LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

@ Dovkav123 : the questions you put forth are really good. Im waiting for tests results to see whether or not I am actually insulin resistant and if i have a blood clot disorder. In the meantime I did buy baby aspirin but I have totally forgotten to take it and I am taking vitex. I will add vitamin D to the mix because Im pretty sure I dont get enough of that :)

I was reading an article yesterday about balance in minerals in the body and how they afffect fertility. Especially concerning copper overload and low zinc levels. Pretty much the article suggests vitamin C, chardon marie ( which is AMAZING!!!) and taking zinc. they also talk a lot about vitamin D. i think its something we should all look into... Im going to try to get more info on this and share it,

I have all these vitamins at home ( except zinc mineral) which i will go get sometime next week. i was thinking also that I dont actually drink milk or eat a lot of meat for that matter for Im going to look into optimizing my levels of calcium/magnesium.

I wish you the best for the IVF or IUI!! It must be very difficult for your body but the mind is the master and with the proper attitude we can change the most taxing experiences into the most wonderful :) do you prep your body in any particular way for the IVF or IUI??

If we don'T get pregnant this year I guess we will have to start looking into other options. Im really not very open to any sort of interventionist methods.. but the wonderful thing about time and TTC is that the longer you wait the more desperate you get... so who knows! I used to be super opposed to taking clomid or any sort of drugs, and now I have come to terms with the fact that Id rather take clomid or metformin than to get pregnant again and have another MC....
flou, I am happy about your perfect blood results, your fertility is great. However, waiting for another mc is not a solution. I have heard that dr. will do nothing till a woman has 3 losses.
1.Have you done a hysteroscopy?
2.Have you taken a baby aspirin?
3.What are your Vit D levels. I took 1000 a day and still I had low numbers.
I don't know how old are you.
I am 32 years old so I was concerned that I was running out of time so the blood tests have put me at ease for now that I should have a few more years of good fertility. Ive never had an heteroscopy. I think I will suggest it if nothing shows up on the ultrasound. I am taking a vitamin d and folic acid tablet combined. I have wondered whether I could have a blood clotting issue. My maternal grandfather died of a blood clot to the lungs. My mother took a year to fall pg with me and had clots in AF. I don't get many clots but one treatment of blood clotting issue is to lower a type of amino acid in the blood (can't remember the name of it at the mo). You can do this by taking b vitamins. So i am also taking a vitamin b complex which as well as helping if i do have a clotting prob but also help my lining and increase progesterone. Some studies also reckon it lowers your risk of mc. Also this gives me more folic acid. I don't take baby asprin but i might ask the doc about this. I am asthmatic so should avoid asprin. Ive never had a prob with it but equally i don't really take it. But maybe in small doses it could be ok. I will wait to see what the doc says.

Thank you for the advice dovkav. I hope you get your bean soon.
AF is due in a few days, and I think I'm probably out. I don't know why, I just have a feeling. :nope: I don't understand how I fell pregnant so easily right after stopping birth control, but now I can't even get a hint of a bfp. Feeling sorry for myself today. :(
Ugh, I am so sick of taking all these pills and trying to figure out all the vitamins and minerals that it takes to conceive. I get that I am trying just to stay positive and doing all that I can, but I am just done with all this stuff. For me, trying to feel and be healthy is just going to have to cut it until I hear from the specialist and they do more tests and whatnot. Because at this point I have given up on natural conception ...

I feel really down today, started my girly days the other day and although I knew I wasn't pregnant before it came it is still hard.

How is everyone doing today?
It is our Engagement anniversary today, looking forward to a stress free evening filled with wine and pizza.

I am 32 years old so I was concerned that I was running out of time so the blood tests have put me at ease for now that I should have a few more years of good fertility.

I am 32 years old as well .. turnining 33 in October.
flou, I am happy about your perfect blood results, your fertility is great. However, waiting for another mc is not a solution. I have heard that dr. will do nothing till a woman has 3 losses.
1.Have you done a hysteroscopy?
2.Have you taken a baby aspirin?
3.What are your Vit D levels. I took 1000 a day and still I had low numbers.
I don't know how old are you.
I am 32 years old so I was concerned that I was running out of time so the blood tests have put me at ease for now that I should have a few more years of good fertility. Ive never had an heteroscopy. I think I will suggest it if nothing shows up on the ultrasound. I am taking a vitamin d and folic acid tablet combined. I have wondered whether I could have a blood clotting issue. My maternal grandfather died of a blood clot to the lungs. My mother took a year to fall pg with me and had clots in AF. I don't get many clots but one treatment of blood clotting issue is to lower a type of amino acid in the blood (can't remember the name of it at the mo). You can do this by taking b vitamins. So i am also taking a vitamin b complex which as well as helping if i do have a clotting prob but also help my lining and increase progesterone. Some studies also reckon it lowers your risk of mc. Also this gives me more folic acid. I don't take baby asprin but i might ask the doc about this. I am asthmatic so should avoid asprin. Ive never had a prob with it but equally i don't really take it. But maybe in small doses it could be ok. I will wait to see what the doc says.

Thank you for the advice dovkav. I hope you get your bean soon.

Clots in AF are normal, if you have a big ones and horrible cramping during AF, you may have endometriosis or fibroids. Maybe your mom did have them,
Thrombofilia test will tell you about blood clot disorder.
Only If your grandfather have died young anything below 60 you may have genetic gene too.
Another blood thinner is heparin, please ask your dr. about it too.
Fish oil 3g a day, ginger, red clover, garlic, oregano, ginko biloba, cayene pepper, chamomile all those wonderful nature gifts are natural anticogulants. I do take them during my AF, it reduces my clots and shortens my AF.
Good luck, flou you are young and beautiful, dn't worry about your fertility. I guess we all need to wait for a right time.
madtowngirl, myshelsong,

Sorry you find yourself here agian... It seems so hard to pick up and keep going after a bfn. Part of me is just ready to give up and move on. The other part of me can't imagine life without a lil one of my own and forces me to keep trying - that part of me keeps shrinking!! Hang in there. I promise it gets easier... but it definitely is never easy.

I am in the mess too. Few days before AF arrived, I had a fight with my dh, slept in a separate rooms. He screamed he wants no more progesterone in this house.
My AF was late only one day. I had a tiny hope...
It is different this month. I have a very painful, crampy AF. So I guess it is OK, this way I don't feel emotional pain, cos I need to concentrate to a physical pain.
I had HSG last month, maybe this procedure something has to do with it.

I am thinking I should qiut all the vitamins, they don't help, maybe they overload my liver and it needs to work harder. WE don't know what trace chemicals are in those vitamins.

Myshelsong, enjoy your anniversary!!!!!
I was too sick to drink a glass of wine yesterday. Hopefully I'll cheer a glass for you two today!!!!
flou, I am happy about your perfect blood results, your fertility is great. However, waiting for another mc is not a solution. I have heard that dr. will do nothing till a woman has 3 losses.
1.Have you done a hysteroscopy?
2.Have you taken a baby aspirin?
3.What are your Vit D levels. I took 1000 a day and still I had low numbers.
I don't know how old are you.
I am 32 years old so I was concerned that I was running out of time so the blood tests have put me at ease for now that I should have a few more years of good fertility. Ive never had an heteroscopy. I think I will suggest it if nothing shows up on the ultrasound. I am taking a vitamin d and folic acid tablet combined. I have wondered whether I could have a blood clotting issue. My maternal grandfather died of a blood clot to the lungs. My mother took a year to fall pg with me and had clots in AF. I don't get many clots but one treatment of blood clotting issue is to lower a type of amino acid in the blood (can't remember the name of it at the mo). You can do this by taking b vitamins. So i am also taking a vitamin b complex which as well as helping if i do have a clotting prob but also help my lining and increase progesterone. Some studies also reckon it lowers your risk of mc. Also this gives me more folic acid. I don't take baby asprin but i might ask the doc about this. I am asthmatic so should avoid asprin. Ive never had a prob with it but equally i don't really take it. But maybe in small doses it could be ok. I will wait to see what the doc says.

Thank you for the advice dovkav. I hope you get your bean soon.

Clots in AF are normal, if you have a big ones and horrible cramping during AF, you may have endometriosis or fibroids. Maybe your mom did have them,
Thrombofilia test will tell you about blood clot disorder.
Only If your grandfather have died young anything below 60 you may have genetic gene too.
Another blood thinner is heparin, please ask your dr. about it too.
Fish oil 3g a day, ginger, red clover, garlic, oregano, ginko biloba, cayene pepper, chamomile all those wonderful nature gifts are natural anticogulants. I do take them during my AF, it reduces my clots and shortens my AF.
Good luck, flou you are young and beautiful, dn't worry about your fertility. I guess we all need to wait for a right time.

My Grandfather died in his early 50s. I never met him as I wasn't born until 10 years after his death. So maybe its possible. At least I know that if i do have a prob I'm doing the right thing by taking the vit b tablets. And next time i see the FS i will ask about the heparin.

I'm on cd 27 and 10dpo today. I started getting watery discharge at about 6 dpo which is normal for me. This is probably due to a second oestrogen surge which is quite common half way through lp. But then about 7dpo i had the huge glob of ewcm. This isn't unknown but i have never had that before so I am hoping its a positive sign. My bbs are sore and Ive got constipation. Ive had 2 bfps before but I can't tell the difference between PMS and pregnancy. I'm not convinced there is a real difference in how you feel between the two. I think the symptoms just show up to annoy us!
Myshel i hope you enjoyed your anniversary. I know exactly how you feel. I sometimes get worried about drinking alcohol and eating the wrong foods during the tww only to end up getting AF. It makes me feel so cheated!

Madtown sorry if AF showed and i can definitely identify with your frustration. I hope you get your rainbow soon!
Anniversary was ok I guess, we ended up arguing at the end but I think that is more about the move and the stresses of getting the house ready than anything else.
I am just ready to move onto my next steps in life, be it pregnancy or adoption ... just something and waiting for the move is driving me crazy. Was not a long trip since it was really only around the corner but none the less we have arrived at Crazy town, population me.:dohh:
Thanks ladies- AF did indeed show. I'm now on a second cycle of Clomid. I'm feeling better today - at least there is a plan in place. If this cycle and next cycle don't work, I'll be getting a U/S done to look at my anatomy.

One obnoxious thing that is currently happening is that my sense of smell is more sensitive right now. Maybe it's a side effect of the Clomid. Either way, my friend asked me if I was pregnant because I kept smelling things she couldn't. It kind of hurt. :/
Hey girls.

I know I didn't really post a history, was just a quick post last time, but was struggling hugely at the time. Nothings really any better right now but feel more in the frame of mind to give my story more time.

When I was born I was born with a twisted stomach and uterus, it was a right old mess and took months for my body to right itself, thank fully no operation needed then, but life itself was a battle, and the idea of ever having children due to the damage done by the twisting was very very low. But I did have a small chance, or so the dr's said.

When I finally started my periods they were extremely painful and heavy and almost as soon as they started they were stopped via the pill for the first few years and later on the Mirena coil.

When I was in university, after years of heavy, painful periods, and a few other medical issues they operated to find out why I was in a lot of pain and discomfort in my stomach nearly permanently. They discovered a lot of tissue from endometriosis all over my stomach and did their best to remove it, as well as removing a lot of cysts from my poly cystic ovaries. Both these conditions were first diagnosed by the operation and it was such a relief to finally know why exactly I had been in pain and what the cause was. I became hopeful that the conditions can be treated.

At the same time I was in a very bad relationship, although I didn't see it at the time, with someone controlling dominating and demanding. We were getting close to getting married and while he knew I would have difficulty having children he knew it was something I would fight for to get. After coming around from the operation though, he told me and managed to convince me not to speak to the Dr, and that what the Dr's had found meant I would never be able to have children. I believed him, and totally heartbroken discharged myself early without seeing the Dr.

Surprisingly about 4 months later I found the strength to walk away from this relationship after 8 years of being controlled and dominated. It helped when I made friends with one of the 4 women he had gotta pregnant during the time we had been together. But thats a different story.

Almost a year later one of my closest friends decided to let me know he was in love with me :) This year we have been together 10 years and got married in August 2012.

In 2008 I was diagnosed with Myofascial Pain syndrome (my skin becomes super sensitive and any touch from clothes, people etc, burns and hurts) Fibromyalgia (constant widespread pain and fatigue) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (any exercise/activity wipes me out and causes memory loss and mental fatigue) and am waiting on results to see if I have Multiple Sclerosis. On top of this I suffer from Bells Palsy (part of my face droops and becomes numb and speech gets slurred and confused) I'm a royal mess medically, but apart from the MS if I have none are passed on, if/when we do have children they aren't at risk. I need crutches just to get around and a wheelchair on any distances over 100 yards.

In 2009 with most of my conditions pretty much under control as long as I am careful, we approached the Dr's as my now husband wanted to be sure I couldn't have children before we started investigating adoption. He's as desperate as I am for a child. My Dr checked me over, read back through my notes and, surprise, surprise, my ex had lied to me. I can have children, all my notes say is it will be difficult and may need outside intervention to assist me.

Cue our TTC journey. We tried everything to assist us in the first 2 years, temping, charting, O packs, everything you can think of. After the first 2 years (our policy before starting assistance despite previous history and diagnosis of 2 issues to fertility) we approached one of the new Dr's at our practice. She ran all the usual tests and after 4 months of collecting 21 day bloods she told us we were fine and over reacting and to come back at 3 years ... (this is against policy and we had to make a formal complaint)
Any way the next month we got an appointment to see my normal Dr who was away the first few months hence evil woman Dr. He took one look at my notes and decided to add to our formal complaint.
My progesterone levels were nearly 0. I wasn't ovulating most months and on the ones I were the progesterone levels were so low the eggs were barely viable.

Because of previous diagnosis of PCOS and Endo I didn't need to go through all the testing and the Dr put us straight on to Clomid.

The first 2 cycles of Clomid did nothing but cause me extra discomfort, we hoped and prayed this was a good sign.

The 3rd cycle was a success!! We couldn't believe it, it was such a shock and at christmas too! We hadn't told anyone and were happily plodding along with our own little glow.

Boxing day 2011 I woke up in pain and had cramping, I didn't think much of it as first as I had been cramping for most of the period since :BFP: until I went to the bathroom. There was so much blood. I screamed for my husband and we called the emergency Dr. They confirmed it was an early stage MC :'( We were heart broken. We hadn't even told anyone we had a secret and before we could blink it was gone :(

Due to its very early stage, I was spared the heartache of a D/C and left to myself to deal with the loss.

On returning to the Dr in the new year he referred us to a fertility specialist, but warned us it was a long waiting list ... Bot was he not joking. We got refered in the January and finally got to see the specialist in the December!!!! One my 30th Birthday no less. The year had been spent still trying, although un assisted as our Dr was unwilling to try Clomid again.

We got to the clinic and were kept waiting for 3 hours after our appointment and when we finally got in to see the specialist, it wasn't even them we were seeing but one of his secretaries!!!!! Who informed us rather coldly and nastily, that due to my records and health our only option was IVF ... That our Dr had been "wrong" to give me clomid due to me being "obese" and that all they can do for me was to keep my records open until I lost around 50kgs ...

Well that made me angry I can tell you but was too shocked at her coldness and the news she was giving us to do anything. My husband was totally livid but too concerned about me to say anything to her. We have made a complaint since though over her manner and our treatment at the time. They didn't even examine me after making me strip off and didn't even give me a gown to cover up with.

And yet these are the people we still have to go back to, when I have lost the weight! Although given our hospitals turn over of staff and training staff we should have all new by then.

So that our status right now NTNP while I focus on weight loss and hope and pray I get it off to begin IVF.

I am so far, despite my mobility issues and health issues, 15.7kgs down out of the 50 I need to lose.

I have since gotten married and apart from the fertility am blissfully happy!

The fertility issues though leave a nasty black cloud on my back and every facebook announcement from our friends, most who are on their second or third child since we have been trying, cuts deep and leaves me hurting.

I struggle around babies and still have yet to meet my brothers youngest due to both distance and pain on my part.

I feel no one understands, apart from on here.

My sister in law keeps extolling the virtues of IVF though as their first was through IVF and they had a second naturally after that.

I remain focused on the goal and try to keep positive but its oh so hard ..

Well thats my story so far girls.
:hugs: calasen. I felt humbled by your experience and thank you for sharing. You have come through and cope with many things in your life but still find the strength to remain as positive as possible. This is a credit to your character. Good luck with the weight loss and I hope you get a rainbow soon!
We are doing IUI#2 on Monday.
My other ovary, the Left one, has an 18mm follicle on CD9. On the schedule, like always.
My dr. suggested IUI anyways cos we havn't done many yet... She agrees we should give a chance. We'll take advantage of the freshly flushed tubes. She wouldn't do HCG shot either.
So will take her advice.
How is everybody?
I hope you are enjoying early Spring
How did the iui go dovkav? I have my fxd for you that this will be it.

AF arrived for me yesterday so onto another month. Feeling a little low at the mo as me and my DH have now hit the three year mark ttc. I just keep wondering how much longer its going to take to have the baby we have hoped for.

How is everyone else doing?
:hugs:flou. I hate these kinds of anniversaries. I hope your next anniversary is your baby's 1st birthday.

AFM, I'm ... 4? days dpo on round #2 of Clomid. I took Mucinex this cycle, even though I don't really think it will help, but I'm sort of getting desperate and trying anything that won't hurt. I'm not sure why, but I'm not too hopeful for this round.
How did the iui go dovkav? I have my fxd for you that this will be it.

AF arrived for me yesterday so onto another month. Feeling a little low at the mo as me and my DH have now hit the three year mark ttc. I just keep wondering how much longer its going to take to have the baby we have hoped for.

How is everyone else doing?

IUI went well except I had a bleeding afterwards.I had 23mm follicle during IUI, 12mm uterine lining, My dr. used a tubal catheter, cos it's very flexible and thin. I felt a cramp during the procedure. Dr.told me that bleeding it is normal. I did have a drop of blood an hour later and I had in the evening brown spotting too.
I didn't bleed last month.
I am testing around 24th at home.
Praying and hoping for a good outcome.

Sorry about the ugly :witch:. I am so sad that you have to wait for your miracle so long. :hugs: Hoping and praying the wait won't last long anymore..

Calasen, your story is incredible, thank you for sharing. You went through so much pain.:hugs: I am sorry

madtowngirl, good luck to you this cycle. I think I am 4dpIUI. WE are on the same schedule. Hope and pray we'll be a bump buddies.
Good luck madtown and dovkav i hope you will both be bump buddies this cycle! And hopefully I will join you not long after!
Hello Ladies,
Sorry I haven't been posting, the move to Australia, my new job and my missed ivf opportunity were keeping my mind busy.
We have had a little break ttc, but will start again naturally next cycle.
Ivf has to be on hold until I return to New Zealand in a year or two. But I hope we are lucky enough to conceive naturally.
How is everyone?
Has anyone heard from Pblge? I read she took a break but it seems so long now. I hope she is ok.
Hello Ladies,
Sorry I haven't been posting, the move to Australia, my new job and my missed ivf opportunity were keeping my mind busy.
We have had a little break ttc, but will start again naturally next cycle.
Ivf has to be on hold until I return to New Zealand in a year or two. But I hope we are lucky enough to conceive naturally.
How is everyone?
Has anyone heard from Pblge? I read she took a break but it seems so long now. I hope she is ok.

Pipi, we miss you here!
I hope and pray you'll come back home 3 of you in two years. Enjoy Australia. How is the cultural difference?
pgl is on break.

Elphabaa77 have sent a message on pbl thread.

"I have been in touch with PBL and she wanted me to let people know she is still alive and kicking. They had a nice, rejuvenating vacation in the US Virgin Islands around the New Year. She is doing okay. Just isn't ready to come back to B&B yet."
I have flushed my tubes. They were open. We havn't done any IUIs. I am resting my ovaries from IVFs and trying TTC with IUI #2 this month. I am 6dpiui and I have nothing to report...

Yesterday I met a woman with 2 young children. She didn't get pregnant for 10 years. She had a LAP done and one of her tubes were blocked and another was very narrow. She got finally preggo only with a help of hormones. She was 37 y/o. Another baby she conceived a year later. It was a big suprise.
She keep telling me, you'll get preggo soon, it will happen...

Sending you a very very sticky and preggo vibes :dust:
HI Pip, flou, Dov, and everyone else!

That is a great story Dov, fingers crossed it will happen to us!

Has anyone tried Fertilaid for women? I am still waiting for referral and still midst of moving so was thinking of trying this for a few months.

Lots of packing and cleaning over here! Can't wait to start the move and get starting again!

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