select the best sperm with a better microscope.
So far His morfology improved from 5% to 19% last month. Motility improved from 20% to 30%. He is on the normal range. I think we need to do IVF and hope that the sperm is still in good shape for this April cycle. I hope the healthy egg and sperm wll meet finally.
This time during IVF I'll ask my dr. to test my hormones during egg retrieval and after embryo transfer. Maybe I need extra help for my TWW.
Ladies, it is a beautiful Spring time! More sun, more vitamins, more sex will make us preggo in no time!

I hope and pray.