LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

When you thought it couldn't get worse... I have a HUGE cyst in one ovary so the IUI is cancelled:cry::cry::cry::cry: Have a smaller one as well and if it had only been that one, they would've given the green light. So it'll be NTNP this month and you probably won't see me very much this month. They said to call next time AF showed up.

Maybe this is nature's way of telling me to give it up:cry::cry:

:hugs: I had that happen in Feb. And then a polyp in March. It's so frustrating. Just take the month off and do other things. Use it as a break before jumping back in to this ttc craziness. I had that exact same feeling about feeling cursed almost but now on the other side of it, a month isn't all that long. The cyst will go away and then you can start fresh next month.
When you thought it couldn't get worse... I have a HUGE cyst in one ovary so the IUI is cancelled:cry::cry::cry::cry: Have a smaller one as well and if it had only been that one, they would've given the green light. So it'll be NTNP this month and you probably won't see me very much this month. They said to call next time AF showed up.

Maybe this is nature's way of telling me to give it up:cry::cry:

:hugs: I had that happen in Feb. And then a polyp in March. It's so frustrating. Just take the month off and do other things. Use it as a break before jumping back in to this ttc craziness. I had that exact same feeling about feeling cursed almost but now on the other side of it, a month isn't all that long. The cyst will go away and then you can start fresh next month.

Thanks crystal8:flower: I just think it's getting to me because I'm turning 36 May 1st and don't feel like I have the time to waste:( Doesn't help matters my narcissistic siblings don't talk to me any more (other than like a post every 2-3 months). Think I last wrote with my narcissistic brother in the very beginning of January and narcissistic sister in February shortly after my 2nd IUI failed. I only have DH and the ladies here to talk to about all this. DH's family is not much more supportive since they don't get why I didn't get my BFP during the 1st or 2nd IUI. I've told DH it'll be a NTNP month and that our chances are probably even crappier than normal because of the darn cysts.

The nurse told me that even if the cyst is still there next month, they'll go ahead with IUI #5 (providing there are no new ones). Something about it not being good to give hormones in this case.
Kat the reason they don't proceed with a large cyst is because the cyst can use the FSH from the injections to grow bigger rather than it being used to grow proper follies. They put me on bcp for the month so as to regulate my cycle and to attempt to prevent any new cysts from developing. It took me 4 IUIs to conceive last year. I've been doing the femara/gonal f combo IUIs, but before that I did just femara IUIs. I start gonal this coming Saturday now that I finally have the all clear to proceed. So it can work. REs far prefer IVF because they can maintain more control.
Kat the reason they don't proceed with a large cyst is because the cyst can use the FSH from the injections to grow bigger rather than it being used to grow proper follies. They put me on bcp for the month so as to regulate my cycle and to attempt to prevent any new cysts from developing. It took me 4 IUIs to conceive last year. I've been doing the femara/gonal f combo IUIs, but before that I did just femara IUIs. I start gonal this coming Saturday now that I finally have the all clear to proceed. So it can work. REs far prefer IVF because they can maintain more control.

Yes, that's probably what she meant, she didn't explain it very well. She gave me the green light to NTNP so no BCP, I don't know why. She seemed pretty sure it'll be gone by next cycle. They've been only giving me Puregon otherwise and Ovitrelle to induce O. Nothing else. Don't know how common it is to combine fertility drugs here:shrug:

I'm on the waiting list for IVF (since my 3rd IUI failed) at the local hospital but it can take 3-6 months before they can take us in. The worse thing is I think they close for 3 weeks in June so we won't get a place until after summer, maybe July if we're lucky.
I am on my waiting the cyst out cycle (well 3 cysts) as well hun. Unfortunately with all the medications they pump in us, these annoying things happen. I know how frustrated you are, because we are in the same boat. Take the first couple weeks to grieve then then other two to have fun!

I am just sitting here awaiting my af, not sure when it will come I have given up on trying to figure that out. Starting to look into adoption. We are trying to figure out if it is better to go with an Adoption Agency, or get a Adoption practitioner .... anyone know the difference??
I am on my waiting the cyst out cycle (well 3 cysts) as well hun. Unfortunately with all the medications they pump in us, these annoying things happen. I know how frustrated you are, because we are in the same boat. Take the first couple weeks to grieve then then other two to have fun!

I am just sitting here awaiting my af, not sure when it will come I have given up on trying to figure that out. Starting to look into adoption. We are trying to figure out if it is better to go with an Adoption Agency, or get a Adoption practitioner .... anyone know the difference??

Awww so sorry you're in the same crappy boat Myshel:( Wow, 3 cysts:wacko: But as I understand it, it can happen during a natural cycle as well, yes?

I'll probably only need a few days, a week at most, I'm pretty good at bouncing back. We'll just be having fun this cycle:winkwink:

I don't know anything about adoption so don't know what's best:shrug: We've not reach that point yet. I hope someone else can help you with that:hugs: Will you still be trying to conceive?
My last cycle was almost postponed because of my cyst but since I had to do two rounds of meds the cyst had time to burst (painfully btw) and I was able to do it. I have cysts without the meds and they are bigger on the meds. Not fair if you ask me...
As far as adoption, private is easier to do if you know someone. Agencies can be all about the money and not about your needs or the birth mother. Do your research and ask around. There are a bunch of online support groups too that can help you decide what's right for you and DH.

AFM- I've been cramping really bad all day. I really wish this witch would just get here already so I can start again. I have a feeling she is going to come with vengeance. Think I should just request the 7.5mg since it took the 2.5 & 5mg to finally get the eggs to grow? I really don't wanna mess around with that again. It was very stressful.
My last cycle was almost postponed because of my cyst but since I had to do two rounds of meds the cyst had time to burst (painfully btw) and I was able to do it. I have cysts without the meds and they are bigger on the meds. Not fair if you ask me...

I think crystal8's explanation is why they won't let me do IUI #5 until next cycle. The FSH will make the cyst grow larger and won't be helping me much in producing follies. Maybe your meds function differently? Maybe the clinic I go to doesn't think bursting a cyst is good and is another reason they won't do it. Either way, I guess we're on a forced break this month and it'll be NTNP :dohh:
I would do the 7.5mg. That is what I am on.

You can and do get a cyst every once and awhile on a natural cycle, but they normally dont get huge, or delay ovulation. They do suck, and they hurt when they burst, but not as badly as the large cysts and stuff you get due to medication.

started spotting, so af is going to be here for the weekend. We have decided we are going to go for another cycle and at the same time look into adoption. at least get the ball rolling. Almost 4 years is quite a long journey with no answers, and no hope.
I would do the 7.5mg. That is what I am on.

You can and do get a cyst every once and awhile on a natural cycle, but they normally dont get huge, or delay ovulation. They do suck, and they hurt when they burst, but not as badly as the large cysts and stuff you get due to medication.

started spotting, so af is going to be here for the weekend. We have decided we are going to go for another cycle and at the same time look into adoption. at least get the ball rolling. Almost 4 years is quite a long journey with no answers, and no hope.

Well huge and huge, it looked pretty big on the screen but I think in reality it was 20-25 mm since it looked about twice as big as the smaller one at around 10 mm. So they delay O? By about how much, on average? Will remember that. I was speculating if I'd even O but the nurse sounded like she felt I would although we didn't get into details as I was about to cry and wanted to get out of the clinic before I started bawling:wacko: Do they burst, that doesn't sound good, I thought it'd just fade away if you get my meaning:wacko:

Sorry AF will be showing up Myshel:( I would think that if you want to adopt it's best to get the ball rolling ASAP as I've heard it can take years to get a child through adoption.
AF is here. Almost 48 hrs to the minute after stopping the progesterone. I'll be calling the RE in the morning to set up IUI#2. I'll ask for the 7.5 and hope they don't give me issues about jumping to that instead of trying 5 first. Ugh...
Glad AF arrived so you can get the next cycle on the road, Stine.

Sorry about the cysts, Kat. I hope they fade away instead of bursting...

Myshel, we've been at this for the same amount of time. Somehow I didn't realize this...or I did and it slipped my mind. Four years is such a long time to be TTC. I hope we can end our journey happily soon! I understand why you're looking into adoption though. I kind of wish we were more settled so we could start the process too. But, until then, I guess I'm staying on this crazy TTC train.

AFM - TWW right now. It's not dragging so badly this month. I've got new tests, so I don't have to worry about evaps this month. I'm not super hopeful since I had a really early ov and I don't know if we got enough BDing in. But there's always a chance. :)
Ok so onto another IUI cycle. Going to find an accupuncurist for stress relief and hoping to balance emotions throughout the journey. I think I may decrease my gonal-f though from 150 to 100 without telling my Dr. I think I am on way to much, but will think on it before I start.

What is everyone else's drugs? Lol I have 7.5 femara and then 150 gonal-f then ovidril then progesterone....

Dbz- crazy long time to be in this together friend. Hoping this will be over soon for both of us. There is always a chance!
Ok so onto another IUI cycle. Going to find an accupuncurist for stress relief and hoping to balance emotions throughout the journey. I think I may decrease my gonal-f though from 150 to 100 without telling my Dr. I think I am on way to much, but will think on it before I start.

What is everyone else's drugs? Lol I have 7.5 femara and then 150 gonal-f then ovidril then progesterone....

Dbz- crazy long time to be in this together friend. Hoping this will be over soon for both of us. There is always a chance!

I am on 5 mg femara, 75 iu gonal f. Going tomorrow morning to see if there's any progress. I'm spotting though a bit on gonal which I find strange. I can't tell if it's the gonal or the remnants from my polyp removal.
Ok so onto another IUI cycle. Going to find an accupuncurist for stress relief and hoping to balance emotions throughout the journey. I think I may decrease my gonal-f though from 150 to 100 without telling my Dr. I think I am on way to much, but will think on it before I start.

What is everyone else's drugs? Lol I have 7.5 femara and then 150 gonal-f then ovidril then progesterone....

Dbz- crazy long time to be in this together friend. Hoping this will be over soon for both of us. There is always a chance!

I tried an acupuncturist and it was great for a while but the need to go 3 times a week was so stressful. Plus I HATE needles and every time she stuck one in my forehead or ears or between my toes I just could not relax. It did help my AF heaviness and every day stress. Any progress is good progress right? :thumbup:

AFM- RE insisted I try 5mg Femara to start this time and at my first U/S if no progress I guess we will up it?! I complained about the need to up it mid cycle and they insisted the RE knows what he is doing and to trust them. I do, I just hate the stress it caused last month and the thought it might happen again. I go for my first U/S May 4. FX the 5 worked and I get do the IUI just in time for Mothers day :happydance:
Currently I have been having the twinging in my belly so I know something is working. Just don't know how much growth yet. All in all feel good. Keeping myself busy and trying to stay positive.
How is everyone else doing??
I guess I'm doing ok. I'm CD9 and been getting my watery CM around when it normally shows up so thinking O may not be delayed (or at least by not very much) but we'll see what happens. I'll keep my eyes open.

Nothing else to report other than we sent our papers to the hospital today. We had to fill out some forms and send a copy of my journal from the clinic (with results from various fertility workup tests) so it was a thick letter:wacko: Here's hoping we soon get a spot but I seriously doubt anything will happen until after the summer.

Am a bit sad I'll be turning 36 on Friday without a baby and without a BFP :nope:
Happy almost birthday Kat, I understand the age thing it gets us all doesn't it.

Tomorrow is my day 6 US and start of Gonal-F.
This is going to be a busy freaking week, so I look forward to the distractions. My cousin's baby is turning 1 years old so we are doing a Bday party for him on Saturday. This is also when I go in for a US in the morning to see how the follicles are heading. On Sunday I am expecting another appointment, and we have a wedding shower I have to attend as well in the afternoon. After that, my cousin (same as before) is going to be scheduled for her C-section on the 7th of May. I was hoping to stay with her for a week or two after the birth to help out with the one year old, but not sure now with the IUI when that is going to be happening.
Happy belated birthday Kat. Fx that you get your bfp soon.

I'm 12dpo today, bfn on an IC but I don't trust them as had bans on then when I got bfp on other brands. CBFM said bfn but I could see a second line on the test when I took it out of the machine. I'm not hopeful for this month, so just waiting for AF to arrive Monday.
Good luck Myshel :dust:

Awww don't give up yet wannabemummyb:happydance: 12 dpo is still a bit early. My clinic always tells me to test around 16 dpo so there must be a reason for that.

AFM I'm CD13 (I think, haven't been keeping track very well) and have been having watery/EWCM the last couple of days so I'm guessing I'll O this cycle. We BDed this morning and will keep on BDing every 1½-2 days so we're sure to have a chance. But not having much hope.

My birthday went well. DH got me "The Music of Nashville" (soundtrack from the series "Nashville") season 2 both volume 1 and 2 plus season 3 volume 1. He also bought season 1 volume 1+2 soundtracks but the post office screwed up and we got the wrong package:wacko: Hoping his package shows up (the post office has opened a case) but worst case scenario, he'll re-order them for me. Also got a Blu Ray "Thor: The Dark World" and a hard disk and another CD, Papa Roach : F.E.A.R. Will be getting gifts from his family on the 9th at my party.
Well party for the 1 year went well. Nice to see family, just found out my other cousin is adopting a little baby girl. Hopefully she will be getting the paper work completed soon, the birth mom just gave birth yesterday so it is really fast. Very excited for her.

I am sitting pretty on four follicles right now. 17, 15, 15, and 12 mm right now. Hoping that we will IUI in three days, still on gonalf until. Femara is all done.

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