I'm just waiting for this cycle to be over so we can get back to TTC. I had to take a break because I had my appendix out a few weeks ago. Then, when I went for my first fertility appointment with my new doctor, I didn't have any lining! I was pretty bummed out, but I think it was just my body's way of making sure I didn't get pregnant while it was still recovering from the surgery.
Had a follow up appointment with the FS after giving like 5 pints of blood for blood tests. Lining was back and it was nice and thick, so that was great. The blood test results came back as normal except for one. I have a high count of NK (natural killer) cells, which could be the reason for all my losses. (NK cell counts peak in the uterus during the time where a egg should be implanting. In most women, this doesn't really have any effect and can actually aid implantation. In women with high counts, the NK cells attack the embryo and can cause miscarriages). I'm having another blood test to confirm the levels soon. But, it's nice to have a reason and know that this is why this has been happening and we can fix it. Treatment for high NK cells is a bit variable. Some women take steriods, some do intralipids, some do both. My doc is in the intralipid camp. I'd have to do at least three sessions of intralipids, one as soon as I know I'm pregnant, one 4-6 weeks later and then another after 4-6 weeks. After that, the levels of NK cells in the uterus should naturally decrease.
The FS also did a scan of my uterus and saw something that I think is a fibroid, but he thinks it could be adenomyosis, so I have to have an MRI next week. He said not to TTC this month (after he told us to go for it, since I hadn't ov'd when he did the scan....but we totally BD'd before DH left on his business trip before ov. I ov'd like 3.5-4 days later. It's a long shot, but there is a chance and so I'm a little worried, but we'll see what happens.
But after this MRI and the NK cells test comes back, we'll work on TTC for real for the first time since my surgery at the beginning of November. I'm hoping that the next time I get a BFP, it'll be a sticky one, with a little help from the doc.
Sorry for the novel...it's been a while.