LTTTC #1 w/pcos - Buddies?

Hey ladies. Okay, you finally get an update. And I apologize ahead, because it's going to be a rant. The last 36 hours were absolute hell. So here goes:

So I did have a good follicle yesterday. Just one, but 20mm and my lining was perfect. :) After the appt DH and I called the sperm bank to schedule our washes, but out of the blue they told us a "qualified professional" would have to sign a "permission slip" to allow us to do sperm wash. WTH? We never spoke to our RE about the IUI because he doesn't believe that anyone but him is qualified to have any say in their own treatment. (A real ego-trip kind of guy. He even pretty much told me a few weeks ago that I don't know anything about infertility and that he doesn't really approve of me researching my meds or treatment options, and that he will be the one making those decisions.)

Anyway, I had run though all the sperm bank policies with the sperm tech WEEKS ago, and she never told me I'd need a form signed so I had no clue this was all going to come up. (Heck, I STILL don't understand why my husband and I need "permission" to be "allowed" to have his own sperm washed!!) Since my RE's office was closed (and since I already knew he would say no anyway) I went to my midwife, but she said no because she does not know about inseminations. Then my normal OB/Gyn said no for the same reason. THEN the sperm bank's own doctor said no because he did not want to step on any toes since I already have a doctor. Then I called several other fertility clinics throughout the state: all were no, no, no, no, no.

At that point, I gave in. My RE was the only on left. So I called his off-hours number and spoke to his nurse. She acted like I was a total moron for even thinking I could do an insem myself- mind you I told her we were just doing an IVI and not IUI. She said it was dangerous to do an IVI and I could kill myself trying it because I am "untrained" and it is a "dangerous procedure", and then she refused to even call the doctor and talk to him about the situation. I told her that I wanted to speak with my doctor and finally she did let me schedule an appt with him for this morning so he could talk to us and understand that we know what we're doing. She was pissy, but at least we got an appt.

Fast forward to today: Just as I was doing my trigger this morning, but before my appt time, the nurse called to tell us that the doctor also thought we were being idiots (not her exact words, but intent was crystal clear). Why did she call? Well, because apparently my RE felt that he had no reason that he should bother to speak to us. The nurse said that he told her to tell us that either he does the inseminations or no one does. The nurse refused to give us any reasons behind the decision except to say that an IVI if done incorrectly is VERY DANGEROUS. I simply asked (VERY calmly and professionally) why they felt that my husband and I would be in danger doing it ourselves (I know for a fact there is no danger, I have researched the heck out of this and knew she was BS;ing me) and she refused to answer the question and intead told me I was "getting smart" with her. Mind you, all I asked was what they based their decision on!!! I was not rude or sarcastic or anything. Given the circumstances, I was insanely polite even though I was screaming inside.

I told her I really wanted to speak with the doctor and she very angrily said he would no longer be speaking to me, that we were no longer going to be their patients, and that I need to find a new RE. (Seriously???) So at that point, we had no choice but to go to our RE's office immediately to get my records. Yes. They really did kick us out!! It was terrible.

I still have NO IDEA why they freaked out like this. I even asked my husband if I had sounded at all bitchy on the phone- he's the kind of guy who would tell me if I had- and he said I was super chill and that he had no idea how I even kept my cool with someone talking to me the way that nurse did. (I had my cell turned up during the conversation so he could hear.)

After that, I spent the next couple hours calling everywhere I possibly could to find someone (ANYONE!) who would sign the form. I was a total mess. Crying and just being so freaked out about everything. I could not believe this was happening! I looked for sperm bank in neighboring states in case their laws might be different, but I couldn't fins anywhere to go. I started calling all the midwives in the area, but pretty much everyone was close because it's the weekend.

But FINALLY I found a midwife online who had done inseminations before and who actually answered her phone when I called. And oh my she was really nice. She said she had no idea why someone would deny us our own sperm and that she's totally sickened by doctors who are only out for patients money. She had heard of our RE and knew how he treas patients. She was totally not surprised about what she was hearing. She also told me IVI, ICI, or IUI are all perfectly safe choices and she scheduled us an appt with her for this evening- even though she is closed weekends!!! When we met with her, she walked us through how to do the IUI, and signed the sperm release form. She even gave us some betadine because I did not have any for the cervical wash. I am so thankful for this amazing woman!!! She saved our IUI cycle!

Anyway, today has been STRESSFUL. But we are doing an IUI tomorrow and Monday, at 26 hours and 50 hours post-trigger, and that is what matters. Also, I spoke again with the sperm bank who talked to their doctor and he said he'd be happy to take us on as patients and sign all the forms we need for home insems from here on out. And if he ever decides not to, we have our wonderful midwife to sign instead.

I am still very angry at my old RE, but at least I found out what kind of clinic he actually runs.

Anyway, that all is why I didn't update sooner. Figured I ought to sort it all out first.
Holy crap pink! I'm so sorry your doctor treated you like that!! That's is such crap! Can you report him or anything...?? I'm glad it all worked out in the end though :) good luck!! Hope this works for you guys! And to me your one of the most knowledgeable ppl I know when it comes to infertility!! Doctors irritate me sometimes!
Haha. They irritate me too, hun. Especially this one. I don't think there is anything I could do to report him. It seems to be just how the fertility doctors are in Colorado. I think I'll just be happy to wash my hands clean of that clinic. On to better, more caring doctors!

It seems to me that some doctors forget just what a miracle conception is. They treat it like some boring task they have to go through when it comes to helping women conceive, lacking compassion for the needs of their patients. Perhaps some of them just see us as dollar signs, I hate to think of what other rude ad uncaring things some of these doctors think. It really seems that doctors, especially fertility doctors and OB/Gyn's, really need to take some kind of course to help them reconnect with their humanity. To act like wanting a home insemination is stupid is just, I don't know, so out of touch. Of COURSE women are going to want to do whatever they can to preserve the intimacy of creating life with their husbands! Do doctors not understand that many women turn to home insemination because they want to keep as much of the, I don't know, sacredness maybe? of that situation as possible. At least for me, creating life is one of the most amazing, spiritual acts of love a couple can choose to pursue- how can a doctor not encourage couples to own their conception as much as possible. I feel like we, as women suffering through infertility, lose enough already! How dare some man who barely knows me try to take from me and my husband a process that is so inherently ours and ours alone. We hired HIM, not the other way around. He is there to assist US. We are the customer, paying for his service. How DARE he treat us as if we owe him anything?!?

I wish RE's would take a more understanding approach. That they would only do what they must do and that they would teach us and empower us to do the rest in whatever way we feel comfortable. I wish they would sit down with us and listen to us, and really understand how we feel about all of this. (After all, as women shoving down hormones on a regular basis, I'm sure we ALL have a LOT of feelings that could be listened to!) Instead, my RE made me feel like he doesn't see me as anything more than a piece of cattle to be inseminated, dollar signs to be pocketed, an annoyance that he has to deal with in order to have his fancy car and huge house. Yet I am a human being with needs, desires, and beliefs all my own. I just can't express how disrespected he made me feel. I almost feel ashamed? dirty? I don't know. Though I know it was totally non-sexual, I let this man put an ultrasound wand in me god knows how many times, and I just feel so... I don't know. People talk about "birth rape", is there something along the lines of "IF rape"? I mean, I know it is not actual rape or anything. But I feel so, I don't know. Just GROSS.

I think I may need to get a counselor to talk through all of this with. I was raped multiple times when I was younger, and the way in which the doctor treated me is, I think, kind of triggering some of that trauma to become fresh in my mind. I'm really having trouble dealing with it.
Hey ladies. How is everyone doing?? Things have been really quiet around here lately. I'm feeling tons better, though I am still VERY upset at my old RE! Oh well, going to make some calls today and hopefully get in with that other doctor I was telling ya'll about.

Anyway! Yesterday (IUI day 1) ended up being an ICI day as DH couldn't get the cath in but a couple centimeters. I don't know if any sperm actually made it to my uterus. There was a spot in my cervix that seemed like it was completely closed and the swimmers just kept coming out.

Today same thing happened, but after half of the swimmers refused to go in, I cut the catheter in half, angled the tip, and told DH just to position for me because I was doing it myself!! The modifications gave me enough leverage and a small enough tip that I finally was able to get the catheter all the way in, so IUI success!

So in the end we had:

ICI at trigger +26 hours: 320 million swimmers total with 50% motility after 3 days abstinence. (Woot!!!)
Half & Half ICI/IUI at trigger +49 hours: 90 million swimmers total with 50% motility. (Wow that's a drop!)

I guess with the actual IUI bit, we probably had 45 million with 50% motility. Good enough for me!!! :happydance:

I've been having twinges in my left ovary for two whole days, so I have no idea when ovulation happened or will happen. I missed a day of temping due to having to be up way before my temp time, so my hart is a pain to try to figure out.

Hope all you ladies are doing well! Any updates?
Pink - Oh. My. Gosh. I was infuriated just reading all of that!!! Unbelievable... He's probably immensely rich and had no problem conceiving like, 10 kids.. Screw him, and his petty little nurse. Glad you finally found someone with a freaking soul to help you and your hubby out :hugs: Let us know how this cycle turns out, I'm so hopeful for you!
Thanks ladies. It means so much to have ya'll to talk to! Imagine me posting a rant like that on Facebook. :rofl:

Oh, and yes. I am sure he is filthy rich. DH and I added it up and including IVF, IUI, and all the rest, the clinic has to be pulling in a bare minimum of 3.5+ MILLION a YEAR! (And that is the lowest possible amount, it could easily be twice that.) Sickening!

Anyway! Any updates to share? I'd love to hear how you girls are doing!
Well I was having a fairly crappy cycle up until about a week ago. My OB said my progesterone came back at .2 so she said I didn't O and prescribed me another round of Letrozole (she upped it from 5mg to 7.5mg) and said call me when your next cycle starts. Well about 5 days ago, my temp takes a pretty big jump and I spotted (literally one small spot on toilet tissue) and I had intense cramping on my left side for about an hour- then the next morning I woke up and my BBs hurt (which only happens after I O); so I think we were just expecting O too early! Thank god DH and I have been dtd every other day even after we thought I O'd... And to add icing to the cake, DHs SA came back and he's a stud! He passed with flying colors!! He had some issue when he was a kid that his dr told him may affect his ability to have kids as an adult, but it's apparently almost gone! Definitely needed some good news, now I just hope this surprise O results in a surprise BFP!
Yayyy mschaffin!! :)

I had my u/s today (Monday) and I have 2@13 1@14 on my right side and 2@10 on my left I'm doing injectables for two more days...and then Wednesday morning ill be doing my u/ check everything...they are hoping that not all of them mature...but 1-3 of them...if they all mature we might have to cancel the cycle cuz they don't want me to have tooooooo many babies :/
MrsChaffin- Oh that's great! And good timing to boot. I guess I'm joining you in the TWW. :flow: I hope we both get some beautiful BFP's this month. When will you we testing? Valentines Day?

sugarpi24- Hey hun. Those sound like some good follies you got there. I think you'll be fine. The two at 10mm will probably give up and go away and that will just leave you with 1-3 of the bigger ones. I'll be thinking good thoughts for ya girl!
Natashaa1: I hope your last IUI works and you don’t have to move onto IVF.

Pinksprinkles: Good for you for standing up for yourself. I am so sorry you had to go through all of that. I can’t believe the DR would treat you like that. I really hope this IUI works and you can go back and shove your pregnant belly in their faces. Sorry, that just made me so mad for you. I think talking to someone would be a big help. I hope you are able to find some healing. We are here for you.
I am glad that your inseminations went well. Good luck in these next two weeks.

MrsChaffin: Yay for ovulating! I hope you caught that egg! Good luck!

Sugarpi: Good luck tomorrow. If the cancel your IUI and tell you not to BD will you anyway?

Friday I had a beta, and when the nurse called she said, “So you hcg went down, it is now at 246.6.” Ladies, it was at 247. That is not a big drop. I was like, are you kidding me? Anyway, she was freaking out because they wanted to see me in the office yesterday, but I was out of town Sat, Sun, and Mon so I told her I could come in today. She said I am still at risk for a tubal rupture and that if I go it would be against medical advice. I said ok. I went, had no problems, and do not regret it one bit. I have another beta this afternoon. We will see how this one goes. I hope you all have a great day today.
We aren't doing IUI this cycle...since my insurance only covers 6 a lifetime...trying to spread them out just incase we don't get pregnant soon...idk if we still will bd or not if they tell us not too...probably not cuz we don't really want multiples...
Pink - I am going to try and wait until the day before valentines day, I doubt I'll make it but I would love to know before hand so I can do something cute for DH on Valentines day :) I am so hoping.. When are you testing??

Sugar - I hope only 1 or 2 mature! Good luck ;)

Karen - man that sucks.. Is there anything else they can do besides the mexo. that will help?
Pinksprinkles: I'm sorry you had to go through everything. It's so frustrating to have to deal with dumb people on top of all our fertility stuff. I'm glad you got it all figured out though and hopefully there's a bfp on its way! Best of luck!

Mrschaffin: :happydance: for actually ov'ing!! It's so disappointing when you have help and still don't O but I'm glad it all turned around for you. Is this your first round on Femara? I did one for my IUI and didn't have as many side effects. Fx'd for you. PS I love your avatar

Sugarpi24: best of luck with your medicated cycle. I really hope you get your BFP in a few weeks! That's awesome that you have insurance to cover at least some of them. I do know though that my SIL got pregnant both times on her second cycle with IUI.

Karenh: I hope it was some fluke thing and that your new beta shoots through the roof. I have everything crossed for you.

AFM: I kinda feel like I'm intruding...but I'm not actively doing anything for PCOS right now. I couldn't handle the metformin. I have my pre-op this thursday and then my surgery on valentines day since we all suspect I have endo. I think hubs and I have decided to do IUI after the surgery pending the outcome of surgery.
That's gdane! :) I'm going to talk to the nurse and see what they say...
karenh- Thanks, Karen. I really appreciate that. :hugs: Do they know what's causing the hCG issue or where the hCG is coming from??? I'm really confused. I really hope they sort everything out soon!

sugarpi24- With no other issues besides anovulation and with 2-3 eggs, you have a 35% chance of getting pregnant with one baby and you only have a 3.5% chance of twins. Triplets is so low it doesn't even count. I think as long as you have 5 eggs or less, it's probably safe to BD. You should be able to ask your doctor for what the stats are for how many eggs you have.

MrsChaffin- Aw, a Valentine's BFP would be awesome! I was going to start testing on Valentine's Day but my temp was low again today. So I'm not sure what is going on.

GdaneMom4now- Thanks hun. :flow: Did you try extended release Metformin? I can't take regular Metformin because it makes me very ill, but the extended release I'm fine with. If you haven't checked it out yet, you may want to look into it. I hope everything turns out well with your surgery!

AFM- So, I triggered on Saturday, but my temp was still low this morning, so DH and I did another IUI today. We are going to have to get some different catheters for next months because these ones don't work well. The catheter today broke, and we ended up losing a third of the sperm. (Insert expletives here.) Hopefully our new doctor will get the good catheters for us, and if not, we'll ask the midwife. Today's count was pretty low, after three days in a row, so there wasn't a lot anyway. Total pre-wash count was 44 million at 50% motility, so we probably only got about 10 million motile sperm all the way into my uterus. I think that is the lowest they say you should go with IUI, but it's still in the okay range. If my temp doesn't go up tomorrow, I'm not sure what we're going to do. How could a trigger possibly fail??? Oh! And after the trigger I had +OPK on Saturday and Sunday, but -OPK on Monday, but then today I got my strongest +OPK ever. Whaaaat??? Does anyone have any thoughts on this??? I still can't believe how low DH's sperm count gets after three days in a row!!!
They said if I have more than 3 they would most likely cancel it :( but I posted this on another thread thinking I was on this Karen I think hubby and I still might bd even if they cancel the cycle...I would hate to waste a cycle....but I'm hoping for not twins or triplets! Hubby and I discussed what we would do if that happened with rooms and that would would probably be freaked and faint or something thinking about the money :/ I know we would make it if we have one...we aren't rich...but we will do our darnedest to make sure the baby is taken care of! :)but its scary!!! :/
I don't know how you personally feel about it, and if you are very against it, I truly apologize for bringing it up- but if you get more implanted eggs than would be safe to carry or more than you feel you are comfortable with, they can terminate a single embryo or two without hurting the rest of them. If your spiritual beliefs would allow it, it can make it safer for the development of the rest. Again, I hate even bringing it up at all, and I really apologize to anyone who might be upset by the topic, but it was a discussion DH and I were told we had to have with our RE before we were even allowed to become patients! I still don't know if I could ever bring myself to do it.
I don't think I could bring myself to do that :( I'm sure I'm to high risk to have multiples since I have a thyroid condition...and I'm overweight....but idk...I'm sure ppl have done it...if it happens to us...then I guess it happens right :) ill see what tomorrow brings if we even have to make a decision...
I hope tomorrow goes great and that you have just a couple big, beautiful follies all ready to release happy eggies!! :happydance:

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