I got AF this weekend. We are done TTC. It is really hard, but I think we may be moving toward adoption. DH is thinking about talking about it. We don't have the money right now becuase of our two years of medical treatments to try and have a baby, so we are probably going to have to wait two years before we can start that process. I really hope it doesn't take that long, but who knows.
hey karenh,
so glad u are beginning your blog.....love how its laid up an the pictures posted so far....
i admire how strong u and DH are despite the circumstances...
proud of u guys
i will still be following this thread and your blog as well k....
hey karen,
its so nice to hear great things for the adoption process....look out for my donation soon....
i am so pleased to be apart of this...
keep good in the mean time ok....
We have finaly picked an agency to do domestic infant adoption with! Our orientation meeting is next Friday. I can't wait!
We have finaly picked an agency to do domestic infant adoption with! Our orientation meeting is next Friday. I can't wait!
Amazing news congrats I bet your so excited x