Thanks adidrea, they probably will but I could be using their support now

I still have doubts my narcissistic brother and sister will be there much for me afterwards as they've been super uncommunicative the last 5 months, probably because they think I'm being dramatic and a pain when I talk about my journey. My brother has actually not been answering my emails for many, many months and after he was an absolute jerk on FB, I stopped writing to him. My sister I stopped after she was snarky and passive-aggressive about me liking one of her FB posts, despite the fact she is super rarely actively liking my stuff so yeah..... Good thing I'll always have DH's family, they're super great and without all the aggressive and passive-aggressive stuff my family doles out when they get the chance.
Awww Stine, I've been there myself

2 follies is also a good number, my clinic seems to strive for me having 2 as well (although the max is 3). If Femara isn't doing it, they might advise you to go on injectables (e.g. Gonal F, Puregon) and try 3-4 cycles of that. Your DH is right in that respect, that it's like those first few months of trying for a "normal" fertile couple since your chances are 15-20%. I've heard of women getting BFPs on up to the 6th or 7th IUI so it can still happen! DH's parents very recently talked to a couple that got their BFP on IUI #6 and it was the last one before they were planning on moving on to IVF.
I think it's easier for men to remain more optimistic, my DH is very much the same way. My theory is it's because it's not happening to
his body. He's not going through the 2WW noticing symptoms and then seeing the red of AF signalling
yet another cycle without that BFP. He's also not the one going through U/Ss, daily injections and the actual IUI. I think it makes them more removed emotionally from it in many ways so it doesn't make as much impact on them as it does on us women. I think your DH is probably just trying to cheer you up and help keep you optimistic and positive through all this, like mine is doing. They truely mean well and it's sweet but it can be a bit trying some days
I hope you have some great follies in there that'll be ready soon
IUI UPDATE: So the IUI went well and I had 2 follies with a potential for a 3rd if I understood him correctly

The fun thing was it wasn't one of the 3 nurses I'm used to, it was the one male RE they have that did it. So here's hoping it makes a difference

The only thing he did weird was he didn't tip me a bit so my head was a bit down but you don't dare say anything, especially when it's an RE doing it
DH's count was it's highest: at 50 million