Hi everyone,
I'm new to this thread (and babyandbump in general) but I can relate very closely to what you're all going through. So here's my story:
Got married in Sept 2012 to an amazing man and my best friend. I was almost immediately ready to be a mom but due to school/work/travel/etc he suggested we wait for the "perfect" month assuming that I'd get pregnant quickly because I was never on any hormonal birth control and had my period regularly. So even though I was ready we waited it out for about a year and a half. March 2014 was the "IT" month and we started trying. That didn't work so I started charting my bbt and became super aware of my CM. I slowly implemented other things as the months of BFNs passed by including OPKs, prenatal vitamins, herbal supplements, joined a gym, pineapple trick (haha...you get the idea). Still just a lot of BFNs!!
Last cycle (April) my AF was 10 days late (which never happens) and I got my hopes up that maybe this was FINALLY the month. HPTs showed BFN, but since AF wasn't coming I got a BPT done and received the phone call - BFN!!! I was crushed...I let myself get excited an hopeful and that made it so much harder
So I talked DH into seeing a fertility specialist and he agreed, as it has now been like 14 months since we started TTC. We did a round of tests including SA, preconception blood work, and baseline hormone tests. We wanted to go ahead with a cycle of IUI. I started Femara on CD 3-7, ultrasounds on CD 3, 9 and 12 (had one 18.5mm follicle, and a couple of 15s), hCG trigger shot on day 14, IUI the next day, and progesterone injections for the rest of the cycle. We also did blood work throughout and everything looked fine on all of the tests. DH had awesome count and mobility, and I'm hoping that the 15mm follicles caught up by the time I used the trigger shot. So now I'm 3 dpIUI starting the progesterone shots and trying not to go crazy in anticipation!
I found this forum while I was doing my usual marathon googling during 2WW. Does anyone else do this?? Hahaha

And that's how I ran across this thread! I read a lot of the stories and I'm sorry that you all have to be here. I never thought that making a baby would be one of the hardest and most emotionally draining things I've ever done. I only ever heard the success stories and pregnancy announcements because infertility is such a private issue. So I just assumed it would happen quickly, naturally...happily.
We haven't told any of our family or friends so we of course still get questions like "when are you having babies???". Turning into a baby-question-dodging-pro I think, haha...but this whole experience is very isolating. Have any of you told your mom/best friend/sibling about TTC issues- and how did it go??
So that's where we're at in a nutshell. Here's a TON of baby dust for you all in hopes that your little miracles come soon