Thanks ladies!
Kat- UGH I am so tired of hearing "just relax" from my family and co-workers. Like seriously, relaxing isn't always the answer. It's called INFERTILITY for a reason. It's a real, true medical condition. Not every woman is born with the ability to just fall on their DH and become pregnant. Some people actually need medical assistance and our loved ones to stop harassing us about how well it worked for them! Rant over- Also great news about your IUI. Lots of baby dust!!
Well, I got a positive OPK last night. It was late in my cycle so I'm not sure if anything will come of it. I can always pray. I am just keeping my hopes up the IUI will work next month if I don't get a BFP this month. Reality is IDK anyone that had their first attempt at IUI be their only attempt. Guess I'll have to wait and see.
Hope everyone is well and staying positive
Unfortunately many people don't get that

Take my brother for instance, he has given me the same mantra, that and that I should take a vacation (which we did try). My MIL has too but I think she's gradually getting it. My brother, not, we've actually had a fight over it. I'd say you should avoid discussing it with people unless you feel they're open to hearing it. Otherwise I'd just go with some advice I read over the internet recently: just say thanks and you'll consider that option and then start talking about something else. Take it from me, the vast majority of the time, it isn't worth it. I've been in discussions with my brother, MIL (had 3 kids), DH's friend's girlfriend (who has 2 kids from a previous relationship so think she's an expert) and my narcissitic mother (had 6 kids

). The only one I've been able to sway at all is my MIL, everyone else has stuck to their guns. That girlfriend though has been convinced I'm not Oing because I was on the pill for 9-10 years even though my hormones and U/S show otherwise. But she won't budge. So avoid the whole discussion, maybe just telling them you'll consider it and just change the topic will get them to leave you alone.
Get BDing

I've talked to about 2 ladies on here that were lucky enough to have their 1st IUI work but I don't think it's normal (one was 26 and the other was about 40). One of the nurses at the clinic I'm at told me that in her experience, the 1st one rarely works, it's much more likely for #2 or #3 to work (if it's going to work at all that is). Then there are the occasional #4, #5 and #6 that work of course. So definitely don't give up if your 1st IUI doesn't work. I always tell people to try the recommended 3 times so they're sure they need IVF, which is more invasive
We are going to be trying injectables next month with the IUI. Hubby is religiously taking his vitamins which is way different from the months prior. I think he realizes that his count is not good and his motility is well below normal. Hoping with the extra boost it will help with the IUI.
Not being on the hormones this month has really f@ed my my hormones lol. I have had the most sensitive nipples ever! Way worse than anything I have had before, so crazy how body reacts to changes.
Stine I hope u are staying positive as well. I keep going in and out of a dark place, but hoping that once my cycle starts again I will jump in with both feet and remain positive. Just feeling completely helpless and sad. This too shall end I have to tell myself
I hope that him taking vitamins helps as well. My DH has also been a bit better at taking his, especially after the 1st IUI failed

Although his issues aren't as bad as your DH's but it can't hurt.
Here's hoping that the injectables help

I know that the chances should increase slightly compared to Clomid/Femara.