LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

Wow, Kat. Your friend does sound super selfish and like she wants all the attention she can get. I don't blame you for wanting a break from her. And the fact she's playing your DH like that...I'd keep a careful eye on her.

Good luck Myshel! I hope you have some great follies!!

AFM- Femara starts today! I'm super excited. My scan is next Wednesday and then I guess we'll see when the IUI gets scheduled for. I'm hoping I won't ov early on Femara...but it's a waiting game. I kind of wish we got as many scans as I did in the UK here in the US so I'd know what was going on in there....

Yes it really is too much. She's super manipulative. Although I think she's just using my DH for attention since he doesn't live up to her "model good looks" criteria of a man so she's not after him for herself. Plus he's a nice guy and she's attracted to men that treat her like dirt so no worries there. I truely believe she isn't in the slightest bit attracted to him and my DH would never cheat on me.

I actually managed to get him to go along with us taking a long break from her and then we'll see.

Here's hoping the Femara works for you:flower:

Oh, I don't doubt your DH at all! It's just that your friend doesn't sound very trustworthy. It feels like she might try to insert herself into your life even more than she does now and soon you'll find yourself taking care of her along with your hopefully soon to be baby.

I'm glad your DH agreed to break from her though and you won't have to deal with her selfishness for while at least. :)

Hooray for two good follies!! :D :happydance:

That does seem like a quick trigger to IUI time, but maybe you're right and they want to catch the eggs before they pop. I think they tried to get mine in before Ov last time...

Good luck!! Your TWW is almost here! I can hardly wait to hear how it goes!
By the way - Does anyone else feel terrible after the trigger shot? Last time I had it, I had to lay down for a while because it made me so nauseous like almost immediately. Does it affect anyone else like that?
Wow, Kat. Your friend does sound super selfish and like she wants all the attention she can get. I don't blame you for wanting a break from her. And the fact she's playing your DH like that...I'd keep a careful eye on her.

Good luck Myshel! I hope you have some great follies!!

AFM- Femara starts today! I'm super excited. My scan is next Wednesday and then I guess we'll see when the IUI gets scheduled for. I'm hoping I won't ov early on Femara...but it's a waiting game. I kind of wish we got as many scans as I did in the UK here in the US so I'd know what was going on in there....

Yes it really is too much. She's super manipulative. Although I think she's just using my DH for attention since he doesn't live up to her "model good looks" criteria of a man so she's not after him for herself. Plus he's a nice guy and she's attracted to men that treat her like dirt so no worries there. I truely believe she isn't in the slightest bit attracted to him and my DH would never cheat on me.

I actually managed to get him to go along with us taking a long break from her and then we'll see.

Here's hoping the Femara works for you:flower:

Oh, I don't doubt your DH at all! It's just that your friend doesn't sound very trustworthy. It feels like she might try to insert herself into your life even more than she does now and soon you'll find yourself taking care of her along with your hopefully soon to be baby.

I'm glad your DH agreed to break from her though and you won't have to deal with her selfishness for while at least. :)

Hooray for two good follies!! :D :happydance:

That does seem like a quick trigger to IUI time, but maybe you're right and they want to catch the eggs before they pop. I think they tried to get mine in before Ov last time...

Good luck!! Your TWW is almost here! I can hardly wait to hear how it goes!

Yes I've had others say that about her:wacko: I do find it disturbing that she tries to come on vacations with us. Remember our last ski trip before TTC and she tried to invite herself yet couldn't ski and refused to go to ski school:dohh: Luckily she got scared off because of the price. Then there's the whole godmother thing since she fully expects us to ask her and has already volunteered (fat chance):wacko: I've told DH that we can't keep on being so available to her because she'll just assume we'll always do so and she needs to get use to us being less available and rely a bit more on her other (single) friends (which may be best since she's single herself) plus learn to be okay with being alone at home. I think she also has been lacking in parents in a sense since her bilogical ones abandoned her and her adoptive ones sound odd. Like she told me that they almost don't want to talk to her when she's sad or upset:wacko: I find she can be a handful/clingy when she's upset (constantly asking if it's her that's making these jerk men act badly, like 5-6 times during 1 night) but they're her parents so they need to deal with it:growlmad: They're part of the reason she's an insecure mess!

I'll update on Saturday how it went with the actual IUI:happydance:

I haven't had issues with my trigger shots (I take Ovitrelle, 250 micrograms):shrug: It sounds a bit quick for a side effect though:-k You're not stressed or nervous when you take them, are you? Maybe ask your RE/GP?
Wow, Kat. Your friend does sound super selfish and like she wants all the attention she can get. I don't blame you for wanting a break from her. And the fact she's playing your DH like that...I'd keep a careful eye on her.

Good luck Myshel! I hope you have some great follies!!

AFM- Femara starts today! I'm super excited. My scan is next Wednesday and then I guess we'll see when the IUI gets scheduled for. I'm hoping I won't ov early on Femara...but it's a waiting game. I kind of wish we got as many scans as I did in the UK here in the US so I'd know what was going on in there....

Yes it really is too much. She's super manipulative. Although I think she's just using my DH for attention since he doesn't live up to her "model good looks" criteria of a man so she's not after him for herself. Plus he's a nice guy and she's attracted to men that treat her like dirt so no worries there. I truely believe she isn't in the slightest bit attracted to him and my DH would never cheat on me.

I actually managed to get him to go along with us taking a long break from her and then we'll see.

Here's hoping the Femara works for you:flower:

Oh, I don't doubt your DH at all! It's just that your friend doesn't sound very trustworthy. It feels like she might try to insert herself into your life even more than she does now and soon you'll find yourself taking care of her along with your hopefully soon to be baby.

I'm glad your DH agreed to break from her though and you won't have to deal with her selfishness for while at least. :)

Hooray for two good follies!! :D :happydance:

That does seem like a quick trigger to IUI time, but maybe you're right and they want to catch the eggs before they pop. I think they tried to get mine in before Ov last time...

Good luck!! Your TWW is almost here! I can hardly wait to hear how it goes!

Yes I've had others say that about her:wacko: I do find it disturbing that she tries to come on vacations with us. Remember our last ski trip before TTC and she tried to invite herself yet couldn't ski and refused to go to ski school:dohh: Luckily she got scared off because of the price. Then there's the whole godmother thing since she fully expects us to ask her and has already volunteered (fat chance):wacko: I've told DH that we can't keep on being so available to her because she'll just assume we'll always do so and she needs to get use to us being less available and rely a bit more on her other (single) friends (which may be best since she's single herself) plus learn to be okay with being alone at home. I think she also has been lacking in parents in a sense since her bilogical ones abandoned her and her adoptive ones sound odd. Like she told me that they almost don't want to talk to her when she's sad or upset:wacko: I find she can be a handful/clingy when she's upset (constantly asking if it's her that's making these jerk men act badly, like 5-6 times during 1 night) but they're her parents so they need to deal with it:growlmad: They're part of the reason she's an insecure mess!

I'll update on Saturday how it went with the actual IUI:happydance:

I haven't had issues with my trigger shots (I take Ovitrelle, 250 micrograms):shrug: It sounds a bit quick for a side effect though:-k You're not stressed or nervous when you take them, are you? Maybe ask your RE/GP?

Well, let's hope the break does everyone some good. It's good to set boundaries now, so the future won't be as stressful.

Good luck on Saturday!! That's so soon!

So, I went back to my IUI in my journal, because I couldn't remember the details. Apparently, Clomid made me a moody/nauseous cow by day 3, so at least the Femara isn't doing that. I'm feeling pretty level on it, so that's good.

And I thought that I had caught some kind of bug from DH, but I realized it was the increased HCG in my system after the shot. It wasn't immediate, like I thought. It was like in the middle of the day the next day...but I suppose that makes sense. More HCG = more pg symptoms.

Though, that fact makes me feel like I'm going to be super nauseous all the time when I finally get pg and stay that way....
I too was very moody and sick on Clomid which is why I begged them NOT to give it to me again let alone the fact I never O on it. I have noticed with the Femara I am not as moody but I have had some nausea. I also noticed last night my ovaries hurt. I am having much more cramping then before I think. DH said he think I am "stock-piling eggs" :thumbup: I guess I'll see on 3/18 if his theory is right or not.

Those numbers sound great! Excited to here the updates!

Tomorrow is the day! Best of luck!!! :dust:

So, I found out yesterday that my sister-in-law that just announced she was pg to us 2 weeks ago miscarried this week. I think she was about 9/10 weeks. I feel so sad for her. We have a family dinner next weekend which will be either right before or right after my IUI and I know the family is going to ask her questions about her MC and me questions about my IUI. I don't want to make her sad with my joy that I might be pg soon considering she just lost hers but I am also happy about my journey. I think I'll just say something like "everything is fine and too early to answer any questions" and leave it at that. DH's family is very nosy and not sensitive to others emotions with most things.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!
I too was very moody and sick on Clomid which is why I begged them NOT to give it to me again let alone the fact I never O on it. I have noticed with the Femara I am not as moody but I have had some nausea. I also noticed last night my ovaries hurt. I am having much more cramping then before I think. DH said he think I am "stock-piling eggs" :thumbup: I guess I'll see on 3/18 if his theory is right or not.

Those numbers sound great! Excited to here the updates!

Tomorrow is the day! Best of luck!!! :dust:

So, I found out yesterday that my sister-in-law that just announced she was pg to us 2 weeks ago miscarried this week. I think she was about 9/10 weeks. I feel so sad for her. We have a family dinner next weekend which will be either right before or right after my IUI and I know the family is going to ask her questions about her MC and me questions about my IUI. I don't want to make her sad with my joy that I might be pg soon considering she just lost hers but I am also happy about my journey. I think I'll just say something like "everything is fine and too early to answer any questions" and leave it at that. DH's family is very nosy and not sensitive to others emotions with most things.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!

Thanks Stine:flower:

I have those ovary pains with my Puregon although the pain has been less and less for each round of IUI. It has definitely been a good sign for me that the drug is working:) Although the first time I was in a slight panic because I was afraid I was either making too many eggs (more than 3 and the IUI gets cancelled) or that I was experiencing OHSS:wacko: Turns out I was experiencing neither:thumbup:

So sorry to hear about your SIL:nope: I hope she conceives a sticky bean fairly quickly after:flower: I think it's probably a good idea as well to say that you're fine and and you'll let them know if anything positive happens but would otherwise rather not talk much about it (if that's how you feel). I hope they don't grill your SIL too about her mc, preferably they should leave her alone unless she wants to talk about it. I know how bad I felt after my chemical last year, I wouldn't want to know how I'd feel if I'd lost it at 9/10 week:nope: I think if you can tell she's getting upset to maybe intercede on her behalf and get them to lay off if neither her or her DH does it.

Looking forward to hearing your results on the 18th:flower:
Alright so I have a 19, 19, 15 and 14. I really want to trigger tonight but think it will be tomorrow, we'll hoping it is tomorrow so that it isn't Monday and Tuesday.

Stine, sorry that your sister in law lost the baby. That is horrible for her. Hoping that you have a good weekend, maybe let them know that you do not want to discuss the IUI. I know it is totally not something I allowed anyone to talk about.

I haven't had issues with Ovidrel, but had some mood swings and definitely pregnancy symptoms. Femara at the end of the course gave me slight headaches and crazy mood swings.
Just got back from the clinic and had the IUI done. There were not really any follies to measure as O was just about to happen so they weren't round anymore and had changed shape. My lining looked good. I don't think DH found it particularly enjoyable but he was there and stood next to me. The funniest part was when the nurse asked him if he wanted to push on the plunger to inject the :spermy: :haha: He actually did it but was afraid of doing it wrong. So 2 follies in the process of being released:happydance: The sperm count was BTW 40 million so about 10 million more than last time:thumbup:

So now starts the waiting game:coffee:

Although I can't help but worry that the fact my body finishes the maturation process and releases the egg a bit quicker than is the norm after the trigger may mean my eggs stink:wacko:
Kat have everything crossed for you.

I've had a really tough week, another friend (4th in a few weeks) told me she's pregnant and I've been having a meltdown. Also it's Mother's Day tomorrow which is hard for two reasons 1. The obvious IF he'll, 2. My mum and I aren't close and it makes me sad!

I am really considering getting some counselling. I think it might help, but not sure.

I hope everyone else is ok? X
Kat have everything crossed for you.

I've had a really tough week, another friend (4th in a few weeks) told me she's pregnant and I've been having a meltdown. Also it's Mother's Day tomorrow which is hard for two reasons 1. The obvious IF he'll, 2. My mum and I aren't close and it makes me sad!

I am really considering getting some counselling. I think it might help, but not sure.

I hope everyone else is ok? X

Thanks wannabemummyb:flower:

Awww I can't imagine how hard that must be to hear your friends announcing pregnancies:hugs: I don't know how I would handle it other than try and have some happiness for them:nope: Do they know you're having problems? Although it might be dangerous to tell them since you might not find much understanding. I told just about everyone I know and it's brought nothing but hurt feelings and heartache:dohh: If you know if any of them also had problems conceiving, they might be good to confide in since they'll understand your struggle.

I can relate to not being close with your mom. Mine is mentally ill so that prevents us from really bonding. She just isn't capable of having a loving and respectful bond with me, her needs always come first (she has NPD = Narcissistic Personality Disorder), no matter how it affects me emotionally or mentally. I just ignore the holiday myself and treat it like a normal day which is easy since it's not a big thing here. But yeah, being childless having issues conceiving plus having a problematic relationship with your mother makes for a horrible combo when Mother's Day rolls around:nope:

If you've also had a problematic relationship with your mother, getting counselling may be a good thing. Although you might want to be careful which therapist you use as many still have little understanding for mothers that aren't being loving or otherwise being as motherly as they should. It wouldn't be good to have a therapist that basically blames you for the issues or that invalidates your feelings and experiences. If you do decide on counselling, I hope you find a good one that really understands the issues between you and your mother.
Kat have everything crossed for you.

I've had a really tough week, another friend (4th in a few weeks) told me she's pregnant and I've been having a meltdown. Also it's Mother's Day tomorrow which is hard for two reasons 1. The obvious IF he'll, 2. My mum and I aren't close and it makes me sad!

I am really considering getting some counselling. I think it might help, but not sure.

I hope everyone else is ok? X

Thanks wannabemummyb:flower:

Awww I can't imagine how hard that must be to hear your friends announcing pregnancies:hugs: I don't know how I would handle it other than try and have some happiness for them:nope: Do they know you're having problems? Although it might be dangerous to tell them since you might not find much understanding. I told just about everyone I know and it's brought nothing but hurt feelings and heartache:dohh: If you know if any of them also had problems conceiving, they might be good to confide in since they'll understand your struggle.

I can relate to not being close with your mom. Mine is mentally ill so that prevents us from really bonding. She just isn't capable of having a loving and respectful bond with me, her needs always come first (she has NPD = Narcissistic Personality Disorder), no matter how it affects me emotionally or mentally. I just ignore the holiday myself and treat it like a normal day which is easy since it's not a big thing here. But yeah, being childless having issues conceiving plus having a problematic relationship with your mother makes for a horrible combo when Mother's Day rolls around:nope:

If you've also had a problematic relationship with your mother, getting counselling may be a good thing. Although you might want to be careful which therapist you use as many still have little understanding for mothers that aren't being loving or otherwise being as motherly as they should. It wouldn't be good to have a therapist that basically blames you for the issues or that invalidates your feelings and experiences. If you do decide on counselling, I hope you find a good one that really understands the issues between you and your mother.

Thanks Hun, yes they all know.

My mother is an alcoholic and is completely self centred, everything is about her. It was awful to grow up with and has lead to be having little confidence (mainly because she destroyed my confidence). I don't have a lot to do with her but find it hard seeing friends with their mums as I want that sort of relationship. I completely hear what your saying about choice of counsellor thank you for your words of wisdom.
Kat have everything crossed for you.

I've had a really tough week, another friend (4th in a few weeks) told me she's pregnant and I've been having a meltdown. Also it's Mother's Day tomorrow which is hard for two reasons 1. The obvious IF he'll, 2. My mum and I aren't close and it makes me sad!

I am really considering getting some counselling. I think it might help, but not sure.

I hope everyone else is ok? X

Thanks wannabemummyb:flower:

Awww I can't imagine how hard that must be to hear your friends announcing pregnancies:hugs: I don't know how I would handle it other than try and have some happiness for them:nope: Do they know you're having problems? Although it might be dangerous to tell them since you might not find much understanding. I told just about everyone I know and it's brought nothing but hurt feelings and heartache:dohh: If you know if any of them also had problems conceiving, they might be good to confide in since they'll understand your struggle.

I can relate to not being close with your mom. Mine is mentally ill so that prevents us from really bonding. She just isn't capable of having a loving and respectful bond with me, her needs always come first (she has NPD = Narcissistic Personality Disorder), no matter how it affects me emotionally or mentally. I just ignore the holiday myself and treat it like a normal day which is easy since it's not a big thing here. But yeah, being childless having issues conceiving plus having a problematic relationship with your mother makes for a horrible combo when Mother's Day rolls around:nope:

If you've also had a problematic relationship with your mother, getting counselling may be a good thing. Although you might want to be careful which therapist you use as many still have little understanding for mothers that aren't being loving or otherwise being as motherly as they should. It wouldn't be good to have a therapist that basically blames you for the issues or that invalidates your feelings and experiences. If you do decide on counselling, I hope you find a good one that really understands the issues between you and your mother.

Thanks Hun, yes they all know.

My mother is an alcoholic and is completely self centred, everything is about her. It was awful to grow up with and has lead to be having little confidence (mainly because she destroyed my confidence). I don't have a lot to do with her but find it hard seeing friends with their mums as I want that sort of relationship. I completely hear what your saying about choice of counsellor thank you for your words of wisdom.

She sounds like mine except for the alcohol part:wacko: I've also had some self-esteem issues as well. But that's what happens when you're mother is constantly putting you down, competes with you and tries to garner attention when people's attention is on you:nope: Mine has said some pretty awful things to me. And when I do try to talk about any issues, she just claims that she never said/did that. It's maddening, she invalidates everything and gaslights me like the pro she is. I tried to have a serious talk with her once but she ended up crying and making it all about poor her and her sad childhood:nope:

I think my best advice (if she's as bad as mine) is to give up that you'll ever have the kind of relationship with her your friends have with their mothers. She's not capable of it. It's sad and harsh but I've come to terms with it after months of grieving and coming to terms who she is and the mental illness she's suffering from. I've reached the point that next time she starts screaming at me over the phone for not behaving the way she wants me to and won't let me make my own decisions in life without creating drama, it's over, I'm done. I can't put myself or my future child through her antics and toxic personality. I feel sorry for her but I just won't put up with her abuse anymore.

If your mother has NPD, I can recommend a few books if you'd like?
I'm sorry you ladies have to go through all that with your moms. :hugs: :hugs:

But, I guess, on the flip side of the coin, you know what type of mother you don't want to be for your future kiddos. You can show them what a wonderful mother/child relationship is like.
Kat yes please recommend. Your mother sounds uncannily like mine, just add in the alcohol addiction. I have drastically reduced the time I spend with her or talk to her on the phone, dh put his foot down when I would come off the phone every time in tears. Most the time I have it straight in my head that we won't ever have a good relationship but every now and again I just wish she could be there for me, mainly through this journey. She doesn't even know about our losses. The sad thing is her mum is exactly the same so I've cut her out of my life entirely. She refused to come to my wedding because I forgot to send her a birthday card!!!!

I do feel guilty though, mum certainly makes me feel it!

Dz Yep hoping it's going to make me a much better mum. I believe that what has happened in my life has shaped me into who I am today and will help me be the best mum I can

Sorry to hijack the thread, it is nice to meet someone who understands Kat x
Kat yes please recommend. Your mother sounds uncannily like mine, just add in the alcohol addiction. I have drastically reduced the time I spend with her or talk to her on the phone, dh put his foot down when I would come off the phone every time in tears. Most the time I have it straight in my head that we won't ever have a good relationship but every now and again I just wish she could be there for me, mainly through this journey. She doesn't even know about our losses. The sad thing is her mum is exactly the same so I've cut her out of my life entirely. She refused to come to my wedding because I forgot to send her a birthday card!!!!

I do feel guilty though, mum certainly makes me feel it!

Dz Yep hoping it's going to make me a much better mum. I believe that what has happened in my life has shaped me into who I am today and will help me be the best mum I can

Sorry to hijack the thread, it is nice to meet someone who understands Kat x

I've been avoiding talking to mine as much as possible as well. On the phone she just babbles on about how much she doesn't like foreigners in this country (she was born in Denmark) or about stocks or whatever else she's interested in. Or she talks about how none of my siblings talk to her anymore and can't understand it, despite the fact she had it coming and behaved horribly towards them. I barely get a word in edgewise. It's almost worse when DH and I visit her as she'll talk to him and almost completely ignore me.

Mine doesn't get my TTCing issues, she just tells me constantly she can't understand it because all she had to do was iron a pair of men's underwear and boom, she was pregnant (she had 6 kids with 6 different men, one from an affair) :dohh: She tells me constantly I just need to relax and I'll get pregnant:nope:

Don't tell her about your losses (so sorry to hear about them), it's just emotional ammunition to them. I try and avoid talking about anything that's emotionally relevant to me because she'll just use it to hurt me in some way. I clearly remember how upset she was when her pets died over the years but when I lost my previous cat in October 2012 and was upset, she told me I was being overly dramatic and pretty much told me to get over it and that we should've euthanized our cat long ago because she was blind :wacko: She poo-poos everytime she's done something appalling to me yet if I just respectfully try to set boundaries when she's being too controlling, she flips out and screams all sorts of nasty stuff at me. And when we've had a row, she'll silent treatment me for weeks on end and then call and act like nothing happened. When I've tried to talk about what happened last time, she'll either claim to not remember or say she didn't do anything wrong and nothing will make her budge. She never does anything wrong in her opinion, not even when she once told me I have no heart (with a big smile on her lips) or when I tried to visit her for her birthday some years ago after another phone conversation went wrong, she slammed the door in my face:wacko:

Yes I think it's often an evil circle thing, NPD mothers will often create NPD daughters. I think my mother's mother had the same affliction although I've never met her, the stories just make it sound like that's what was the issue. My mother was about not to come to my wedding because I failed to fawn over her because she was sick and said she couldn't do more work on my dress and when I sugested my future MIL could maybe finish it, she flipped and told me she'd finish the dress but wouldn't come to my wedding and hoped me and DH had a horrible life together:wacko: She's also refused to come to one of my birthdays because she claimed we were seeing more of DH's family than her (this was high season for birthdays in DH's family, something she knew) and that she was sick of it and DH wasn't welcome in her home anymore and she wasn't coming to my birthday:nope:

So your grandmother could very well also be suffering from the same sickness. You have nothing to feel guilty about, it's her that can't appreciate what a wonderful daughter and woman you are, it's all on her! I've been there, don't give her that power, take it back. And if you need to take a break from her or even go no contact for your emotional and mental health, than do so. I actually think it might be a good idea to take a break from her while you're in therapy.

Having a mother with NPD is a nightmare. These women are emotionally stunted at age 6 and never grow or learn. It's like being raised by a toddler.

As to books on NPD, I'd start with:

"Will I Ever Be Good Enough?: Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers" by Dr. Karyl McBride Ph.D.


"Mothers Who Can't Love: A Healing Guide for Daughters" by Susan Forward


"Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life" by Susan Forward

For some self-help (until you've found a therapist), I've found this one to be good:

"Children of the Self-Absorbed: A Grown-Up's Guide to Getting Over Narcissistic Parents" by Nina Brown EdD LPC

Also worth looking into are:

"You're Not Crazy - It's Your Mother!: Understanding and Healing for Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers" by Danu Morrigan

Avoid Danu's website though as I've heard many have bad experiences but the book is good for learning about NPD.
Hey ladies. Sorry you have such an issue with your mum. Big hugs all around for everyone.

AFM we are doing the first IUI this morning! Just watching a quick Corrie street to calm down before we get out of here. It is crazy how nervous I get right before we go. Wish I could take a Valium or something to edge the nerves. Wish us luck, we have today and tomorrow!
Hey ladies. Sorry you have such an issue with your mum. Big hugs all around for everyone.

AFM we are doing the first IUI this morning! Just watching a quick Corrie street to calm down before we get out of here. It is crazy how nervous I get right before we go. Wish I could take a Valium or something to edge the nerves. Wish us luck, we have today and tomorrow!

Oh how exciting:happydance: Good luck Myshelsong. I had mine yesterday as you can see so we can be IUI buddies (I'm 1 dpiui today):thumbup: I was a bit nervous myself, always am. But sounds good you're doing 2 in a row. They don't do that in Denmark, guess they don't feel it increases the chances enough to bother:shrug:
At the clinic the wait is killer, slowly having a panic attack! Need to breath ...
Glad I will be having an iui buddy. That is always nice to talk each other through the wait.
Thanks Kat will look at those books x

I would never tell my mum about the losses, she would make it all about her.

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