LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Wow finally a GOOD no GREAT Dr!! U need to rest and get ready for those Lil ones !! :)
Great news and great timing for a super doctor and as the girls say out your feet up!! :)
Woot! Passed the glucose test and he checked my hemoglobin again since he wants to make sure it stays nice in high just in case I hemorrhage again after labor and it was. 13.3 again (average is 12-15)
Mowat you should totally be resting! Glad you are now. Finally about time a doctor took you seriously. Can't believe you are 33 weeks now!
It's getting tough now eh?! So much weight to carry. Hang in there!

Butterfly, you're so far too. Wow!

I'm doing well. Baby has been a lotta work. My blog has been updated please have a peak!

I can't believe 25 weeks tomorrow. 15 weeks to go, but I'm hoping/praying Logan comes earlier. I didn't talk with my doctor about having another large baby, I already know the answers he will give, which always amuses both of us. I'm just hoping Logan will want to come out around 38 weeks. I'm kind of banking on the fact that Claire took after my mom's pregnancy almost identical to my brother. And Logan is almost identical to when she was pregnant with me. It's really odd but amusing.

My mom had my brother at 39w 6d, same date I had Claire. I was due when my brother would have been about 22 months. Guess what, Logan is due when Claire would be 22 moths. I came at 36w 6d and my brother and I are exactly 22 months apart. So is it wrong for me to hope XD If Logan decides to be exactly 22 months apart he'll come at 38 1/2 weeks roughly.

Barb, Loved the update! Yes it is a lot of work and a lot of stress trying to exclusively pump. We had the issue with Claire that she ate a lot too. I was pumping ten times a day, basically every two hours to try to increase my supply, which never happened. (Though I think personally it was due to my body trying to focus on me getting all my blood back and not being anemic anymore). Still I was washing bottles and parts every 4 hours during the day. It was bad. I'm so proud of you for doing what you can though ^^ Keep at it.

Gorgeous pictures of baby Owen <3
Barbs I keep meaning to respond on your blog but always seem to get distracted!! Firstly a huge congrats! Your DS has the same birthday as mine just 5 years apart!! He is absolutely gorgeous and you are doing a great job so never forget that!

I just wanted to say something about the breastfeeding because I totally understand how hard it is and how emotionally difficult all the decisions can be... When I had DS we had issues getting him to latch on like a lot of new mums. Finally we got the hang of it but I was experiencing severe pain on my left side... They checked for everything but couldn't work it out (long story). One day I remember having what felt like a lightening bolt that went straight down to my toes and tips of my fingers and I didn't know whether I was going to cry or be sick.... Still like you I was determined not to give up and so I persevered and started to pump as well to try and help increase things.... By the time he was 4 months old though I was really struggling. He was still feeding every 2 hours and I was beyond exhausted from feeding so frequently and pumping... The final straw came when we realised he was losing weight. Ultimately after everything it turned out that for whatever reason despite doing everything I could I just wasn't producing enough milk and the poor boy was hungry and dealing with sucking in air instead of milk causing him to have tummy cramps.... I started giving him formula which everyone seemed against and over night he changed and became the happiest baby ever. So what I'm trying to say (after all that!!) is I know how hard it is (trust me, I continued feeding 2 feeds until he was 6 months even though I had virtually nothing there) but sometimes you just have to trust your instincts and go with what is best for you and baby. I am a firm believer in "breast is best" but unfortunately it doesn't always work no matter what you do! Hang in there, stay strong and ultimately work out what is best for you and him. :hugs:
Can't believe you're 25 weeks already Butterfly! And you've named the boy already! We're still working on names. We had it narrowed down to three names of each sex, but haven't gotten any further---we can't seem to get middle names with the first names.

Loved your update Barb. You'll figure out what works for you guys eventually---I know it sounds impossible, but try not to let this take over your life completely.

So I wiped out majorly yesterday! We've had days of crazy warm temperatures and now it has cooled down again and I totally killed myself in my driveway. Fortunately I landed completely on my elbow---how I didn't break it I don't know! Thought for sure I'd end up delivering in the driveway. Anyway just have a sore elbow today but no major damage although I do have a killer headache.

Saw the surgeon today and he was happy with the last ultrasound. Looks like we might be good to go naturally!
We had three boy names that we had ranked when pregnant with Claire so that was nice XD Then we narrowed it down to two when we were pregnant. Each one had something against it. Logan, at least in the states, is very slowly becoming a unisex name. Very slow, but that bothered me. And then Leon was the other one but I found out my Grandpa's middle name is Leon and I do NOT get along with him at all and I'll be damned if he thinks I'm naming my kid after him. I do like Logan better though always have. So we went with that. For us middle name was fairly easy since I wanted something with my dad or that side of the family. His middle name is Robert and then we put the two names together and it went well. I'm sure you'll get a names in no time when you see your babies in person ^^ Sometimes babies don't look like the name you have picked out and they get changed.

Yikes! Sorry to hear about the elbow. I had my laptop fall on top of my ankle, the corner of the laptop even. Had a goose egg bump on top of my ankle for awhile. Still a bit tender but not too bad. This happened last Friday.

Yay! Glad to hear that you should be able to wait until your body is ready to go into labor! Keeps getting closer and closer and can't wait for you to meet your babies!

Sis, how goes it?
Gah! Start of my heartburn already! With Claire I think I only had two months left before it started. Three months yet and I'm starting to pop tums like candy. I'm going to hold off a bit before I start taking zantac again, but I have a feeling I'm going to just have to suffer with it like I did with Claire.
Yuck. I've never really had a problem with heartburn, but I'm thinking I might be having some acid reflux now. Kinda gross.

Painter is gone and we finally got the baby room partially set up. I even managed to wash a few things and put them away. Set up two bassinets in our bedroom---got to say they don't go with our decor! Ugly.

We decided to hire a could and we met with her today. I think she'll be helpful. She seemed to understand what I'm worried about---and my dogs liked her, so that's always good. Guess we're just waiting now. Hope they don't come too soon, as uncomfortable as I am, I know I'll miss having them in my belly.
I start with heartburn and if it follows like it did with Claire I'll have heartburn on top of acid reflex and I will end up upchucking because of it. I'm hoping so bad that, that, doesn't start until the last month again. Hubby and I are ready to switch sides of where we sleep so I'm real close to the bathroom.

Yay for the painting being done and some wash! We just started to buy a bit more for Logan. (Mainly clothes and sleep sack/swaddles, etc.) I need to wash that stuff though. And who cares if they don't match XD First month or so you'll be too tired to care. We have a white bassinet so because of that it goes with our room. XD Though I usually prefer darker stuff. I guess in the long run it kind of doesn't match our room either now that I think of it. lol

I'm not sure that I follow on what you hired. ^^;; And yes it's always a good sign if your dogs like her. I trust my dogs opinion sometimes if I ever doubt my own XD I'm hoping you can keep them backing until 37 weeks. Can't believe they should be here before any of us know it! I can't wait to see more cute babies XD
Well that's interesting---think auto correct might have been at work on my last post! We hired a doula. Makes way more sense now, eh? Apparently having a doula significantly reduces the need for c-section. With my DS I was awake all night with labour and finally went to the hospital at 7 am to find I was fully dilated, but I found the pushing very confusing and the doctor was not super helpful (DS was completely stuck we found out afterwards). I think having a doula might make delivering twins a little less confusing.
XD Yes now it makes sense. I was thinking doula but didn't want to assume. I never thought I would want one but my SIL asked when I went into labor (she does act as a doula at times and has the courses etc.) and my gut said to say yes. I could NEVER have done it without her. There's just no way. There were points when it came to pushing that I was saying I can't do it and she kept me focus and told me what to do to help.

She has to be there again for this labor I wouldn't have it any other way. I think you'll find out that a doula is a great choice!
W Ds1 I had NO heartburn w DS2 I had I horribly BAD go figure ds1 was bald Ds2 had a head full of hair!! Heartburn did mean Hairy baby for me :haha:

I've heard Doulas r great I for one will most likely need another Csection if I ever get a sticky baby!!

Can wait to hear what those twins are Mowat!! :)
I wish heartburn meant head full of hair for baby! Claire had some hair but not a lot either. Gah the heartburn was bad last night. Three tums in six hours >< I hate tums...I hate heartburn. *mumbles* At least Mike gets me tums whenever I ask him to when I'm half asleep lol. At least before he is asleep himself.

Sis, you will get a sticky baby I know you will!

And I agree! I also can't wait to see what you end up having!! I think boy and girl or two girls. I do not have a vibe at all for two boys for you.
My guess is Boy Girl Too but I've been wrong so many times :rofl:
I'm hoping for boy/girl, but I've been preparing for girl/girl and have finally gotten used to the idea. My mother will be so upset if it's boy/boy! I guess I might be a little too.
Seems we all kind of have the same vibe for you XD Just a few more short weeks and we'll all know lol.
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