LTTTC #1 w/pcos - Buddies?

sugarpi24 & mrs.monty- Haven't seen updates from you ladies in a couple days+. Hope ya'll are doing well!

I go in tomorrow to see if I have any good follicles and if so then I will get an injection to induce ovulation and then do our first IUI... :/ wish today would go fast!!! Ill let you guys know tomorrow what we find out :)

Good luck! I hope you have done good follicles!
karenh- I know what you mean about doctors. I went through 1 midwife, 2 PA's, and 3 OB/Gyn's before I finally got moved to my current RE. The process of getting to that perfect doctor is HARD and even after you do find a doctor you like, sometimes you find out they aren't as perfect as you thought (it was like that with my last physician).

mrs.monty- Hey hunny! It sounds like you have some good follies for sure! I am excited for you! If you triggered yesterday you should ovulate tonight-ish I think. I believe the average is 36-48 hours post-trigger. You best be getting your BD on! :winkiwink:

pvsmith12- Happy anniversary!!! I hope you and your DH have an absolutely lovely day! <3 The more I hear about your doctor the more I dislike her. I am so, so, so glad you are switching to someone else. The woman you are seeing now sounds like a complete LOON. Your GP should be able to get you a referral to an actual RE if your OB/Gyn refuses to do it. At this point, I am astounded she is still refusing to get you the help you need. There are words for people like that- one's that I'm not going to post on a forum.

sugarpi24- How exciting! Are you feeling good about this cycle? I hope you have some wonderful follies tomorrow! Keep us posted!

AFM: DH and I have been talking about it and I think we will be doing an at-home IUI either this next cycle or the one after. All the supplies are available online and the local sperm bank will do the sperm wash for us. It fits in better with how we feel about the situation, and as long as everything is sterilized and properly cleansed, the risk of infection is no higher than in the doctor's office. (I've been researching, an apparently home IUI's are very common! I had no idea!)

Plus, it means that insurance will continue to pay 60% of my monitoring/trigger/consults/etc. If the doctor does an IUI, insurance will stop paying for any of it and it would raise our costs from $300-$500 a cycle to $1600 to $2200 a cycle after the cost of IUI is added in. (I think that is totally stupid, but it is what they do.) We can do the IUI's ourselves MUCH cheaper and then we don't have to worry about our insurance company screwing us over. Total per cycle would probably be around $600-$800. So a savings of at least $1000.

For now though, I am just trying to not stress about the rest of this cycle. I know there is always a chance for that BFP up until the moment AF shows, but this cycle has just felt so very wrong from the beginning. I can't put my finger on it, but I've just felt like something is very off. It's an odd feeling, and it's only exacerbated by my complete lack of any symptoms what-so-ever. I think I may have mentioned this before, but I normally have SEVERE PMDD, and this month my bb's aren't even sore and I've yet to have even a single mood swing. I tell you, there is something off about this. Totally and completely OFF.

Not that I dislike being totally symptom free- this is amazingly wonderful in many regards- but it is still wrong and not how my body is supposed to be behaving. I'm wondering if the trigger shot may have had something to do with it?
AFM: DH and I have been talking about it and I think we will be doing an at-home IUI either this next cycle or the one after. All the supplies are available online and the local sperm bank will do the sperm wash for us. It fits in better with how we feel about the situation, and as long as everything is sterilized and properly cleansed, the risk of infection is no higher than in the doctor's office. (I've been researching, an apparently home IUI's are very common! I had no idea!)

Plus, it means that insurance will continue to pay 60% of my monitoring/trigger/consults/etc. If the doctor does an IUI, insurance will stop paying for any of it and it would raise our costs from $300-$500 a cycle to $1600 to $2200 a cycle after the cost of IUI is added in. (I think that is totally stupid, but it is what they do.) We can do the IUI's ourselves MUCH cheaper and then we don't have to worry about our insurance company screwing us over. Total per cycle would probably be around $600-$800. So a savings of at least $1000.

For now though, I am just trying to not stress about the rest of this cycle. I know there is always a chance for that BFP up until the moment AF shows, but this cycle has just felt so very wrong from the beginning. I can't put my finger on it, but I've just felt like something is very off. It's an odd feeling, and it's only exacerbated by my complete lack of any symptoms what-so-ever. I think I may have mentioned this before, but I normally have SEVERE PMDD, and this month my bb's aren't even sore and I've yet to have even a single mood swing. I tell you, there is something off about this. Totally and completely OFF.

Not that I dislike being totally symptom free- this is amazingly wonderful in many regards- but it is still wrong and not how my body is supposed to be behaving. I'm wondering if the trigger shot may have had something to do with it?

Wow, your IUI is expensive! Mine is what your at home would be. Good luck with that! I wish I had the guts to do it. I hope you being symptom free is a good thing, but if not I hope soon you will get your BFP.
Thanks Karen. I would love to hear what your cost breakdown is for treatment if you don't mind sharing.

Without insurance my ultrasounds are $270 a piece, unless I need one on a weekend and then they're $300+. My RE requires one at the beginning of the cycle, another at 12 dpo, and then another at trigger. (So 3 minimum.) Since I don't respond to meds well, last cycle ended up being 5 ultrasounds total. Then, if we want to make any changes to our treatment plan for the next cycle there is a $290 consult fee. And meds were $40 last month for two rounds of Clomid. Altogether it would have been almost $1800 WITHOUT the IUI. With insurance, it was only $560.

As soon as IUI is added in, insurance won't cover much of anything. So had I done IUI this cycle, the total cost could have been as high as $2500! They had quoted us up to $2000, but with the extra ultrasounds the price just kept climbing.

So doing it ourselves could potentially save us as much as $1600+ a cycle! Phew!
Thanks to all for the support ladies, I am hopefull but trying not to stress on it!

So ive got a quick question, what are your thoughts on Coffee, see the thing is I LOVE it! and after quitting smoking, and loosing 30 KG I am loath to give it up, but of course if I have to I will, I have cut down from 2-3 per day to 1-2, is this enough do you think or should I cut it out completely is tea better?

Karen and Pink, America must be expensive for fertility treatment, I go to a fertility centre and had an initial consult with a FS who set my plan, this cost aprox $400 for consult, SA and full bloods for both me and DH. I then ring in with AF date, they book me in for ultrasound at day 12 check follies and then give injection, the nurses at teh Fertility centre do all of this and consult with the FS over phone if nessassary, it costs $155 per month for cycle planning/admin, $50 per ultrasound (get $30 back from medicare) and $30 for pregnyl booster and $35 for clomid tablets. so all up each month costs around $245. I dont know how much IUI costs or any other part of IVF as i have not yet gone there, so may be more expensive??

PV happy anniversary, hope your day is special! you really need to get onto a fabulous FS/RE soon!
Sugar, hope you have good eggies!
Pink, good luck with your home treatment. I hope you have great success!
Karen, any developments for you?
mrs.monty- I am so jealous of your low costs! I sure wish it was like that here! This next cycle is going to be even more expensive because of the new year, so insurance doesn't cover anything until I pay my $500 out-of-pocket deductible. Blah.

As far as coffee goes, I'm not sure. I don't drink caffeine so it hasn't come up with my RE. I'm pretty sure you are supposed to avoid it if you are able. I drink decaf tea, and I think that might have a little bit of caffeine in it, but not enough to bother my caffeine allergy and my RE didn't say anything about it when I wrote it on my intake papers. :shrug:
Pink- I'm unsure of this cycle...I got a little cramping like my follicles were maybe growing...but I haven't had we will see. My appt is 11:45... so I hope we get good news :/

Ms monty - ive been drinking coffee this cycle and last cycle...only in the beginning though...once I did my ultrasound on Cd 14 I stopped...incase I did end up pregnant...I heard it can increase your chance of miscarriages...but idk...a girl at work smokes and drinks pop and she almost had a miscarriage but still does idk..some ppl it may effect them more. Some coffee shouldnt hurt while ttc...but when pregnant I would probably try to quit :) talk to a doctor about it...there are so many things out there that you need to avoid and stuff when ttc and pregnant its crazy! :/
Pink: I can't remember my breakdown right now. I will let you know this weekend.

Monte: I don't drink caffeen either for religous reasons so the doc and I haven't talked about it. Good luck!

AFM: I am full on bleeding. I have a blood test tomorrow to make sure the hcg is out of my system. If it is we will do one last round of femara (again). We also have our consult with the dr on Monday.
Pink- I'm unsure of this cycle...I got a little cramping like my follicles were maybe growing...but I haven't had we will see. My appt is 11:45... so I hope we get good news :/

GOOD luck Sugar!!!!

Ms monty - ive been drinking coffee this cycle and last cycle...only in the beginning though...once I did my ultrasound on Cd 14 I stopped...incase I did end up pregnant...I heard it can increase your chance of miscarriages...but idk...a girl at work smokes and drinks pop and she almost had a miscarriage but still does idk..some ppl it may effect them more. Some coffee shouldnt hurt while ttc...but when pregnant I would probably try to quit :) talk to a doctor about it...there are so many things out there that you need to avoid and stuff when ttc and pregnant its crazy! :/

I know I commented to the nurse at the fertility centre that I wonder how there can be women who abuse substances etc and still get pregnant (and sometimes doent even want it) and get pregnant without any thought at all, and yet there are women out there who want it and can not acheive it for no real good reason? She agreed and stated thst there is no rhyme or reason, all we can do is give the best chances by eliminating anything that could be a barrier. I also heard that about caffine, it can cause that, because it increases your hear rate. so anyway i have decided to go onto 1 decaf a day and green tea instead. :coffee:

mrs.monty- I am so jealous of your low costs! I sure wish it was like that here! This next cycle is going to be even more expensive because of the new year, so insurance doesn't cover anything until I pay my $500 out-of-pocket deductible. Blah.

As far as coffee goes, I'm not sure. I don't drink caffeine so it hasn't come up with my RE. I'm pretty sure you are supposed to avoid it if you are able. I drink decaf tea, and I think that might have a little bit of caffeine in it, but not enough to bother my caffeine allergy and my RE didn't say anything about it when I wrote it on my intake papers. :shrug:

Thanks Pink, I think for the sake of a couple of weeks I will avoid caffenated coffee (decaf should be OK yeah?) I want to give it the best shot I can!

Karen, I hope this dr appt is productive and you can workout a plan that gets you your BFP and stickky beanie!

well, I am now hopefully waiting for my BFP?!?!?!?:shrug:. I go and have blood test for Progesterone on Thursday next week to see if I o'ed, but I already know that I did night before last. (lots of signs - EWCM, Low cervix) I am able to test on 26th January which is Australia day here. so here is hoping, I am aiming for a stress free caffine free 2ww! I can now cross everything!

Hi ladies, is it ok if I join you? We've been ttc since sept 2011, diagnosed PCOS last year. I've been on 1000mg metformin since last summer and DH has his SA booked for 21st jan. I've been told to expect another appointment with fs in February to find out his results and see what they are going to do next. Had my HSG end of last year and that was all normal :)
Pink- I'm unsure of this cycle...I got a little cramping like my follicles were maybe growing...but I haven't had we will see. My appt is 11:45... so I hope we get good news :/

GOOD luck Sugar!!!!

Ms monty - ive been drinking coffee this cycle and last cycle...only in the beginning though...once I did my ultrasound on Cd 14 I stopped...incase I did end up pregnant...I heard it can increase your chance of miscarriages...but idk...a girl at work smokes and drinks pop and she almost had a miscarriage but still does idk..some ppl it may effect them more. Some coffee shouldnt hurt while ttc...but when pregnant I would probably try to quit :) talk to a doctor about it...there are so many things out there that you need to avoid and stuff when ttc and pregnant its crazy! :/

I know I commented to the nurse at the fertility centre that I wonder how there can be women who abuse substances etc and still get pregnant (and sometimes doent even want it) and get pregnant without any thought at all, and yet there are women out there who want it and can not acheive it for no real good reason? She agreed and stated thst there is no rhyme or reason, all we can do is give the best chances by eliminating anything that could be a barrier. I also heard that about caffine, it can cause that, because it increases your hear rate. so anyway i have decided to go onto 1 decaf a day and green tea instead. :coffee:

mrs.monty- I am so jealous of your low costs! I sure wish it was like that here! This next cycle is going to be even more expensive because of the new year, so insurance doesn't cover anything until I pay my $500 out-of-pocket deductible. Blah.

As far as coffee goes, I'm not sure. I don't drink caffeine so it hasn't come up with my RE. I'm pretty sure you are supposed to avoid it if you are able. I drink decaf tea, and I think that might have a little bit of caffeine in it, but not enough to bother my caffeine allergy and my RE didn't say anything about it when I wrote it on my intake papers. :shrug:

Thanks Pink, I think for the sake of a couple of weeks I will avoid caffenated coffee (decaf should be OK yeah?) I want to give it the best shot I can!

Karen, I hope this dr appt is productive and you can workout a plan that gets you your BFP and stickky beanie!

well, I am now hopefully waiting for my BFP?!?!?!?:shrug:. I go and have blood test for Progesterone on Thursday next week to see if I o'ed, but I already know that I did night before last. (lots of signs - EWCM, Low cervix) I am able to test on 26th January which is Australia day here. so here is hoping, I am aiming for a stress free caffine free 2ww! I can now cross everything!


Good luck with your tww and your decaf. It will be worth it when you get you BFP!
Hi ladies, is it ok if I join you? We've been ttc since sept 2011, diagnosed PCOS last year. I've been on 1000mg metformin since last summer and DH has his SA booked for 21st jan. I've been told to expect another appointment with fs in February to find out his results and see what they are going to do next. Had my HSG end of last year and that was all normal :)

Welcome! I hope DH's SA goes well!
pvsmith12- Happy anniversary!!! I hope you and your DH have an absolutely lovely day! <3 The more I hear about your doctor the more I dislike her. I am so, so, so glad you are switching to someone else. The woman you are seeing now sounds like a complete LOON. Your GP should be able to get you a referral to an actual RE if your OB/Gyn refuses to do it. At this point, I am astounded she is still refusing to get you the help you need. There are words for people like that- one's that I'm not going to post on a forum.

AFM: DH and I have been talking about it and I think we will be doing an at-home IUI either this next cycle or the one after. All the supplies are available online and the local sperm bank will do the sperm wash for us. It fits in better with how we feel about the situation, and as long as everything is sterilized and properly cleansed, the risk of infection is no higher than in the doctor's office. (I've been researching, an apparently home IUI's are very common! I had no idea!)

Plus, it means that insurance will continue to pay 60% of my monitoring/trigger/consults/etc. If the doctor does an IUI, insurance will stop paying for any of it and it would raise our costs from $300-$500 a cycle to $1600 to $2200 a cycle after the cost of IUI is added in. (I think that is totally stupid, but it is what they do.) We can do the IUI's ourselves MUCH cheaper and then we don't have to worry about our insurance company screwing us over. Total per cycle would probably be around $600-$800. So a savings of at least $1000.

For now though, I am just trying to not stress about the rest of this cycle. I know there is always a chance for that BFP up until the moment AF shows, but this cycle has just felt so very wrong from the beginning. I can't put my finger on it, but I've just felt like something is very off. It's an odd feeling, and it's only exacerbated by my complete lack of any symptoms what-so-ever. I think I may have mentioned this before, but I normally have SEVERE PMDD, and this month my bb's aren't even sore and I've yet to have even a single mood swing. I tell you, there is something off about this. Totally and completely OFF.

Not that I dislike being totally symptom free- this is amazingly wonderful in many regards- but it is still wrong and not how my body is supposed to be behaving. I'm wondering if the trigger shot may have had something to do with it?

I hear ya!! There are quite a few descriptive words I could tack onto her white coat. Grrr.

Hopefully your symptom-less cycle is a good sign! I know it's not accurate, but every time I think of an at home IUI my mind always jumps to a turkey baster. :haha: If you get out this cycle I really hope the IUI works for you.

AFM: I am full on bleeding. I have a blood test tomorrow to make sure the hcg is out of my system. If it is we will do one last round of femara (again). We also have our consult with the dr on Monday.

:hugs::hugs::hugs: Lets hope that the last round of Femara is the miracle round and it results in a SUPER STICKY BEAN!! xoxo

Hi ladies, is it ok if I join you? We've been ttc since sept 2011, diagnosed PCOS last year. I've been on 1000mg metformin since last summer and DH has his SA booked for 21st jan. I've been told to expect another appointment with fs in February to find out his results and see what they are going to do next. Had my HSG end of last year and that was all normal :)

Hey Nexis! You are more than welcome to join us. :hugs: We have come to the agreement that PCOS = :devil:. How do you find the Met? I am on 1500mg (when I remember to take it), and found the nausea terrible! My ObGyn (the useless one who only cared about using up her script pad as quick as she could) gave me a script for Diclectin to offset that nausea, which is one thing she did I was actually thankful for.

FX'd your DH's SA goes well! When DH & I first started going to the quack he got a SA and it came back low - although she later told me that she didn't really know what she was looking for. She was just given a sheet with what the numbers were supposed to look like & DH's didn't match. Yay on the good HSG though!!

AFM: It's friday. I have (once we hit 5 bells) the next 2 days off of work with the intention of cleaning the living room and getting the master bedroom ready for painting/flooring. That and I have a pile of books that I have to read and review. I am trying to take the "Life is beautiful" stance and enjoy it as much as I can... even with the pain of infertility in my life. <3
Hi ladies, is it ok if I join you? We've been ttc since sept 2011, diagnosed PCOS last year. I've been on 1000mg metformin since last summer and DH has his SA booked for 21st jan. I've been told to expect another appointment with fs in February to find out his results and see what they are going to do next. Had my HSG end of last year and that was all normal :)

Hey Nexis! You are more than welcome to join us. :hugs: We have come to the agreement that PCOS = :devil:. How do you find the Met? I am on 1500mg (when I remember to take it), and found the nausea terrible! My ObGyn (the useless one who only cared about using up her script pad as quick as she could) gave me a script for Diclectin to offset that nausea, which is one thing she did I was actually thankful for.

FX'd your DH's SA goes well! When DH & I first started going to the quack he got a SA and it came back low - although she later told me that she didn't really know what she was looking for. She was just given a sheet with what the numbers were supposed to look like & DH's didn't match. Yay on the good HSG though!!

I haven't had any bad side effects from the met, it's really lowered my appetite and has also massively affected my cycles. I don't know yet if I've started to ovulate on my own but it's regulated them (they're all in my sig). :)
Hi ladies, is it ok if I join you? We've been ttc since sept 2011, diagnosed PCOS last year. I've been on 1000mg metformin since last summer and DH has his SA booked for 21st jan. I've been told to expect another appointment with fs in February to find out his results and see what they are going to do next. Had my HSG end of last year and that was all normal :)

Hey Nexis! You are more than welcome to join us. :hugs: We have come to the agreement that PCOS = :devil:. How do you find the Met? I am on 1500mg (when I remember to take it), and found the nausea terrible! My ObGyn (the useless one who only cared about using up her script pad as quick as she could) gave me a script for Diclectin to offset that nausea, which is one thing she did I was actually thankful for.

FX'd your DH's SA goes well! When DH & I first started going to the quack he got a SA and it came back low - although she later told me that she didn't really know what she was looking for. She was just given a sheet with what the numbers were supposed to look like & DH's didn't match. Yay on the good HSG though!!

I haven't had any bad side effects from the met, it's really lowered my appetite and has also massively affected my cycles. I don't know yet if I've started to ovulate on my own but it's regulated them (they're all in my sig). :)

That is all from the MET? I am on 1500mg and I haven't noticed it do a single thing for me except keep me in the bathroom. I have been on it for over a year. My cycles didn't straighten out until the Femara and Ovidrel. I am glad it is working for you!
AFM: It's friday. I have (once we hit 5 bells) the next 2 days off of work with the intention of cleaning the living room and getting the master bedroom ready for painting/flooring. That and I have a pile of books that I have to read and review. I am trying to take the "Life is beautiful" stance and enjoy it as much as I can... even with the pain of infertility in my life. <3

I hope you are able to keep that cheery outlook. Life is a lot happier when you can.
That is all from the MET? I am on 1500mg and I haven't noticed it do a single thing for me except keep me in the bathroom. I have been on it for over a year. My cycles didn't straighten out until the Femara and Ovidrel. I am glad it is working for you!

Not meaning to LOL about the bathroom... but I know what you mean!! :haha: That is one of the worst parts I think!

I haven't had any bad side effects from the met, it's really lowered my appetite and has also massively affected my cycles. I don't know yet if I've started to ovulate on my own but it's regulated them (they're all in my sig). :)

I found it suppressed my appetite as well, not complaining at all about that side affect though :haha:, which might be part to do with the awful nausea. The change in your cycles are amazing. I am going to have to start setting alarms in my phone to remind myself to take it consistantly!
Hi ladies, is it ok if I join you? We've been ttc since sept 2011, diagnosed PCOS last year. I've been on 1000mg metformin since last summer and DH has his SA booked for 21st jan. I've been told to expect another appointment with fs in February to find out his results and see what they are going to do next. Had my HSG end of last year and that was all normal :)

Hey Nexis! You are more than welcome to join us. :hugs: We have come to the agreement that PCOS = :devil:. How do you find the Met? I am on 1500mg (when I remember to take it), and found the nausea terrible! My ObGyn (the useless one who only cared about using up her script pad as quick as she could) gave me a script for Diclectin to offset that nausea, which is one thing she did I was actually thankful for.

FX'd your DH's SA goes well! When DH & I first started going to the quack he got a SA and it came back low - although she later told me that she didn't really know what she was looking for. She was just given a sheet with what the numbers were supposed to look like & DH's didn't match. Yay on the good HSG though!!

I haven't had any bad side effects from the met, it's really lowered my appetite and has also massively affected my cycles. I don't know yet if I've started to ovulate on my own but it's regulated them (they're all in my sig). :)

That is all from the MET? I am on 1500mg and I haven't noticed it do a single thing for me except keep me in the bathroom. I have been on it for over a year. My cycles didn't straighten out until the Femara and Ovidrel. I am glad it is working for you!

Yeah, I'm not taking anything else which would of affected my cycles. So long as this continues then it'll be the first time I've ever had regular cycles. If I'm still not ovulating when I go back to the hospital, I'm hoping they might give me clomid.
nexis- Hey hun! I think I've talked to you on a few other threads before. :) Glad to hear the Metformin has been helpful for you. I just started on it last month. It's definitely thrown me for a loop, lots of changes in appetite, mood, etc. Still waiting for things to settle a bit. I'm starting a meal delivery plan next month, so hopefully that will help me figure things out.

pvsmith12- Have you asked about getting on the extended release Metformin? I was getting sick on the 3x a day 500mg pill, so they switched me over to extended release. Haven't been sick since. May be worth a go?

karenh- Sending more hugs your way, hun. :hugs: I know this has been a really rough couple weeks for you. I'm keeping you in my thoughts.

sugarpi24- Any news?

AFM: So today is now CD14 and I got one last BFN. So I'm out this cycle. AF should be here in a couple days. I know what you ladies are thinking, that I'm not out until AF shows, but statistically speaking, I'm pretty much out.

I've been doing some research and here's what I found out: The later the implantation date, the higher your chance of early miscarriage. It turns out that late implantation often means that there is a genetic problem with the egg/sperm. Statistically speaking (via a large controlled study) the rates of miscarriage within 3 weeks of implantation are as follows: 4-8dpo Very Low, 9dpo 15%, 10dpo 25%, 11dpo 52%, 12dpo 82%. (You're also less and less likely to implant after 9dpo.)

As it takes an average of 2 days after implantation to get a BFP on a FRER, that means a BFP on CD15 (the earliest I could get one at this point) would put me at a 13dpo implant, which is a minimum of 82% chance of miscarriage.

With as low of a probability of even implanting on 13 dpo, and the high chance of miscarriage, I am pretty content to say, for this cycle, I am out. With odds like that, I think I'd rather be out.

In other news: DH and I ordered our IUI supplies today. We'll be all set to go by the time O arrives next cycle. :happydance:

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