Hey everyone
I've posted once before in here, but bottled hanging around, not really sure why, maybe a deep wishing not to be in this boat, but I am and given how I feel at the moment I really need to put myself around people who can understand how I'm feeling and not make me feel like a huge green eyed monster
We've been trying on and off for about 5 years now. I have crazy cycles, which were settling down with agnus castus. The Dr has been amazing and very supportive. She wants me to work on the weight loss for now as she doesn't want to refer me to a fs just yet as they will turn me away to lose weight. Which I totally understand and am trying to work on.
My last two cycles have been weird in the sense that I bled (old browny/pink blood) roughly a week before I got a positive opk. Of course I've googled and come to the worst conclusion and totally freaked myself out

I phoned for an appointment with the Dr and the next available one is in a fortnight (right when af should be here if the positive opk is anything to go by), so I've been advised to call back when af is gone and get one booked then.
Add to that my "friend" is pregnant with her 11th (yep you read it right -
11th )and going for yet another scan tomorrow to try and determine the sex of her baby. I say "friend" like that because I'm not too sure if she's even that anymore. She knows our situation and is constantly telling me to just relax and it will happen. Constantly talking about her baby (which is due around my hubby's birthday). Constantly moaning about this pregnancy. And constantly asking me for advice, when I have no clue whatsoever, nothing to compare it to, and at the moment no hope that it will ever happen. She was even telling the other day about the baby's reduced movements yet wouldn't call the midwife when I told her to because she assumed it was down to the fact that she'd been on her feet cleaning all day.
I'm at a loss, no idea where to turn and worrying myself sick about what will happen when I can eventually get an appointment with my Dr