Ladies, I am sooo sorry I have been MIA lately, nothing much has happened, still waiting on an appointment from the new Gyno...
Can I get a quick catch up from each of you?Pleeaseeee!! haha.
I'm going in Monday for an u/s to check my follicles ill be starting injections Friday...and I started femera last night...might not do an IUI this cycle...we will see...thats what's going on with us.
Hi ladies. Well, got my cd22 progesterone levels back - 0.2... So the Femara didn't work, and I didn't ovulate.. Now just waiting for AF so I can start a new cycle :'(
Karen - no, never tried Clomid. I was on 5mg, upping me to 7.5mg once AF comes. I also started late last cycle (cd4 instead of cd3) so maybe that has something to do with it. Crossing my fingers I don't have to wait too long to start the next go around.
Sorry for not updating a whole lot lately. The Femara is finally giving me side effects and I've really been feeling it. Mainly I'm just really low energy. Not tired/fatigued, just sluggish. Saturday is a holiday in DH's and my home, so there has been a lot to do getting ready for that and it has about taken all of my energy. U/S tomorrow, hoping for something good, not really feeling it, but my temp is finally getting lower like it often does before O, so I will take that as a good sign.
Karen- I am so sorry this has been so rough for you. I know you do not want to have to deal with all of this. You are a strong woman to go through so much. What is the next step? Will you be able to get back to TTC soon? Will you be taking things in a new direction with TTC?
Hi, I've been MIA too whilst I always knew the success rates for iui are relatively low going through it and getting a BFN has really taken its toll on me emotionally and I'm not doing too good at the mo. DH is being amazing I'm a luck lady. Ladies I can't believe all this stress and pain we have to go through, Karen your so strong and coping so well. I just hope someone gets their BFP to give us all some hope![]()
Can I join you girls? I'm 24 and my DH is 33 and we have been TTC since Jan of 2011 so over two years now.I have PCOS and self diagnosed endometriosis. I am going in for a lap in 13 days...on Valentines day, so I"ll find out for sure about the endo. I have the elevated male hormone and all the horrendous freakin symptoms of PCOS. My hubby also has a 5% morphology so its 3 strikes against us. We have done clomid, femara and IUI which obviously failed. It was a horrible experience and I'm sorry for the ones who recently had failed IUI's...the only thing that makes it better is time. I was on metformin ER but couldn't handle the side effects. I haven't read all the way through, but I look forward to getting to know you guys.