Wow, yeah I'd cool off the friendship and tell her that you feel like she's constantly rubbing her pregnancy in your face even though she knows you're LTTTC and you told her how it makes you feel. Some people just have no sense of boundaries

I would almost understand it if she was pregnant with her first and super excited but since it's her 11th, you'd think she'd be more relaxed about it and not constantly talking about it so much. She's probably so "drunk on power" that she doesn't care how she affects others, her pregnancy and needs must take center stage.
I don't think she'll ever be able to understand your struggle. Heck, I even have women who had a less amount of kids that don't really get it or even people with no kids (my childish friend), never mind someone with soon 11 children

Maybe just avoid talking to her about it anymore and tell her it's ok to have a e.g. monthly update (or whatever you can handle) but you can't stand to have a total blow-by-blow of her entire pregnancy. On FB it's easy to avoid these updates as I believe you can choose to hide her updates so you aren't constantly confronted with it and can look at them when you feel up to it. But if she starts to personally talk to you over the phone or in person, tell her.
It's hard though, I have a childish friend (she's 32 but acts like she's 16-20, a bit selfish), no kids, and I found out recently she doesn't get it either

She told me recently that maybe my infertility is like her trouble finding a nice guy and that I should think positive and believe it'll happen

She also told me 1 year wasn't long enough, she's heard of people getting pregnant after 1½ years. When I tried to explain what infertility is and that there is some unknown biochemical reason that I'm having problems getting pregnant (since any physical ones haven't been found e.g. blocked tubes) she just scrunched her face up and looked totally confused. So I ended up SMSing her and telling her I don't want to talk about my infertility anymore since she doesn't understand. Her response: I misunderstood her (even though my DH heard her and understood her the
exact same way I did) and she's the one who's hurt even though I told her in a very polite and nice manner

So she made it about her

I'm so over it, not going to respond and going to drastically cut down on how much I see her as I obviously can't set a boundary without offending her
Sorry for the rant
I hope you get the house
If you feel a break would be good then by all means try it. I can understand your concerns with the weight maybe creating complications in a pregnancy. Maybe losing the weight will also help even out your cycles and get them down to a more normal length which will help improve your fertility. I hope you soon lose the weight you need and will still drop by and keep us updated