Well the IUI went very well. I was so concerned about hubbies sperm that the night before my nerves were going crazy...but it turns out they did an mini SA before they inserted into me and he had 122 million sperm AFTER the wash and they increased his motility to 68% after the wash...she they said his sperms looked normal
yayyy!! This was my first IUI so I didn't know exactly what to expect but it wasn't bad had some cramping but not as bad as the HSG...so they said to act like I'm pregnant from here on out unless af shows...cuz they are considering me pregnant til we find out otherwise. So yayyy! Hopefully it worked this time! They told us to BD last night ...today and for the next 5 days every other day. I was freaking out the night before my IUI about his sperm..and just getting scared and nervous about having a baby...like all the "what ifs " :/ it feels so close to happening!! I hope this is the year we all get BFPs!!!
come on 2013!! Be nice to us TTC'ers!