I totally get how you feel. We have been classed as unexained infertility. Been trying for 18 months. If one more person just uses the phrase just relax it will hAppen I will scream !
Thanks for your reply, still trying to work out how to replies and forum works! It's hard from a phone! Good luck with this months iui. I bet it's felt like a lifetime to get to that stage. My thoughts will be with you. I really hope it all works out for you. Everyone I see a ltttc get a bfp it does mAke me feel positive that we are not completely out.
My best friend told me to "relax and it will happen" and I had to say, Please don't ever say that to me again or I will throttle you. Then I launched into a 'Do you know how many times I've had to hear that phrase?' rant. Then I pointed out how I was very relaxed my first year of trying and that didn't seem to help. Only getting medical intervention helped, so obviously relaxing was not my problem. At all. I hate that phrase.
I totally get how you feel. We have been classed as unexained infertility. Been trying for 18 months. If one more person just uses the phrase just relax it will hAppen I will scream !
I know that feeling as wellI got DH to get his mother to stop saying it because I felt like if she said it one more time, I was gonna slap her in the face
Thanks for your reply, still trying to work out how to replies and forum works! It's hard from a phone! Good luck with this months iui. I bet it's felt like a lifetime to get to that stage. My thoughts will be with you. I really hope it all works out for you. Everyone I see a ltttc get a bfp it does mAke me feel positive that we are not completely out.
No problem! If you want to reply to someone's post, just push on the "Reply with quote" on the lower right side of the person's post and it should open the "Reply to thread" window and you should see the quote in the space where you write.
Thank you Han2015It truely did, especially since the rule is you need to TTC for at least 12 months naturally in this country before you can get a referral, no matter your age. It's because the state pays for it if you wait for a referral. Then our GP delayed things by refusing to help us get the tests the clinic wanted and then Christmas got in the way so we were delayed by 2 months
Anyway thank you so much for your support! I hope you soon get your BFP as well
Will you be starting any fertility treatments?
My best friend told me to "relax and it will happen" and I had to say, Please don't ever say that to me again or I will throttle you. Then I launched into a 'Do you know how many times I've had to hear that phrase?' rant. Then I pointed out how I was very relaxed my first year of trying and that didn't seem to help. Only getting medical intervention helped, so obviously relaxing was not my problem. At all. I hate that phrase.
People are just deaf to anything we tell them![]()
A good example: my big brother (½ brother, same mother but different fathers) started debating with me recently when I posted about how annoying it is to hear this saying (among others) on FB. He was so arrogant about it and when I could see he wasn't interested in hearing anything I had to say and no article would sway him the slightest, I told him that maybe we should drop it and discuss it at a later date (like when I have a baby and am not using my whole being into getting through IUI). But nope he just said I didn't want to discuss it further because the conversation wasn't going my way and that I should post on when I was "ready for an adult conversation"Surprising thing is him and his wife used 5 years on fertility treatments before they had their daughter (ther started when his wife was 41) but doesn't seem it made him more empathic to what I'm going through
On a side note, I don't know why he constantly has this need to win any discussion and see me as childish and spoiled when I'm not at all, despite the fact my parents spoiled me in a materialistic sense (although I was emotionally abused by my mother for years).
So yeah, some people are just impossible to discuss TTCing with, especially if you haven't been able to conceive within 3-6 months![]()
My best friend told me to "relax and it will happen" and I had to say, Please don't ever say that to me again or I will throttle you. Then I launched into a 'Do you know how many times I've had to hear that phrase?' rant. Then I pointed out how I was very relaxed my first year of trying and that didn't seem to help. Only getting medical intervention helped, so obviously relaxing was not my problem. At all. I hate that phrase.
People are just deaf to anything we tell them![]()
A good example: my big brother (½ brother, same mother but different fathers) started debating with me recently when I posted about how annoying it is to hear this saying (among others) on FB. He was so arrogant about it and when I could see he wasn't interested in hearing anything I had to say and no article would sway him the slightest, I told him that maybe we should drop it and discuss it at a later date (like when I have a baby and am not using my whole being into getting through IUI). But nope he just said I didn't want to discuss it further because the conversation wasn't going my way and that I should post on when I was "ready for an adult conversation"Surprising thing is him and his wife used 5 years on fertility treatments before they had their daughter (ther started when his wife was 41) but doesn't seem it made him more empathic to what I'm going through
On a side note, I don't know why he constantly has this need to win any discussion and see me as childish and spoiled when I'm not at all, despite the fact my parents spoiled me in a materialistic sense (although I was emotionally abused by my mother for years).
So yeah, some people are just impossible to discuss TTCing with, especially if you haven't been able to conceive within 3-6 months![]()
family's huh! After my lap surgery to find out if I had endo my sister came around to see me and all she could talk about was having her tubes tied in a couple of weeks (she has 3 kids). I mean how insensitive can you get! I really think your right in that it is impossible to discuss trying with some people, even family!
New to this group. Hope it's ok if join. Long story short, was married & tried for 4 years, no results. New husband been trying for 3 years, still nothing. Finally got into an RE who can't understand why I'm not pregnant yet either. I hate the term "unexplained" and hearing from my friends "stop trying, it will happen"! Currently in the tww and I'm going out of my mind. 4dpo I want it hurry and get my BFP or have AF show so I can start the process of IUI. They never waned to try it on me for some silly reason but now due to my age they suddenly want to try. Rants over. Thanks for reading. Sticky baby dust to everyone!!!
Hi Stine, welcome to the group. Sorry you are having the issues.
Had my IUI yesterdat and not really optomistic. SA came in again low but at least motility was better I guess. Oh well, we booked our Cuba trip so excited for Feb 7 to come! Need a break from all this
Hi Stine, welcome to the group. Sorry you are having the issues.
Had my IUI yesterdat and not really optomistic. SA came in again low but at least motility was better I guess. Oh well, we booked our Cuba trip so excited for Feb 7 to come! Need a break from all this
Hi Kat, we have the go-ahead to do two more IUi this time with injectables. Gonal-F and hopefully we will get more than one follicle when we do that. How was your IU I!? My IUI this time around was actually quite painful after. I had some heavy duty cramping and even dark brown spotting. I am still tender but feeling better. Super tired but I blame the prometrium.
Hi Kat, we have the go-ahead to do two more IUi this time with injectables. Gonal-F and hopefully we will get more than one follicle when we do that. How was your IU I!? My IUI this time around was actually quite painful after. I had some heavy duty cramping and even dark brown spotting. I am still tender but feeling better. Super tired but I blame the prometrium.
Deafgal, I am definitely looking forward to Cuba and hanging out on the beach. Good thing is that we will know for sure by the time we leave so I won't know to either a) avoid all alcohol or b) drink the entire resort dry!
Thanks wannabe how are you doing?
Right now I feel like this is going to be the longest two week wait of my life. It is our nine year dating anniversary this weekend so we are going to Toronto to see an orchestra and have a nice night at a hotel. Trying to feel optimistic and hopeful for this month and at the same time trying to enjoy life. This is hard.