LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

Awww so sorry Purpleice:hugs: I hope you catch the egg next time.

If it helps my clinic told me that the 1st IUI very rarely works and it mostly happens for people on their 3rd or 4th try.

Here's hoping your luck is better next IUI :dust:
BFN's for me this IUI #2 was a bust. I think my cheapies were giving me evaps, but oh well. I'm now just waiting for AF to show...
BFN's for me this IUI #2 was a bust. I think my cheapies were giving me evaps, but oh well. I'm now just waiting for AF to show...

Sorry DBZ34, I hope your next IUI does the trick :dust:
Hello everyone! How are you ladies doing? So, I've decided to stay positive again (and again) this cycle. It's not easy not being negative and sad and feel down while all of us here are LTTTC#1, but, I figured that negativity will get me nowhere. I saw my RE this morning, I'm starting on Femara today until CD7, then another round of scans and trigger and suppository (sorry if TMI) progesterone. RE said I should relax and not worry too much. I honestly don't know if I can do that.
Anyway, is it possible to have many follies at a cycle and all of them don't have eggs? I still don't know what's wrong with me. I ovulate naturally every month. Is there a limit on how many rounds of Femara / Clomiphene are allowed? Thanks for the help and support ladies! :flower: :hugs:
Hello everyone! How are you ladies doing? So, I've decided to stay positive again (and again) this cycle. It's not easy not being negative and sad and feel down while all of us here are LTTTC#1, but, I figured that negativity will get me nowhere. I saw my RE this morning, I'm starting on Femara today until CD7, then another round of scans and trigger and suppository (sorry if TMI) progesterone. RE said I should relax and not worry too much. I honestly don't know if I can do that.
Anyway, is it possible to have many follies at a cycle and all of them don't have eggs? I still don't know what's wrong with me. I ovulate naturally every month. Is there a limit on how many rounds of Femara / Clomiphene are allowed? Thanks for the help and support ladies! :flower: :hugs:

Hi Purpleice, glad to hear you're feeling better now. Good to know I'm not he only one that gets a bit negative when AF shows:haha:

As to the follies, I have never heard of that before but here's an article about "empty follicles":

Seems the follicles aren't really empty as there are eggs in them:

With the LH surge that precedes spontaneous ovulation and also with the hCG trigger shot given to induce ovulation following the use of fertility drugs, the egg undergoes “ripening” to prepare for fertilization. This involves (among other events) a rapid halving in the number of its chromosomes (meiosis). At the same time, enzymes are released that loosen the cells (cumulus oophorus) that surround and bind the egg to the inner wall of the follicle. This is necessary to enable the egg to come free at ovulation and/or at the time of egg retrieval.

The problem is that with poorly developed eggs, the latter mechanism often fails, leaving such eggs tightly “stuck” to the follicle wall and unable to come free, often in spite of vigorous attempts to flush them loose. That is why the more difficult it is to successfully aspirate an egg at egg retrieval, the more likely it is that such an egg is chromosomally abnormal and “incompetent” (i.e. incapable of developing into a normal pregnancy). This state of affairs is most commonly encountered in women with diminished ovarian reserve (i.e. “poor responders”), women over 40 and in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) who do not receive an optimal protocol of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH).

Anyway as I understand it, there can be differences to how good quality eggs you're producing each month. Quality also is important when it comes to getting pregnant. So some months you might be making crappy or sub-par eggs and others they're good quality.

But egg quality is only one factor. There's also timing, that the right sperm are there when the right egg ("The Golden Egg") comes along. I've also read that even if the egg fertilizes, it may not divide correctly which results in a non-viable pregnancy (chances of this increase with age as "older" fertilized eggs are more prone to dividing too quickly). There is so much that can go wrong during the entire process of conception it's a wonder really that we're so many people, at least according to my nurses. They say they've tried numerous times doing IVF on a woman where they know the egg is perfect and dividing well (as a strong sperm cell has fertilized it), her uterine lining is perfect thickness, everything on paper looks perfect except for one thing: she doesn't conceive. They don't know why it sometimes goes wrong and say that so much is still unknown about the conception process.

As to Femara/Clomid rounds I don't know of any limit but I live in Denmark. I would think though, based on what I've seen other ladies experience, that after about 3 tries (if you're doing IUI) they may start thinking about moving on to injectables. However if you're trying naturally, I don't know. I hope someone can help you. My RE went straight to injectables and IUI with me so no previous experience unfortunately.

AFM my IUI went well today. DH's count was 30 million and the follie was starting to change shape and release the egg so we caught it earlier this time. So here's hoping:winkwink:
Glad to hear you're feeling better Purpleice:flower:

As far as I can tell, no it isn't possible for a follicle to not have an egg. However eggs can vary in quality and of course a poor quality egg won't result in pregnancy (at least not a viable one). But there are other factors that can contribute to having problems conceiving e.g. egg not dividing properly, endometiral lining too thin ect. Some are known and still others are unknown. My nurse told me they have tried having to do IVF on women where they knew the egg was good and dividing well, her endometrial lining was a very nice thickness and everything looks good but it's still possible for no pregnancy to occur. There is so much that can go wrong in the process so it can be hard to know why, hence why you can fall into the category of unexplained infertility. My nurse is actually shocked that so many people are actually born considering how many Things can go wrong. Humans probably have the least effective system since it can take so long for a woman to become pregnant while with animals they always succeed in conceiving.

AFM my IUI went well today. DH's count was 30 million and the follie was starting to change shape and release the egg so we caught it earlier this time. So here's hoping:winkwink:
Hello everyone! How are you ladies doing? So, I've decided to stay positive again (and again) this cycle. It's not easy not being negative and sad and feel down while all of us here are LTTTC#1, but, I figured that negativity will get me nowhere. I saw my RE this morning, I'm starting on Femara today until CD7, then another round of scans and trigger and suppository (sorry if TMI) progesterone. RE said I should relax and not worry too much. I honestly don't know if I can do that.
Anyway, is it possible to have many follies at a cycle and all of them don't have eggs? I still don't know what's wrong with me. I ovulate naturally every month. Is there a limit on how many rounds of Femara / Clomiphene are allowed? Thanks for the help and support ladies! :flower: :hugs:

All follicles contain eggs for sure, but the quality of the eggs can vary. Also, when doing a trigger it's possible that the eggs can get stuck to the follicle wall and not be released, but it doesn't normally happen.

They usually make you take a break after 6 cycles of clomid/femara, just to let your body rest. I think it's usually a 3 cycle break...but if it doesn't work by then, it's probably time to pursue a different option anyway.
AFM my IUI went well today. DH's count was 30 million and the follie was starting to change shape and release the egg so we caught it earlier this time. So here's hoping:winkwink:

Welcome to the tww! Sounds like a great count. Hope it goes by fast for us.

PURPLEICE & WANNABE- sorry the witch showed. FX for next cycle.

AFM- The progesterone and I are having a love hate relationship. Love because it's a gel and doesn't come out once it's in. Hate because I am so tired and my uterus feels sore like all day. But if this is what pregnancy would be like I'll take it!! DH has been so cute. He has been taking extra good care of me and kiss my belly everyday. This is the closest we have come to being pregnant and it feels good just thinking about what if's.
AFM my IUI went well today. DH's count was 30 million and the follie was starting to change shape and release the egg so we caught it earlier this time. So here's hoping:winkwink:

Welcome to the tww! Sounds like a great count. Hope it goes by fast for us.

PURPLEICE & WANNABE- sorry the witch showed. FX for next cycle.

AFM- The progesterone and I are having a love hate relationship. Love because it's a gel and doesn't come out once it's in. Hate because I am so tired and my uterus feels sore like all day. But if this is what pregnancy would be like I'll take it!! DH has been so cute. He had been taking extra good care of me and kiss my belly everyday. This is the closest we have come to being pregnant and it feels good just thinking about what if's.

I hope so too but it probably won't, at least not for me:winkwink:

Sounds like the gel is better, I've heard those suppositories are worse:wacko: Awww how cute, I hope this IUI works for you :dust:

AFM I'm 1 dpiui so nothing to report. Don't think I'll symptom spot until around 9-10 dpiui, at least.
Question for you ladies...

I have been having some dizzy spells for 2 days now :wacko: This is not normal for me so I am wondering if it might be the progesterone. I am currently 5dpiui so I know it is too early to be anything other than possibly that. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.

Question for you ladies...

I have been having some dizzy spells for 2 days now :wacko: This is not normal for me so I am wondering if it might be the progesterone. I am currently 5dpiui so I know it is too early to be anything other than possibly that. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.


It could definitely be the progesterone.

I had dizziness along with headaches early on. It's not the most fun, but it did pass.

But here's hoping that it's a good sign for you!
AFM- Still waiting for AF to show at 21DPO. Had a beta that was a BFN on Monday, so I know I'm not pregnant...I'm just super delayed because of the progesterone. My levels were pretty high (was tested with the beta) so I'm just waiting for them to drop low enough to bring on AF.

We're going natural for the next couple of months. We might do another IUI in July or August if we don't have any luck naturally by then. There's just too much going on in the next few months to try to plan around, so we're going for the easier option of just BDing. We're planning on trying the SMEP this month, which has worked for us in the past, so I'm hoping for a repeat. :)

Good luck, Stine and Kat!

How are you doing, Myshel and Purple?
AFM- Still waiting for AF to show at 21DPO. Had a beta that was a BFN on Monday, so I know I'm not pregnant...I'm just super delayed because of the progesterone. My levels were pretty high (was tested with the beta) so I'm just waiting for them to drop low enough to bring on AF.

We're going natural for the next couple of months. We might do another IUI in July or August if we don't have any luck naturally by then. There's just too much going on in the next few months to try to plan around, so we're going for the easier option of just BDing. We're planning on trying the SMEP this month, which has worked for us in the past, so I'm hoping for a repeat. :)

Good luck, Stine and Kat!

How are you doing, Myshel and Purple?

That’s no fun. Did the Dr say anything about starting you on something to bring AF on? How long will they let it go before they would start it? Good luck the next few months trying natural. FX it works.

AFM- the dizziness has calmed down a bit. I plan to relax again this weekend as much as I can just to make sure the dizzy spells stay at bay. Currently I am at 7dpiui and besides some random cramping, dizzy spells and now breast tenderness; it has been a pretty calm tww. :thumbup:

How are the rest of you ladies doing?
AFM- Still waiting for AF to show at 21DPO. Had a beta that was a BFN on Monday, so I know I'm not pregnant...I'm just super delayed because of the progesterone. My levels were pretty high (was tested with the beta) so I'm just waiting for them to drop low enough to bring on AF.

We're going natural for the next couple of months. We might do another IUI in July or August if we don't have any luck naturally by then. There's just too much going on in the next few months to try to plan around, so we're going for the easier option of just BDing. We're planning on trying the SMEP this month, which has worked for us in the past, so I'm hoping for a repeat. :)

Good luck, Stine and Kat!

How are you doing, Myshel and Purple?

That’s no fun. Did the Dr say anything about starting you on something to bring AF on? How long will they let it go before they would start it? Good luck the next few months trying natural. FX it works.

AFM- the dizziness has calmed down a bit. I plan to relax again this weekend as much as I can just to make sure the dizzy spells stay at bay. Currently I am at 7dpiui and besides some random cramping, dizzy spells and now breast tenderness; it has been a pretty calm tww. :thumbup:

How are the rest of you ladies doing?

AF finally showed up. They didn't say anything about how long they'd let it go on, but if it hadn't shown up by Thursday, I would have had to do another beta. I suppose they wanted to check before giving me something...

DH is all for going the natural route because it has worked for us in the past. I'm hoping the IUI drugs jump started my fertility again after my surgery and we get a BFP soon. :)

Stine!! Your symptoms sound awesome for 7dpiui. I've got so much hope for you this cycle! :D
CD10 and I got a "high" on CBFM this morning - really hoping my body is gearing up to ov this month.

DBZ sorry the witch got you.

Stine I have everything crossed for you x
I'm 5 dpiui and nothing much. Had some weird cramping for a couple of days (around 3-4 dpiui) but it was too early for implantation so not sure what that was and have not really had any today. Have had a sore back but I sometimes have had that on BFN cycles. We'll see although I'm for some reason not very hopeful:nope:
Currently 11dpiui and I feel so icky. This whole weekend I was very nauseous. My bb's were so swollen and sensitive plus the veins started showing. I was feeling really positive about this cycle. Till today… My bb's are back to normal so I am thinking it was the progesterone. Plus I am cramping, like AF cramping. I’m not due till this weekend but all hopes I had this might have worked are quickly fading. I'm trying to stay positive because I read if you believe it your body responds better, IDK. I currently just want to crawl back into bed and sleep for a couple days I am so tired. Really just want this weekend to get here so I can find out and start on my next path no matter which one it is. I HATE THE TWW!!! :growlmad:

How is everyone else feeling?
Currently 11dpiui and I feel so icky. This whole weekend I was very nauseous. My bb's were so swollen and sensitive plus the veins started showing. I was feeling really positive about this cycle. Till today… My bb's are back to normal so I am thinking it was the progesterone. Plus I am cramping, like AF cramping. I’m not due till this weekend but all hopes I had this might have worked are quickly fading. I'm trying to stay positive because I read if you believe it your body responds better, IDK. I currently just want to crawl back into bed and sleep for a couple days I am so tired. Really just want this weekend to get here so I can find out and start on my next path no matter which one it is. I HATE THE TWW!!! :growlmad:

How is everyone else feeling?

Awww Stine, don't count yourself out until AF actually shows, still hoping this is your cycle:hugs:

I'm 8 dpiui and have a cold, came yesterday:( I hate being sick. Otherwise nothing new. I'm avoiding symptom spotting as much as possible since it always gets my hopes up a bit which isn't good. So just going with the flow and see what happens.
Hello ladies, thought I would check in and see how you all are doing.
I am off this month from trying which is nice but horrible at the same time.
my brother came to visit so he was a nice distraction.

Stine: how are you doing? Any good news ...? TWW are the pits
Hello ladies, thought I would check in and see how you all are doing.
I am off this month from trying which is nice but horrible at the same time.
my brother came to visit so he was a nice distraction.

Stine: how are you doing? Any good news ...? TWW are the pits

I'm going to test Saturday. I'll be 15dpiui that day. My bb's are so sore and look bruised I guess is the best way to describe them. The nausea is non stop. The AF like cramps are gone and now it's a dull ache. I am hot all day and have had a runny nose for like a week now but it's not because I'm sick. I'm praying it's not just the progesterone all these symptoms. I'm going crazy mentally. This tww seems like it will never end. I really didn't want to symptom spot but these symptoms are not subtle. It's like they are screaming for me to pay attention. I go for a beta Monday if AF stays away. FX ...

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