LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Glad all went well Mowat! And for me no matter what ultrasound it is I freak out. XP

Sis, did you do your glucose?
Yes I did it yesterday she called w some of my results but not the Gluclose!! Hopefully she will have them Tom!!
I hope the results she did give you where all good ones. And I'm sure you'll get your results today.
Everything was good that she gave me yesterday still no call today!!! :shrug:
Sis any update on your tests?

Mowat: I have been thinking since you're 30 weeks now, has the doctor talked to you about induction or a planned C-section at a certain week? I still can't believe it that you're getting in the final stretch!
I can't believe I'm 30 weeks already! I'm starting to panic----so not ready for them to be here. I had an appointment with the surgeon last week and he said I have a 50/50 chance of a natural delivery. I see him again in 4 weeks although I'm not really sure why---I'll have had another ultrasound by then but surely the babies will flip back and forth after that. My doctor had talked about inducing at 37 weeks if I haven't delivered yet. Not sure whether I'll do it or not, I guess it depends how uncomfortable I am.

Increasingly dizzy and out of breath. Friday I had a massive stomach cramp but it didn't seem to go anywhere and then stopped after about an hour. Not sure what it was.

How's everyone else? Any updates?
Starting to become more 'real' huh Mowat XD That's a good thing though. 50/50 isn't too bad either. Flip of a coin kind of thing. I can't remember when Claire flipped but when she was head down she stayed head down. I want to say it was early 30's. I really don't remember though. And you'll know if you feel the need to be induced early or not. I've been debating myself if my doctor offers it if I really want to take early induction. Part of me does cause I would love to have Logan born on June 2nd (38w 5d I think it'd be or right around there). But at the same time, I trust my body so to speak. I know and hope most of my fears will be talked with on the 20th of this month.

No real update here. Just baking baby XD Had some scares past few days though. Benji jumped on my stomach which hurt (this was Sunday I believe). Right where the ribs would meet in the middle (the bottom ribs). Mainly knocked the wind out of me more than anything and Logan has been just as active as ever.

Then yesterday Claire tripped over her own feet. Blood in her mouth and I couldn't get in to see right away, called my mom (she lives 2 minutes away by car if that) and Mike wasn't home yet he was out shopping. By the time my mom pulled into the driveway I could finally get in her mouth to see and she just managed to have her upper tooth cut her inside lip. She calmed down shortly after my mom got here. Poor girl has my accident proneness.
Glucose came back normal but my platelets are still high been having cramps and a tiny bit of spotting I'm sure the :witch: will finally show soon :(
Sorry to hear platelets are still high. Are they able to treat that? And boo AF!
butterfly congrats on the boy!!! WHOOO
And Mowat, I hear ya on nerves when it comes to u/s...i had it every time!

I'm dong well ladies...not enough sleep for sure - and now Owen is awake more in the day so he's fussy and feeding all the time and not leaving much time for me to even type this message. He's crying as we speak and I have to go :) LOL

ttys xo
Just wanted to say you're all in my thoughts!
Glad to hear things are going good minus the whole sleep thing XD That's to be expected though. Can't believe almost 1 1/2 months already. How exciting.

And thank you ^^ At times I still can't believe it's a boy XD I keep looking at the u/s pics just to make sure lol
Lil Update

Well the FS didn't have much info just that my cyst has resolved itself and I'm going to O on my right side in 3 or 4 days I think she is crazy my temp went up this Am!!

She said I have a 16mm follie on my right ovary so it's days to O!! Ummm I've Od a 16mm follie and got PG so I'm not so sure on that!!

She also wants me to get the digital OPK cuz she swears I'm getting a false ++ on My OPKs ... We will see who's right in a few days I guess!! :shrug:

Who know best??? ;)
Guess we shall see XD From your chart I'd think you ovulated...but we shall see like you said. I'm sure you're hitting your days either way with DTD.
Wow so quiet in here. I hope everyone is doing all right. I'm doing well for the most part. Our garage door decided to break on one of the most coldest days this year so far. (Can't say season). Going to just replace the unit. Find it so odd that the unit is older than the home, but I know the original owner of this house was a DIY the cheapest way DIY. So we're just replacing the whole thing. 315 dollars, not too bad and just in time for tax return. Sadly he can't come out until Thursday/Friday so I have to make sure I'm fully awake and up before DH leaves so I can back out his car while he holds open the door (it wont even stay open).

Almost 24 weeks!! and then in a few weeks after that third trimester starts. I can't believe it. I can't wait for my apt. on Friday cause I have some...things to discuss with my doctor. Dr. Google isn't a good friend XD
Sorry to hear about the garage door Butterfly. We have a garage for the first time in our new house and we worked like mad to get it cleared out enough to put in the car just in time for two weeks of super cold weather. What a treat!

Been having major stomach cramping on and off since Thursday. Thought it might be the flu, but never went anywhere. Friday night someone had definitely dropped---it was so bad I couldn't even walk! Cramping back again today and some diarrhea to go along with it. Not really ready for labour yet! Doctor tomorrow and I'm hoping this new one will write me off sick for work. Just can't cope much longer.
Sorry to hear about the garage door Butterfly. We have a garage for the first time in our new house and we worked like mad to get it cleared out enough to put in the car just in time for two weeks of super cold weather. What a treat!

Been having major stomach cramping on and off since Thursday. Thought it might be the flu, but never went anywhere. Friday night someone had definitely dropped---it was so bad I couldn't even walk! Cramping back again today and some diarrhea to go along with it. Not really ready for labour yet! Doctor tomorrow and I'm hoping this new one will write me off sick for work. Just can't cope much longer.

It'll get fixed at some point this week. Just can't wait for it. Barely awake and go outside in the cold to get car out...yea I don't like that, but it could be worse. And yes having a garage is awesome!

Yikes! I hope you get off of work. Would they put you on bed rest? It is a bit early yet for twins, right? Eek can't wait for an update on how the doctors went today!
Wow Mowat u need to put Ur feet Up!! Hope the Dr helps w that!!
Wow, new doctor and a totally different opinion! I didn't even have to start whining and she asked if she could write me a sick note. She basically told me I looked horrible! She was shocked and somewhat appalled that I was still working. Super concerned about my weight loss (I've lost some and she thinks I might have lost more and I'm just retaining water so it doesn't seem as bad), swollen legs, breathing trouble, rib pain, contractions. Fortunately my cervix is still high and closed so labour doesn't appear to be imminent. I was worried she was going to recommend bed rest, but she didn't go that far. She seemed pretty unhappy I was only being seen monthly and wants me to come in weekly from now on. Geesh! Kind of nice someone cares all of a sudden. Ultrasound on Thursday. Really hoping our home renovations can wrap up quickly so I can really relax instead of trying to hide away from the chaos!
Glad this new doctor seems to care! I love when I find a doctor and they care and you can just tell they do. Glad she wrote you off of work now! And that's awesome for weekly check ups now. I know I got weekly check ups towards the last 5 weeks with Claire (or something like that) and it makes sense that with twins they would want to do weekly watches sooner. Glad the babies seem to be staying put for now!
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