pvsmith12- Ugh. That's super frustrating.

Can you get your progesterone levels checked?
mrs.monty- Sorry bout AF. Not very nice of her to show up on Chirstmas morning.

Are you feeling good about this coming cycle?
karenh- I'll be joining you in the TWW shortly!
As for me: Today was CD 24 u/s. Two of my follicles disappeared, but the other two grew- to 22.5mm and 18.5mm. So we triggered today and DH and I are supposed to BD tonight, tomorrow night, and the next day (since we don't know how quickly I'll respond to it).

I got completely freaked out by the size of the needle for that trigger shot. 1.5 inches was too much for me. I had to get the nurse to trade for one of the tiny needles and do the shot in my arm instead of my side. Phew! Nurse said she'll note it in my chart that we're going to do it that way if I need another shot in the future...