LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

Kat- happy belated. Sounds like it was a great day filed with some amazing presents.
Wannabe- any news of the witch? Hope she didn't show!
Myshel- how's your cousin doing? when do they think the adoption will be final? Did you have your IUI yet?

AFM-Total shocker today. Went in for my day 12 U/S and I am going back tomorrow for my insemination. I have three follicles. Right side 20 & 13, left side 19 mm. My lining is the thickest it had ever been, 12.5. It's never been past 9 and that was with help last month. The Dr is very happy and feels this might be the cycle. I'm so excited. DH and I BD yesterday so I hope his sample is all good. Didn't expect this because normally I don't O till CD 18/19 and last month I had so many issues. FX 😊 Hope everyone is well.
Fingers crossed Stine:flower:

Wow Myshel, how great for your cousin:thumbup: Hope the adoption goes smoothly for her.

AFM I think I Oed CD13 or 14 but am not completely sure as my CM is still on the watery side (on CD15 today) but it does sometimes do that 1-2 days after O. Will BD until I'm sure though so we at least don't risk having 0% chance. I prefer our measly 6% chance than having 0%, that'd just stink:nope: Otherwise looking forward to doing my 5th IUI next cycle and hoping it's our lucky shot.
All done. DH sample was 9.3mil which is way lower than last time but he only had 1 day between so I'm not to surprised. The Dr said he was happy with the 9.3 so I'm happy. Test date is the 18th. FX!
Good luck stine!!
Kat I think your timing was fine, fingers crossed.

Afm just got the call IUI tomorrow and Thursday! Follicles at 22,21,19,16. I am feeling positive about this cycle.

Unfortunately my cousins adoption fell through. They are traumatized, I feel horrible for her. There is nothing that I can do for her, especially this close to Mother's Day. Poor girl.
Fx Stine - exciting!

Myshelsong - your poor cousin that is awful. Best of luck for this cycle.

Kat have everything crossed for you too.

You three seem to be almost synched! Lol

Afm - AF was due yesterday but was a no show. Had a little red spotting today so thought she was on her way but nothing. If she doesn't turn up tomorrow (16dpo) will test the following morning. I'm feeling really narky and irritable today so I'm pretty sure she's on her way.
Good luck Stine :dust:

Awww Myshel, I'm so sorry for your cousin:( I hope another baby comes along very soon for her. Good luck to you :dust:

FXed wannebemummyb :dust: BTW did you ever get a hold of any of the books I mentioned?

AFM I'm pretty sure I Oed since my CM has dried up so now it's a waiting game. My hopes are extremly low since we only have about a 6% chance of conceiving naturally so we'll see. Wish I could move on to IVF at this point but the hospital doesn't have a space for us yet and I doubt we'll hear from them until after the summer:nope:

Busy planning my party on Saturday but not looking forward to my narcissistic mother coming and making it about her and how spoiled I was as a child (material wise). She just goes on and on and makes it uncomfortable for me and others:nope: It's something she does every year at my birthday parties. I have a bit of a game plan after having talked to people on Reddit raisedbynarcissists so will see if any of it works. Worst case, I may have to make things more uncomfortable and tell her to can it:growlmad:
good Luck Wannabe, Hope this is the month!

Kat I would either tell her right away when she comes in she has to behave or leave, or un-invite her before she gets their. No point in making it a bigger deal than it is, you dont need the drama right now in your life so remove it.

AFM - had the IUI today, it was painless and the nurse was really nice and was super quick. Sad part is the SA numbers were way lower again. only 6.5 million this time, but the Motility were up there around 93%. here is to hoping tomorrow will be better.
good Luck Wannabe, Hope this is the month!

Kat I would either tell her right away when she comes in she has to behave or leave, or un-invite her before she gets their. No point in making it a bigger deal than it is, you dont need the drama right now in your life so remove it.

AFM - had the IUI today, it was painless and the nurse was really nice and was super quick. Sad part is the SA numbers were way lower again. only 6.5 million this time, but the Motility were up there around 93%. here is to hoping tomorrow will be better.

The only problem with doing that is she'll just create drama in front of DH's family and make me out to be terrible. People with Narcissitic Personality Disorder thrive on drama and will seize any opportunity they can to use whatever you say or do against you. You can't treat them like normal people, they're selfish toddlers insistent on they have the right to say and do whatver they want and they're always right. Which is why I'm just going to wait until she does it and then try changing the subject. If nothing helps, I'll get more confrontational but I'd prefer to avoid it in front of the in-laws if it can be helped. If not, oh well, I tried and she kept on talking crap and forced my hand :winkwink:

Good luck Myshel, hope this is your cycle :dust:
Had a great day today! SA came in at 33mill after the wash which is the best so far.
Hoping this is the one.

Weather is great, getting the natural gas guy in this weekend to hook up the outdoor bbq and having a mothers day lunch here with my family.
Hello everyone. Tomorrow is mother's day from where I am, and I can't help but feel sad. :( I think I lost all my positivity yesterday. I had my fallopian tubes checked. My right one does not work anymore. :( Saddest part is that I always O on the right side. I don't know what to think anymore. I have never had any partner other than my H (omitted the "D" on purpose). I am so angry at him right now. My RE said that since I don't have endometriosis, I most probably got the infection (which killed my tube) from H. I am just so devastated. We would go with IUI IF I ovulate on my left. :( Best route for me now is IVF. I don't want to expect anymore. I want to say to myself that at least I know the reason why I can't get pregnant, but it doesn't help at all. I'm afraid this will take a toll on my marriage. But I hope not. Sorry if I'm saying too much. I just needed to get this out of my system.

Lots of luck to you ladies in the TWW. I hope and pray you get the BFP soon.
Kat not bought the books yet - it's on my to do list!

AF turned up today, knew we were out this cycle because had more bfns, so was just a waiting game till she turned up. Am I devastated? Yep but at least AF didn't go awol for four months like she's done before and it gives me another try!

Hoping your ttws are more successful than mine.

Purple ice welcome to the thread, sorry to hear about your infection and losing your tube x
Hi there,
My name is Chris, and I am fairly new to baby and bump, but not new to the ttc journey. I was previously on another forum but wasn't finding the support of those long term ttc. Everyone was bunched together and too much drama over there.

Dh and I have been married for 2 and a half years and have been ttc for 18 months with no luck. I have an appointment next month to see ob gyn about testing as last year she told me to wait another year.

I have been getting so upset lately with all the pregnancy announcements on social media as they are all friends who are on their second since we started ttc. They can have 2 in the time it has taken us to be unsuccessful. So I decided I was going to still temp, take my vitamins and vitex, but that's it. I'm enjoying everything else. I just don't know what else I can do anymore!
Hey Purp, sorry about the tube, I am also a right side ovulator and when I had my first scan they said it was blocked, but apparently thypey are now saying it isn't ...? Maybe see if they can do another one? Try not to be mad at H, we just started realizing that the reason we are not conceiving is because he has low sperm count. I am upset, but I can't be mad at him, he isn't doing it on purpose, and i am sure he didn't contract something to make sure you don't have a child.

Sorry wannabe, big hugs and sending mentally a few bottles of wine for you. What is the next cycle plan for you?

Hey Chris, welcome to the group. Getting to a Dr is the first real step, I wish you a good Dr and remember if you are feeling things aren't moving fast enough PUSH for it. It is your body.

Afm, in the two and trying not to think about it. Cousin had a little girl yesterday, had in laws Mother's Day today and having family over tomorrow to do a lunch at my house. House is a mess, but I don't even care, just glad to be doing something. Thankfully I have no symptoms like I did last cycle where I was positive I was preggers but turned out it was all in my head.

Happy Mother's Day to us, who are trying with every bone in our bodies to conceive! Just because we don't have children doesn't mean we don't mother those around us, like husbands, animals, siblings and sometimes parents. We are wonderful.
I'm so sorry Purpleice:hugs: Couldn't you still do IUI? I know my clinic would've still done IUI with me if just 1 tube wasn't functioning. I think it's because you'll often make more than one egg and hopefully there'd be 1-2 follies in the left one in your case. I hope you and your H work things out and figure out where to go from here.

Glad to hear you're AF didn't go AWOL so long this time wannabemummyb:thumbup: I hope you enjoy the books. I can also recommend joining Reddit raisedbynarcissits. It's a great community for people that had narcissistic parents:thumbup: I'm learning so much and people are so nice and helpful.

Welcome teachercv:flower: I hope your testing doesn't show any serious issues, if any. Hopefully there will be none:thumbup: Keep us updated on that.

Good luck Myshel:happydance: Hope this is your cycle. I get it about Mother's Day. Not only don't I have a baby yet or even a BFP but I have a toxic, abusive mother so have a double wammy going on there:nope: I'm trying to busy myself with other things and thankfully Mother's Day isn't a big thing here.

Hopefully we all next year either have our babies or a bump :dust:
Hi, ladies

Mind if I join in?

Just hit my two-year mark TTC. I've been through 4 IUI's, a failed IVF, cancelled IVF and just had a successful IVF in March, which turned out to be a blighted ovum. I am still having a hard time grieving that one. :(
Thanks Myshel, Kat and Wannabe. The plan is to give it 6 months. If I ovulate on my left, we'd do IUI. I hope IUI will work for me. IVF is super expensive here (about 18,000USD). I'm feeling a bit better now. I'm working on stabilising my mindset again for this journey all of us is having. I read somewhere that even if I O on the right, there is possibility that the left tube will catch it. Is this true?

Goodluck Myshel on the TWW. Praying for your BFP :dust:

Hi teachercv and beneathmywings. Sorry you guys are here also.

Teachercv, have you seen your RE yet?

So sorry beneathmywings for the blighted ovum. I can't imagine how you're feeling right now. are you going to try for another IVF?
Thanks Myshel, Kat and Wannabe. The plan is to give it 6 months. If I ovulate on my left, we'd do IUI. I hope IUI will work for me. IVF is super expensive here (about 18,000USD). I'm feeling a bit better now. I'm working on stabilising my mindset again for this journey all of us is having. I read somewhere that even if I O on the right, there is possibility that the left tube will catch it. Is this true?

Goodluck Myshel on the TWW. Praying for your BFP :dust:

Hi teachercv and beneathmywings. Sorry you guys are here also.

Teachercv, have you seen your RE yet?

So sorry beneathmywings for the blighted ovum. I can't imagine how you're feeling right now. are you going to try for another IVF?

I've heard of that too and think it's true although I don't know how often it occurs though:shrug: Ouch on the IVF price:wacko:

Welcome beneathmywings, so sorry to hear about your blighted ovum. I hope you soon get your sticky, healthy BFP :dust:
Thanks Myshel, Kat and Wannabe. The plan is to give it 6 months. If I ovulate on my left, we'd do IUI. I hope IUI will work for me. IVF is super expensive here (about 18,000USD). I'm feeling a bit better now. I'm working on stabilising my mindset again for this journey all of us is having. I read somewhere that even if I O on the right, there is possibility that the left tube will catch it. Is this true?

Goodluck Myshel on the TWW. Praying for your BFP :dust:

Hi teachercv and beneathmywings. Sorry you guys are here also.

Teachercv, have you seen your RE yet?

So sorry beneathmywings for the blighted ovum. I can't imagine how you're feeling right now. are you going to try for another IVF?

Thanks :( I have three frostries left, but since we did genetic testing after my d&c and it came up chromosomally normal, my RE wants me to do autoimmune and blood clotting testing so I am getting that done within the next two weeks and then doing a frozen transfer when we have results. I think im looking at July at this point.

I hope you wont have to do IVF. I know too well how exhausting it is -- emotionally and financially!!

Thanks Myshel, Kat and Wannabe. The plan is to give it 6 months. If I ovulate on my left, we'd do IUI. I hope IUI will work for me. IVF is super expensive here (about 18,000USD). I'm feeling a bit better now. I'm working on stabilising my mindset again for this journey all of us is having. I read somewhere that even if I O on the right, there is possibility that the left tube will catch it. Is this true?

Goodluck Myshel on the TWW. Praying for your BFP :dust:

Hi teachercv and beneathmywings. Sorry you guys are here also.

Teachercv, have you seen your RE yet?

So sorry beneathmywings for the blighted ovum. I can't imagine how you're feeling right now. are you going to try for another IVF?

I've heard of that too and think it's true although I don't know how often it occurs though:shrug: Ouch on the IVF price:wacko:

Welcome beneathmywings, so sorry to hear about your blighted ovum. I hope you soon get your sticky, healthy BFP :dust:

Thanks. I hope so too!
My LTTTC story

So I've drifted in and out of these forums before, I've been NTNP with my husband for over 10 years.... With a lot of TTC - I don't temp, but I use CBFM and have taken every supplement going. The thing is I haven't really been the the doctors, everytime I have mentioned it they tell me to lose weight (and I have lost 60lbs but I still have more to go) but they dismiss me when I say I do ovulate each month. Now the thing is, I will be 33 next week and I know time is not on my side for much longer. My husband has had a SA which all shows normal ranges.

We paid for a private specialist who wrote us a list of tests to ask the GP to do, but we haven't gone back yet - But we've booked an appointment for 1st June to hopefully get the ball rolling, also if they dismiss me, I will ask for the NICE guidelines outlining why they wont investigate.

I suppose I wanted to know if anyone here is overweight and if they still had tests done?
My LTTTC story

So I've drifted in and out of these forums before, I've been NTNP with my husband for over 10 years.... With a lot of TTC - I don't temp, but I use CBFM and have taken every supplement going. The thing is I haven't really been the the doctors, everytime I have mentioned it they tell me to lose weight (and I have lost 60lbs but I still have more to go) but they dismiss me when I say I do ovulate each month. Now the thing is, I will be 33 next week and I know time is not on my side for much longer. My husband has had a SA which all shows normal ranges.

We paid for a private specialist who wrote us a list of tests to ask the GP to do, but we haven't gone back yet - But we've booked an appointment for 1st June to hopefully get the ball rolling, also if they dismiss me, I will ask for the NICE guidelines outlining why they wont investigate.

I suppose I wanted to know if anyone here is overweight and if they still had tests done?

Hi babystreet, Happy birthday in advance! I suppose it won't hurt if you go through all the necessary tests. I, too, am pressed for time, although my OB/RE said I am still young. I am 31. If you are actively TTC#1, I think you should push through with the tests, so that any issue/s can be addressed asap.

I wish you lots of :dust: on your birthday! :)

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