LTTTC #1 w/pcos - Buddies?

This is so annoying. Spotting for the last 10 days.. it happened on CD 12 last month and again on CD 21(counting from the last spotting, which I don't know if was a real AF or not) I can't track anything, I don't know where in the cycle I am. The OPKS are ALWAYS dark. Im getting irritated!

That is really frustrating. I am so sorry. Are you under the care of a doctor? I was having really weird bleeding and i didn't go in for months. By the time I did I needed surgery and the dr said another month and I would have had uterin cancer. PCOS can really screw with your body. I would suggest bringin it up to a doc, if nothing else they should be able to help regulate your cycles so it isn't confusing.

Oh geez, that scares me... No I'm not, any doc I've been to just tell me I've got really long crazy cycles and they can put me on bc (I was on it from age 15 to 21) no one will help me, the closest I've gotten is finding the PCOS but now it's up to me.

I have been making changes to my diet and taking vitamins (after not having a period for 97 days) and so I'm hoping it is just clearing itself out..

I hope that can help you. Are you ttc? There are other meds other than BCP that can help. I hope you can find some answers soon.

It seems to be, I've been working out too, and I know that can mess wth cycles so I am going to let it regulate. If it doesn't I will talk to a doctor, because I want Clomid anyways. Yes we have been TTC for 17 months now.
I got diagnosed with PCOS in 2007 when I was 19. I was tested for this because of annovulation, weight, hirsutism, long periods, etc. I started trying to conceive in March of 2012 and my OB/GYN immediately put me on Clomid. I did Clomid for six months, only ovulated two of the six.

Afterwards, found out my husband has azoospermia.

Even if we can get sperm from him, my PCOS means I don't have regular cycles so it's hard to do IUI and IVF with or without ICSI if I don't ovulate. Why does it have to be so hard?? :cry:

I had a positive ovulation test Feb 08, not period. March I ovulated around the same time, period March 25. Ovulated early April, no period. What?? GRRRRRR PCOS...GRRRRR.
This is so annoying. Spotting for the last 10 days.. it happened on CD 12 last month and again on CD 21(counting from the last spotting, which I don't know if was a real AF or not) I can't track anything, I don't know where in the cycle I am. The OPKS are ALWAYS dark. Im getting irritated!

That is really frustrating. I am so sorry. Are you under the care of a doctor? I was having really weird bleeding and i didn't go in for months. By the time I did I needed surgery and the dr said another month and I would have had uterin cancer. PCOS can really screw with your body. I would suggest bringin it up to a doc, if nothing else they should be able to help regulate your cycles so it isn't confusing.

Oh geez, that scares me... No I'm not, any doc I've been to just tell me I've got really long crazy cycles and they can put me on bc (I was on it from age 15 to 21) no one will help me, the closest I've gotten is finding the PCOS but now it's up to me.

I have been making changes to my diet and taking vitamins (after not having a period for 97 days) and so I'm hoping it is just clearing itself out..

I hope that can help you. Are you ttc? There are other meds other than BCP that can help. I hope you can find some answers soon.

It seems to be, I've been working out too, and I know that can mess wth cycles so I am going to let it regulate. If it doesn't I will talk to a doctor, because I want Clomid anyways. Yes we have been TTC for 17 months now.

Then regulating your cycles is the main thing. That is why I went to my OB not my PCP. That is there area. My OB gave me three options, BCP if we want to regulate but prevent pregnancy, progesterone to ntnp, and clomid to ttc. I can't get mine to regulate without them. Good luck!
I got diagnosed with PCOS in 2007 when I was 19. I was tested for this because of annovulation, weight, hirsutism, long periods, etc. I started trying to conceive in March of 2012 and my OB/GYN immediately put me on Clomid. I did Clomid for six months, only ovulated two of the six.

Afterwards, found out my husband has azoospermia.

Even if we can get sperm from him, my PCOS means I don't have regular cycles so it's hard to do IUI and IVF with or without ICSI if I don't ovulate. Why does it have to be so hard?? :cry:

I had a positive ovulation test Feb 08, not period. March I ovulated around the same time, period March 25. Ovulated early April, no period. What?? GRRRRRR PCOS...GRRRRR.

Yes it is really frustrating, and I am sorry that you have a double wammy. However, I am not sure how IVF with ICSI would be a problem on your end. They would give you injections to produce follicles and then meds to trigger the release and then retrieve the eggs so it by passes your natural ovilation process. Have you talked with an RE about that yet?
Hi karenH. We are currently looking at IUI or IVF. I totally forgot that the injections would bypass my normal ovulation. Silly me. Right now our biggest concern is the flight to Seattle for my DH's biopsy. We are hoping his SA this week shows sperm. ANY would be great! Otherwise it's the dreaded biopsy.

We have come around to the idea of IVF and I recently learned what ICSI is. That sounds promising. Wishing it was time now.

Thanks for the reminder about IVF!!
This is so annoying. Spotting for the last 10 days.. it happened on CD 12 last month and again on CD 21(counting from the last spotting, which I don't know if was a real AF or not) I can't track anything, I don't know where in the cycle I am. The OPKS are ALWAYS dark. Im getting irritated!

That is really frustrating. I am so sorry. Are you under the care of a doctor? I was having really weird bleeding and i didn't go in for months. By the time I did I needed surgery and the dr said another month and I would have had uterin cancer. PCOS can really screw with your body. I would suggest bringin it up to a doc, if nothing else they should be able to help regulate your cycles so it isn't confusing.

Oh geez, that scares me... No I'm not, any doc I've been to just tell me I've got really long crazy cycles and they can put me on bc (I was on it from age 15 to 21) no one will help me, the closest I've gotten is finding the PCOS but now it's up to me.

I have been making changes to my diet and taking vitamins (after not having a period for 97 days) and so I'm hoping it is just clearing itself out..

I hope that can help you. Are you ttc? There are other meds other than BCP that can help. I hope you can find some answers soon.

It seems to be, I've been working out too, and I know that can mess wth cycles so I am going to let it regulate. If it doesn't I will talk to a doctor, because I want Clomid anyways. Yes we have been TTC for 17 months now.

Then regulating your cycles is the main thing. That is why I went to my OB not my PCP. That is there area. My OB gave me three options, BCP if we want to regulate but prevent pregnancy, progesterone to ntnp, and clomid to ttc. I can't get mine to regulate without them. Good luck!

I have been using just the progesterone cream. I have heard really bad side effects from Clomid, and that makes me nervous!! LOL I am a scaredy cat I guess...
I used Clomid for six months and only had hot flashes. They sucked, but overall weren't bad at all. I never had night sweats or chills. I did have minor headaches, minor nausea (I get nausea with everything) and ovulation was painful because I never ovulate. It sounds bad, but it's actually quite bearable. I liked the fact that I knew when I would ovulate and could get ready for BDing. It makes life easier knowing when you will ovulate.

I myself was a little scared, but got used to living with a fan. :wacko:
I used Clomid for six months and only had hot flashes. They sucked, but overall weren't bad at all. I never had night sweats or chills. I did have minor headaches, minor nausea (I get nausea with everything) and ovulation was painful because I never ovulate. It sounds bad, but it's actually quite bearable. I liked the fact that I knew when I would ovulate and could get ready for BDing. It makes life easier knowing when you will ovulate.

I myself was a little scared, but got used to living with a fan. :wacko:

Oh that's good to know, it's already in the 80-90's where I live, so not thrilled about the hot flashes lol... I guess I should make an appt with my doctor!
I used Clomid for six months and only had hot flashes. They sucked, but overall weren't bad at all. I never had night sweats or chills. I did have minor headaches, minor nausea (I get nausea with everything) and ovulation was painful because I never ovulate. It sounds bad, but it's actually quite bearable. I liked the fact that I knew when I would ovulate and could get ready for BDing. It makes life easier knowing when you will ovulate.

I myself was a little scared, but got used to living with a fan. :wacko:

Oh that's good to know, it's already in the 80-90's where I live, so not thrilled about the hot flashes lol... I guess I should make an appt with my doctor!

Honestly, if your doctor suggests Clomid and not Femara I would ask about Femara. There are a lot less side effects. I prefer it 100 times over Clomid.
Hi karenH. We are currently looking at IUI or IVF. I totally forgot that the injections would bypass my normal ovulation. Silly me. Right now our biggest concern is the flight to Seattle for my DH's biopsy. We are hoping his SA this week shows sperm. ANY would be great! Otherwise it's the dreaded biopsy.

We have come around to the idea of IVF and I recently learned what ICSI is. That sounds promising. Wishing it was time now.

Thanks for the reminder about IVF!!

Seattle! You should come to Portland and stay with us, save you on your hotel costs. : ) I hope that his SA come back with more hope. Good luck!
I used Clomid for six months and only had hot flashes. They sucked, but overall weren't bad at all. I never had night sweats or chills. I did have minor headaches, minor nausea (I get nausea with everything) and ovulation was painful because I never ovulate. It sounds bad, but it's actually quite bearable. I liked the fact that I knew when I would ovulate and could get ready for BDing. It makes life easier knowing when you will ovulate.

I myself was a little scared, but got used to living with a fan. :wacko:

Oh that's good to know, it's already in the 80-90's where I live, so not thrilled about the hot flashes lol... I guess I should make an appt with my doctor!

Honestly, if your doctor suggests Clomid and not Femara I would ask about Femara. There are a lot less side effects. I prefer it 100 times over Clomid.
So I finally got an appt scheduled! :happydance: June 14th is when I see him. Im so excited!!!
Oh I have never heard of Femara.... is it supposed to do what Clomid does?
Also, how do you track this? do you BBT to watch for ovulation?
Femera does what Clomid does....only most ppl don't have as many side effect on they did with Clomid. I never ovulated on Clomid...and my FS put me on Femera and it works like a charm! Plus im doing injections to get more follicles. So far this cycle I have 1@12 1@14 1@10 and 1@9 on my right side and on my left I have 2@12!! so heres hoping!
I used Clomid for six months and only had hot flashes. They sucked, but overall weren't bad at all. I never had night sweats or chills. I did have minor headaches, minor nausea (I get nausea with everything) and ovulation was painful because I never ovulate. It sounds bad, but it's actually quite bearable. I liked the fact that I knew when I would ovulate and could get ready for BDing. It makes life easier knowing when you will ovulate.

I myself was a little scared, but got used to living with a fan. :wacko:

Oh that's good to know, it's already in the 80-90's where I live, so not thrilled about the hot flashes lol... I guess I should make an appt with my doctor!

Honestly, if your doctor suggests Clomid and not Femara I would ask about Femara. There are a lot less side effects. I prefer it 100 times over Clomid.
So I finally got an appt scheduled! :happydance: June 14th is when I see him. Im so excited!!!
Oh I have never heard of Femara.... is it supposed to do what Clomid does?
Also, how do you track this? do you BBT to watch for ovulation?

Yes, Famara does what Clomid does. PCOS women tend to become Clomid Resistant (I possibly am) and I have been told putting them on Femara works. I have an ovulation calculator website you can use. It asks for the date of the first pill of Clomid and then it tells you a five day period when you should ovulate. It was right every time for me. It also made me feel better to be able to see it and know I was actually ovulating. Plus, I saved OPK's not doing it every day for two weeks.
I used Clomid for six months and only had hot flashes. They sucked, but overall weren't bad at all. I never had night sweats or chills. I did have minor headaches, minor nausea (I get nausea with everything) and ovulation was painful because I never ovulate. It sounds bad, but it's actually quite bearable. I liked the fact that I knew when I would ovulate and could get ready for BDing. It makes life easier knowing when you will ovulate.

I myself was a little scared, but got used to living with a fan. :wacko:

Oh that's good to know, it's already in the 80-90's where I live, so not thrilled about the hot flashes lol... I guess I should make an appt with my doctor!

Honestly, if your doctor suggests Clomid and not Femara I would ask about Femara. There are a lot less side effects. I prefer it 100 times over Clomid.
So I finally got an appt scheduled! :happydance: June 14th is when I see him. Im so excited!!!
Oh I have never heard of Femara.... is it supposed to do what Clomid does?
Also, how do you track this? do you BBT to watch for ovulation?

Yes, Famara does what Clomid does. PCOS women tend to become Clomid Resistant (I possibly am) and I have been told putting them on Femara works. I have an ovulation calculator website you can use. It asks for the date of the first pill of Clomid and then it tells you a five day period when you should ovulate. It was right every time for me. It also made me feel better to be able to see it and know I was actually ovulating. Plus, I saved OPK's not doing it every day for two weeks.

Oh wow, I guess I will have to talk with him about Femara as well, I didn't know about PCOS women having a hard time with it.

This is all a tad overwhelming, I always thought I could just take it easy, not worry and it'd happen... but knowing that my sister had to take it as well makes me think I will.

Thank you for that link!!! I will save that so I can use it for sure :)

I love how helpful ya'll are, I really really appreciate it!!:thumbup:
I am new and just thought I would say hi, my DH and I have been trying to concieve for going 4yrs now 2yrs ago I was diagnosed with PCOS and insulin resistance. I take 1500mg metformin daily for the resistance. I had a chemical pregnancy in Jan 2010 then pretty much stopped having periods all together. I had to take provera to induce a period and continued to do so when my doctor started me on clomid. I took the clomid for 3 months on at each dose with no luck ovulating. then just took a break for awhile. I starting taking bee pollen and was able to have a period monthy for 6 months between 31-35days. After this my doctor said we could try clomid again, so she put me on 100mg did a 21 day progesterone with a level of 2.7, I asked her if she could check on day 25 since I have a longer than 28 day she cycle and she agreed. had 25 day progesterone checked last wed with a level of 13.2 confirmed ovulation:happydance: now I am playing the waiting game to see if AF or if I finally get a BFP.
I am new and just thought I would say hi, my DH and I have been trying to concieve for going 4yrs now 2yrs ago I was diagnosed with PCOS and insulin resistance. I take 1500mg metformin daily for the resistance. I had a chemical pregnancy in Jan 2010 then pretty much stopped having periods all together. I had to take provera to induce a period and continued to do so when my doctor started me on clomid. I took the clomid for 3 months on at each dose with no luck ovulating. then just took a break for awhile. I starting taking bee pollen and was able to have a period monthy for 6 months between 31-35days. After this my doctor said we could try clomid again, so she put me on 100mg did a 21 day progesterone with a level of 2.7, I asked her if she could check on day 25 since I have a longer than 28 day she cycle and she agreed. had 25 day progesterone checked last wed with a level of 13.2 confirmed ovulation:happydance: now I am playing the waiting game to see if AF or if I finally get a BFP.

Hi!!! Welcome :) may I ask, is bee pollen a natural way to start AF? I've never heard of that before so thought I'd ask..... Good luck with the tww!!!
KelliGal: Clomid and Femara are pretty much for the same thing when taken for infertility. However, they achieve the same result but get there differently. One tricks the brain and one tricks the ovary. I don’t remember which is which. I also didn’t ovulate at all on Clomid and had hot flashes, mood swings, nausea, headaches, ect… it can also thin the lining. I wasn’t being monitored so I don’t know if it did that to me or not. With Femara it doesn’t thin your lining, and I haven’t had hardly any side effects. Also, I have produced at least one mature follicle all five cycles I have taken it. It wouldn’t hurt to ask your dr about it. Congratz on getting the appointment! That is exciting! I don’t temp because I wake up a lot and could never get an accurate reading. However, I do OPK from CD9 until my ultrasound or I get a positive OPK.

Sugarpi24: wow! You have a nice number of follicles. I can’t seem to get more than 2, only one this cycle. I have contemplated injectables, but it is hard to jump from hundreds of dollars a month to thousands of dollars a month. When is your IUI?

Crazy4baby09: Congrats on ovulating! That is so awesome! I know how that feels! And props for you for taking to your doctor about retesting! Good luck in your tww.
OMG I wonder if I am ovulating??? I have the sharpest pain in my right side (lower) and tons of CM... could this be it???
OMG I wonder if I am ovulating??? I have the sharpest pain in my right side (lower) and tons of CM... could this be it???

It could be! Make sure to :sex: every night for like the next three nights and catch that egg!
I am hoping it isn't some mean trick. My stomach is killing me, and the cramp in the right side is sooo annoying! DH has been on my nerves lately LOL so I am hoping we can make up and get busy! LOL

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