ovulation is so exciting! I hope you caught the egg as well!Awe Karen, I am sorry to hear that!![]()
I got a dotted line cross hairs on FF yesterday. They put me to 9 dpo. This is the first time, in 3 years of temping (the cycles that I actually did), that I have gotten ANY indication of ovulation. I know that doesn't mean that we caught it, but to actually see that I might have possibly Ov'd is still pretty exciting!
Karen: That is terrible, and completely insensitive of your BIL. ESPECIALLY on your dh's bday!![]()
AFM: Entered my temp in from this morning and lost my crosshairs. They said something along the lines of they couldn't detect ovulation. I am crushed. I was so happy that I might have actually Ov'd on this round of Clomid that when I realized I didn't really... I still have to tell Hubs, not sure how he's going to take it - he was pretty happy about the possible Ov as well. Also, I updated my FB status yesterday saying that Hubs & I hope everyone gets what they are praying for in 2013, MIL responds with a comment to the fact that she does as well, but that means Hubs & I have to "get to working on it." Excuse me?? I didn't realize the past 3 yrs of heartache, and the past 2 years of popping pills and dealing with a knob of a Dr didn't classify as "working on it." I was sooo mad/upset. I told Hubs he had to talk to her, because if she makes a comment like that - publicly - again, I am going to lose it.
Oh my gosh, I am going to die! I can't believe it but I actually got my bfp:. I really can not believe it. My hcg was 35.6. Is that low? I have my next beta on friday, but late in the afternoon. I am just so in shock!
Pvsmith12: He got me "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus" and "Runaway Bunny". He also got me one that his mother read to him as a child. It's about a steam shovel, but I haven't really looked at that one yet. He wants to read it to me. Maybe I'll ask him to tomorrow night. He read the other two to me while we were on vacation, though I've read "Runaway Bunny" many times before. So sweet.![]()
my hcg has gone up a little but not nearly enough. It was 35.6 wednesday morning, and this afternoon it is 39.87. She said it is possible that there could be something wrong chromosomal and that the pregnancy won't continue. We need to recheck monday and see if it is still going up.
AFM, I am day 13 today,belly feels tight/bloted and I have a back ache, this is cause of the ovaries swelling (I think/assume) round 3 of clomid. I am on holidays for the next 2 weeks, and hope that I can relax enough and look after myself and get my BFP this month. (fingers crossed for all of us)
I was supposed to be going in to the Dr today at 1... Had to call and re-schedule because the roads are pretty messy, and there was a 2 tractor trailer collision on the highway between here and the town my Dr is in. Kind of saddening, but my appointment is now for 1:45 on the 16th. :/ I also stopped temping, I am on CD 43 and no sign of Ov. Not sure why, but for some reason the failure of this cycle has hit me the hardest of all of them in the past 3 years. Urgh. [/COLOR]