pvsmith12- Happy anniversary!!! I hope you and your DH have an absolutely lovely day!

The more I hear about your doctor the more I dislike her. I am so, so, so glad you are switching to someone else. The woman you are seeing now sounds like a complete LOON. Your GP should be able to get you a referral to an actual RE if your OB/Gyn refuses to do it. At this point, I am astounded she is still refusing to get you the help you need. There are words for people like that- one's that I'm not going to post on a forum.
AFM: DH and I have been talking about it and I think we will be doing an at-home IUI either this next cycle or the one after. All the supplies are available online and the local sperm bank will do the sperm wash for us. It fits in better with how we feel about the situation, and as long as everything is sterilized and properly cleansed, the risk of infection is no higher than in the doctor's office. (I've been researching, an apparently home IUI's are very common! I had no idea!)
Plus, it means that insurance will continue to pay 60% of my monitoring/trigger/consults/etc. If the doctor does an IUI, insurance will stop paying for any of it and it would raise our costs from $300-$500 a cycle to $1600 to $2200 a cycle after the cost of IUI is added in. (I think that is totally stupid, but it is what they do.) We can do the IUI's ourselves MUCH cheaper and then we don't have to worry about our insurance company screwing us over. Total per cycle would probably be around $600-$800. So a savings of at least $1000.
For now though, I am just trying to not stress about the rest of this cycle. I know there is always a chance for that BFP up until the moment AF shows, but this cycle has just felt so very wrong from the beginning. I can't put my finger on it, but I've just felt like something is very off. It's an odd feeling, and it's only exacerbated by my complete lack of any symptoms what-so-ever. I think I may have mentioned this before, but I normally have SEVERE PMDD, and this month my bb's aren't even sore and I've yet to have even a single mood swing. I tell you, there is something off about this. Totally and completely OFF.
Not that I dislike being totally symptom free- this is amazingly wonderful in many regards- but it is still wrong and not how my body is supposed to be behaving. I'm wondering if the trigger shot may have had something to do with it?