LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

If she does that then just tell her you don't have the time. Maybe just let her say what the gender is, say congrats (so she can't say you aren't showing any interest) and that you don't have time to hear more. If she presses on why just say you don't have the time, you don't need to make up excuses. If she asks when then, say you'll let her know at a later date. Unless you want to confront her face to face and tell her you need a break from the friendship? You could do that as well if you're up for it. Although I'd do it in writing myself but that's me:winkwink:

Another thing has crossed my mind: Could she be narcisstic? My mother is, she has Narcissitic Personality Disorder (NPD) (in a bad way), and she's also fond of talking about herself and stepping all over my feelings. She has no regard for my boundaries either and needs to be at the center of attention. Plus she also likes to rub things in my face e.g. how super fertile she was and that she had no problems conceiving any of her 6 kids (all of us having been emotionally and psychologically abused by her), conceiving me at 41 on the first try or so she claims (funnily enough, she's also fond of the whole "just relax and it'll happen" mantra although I'm by no means saying everyone who uses it has NPD). So maybe your friend has a narcissitic bent? You'd know best though, just something that hit me about your description of her.

Good thing you have a project to distract you:thumbup: That sounds fun, I'm hopeless with that sort of thing, I think. Instead I make earrings with supplies I buy from a local store (stones, pearls, headpins, hooks ect). It's cheaper to make my own plus I'll have something no one else does so that's fun. So what are you going to decorate them with:)
I've got the dates mixed up on her gender scan, it's actually a week today.

I've given her a brief outline of what's going on and that I'm struggling. To be fair to her she's actually been understanding as to why I didn't get in touch yesterday and so far no mention of her pregnancy.

I'm looking into following the low carb version of slimming world. I'm hoping this is going to help boost my weight loss. 1lb down this morning, so hopefully it carries on this way and possibly even more for official weigh in on monday :D

I'd love to have the patience to make jewellery, I'm so cack handed sometimes that I'm no good with intricate things like that.

I've bought grey paint and I'm going to do grey and white stripes and then I think a selection of these sort of drawer knobs
I hope she's going to be nicer now but if she starts up again tell her you can't handle it and will need to take a break if it continues.

My DH tried low carb, I think he ended up dropping it though at one point:dohh: Now he's on the 5+2 diet or whatever it's called. Something with pretty much starving yourself 2 days a week:wacko: Seems to be working for him but I don't know if it's TTC safe, probably not. I hope your diet works for you:happydance:

Most of the ones I make don't take very long since I'm not making them "from scratch." Maybe 5-6 minutes for each pair. I seem to be getting better so it's all about practicing.

Wow those drawer knobs are cool:) Are you going to use just one type of mix 'em up? Might be cool to use a different one for each drawer, that's what I'd do:haha:
I think I'm going to mix and match them and do like you say use a different one for each drawer :D

I did try the 5:2 diet for a few weeks just couldn't get on with the days where you hardly eat anything. What I love about slimming world is that I'm never hungry. I just need to get back into the routine of managing my food better :)

How are you feeling after your appointment earlier?
I think I'm going to mix and match them and do like you say use a different one for each drawer :D

I did try the 5:2 diet for a few weeks just couldn't get on with the days where you hardly eat anything. What I love about slimming world is that I'm never hungry. I just need to get back into the routine of managing my food better :)

How are you feeling after your appointment earlier?

That's going to look great, now I'd like to see a pic when you're done:)

Yeah I wouldn't be able to handle it either:nope: But DH seems to be doing well on it although I think some days he struggles more than others. My MIL is on the same diet since nothing has really worked for her thus far.

The appointment wasn't bad, just a U/S to check for cysts, luckily I didn't have any or they wouldn't let me start (since it decreases your chances a lot). It's uncomfortable though because they do it vaginally:wacko: Guess I'm ok although still think it stinks we need this IUI:dohh: But the nurse I saw last time did say that IUI mostly works the 2nd or 3rd time so won't start to feel negative unless this one doesn't work either.
Glad I am not the only one doing things! I am trying to pick up painting again, finished one painting and working on another one. Also trying to find colours for the house and will be painting our living room. Need to be busy I am so crazy lately I would just sit in my room and not move if I could.

Af still hasn't started yet, I guess without progesterone I stil spot for a few days ... Yay!
I think the keeping busy is definitely a good idea. I know from my own experience that if I'm left for too long to dwell on things then I tend to go into a huge downward spiral. So I've been trying to sort out the house, decorating, and trying to meal plan as much as possible. Just little things to keep my mind off everything.

Our boiler has broken so the house is freezing, hubby is coming home to have a look before he has to go back to work and will phone the landlord if needs be :dohh:
I know google is probably the worst thing to do, but it does seem that mid cycle spotting/bleeding is also linked to pcos in some cases and it has got me wondering.

I think when I go back to my gp in a few weeks time once af has been and gone that I'm going to ask her to get the ball rolling for pcos testing for me and take it from there.
I know google is probably the worst thing to do, but it does seem that mid cycle spotting/bleeding is also linked to pcos in some cases and it has got me wondering.

I think when I go back to my gp in a few weeks time once af has been and gone that I'm going to ask her to get the ball rolling for pcos testing for me and take it from there.

Yeah Googling stuff can be a really bad idea:nope: But I would definitely talk to your GP if you feel it's a concern. But are you sure it isn't a bleeding related to O? But don't know much about it myself since I don't get it.

Found these when I searched Google:

You just use the search words "ovulation" and "bleeding" and lots of articles turn up.

This is just an idea, I have no clue if this is actually what you're experiencing:shrug:
Thanks for the links Kat

The bleeding I've had was a couple of days of spotting/light flow (which was pink/brown) about a week and a half before I got my positive opk. I'm not too sure about last cycle as I wasn't opk testing as we were at the in laws at the time, but it adds up to the same thing (a week and a half before ovulation).

The thing that's got me wondering is just the fact that there's such a length of time between the blood and ovulation, could it still be classed as ovulation bleeding?
I wouldn't think so if it's happening 1½ weeks before O:nope: It should be happening closer to your O day if it's O bleeding. So it's happening shortly after AF? What color and how long?
It's happening roughly a little bit after half way through my cycle. Last cycle I started bleeding on cd32 and my cycle was 54 days. Then this cycle I started bleeding on cd43 and got the positive opk cd53, so it's looking like a 66 day cycle thereabouts for this one. But that could be because my weight has increased slightly which I'm working on. Hopefully the low carb will help to sort that.

It's normally a couple of days of spotting and then a day or so of very light flow, but not like normal af, it's normally pink/brown.

Sorry if that doesn't make much sense :nope:
Wow long cycles:wacko: My best guess is that it could be due to being overweight:


The biology is simple: Basic cholesterol compounds in fat cells can get changed into a type of weak estrogen called estrone. Overweight or obese women carrying extra fat cells have "little estrone-making factories, which have an estrogenic effect on glands," explains Maria Arias, MD, a gynecologist at Atlanta Women's Specialists in Georgia.

This added estrogen can cause bleeding or menstrual disorders.

So could be? Maybe your lining builds up (as it does before O) and just becomes a bit unstable and breaks down a bit since you O so late? So loosing the weight might solve all these issues.

But you might still want to ask your GP, this is just a guess on my part:winkwink:
Yeah, I really need to focus on the weight loss. I also need to work on not freaking myself out over how much I have to lose. Hopefully once it starts coming off I can get some sort of momentum going :)
Maybe to make it easier, set yourself smaller goals for each month. Like I'll lose x amount of weight this month. Maybe have some kind of reward system? It might make things easierand less daunting:)
Hubby has said he'll buy me a new candle for every stone that I lose (I'm a bit of a candle freak lol). It probably sounds daft, but I might have a mooch for which one I want next, see if that will spur me on a bit too :D

How's your day been today Kat?
Hi again, ladies!

Wow! Things are really happening over here. I've got a lot to catch up on. :)

Emmy- I would totally ask your doc about PCOS testing, since mid-cycle bleeding/irregular cycles are tied to that, in addition to focusing on weight loss. It's never too soon to start investigating what could be going on.

Kat and Myshel- Good luck with your next IUI's! I can't wait to hear how they go!

AFM- This is my last cycle before IUI#2. I'm a little worried since this is just my doctor's way of monitoring my cycle and seeing if I'm just going to m/c again. My first IUI ended in a BFP and a m/c a week later. I'm hoping that this one will end up with not only a BFP but a forever baby, but I guess we'll see what happens.

I'm switching protocols too. The first time I did Clomid and Puregon injections with a ovitrelle trigger, but I almost over-responded and only had two doses of the puregon before I had to stop doing the injectibles. So, this time, I'm doing letrozole/femara (no extra estrogen because I've got little fibroids he doesn't want to grow) and the trigger. We'll see what happens. I'm hoping to get at least a couple of follies on the femara...but I have no idea what will happen because who knows how my body will respond.

Currently sitting at 8 DPO, AF usually shows at about 13DPO, so I don't have long to idea if we have a chance this cycle, but there's always the little bit of hope that we won't have to shell out the money for the IUI and body will have suddenly gotten it's act together. I suppose it's wait and see time.
DBZ34 keeping everything crossed you've been lucky this cycle and don't need to go through iui#2 :hugs:

I'll probably end up crying talking to the Dr :blush: I feel like time is running away from me and I need to know what (if anything) we're dealing with here. Hopefully that will show her just how serious I am and hopefully spur her to run some tests for me, if not then I may very well just see if I can get an appointment with the other resident Dr at our health centre.

Random update :rofl: I've painted the fronts of the drawers and put together the unit. I'm currently watching football and then going to tape it up with the stripes I want and paint the first coat of grey on :happydance:
Hubby has said he'll buy me a new candle for every stone that I lose (I'm a bit of a candle freak lol). It probably sounds daft, but I might have a mooch for which one I want next, see if that will spur me on a bit too :D

How's your day been today Kat?

Sounds like a plan:flower: Me I'd probably want extra stuff to make earrings :rofl:

Not too bad. Spent the day making earrings and DH thinks I'm nuts for sitting there making so many:haha: Just did my 2nd injection of this "cycle". Although it's weird that my right side for some reason is more sensitive to the needles this time and it actually hurts, it even really hurts, when I stick it in which it didn't during the first 2 IUI cycles. Very odd:shrug: I have no issue with my left side, maybe a teeny, tiny bit more sensitive. I might have to ask the nurse next time I see her what's up with that.

Hi again, ladies!

Wow! Things are really happening over here. I've got a lot to catch up on. :)

Emmy- I would totally ask your doc about PCOS testing, since mid-cycle bleeding/irregular cycles are tied to that, in addition to focusing on weight loss. It's never too soon to start investigating what could be going on.

Kat and Myshel- Good luck with your next IUI's! I can't wait to hear how they go!

AFM- This is my last cycle before IUI#2. I'm a little worried since this is just my doctor's way of monitoring my cycle and seeing if I'm just going to m/c again. My first IUI ended in a BFP and a m/c a week later. I'm hoping that this one will end up with not only a BFP but a forever baby, but I guess we'll see what happens.

I'm switching protocols too. The first time I did Clomid and Puregon injections with a ovitrelle trigger, but I almost over-responded and only had two doses of the puregon before I had to stop doing the injectibles. So, this time, I'm doing letrozole/femara (no extra estrogen because I've got little fibroids he doesn't want to grow) and the trigger. We'll see what happens. I'm hoping to get at least a couple of follies on the femara...but I have no idea what will happen because who knows how my body will respond.

Currently sitting at 8 DPO, AF usually shows at about 13DPO, so I don't have long to idea if we have a chance this cycle, but there's always the little bit of hope that we won't have to shell out the money for the IUI and body will have suddenly gotten it's act together. I suppose it's wait and see time.

Thanks DBZ34:flower:

Wow I didn't know they did injectables and Clomid together, never heard of that. I always thought they did either/or:shrug: Just out of curiosity, how much Puregon where you on? I took it for the first 2 IUIs and am taking it for my 3rd. The doses have been 50 IU (2 follies), 66 IU (2 follies, almost was a 3rd) and now 75 IU (hoping for 3 follies). I hope you have better luck with the Femara, I know some ladies respond well to it:happydance:

I hope you won't need that IUI though, here's hoping :dust:
Aww Kat that's a shame you're getting more sensitive on your right side. Hopefully the nurse can give some suggestions to maybe make it a little less sensitive.

I'm going to sound totally clueless now, how long do you have to do the injections for?

I bet it's cheaper to make your own than it is to buy several different pairs. Plus this way you get the exact style that you want. So you can never make too many :winkwink:

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