LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

Sorry to hear about ur losses JJ. Welcome to the board and I hope that we can give the comfort when you need it.

As for me I am slowly going nuts thinking about going on Gonal-f has anyone done this yet? What were your emotional experiences?
Sorry to hear about ur losses JJ. Welcome to the board and I hope that we can give the comfort when you need it.

As for me I am slowly going nuts thinking about going on Gonal-f has anyone done this yet? What were your emotional experiences?

I start my injections this week also! I'm doing a combo letrozole/gonal f cycle like last time. Last time around I was such a wimp, I did emla cream and ice. I had almost no side effects. But because I had letrozole/femara first I only had 50 iu for 5 days. I only bruised badly once and that's because DH gave me the shot and screwed up the angle. Other than the stress of doing the shot at the right time and dealing with my needle phobia it was an ok experience. I don't remember having any side effects other than my usual letrozole ones. I don't know how I'd feel about stimming on it a long time though. I only had two mature follicles on it and a couple tiny ones. I hear a lot of people need the trigger to ovulate on it but my body did it's own thing and I surged on my own. My ovulation pain was unreal though.

Are you going to use the gonal f pen? They're pretty easy to use. :thumbup:
AF is a day late. Was trying not to get over excited...feels like the witch is on way now. How tight can I squeeze my legs together *hand over eyes*
I've been on Puregon but that's pretty much the same as Gonal F, just a different name. I'm using the Puregon Pen which is really easy. If you can use a similar pen system, it's simple. I only had issues the first day but after that, easy:winkwink:
Just need to vent and of course no one in my family understand how I am feeling right now. I was just informed this weekend that my sister-in-law is pregnant. YES I am very happy for her and I wish her a wonderful, healthy pregnancy. My issues is, 1- UNPLANNED, 2- She is on BC, 3- she mentioned to me not even 2 weeks ago that she was not ready to have children and they are not even trying.

How am I to feel about all of this? I cried when my brother-in-law told me. Part happy tears, part sad because I am going through so much and I WANT to be a mother. My DH doesn't understand why I am such a mess about it and can't just be happy for them. My mother said "don't let this get you mad". I'm mad, sad, hurt, confused, frustrated, annoyed, aggravated, depressed, lonely and many more emotions I can't even begin to express or feel yet.

DH keeps telling me "our time will come" but after so many years it's hard to believe it to be true. I am just feeling defeated and need to let it out. Thanks for listening ladies! I truly am blessed I found a forum I can let it all out at.
I am so sorry Stine, it is unbelievable that you would react any differently!! You have every right to feel what you are feeling and you are not alone. I feel all of that and more even if I know they are trying, and shamefully some of it when fellow LTTTCers because it is not me. Although not as long, only for about one minute.

This sucks! I am impatiently waiting for af to arrive but it seems like it is taking forever .... Which it isn't, I am not late and don't think we have a chance DH has been sick for two weeks so I know we missed our window. I am just sick of all the F*ing waiting Jeeze! I know you all understand.

Kat and crystal thanks for the support I am feeling better about them knowing it isn't really a big deal.

Jjordan, has af arrived?
So it was a bad sign for me to spot yesterday at 12 dpiui, woke up to cramps and bleeding so AF came 1 day early:cry: Tested anyway since the clinic wants me to and it was negative:nope:

So looks like we'll be doing IUI #3:dohh:
Hey everyone

I've posted once before in here, but bottled hanging around, not really sure why, maybe a deep wishing not to be in this boat, but I am and given how I feel at the moment I really need to put myself around people who can understand how I'm feeling and not make me feel like a huge green eyed monster :nope:

We've been trying on and off for about 5 years now. I have crazy cycles, which were settling down with agnus castus. The Dr has been amazing and very supportive. She wants me to work on the weight loss for now as she doesn't want to refer me to a fs just yet as they will turn me away to lose weight. Which I totally understand and am trying to work on.

My last two cycles have been weird in the sense that I bled (old browny/pink blood) roughly a week before I got a positive opk. Of course I've googled and come to the worst conclusion and totally freaked myself out :dohh: I phoned for an appointment with the Dr and the next available one is in a fortnight (right when af should be here if the positive opk is anything to go by), so I've been advised to call back when af is gone and get one booked then.

Add to that my "friend" is pregnant with her 11th (yep you read it right - 11th )and going for yet another scan tomorrow to try and determine the sex of her baby. I say "friend" like that because I'm not too sure if she's even that anymore. She knows our situation and is constantly telling me to just relax and it will happen. Constantly talking about her baby (which is due around my hubby's birthday). Constantly moaning about this pregnancy. And constantly asking me for advice, when I have no clue whatsoever, nothing to compare it to, and at the moment no hope that it will ever happen. She was even telling the other day about the baby's reduced movements yet wouldn't call the midwife when I told her to because she assumed it was down to the fact that she'd been on her feet cleaning all day.

I'm at a loss, no idea where to turn and worrying myself sick about what will happen when I can eventually get an appointment with my Dr :cry:
Thanks everyone:hugs:

Called the clinic earlier and have an appointment for tomorrow at 11:30 AM. The nurse was new and impossible:wacko: I told her AF arrived today and my HPT confirmed everything since it was negative (at what would've been 13 dpiui). She then started asking me how much I was bleeding and when I was supposed to test with the HPT:wacko: As if that matters when AF is clearly here :dohh: She didn't know what to do so she told me she needed to put me on hold and ask a more experienced nurse. So I was on hold for 1-2 minutes and then she came back and said that I needed to come in CD2 or 3 (duh:roll:) and made the appointment for tomorrow which will be CD2. Hope she has learned the ropes next time I call or that I don't have to deal with her again:nope:

This will be our last shot before the clinic refers us to a hospital for IVF (since it's cheaper for the state). Since there's a waiting period of 4-5 months to start IVF at the hospitals, the clinic will put us through 3 more IUIs in the meantime.
Hey everyone

I've posted once before in here, but bottled hanging around, not really sure why, maybe a deep wishing not to be in this boat, but I am and given how I feel at the moment I really need to put myself around people who can understand how I'm feeling and not make me feel like a huge green eyed monster :nope:

We've been trying on and off for about 5 years now. I have crazy cycles, which were settling down with agnus castus. The Dr has been amazing and very supportive. She wants me to work on the weight loss for now as she doesn't want to refer me to a fs just yet as they will turn me away to lose weight. Which I totally understand and am trying to work on.

My last two cycles have been weird in the sense that I bled (old browny/pink blood) roughly a week before I got a positive opk. Of course I've googled and come to the worst conclusion and totally freaked myself out :dohh: I phoned for an appointment with the Dr and the next available one is in a fortnight (right when af should be here if the positive opk is anything to go by), so I've been advised to call back when af is gone and get one booked then.

Add to that my "friend" is pregnant with her 11th (yep you read it right - 11th )and going for yet another scan tomorrow to try and determine the sex of her baby. I say "friend" like that because I'm not too sure if she's even that anymore. She knows our situation and is constantly telling me to just relax and it will happen. Constantly talking about her baby (which is due around my hubby's birthday). Constantly moaning about this pregnancy. And constantly asking me for advice, when I have no clue whatsoever, nothing to compare it to, and at the moment no hope that it will ever happen. She was even telling the other day about the baby's reduced movements yet wouldn't call the midwife when I told her to because she assumed it was down to the fact that she'd been on her feet cleaning all day.

I'm at a loss, no idea where to turn and worrying myself sick about what will happen when I can eventually get an appointment with my Dr :cry:

Sorry EmmyReece, first saw this after I posted:wacko:

Wow that's a long time TTCing:nope: I hope you soon can make that appointment with the RE and get that ball rolling. Your GP is probably right that an RE would prefer your BMI to be around a certain amount before helping you since being overweight can make the meds not work as well.

I'm so sorry your friend is behaving like that:hugs: I'd probably tell her that you find her comments hurtful and that infertility is a real thing, that it's a myth to say that if you just relax, it'll happen. Relaxing has nothing to do with it! Many women get pregnant during rape or when they were in concentration camps and I seriously doubt that these were very relaxing experiences. Her saying that to you is as insensitive as telling someone with cancer that if they just relax, the cancer will go away:growlmad: I don't know if you can make her understand since very fertile women for the most part seem to not want to understand since it was so easy for them. But I'd tell her you don't want to hear her complain since you want a child so badly and many women around the world would be thankful to be in her shoes. Tell her you might be ok with having short updates here and there about her pregnancy and you're happy for her but it's too hurtful for you to hear about it constantly when you suffer from infertility and it upsets you, especially when she complains (for that and concerning any advice maybe she should talk to one of her fertile friends). I hope you get her to understand but you may only be able to get her to stop talking about it so much. If she feels you're being selfish then that's her problem, you aren't responsible for her feelings:nope: Then she wasn't a friend anyway.

As to worrying I don't think that constantly being worried is very good for you:nope: I hope you soon get an appointment with your GP. Maybe you can call him/her and tell him/her of your worries and that you'd like to discuss things with him/her to put your mind a bit more at ease?

Are there any support groups for infertile women where you are? I've heard some countries have those. But you do have us here to help you and I can tell you the ladies here are so lovely and supportive that I'm sure you'll find this a safe haven to share your worries and feelings where no one will judge you. I don't have many understanding family or friends myself so I find this forum to be a God send:flower:
Hi Kat, sorry af is coming but maybe this will be our lucky Third IUI! We can be IUI buddies. Af is starting for me started spotting, thinking will be heavy tomorrow. Which means on Thursday will be my start of Medication and scanning. Oh what a fun time.

Emma, nice to see you here again. I think you have mentioned this friend before, in either this or other thread. I think you need to pack away the friendship, at least for now. There is nothing wrong with taking a step back and leaving people behind that no longer contribute to a healthy happy you. I have done it before, and will do it again if I had too and it feels wonderful not carrying someone else's issues and negativity around all the time.
Whenis your Dr appointment?
:hugs: please don't apologise Kat, you've got so much going on, and it was more than likely a case of me posting while you were typing your reply :hugs:

I've tried dropping hints to her, have even just come out with it plain and simple that I'm struggling with things and she still goes on. I understand that she's excited, but I feel like I have to constantly put my feelings aside so that she can be happy, which I'm starting to realise is no friendship.

I think for now, my main focus needs to be getting the weight down. What I'll do with regards to seeing my gp is phone on the day that af starts and book the first available appointment after that. I've got some projects coming up over the next week or so that should see me through the 2ww and should hopefully alleviate some of the worry.

Thanks for the warm welcome, it really does mean a lot xx
Emma, nice to see you here again. I think you have mentioned this friend before, in either this or other thread. I think you need to pack away the friendship, at least for now. There is nothing wrong with taking a step back and leaving people behind that no longer contribute to a healthy happy you. I have done it before, and will do it again if I had too and it feels wonderful not carrying someone else's issues and negativity around all the time.
Whenis your Dr appointment?

I've mentioned her a lot in the ltttc vent thread as it seems to be my only outlet lately. She's literally just messaged me on fb and probably wants to moan and whine about her day, but I've not opened the message as I want a night in with my hubby when he eventually gets off his playstation :dohh:
:hugs: please don't apologise Kat, you've got so much going on, and it was more than likely a case of me posting while you were typing your reply :hugs:

I've tried dropping hints to her, have even just come out with it plain and simple that I'm struggling with things and she still goes on. I understand that she's excited, but I feel like I have to constantly put my feelings aside so that she can be happy, which I'm starting to realise is no friendship.

I think for now, my main focus needs to be getting the weight down. What I'll do with regards to seeing my gp is phone on the day that af starts and book the first available appointment after that. I've got some projects coming up over the next week or so that should see me through the 2ww and should hopefully alleviate some of the worry.

Thanks for the warm welcome, it really does mean a lot xx

I think Myshelsong is right, tell her you need to take a break from this friendship because you're dealing with your infertility issues and hearing about her pregnancy isn't helping things. Not only that, she just seems to invalidate you with her "Just relax and it'll happen" and then continues to ramble about her pregnancy, like it's her feelings and needs that are more important. Maybe suggest to her she relies on her other friends, ones with children, that are better able to support her and advise her.

I don't know if I'm reading too much into it, but I found her asking you for advice suspicious. I was wondering if maybe it's possible she enjoys taunting you with her pregnancy because after having been through 10 pregnancies, how much advice does she need since she must be an "expert" now:wacko: Plus she must realize you can't offer much "sage" advice. I don't know, maybe I'm seeing something that isn't there:shrug: Could also be she's just dense and thinks her needs come first because she's pregnant:shrug:

Anyway, if she keeps bothering you even after you tell her you can't deal with it right now then just unfriend her on FB and tell her you need this break and she shouldn't contact you in the meantime but you hope her pregnancy goes well. If she can't understand how painful this is for you and she continues to want to talk about it constantly while completely ignoring your needs and feelings, then she's the selfish one and needs to know she can't treat people like that:growlmad:
Hi Kat, sorry af is coming but maybe this will be our lucky Third IUI! We can be IUI buddies. Af is starting for me started spotting, thinking will be heavy tomorrow. Which means on Thursday will be my start of Medication and scanning. Oh what a fun time.

I sure hope so:thumbup: Yes lets do that:happydance: I had 2 IUI buddies but one got her BFP on the first try (although I hear from her fairly regularly still) and the other one hasn't written me back on a thread I created for a while now so don't know what's up with that:shrug: I've seen her write on another thread and have now gathered her 2nd IUI failed. Strange she never wrote me back but oh well:shrug:

Yes it truely is a blast:haha: As if I'm looking forward to sticking myself with more needles and getting that probe up my vag 3-4 times:haha: I hope it goes well with your injections, if it's with a pen I know a bit about that. Although I think our pens will be a bit different. Hopefully yours include instructions like mine did, they were useful the first couple of times.
My husband and I have been trying to conceive for over a year now. After trying for a year, my husband had his sperm analysis done. He has low motility. His urologist had him take some supplements and wait longer between ejaculating. Then we went to a different urologist who put him on different supplements and wants to wait 3 months to do another SA. All of my hormone levels are fine. This month is the 3rd month so he should be getting his SA done. I'm so frustrated with waiting, hoping, wondering, tracking, praying, and then getting my period and feeling disappointed, frustrated, annoyed. I know it will all be worth it in the end if we end up pregnant but this is such a pain.
Lee23b, have they tried him on Clomid yet? Sounds crazy but I have seen so many ladies have success with it. The guy is able to produce more, and better quality sperm because of the estrogen suppression.
Kat to be totally honest the same thing has crossed my mind several times. Even before she was pregnant, when she knew we were struggling she would go on and on about her 2 pregnant daughters (who've both had their babies now). It's just as if my feelings count for nothing.

I'm keeping my distance today as it's her gender reveal, but I've got this feeling she's going to just turn up tonight when hubby is at work (he works nights 3 times a week) and babble on about herself yet again.

On the plus side one of my little projects arrive today so I'm looking forward to getting stuck into that and distracting myself for a bit. I've ordered a plain white set of drawers (very similar to an ikea Alex) and I'm going to decorate them to fit with the theme in our bedroom. I've spent the last day or so trawling over drawer knobs to personalise them a bit more :rofl:

Really keeping everything crossed for you guys doing your third iuis this cycle :hugs:

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