LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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I going to try and see if I can get an Apt w a High Risk OBGYN Dr Tom ... We will see I just want to know what's going on so I can move forward at least!! :shrug:

Congrats on a Full Term Babe Barbs!!

I hope the high risk doctor will be able to figure out what's going on.

Barb: Seems like it's getting closer then. I know I was losing my mucus plug for two weeks before I went into labor. Lost a lot of it a few days before labor. Eek so exciting!

I'm doing well. Still a bit tired here and there but not bad. Have my next apt. next Monday but that one isn't much. Go over my lab results, he'll be happy to see that my hemoglobin is 13.9 (good is 12-15) because he wants me to be high again just in case I do hemorrhage after labor again. Check heartbeat and that'll be that. As of right now 4 weeks 3 days 22 hours until our gender scan lol.

I have this feeling like in the next two weeks least - he'll be here. I'll see what my Ob says Wednesday about the cramps I had. Mind you, we did DTD so maybe was just from the semen??? anyhow - maybe she'll check me out? I'll see. But yeah I hope its this month. I'm growing excited!

Glad you're well overall. AS for your hemorraging - why did that happen to you again? I don't remember.
OMG YAY - Gender reveal soon! That's so exciting.
Barb, just read your 37 week update. And the worry wont end. For me I never thought much about my health but always the baby's. With Claire I was thinking her heart will stop and I never felt a shit ton of movement with her. I mean I felt plenty but I also didn't feel a lot either. Worried me to no end. It does sound amusing though that your little boy does seem to know when to perform though XD That must have been quite amusing.

And semen is believed (whether it be myth or not) to start labor because the semen can help get the cervix going. At least from what I remember reading all the 'HELP need to get baby out of me now!" threads lol.

I still think your baby boy is going to stay until close to 39 weeks, I really do. But I could be wrong :shrug:

I know there is the normal worry all new moms have anyhow. The checking to see if your baby's breathing. But for me, will be so much worse. Will I even sleep? Ever? LOL
Anyhow - I just have to take it as it comes. And my baby's alwasy been mega active - alwasy - but movement has slowed and its not as crazy as it was. Some day's he's quieter than others like yesterday which freaked me out a little. Now today, he's been moving a lot. Go figure. :shrug:

Yes I read Semen can work but literarily was like about 1/2 hour after we had sex. Like c'mon! And 10 hours of bad cramps?
But it stopped. Anyhow I told my husband NO MORE. Maybe next weekend when I'm ready to rock LOL
My doctor believes I hemorrhaged because of Claire being my first and so big (9lbs 3 oz and 22 inches). At that point my uterus was just too exhausted to clamp down. When I asked him at my 6 week check up how much I lost his eyes widen when he looked. He knew I was on the borderline and probably should have had a transfusion but since my body handled it well the doctor that was in charge of me at the time decided against it. Still I felt robbed that I didn't get to hold Claire and I couldn't hold her more than two minutes until a week later. I really do pray I can hold this one right away but once again I will listen to my body.

They asked me if I wanted to hold her right away and I said no....I said something is going to go on with my body I just knew it. I was right. I still can't believe how weak I felt afterwards. This is coming from someone who loves to lift weights XD

And if it helps I barely slept after having Claire XD I don't think I had more than two hours of sleep the first few weeks. And just when I was starting to relax around the 4 month mark, she decided she wanted to start to sleep on her tummy. So all over again I did not sleep due to fear.

Glad he's active today XD Claire was not too active but then again she literally had no room the last month or so lol.

And 10 hours of cramping is quite long but I'm not sure how semen works on that. We tried it but I never had any cramping afterwards so no personal experience there.

I can't wait to hear an update from your doctor's apt. on Weds!
Scary stuff lady! Will they consider induction early if baby's measuring too big??
I'm going to ask about it when we get closer. With Claire we didn't have any more scans after the 20 week one. An when he measured the fundal height I was always right on to maybe a week ahead. So nothing that was a red flag. Everyone literally thought at most she was going to be an 8 lb baby. I don't have a long torso and nobody knows where she hid.

Going from way back when at the 6 week check up back in 2013, my doctor did mention another scan in third to see where baby is for size and that he doesn't want me to go to 40 weeks. He hasn't mentioned anything yet, but I think in his head it's much the same as mine, lets wait and see. No use in saying all the 'maybes' that might freak me out.

I'm curious to see where this baby is at the 20 week check up because with Claire she measured a head by a week on everything but her femurs (I hope I spelt that right). It's just insane because neither DH nor I am that tall. I'm 5ft 4 in and DH is 5ft 6 in. She's leveled off a little now where she's in the top 80 something percentile. When she was born she was off the charts. So pretty sure she'll be average size for height when she's older.
I think it would make sense that you discuss having ultrasound measurements to avoid this issue in the future. Even if they induced you at 37/38 weeks, you'll be term and perhaps have a better time with delivery. I see it as a matter of your wellbeing and that's important.
All babies grow so different. Between first baby & this one, it seems like I'm growing like sized babies. My husband is tall but I don't see that it's impacted me at all. His daughter however with his ex, she was 90 some percentile and almost 10lbs at birth. Mind you he informed me that his ex ate a lot of ice cream in her last month LOL and she was big. So I'm thinking she probably packed on ice cream pounds on that baby! definitely not going to follow in those foot steps!

So, my update is - I may have a cervical sweep on Monday. My OB is in on Monday and not Wedesday next weeks. She will check my cervix and I have he option to do a sweep to get things moving. Makes me mega nervous. And excited.
She has this impression that I'm not going to make it to my due date lol
She is always pleasantly surprised I've made it to the next appointment. Given the cramps I've had and she believes that I DID loose my plug, she made a comment of maybe she wont see me in baby will come. Hah!
Amazing news Barb! Nervous and excited---I get that.

Took my 1 hour gestational diabetes test today. And I failed! Just by a tiny bit, but I have to do a 2 hour one of Friday. Boo! REally hoping I pass.
I never had a bad time with delivery labor was 11 hours and only 90 minutes of that was pushing. So very short labor for a first time mom. It was just afterwards when my uterus refused to clamp down. But yes, I will be making sure that my doctor and I keep an eye on this baby so he/she doesn't get to be as big.

Cause a lady in the 2nd tri was worried about plus size mom bumps I dug up my 38/39 pic when I was pregnant with Claire so here's an idea of how 'big' I was

XD And yea she probably packed on the baby pounds due to eating all the ice cream XD I never really changed my diet with Claire but this pregnancy I feel like I'm eating all the time X_X I don't think I have gained much yet 2 lbs, three at most. But at this stage with Claire I had lost 4 lbs and just started to slowly gain those back. And this pregnancy I had nausea never had it with Claire XD

How exciting for the sweep! I so understand the mixed feelings. Gosh I'm so happy for you!

Mowat, I'm sorry you have to do the 2 hour test now boo! but if you barely just missed it on the first one chances are you'll be fine and pass it on this one. I hope you do!
Mowat - 23 weeks - holy moly! And sorry to hear you didn't pass :(
I was advised to make sure I walk around. Some times they want you to sit & do nothing and that's not natural at all.

butterfly thats a mega small stomach - oh wow! no wonder they didnt know what you were in for. well they could do ultrasound now to monitor growth and they should. i hope they do!
I have gained 20lbs in total. My appetite has been all over the place and I'm sure it's been mostly due to stress. As soon as I got to about 36 weeks and I calmed down a bit, I started to eat a lot more. But I lost 1KG....oh well.

So ladies - I can't decide. Should I do some stuff this weekend to get it going? DTD and bounce on a yoga ball? DTD last time gave me major cramps so maybe worth trying??????
Mowat good luck tomorrow!
Wow butterfly can't believe that's a big baby in there!
Sis I'm thinking of you.

Barb...good luck whatever you end up doing. Dtd worked for me...very, very well lol. Worth a shot if you're ready!
lol XD Wow I guess my thinking of my bump was 'normal size' and not believing my neighbor when she said I was small, guess I should have lol. Even when doing the fundal height checks she was spot on to at one point one week ahead.

Yes I'm hoping my doctor will monitor baby's growth once I hit third trimester. For me I'm fine with another 9 lber but that's it. No bigger. Just give me slightly smaller lol. Even in length I'll take an inch smaller. Though I know baby grows to the size that our bodies can handle. Still X_X

Barb, glad you're eating a bit better now. And I say go for it. I started to increase my walking and DTD at 38 weeks with Claire. What got it going was the day before we wen into labor (39w 4d) we went to the mall across town and walked for an hour there. Then we went for another larger walk the next day and then BAM after the walk it was time to go. In the long run baby will come when baby wants to come but hey I'd like to think the walking helped lol.

Eyemom, how are you doing? How's the little one?
Doing fine! Tired but well! She's 6 weeks old today. She's a really good baby. Already seems much more laid back than her big sister. :-) Just had a big growth spurt too! Outgrew her newborn stuff *literally* overnight, which I'd heard could happen, but dang! I couldn't snap her sleep n play this morning bc it wouldn't fit lengthwise. She was nursing almost non-stop day before yesterday, so I guess it shouldn't come as a shock.

Sort of random but has anyone stayed in touch with Natalie?
Hey Erin! How's your baby doing? A month already - wow!!!
How you managing with two of them? :)
Yeah my husband's game to DTD lol he's so funny. Maybe start on Sunday.
Erin - did see your update :) Glad your girl's doing great and growing so well!
Yes kept in touch with Natalie for a long time and now nothing...haven't heard a word in a while. She texts every once in a while sporadically & that's all. I think she's on her way out & moving forward with her new life.

Butterfly, good plan to monitor. I would imagine your OB will do that with out hesitation but everyone's healthcare system and doctor are different. Especially depending on where you live.
I've heard the walking really helps get things going however, with my pelvic pain that's very difficult for me to do. I can't get very far with out being in agony eventually :( I do move around lots at home now. We'll see how things go this weekend. Maybe we will DTD starting on Sunday!
Barb, 38 weeks! :happydance: Hope he doesn't make you wait too long now. ;)

Two is challenging, but it's good. It is really hard to juggle especially at first when the newbie requires near constant attention. I mean we manage, but I feel bad that DD1 isn't getting the attention she's used to and that she craves. She loves her sister, but she's struggling with some other emotions too, and it's been affecting her behavior some. Stuff we'll get through, and nothing abnormal, but it's hard. Don't get me wrong though, feeling totally blessed.

I hope Natalie is doing okay. I just wonder about her from time to time. She has such a cheery, encouraging personality, and I just hated seeing her having a tough time.
Yeah barb I think it's time to start posting at least every twelve hours or so or were gonna start bouncing up and down wondering if he's here. :-)
LOL ladies, no updates :(
I got the yoga ball out to bounce on. But nothing :(
I'm going in tomorrow to see my OB & get the sweep done!
I'll update you ladies tomorrow FOR SURE!
Had our apt today woot. Baby's heartbeat was 150 was hard to get a read though XD Baby kept moving and baby kept going right where my heartbeat was as well XD Just glad all went well. 3 weeks 5 days roughly until our big scan!

So...Barb...any update XD I still have a feeling baby wont come until Sunday though. I hope your sweep went well.
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