LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Hello Ladies!

Mowat, sorry it was false! But its good to keep those babies baking too.
Sounds to me like you're going to be having those babies very, very soon.
Good for you! Yay!!!

Sis, sorry to hear about AF...keep on trucking. I hope it happens for you soon. xo

Owen turns 3 months tomorrow - holy wowsers! It's so crazy.
He's adorable and very talkative this week.
We are still working on breast feeding. Things plateaued for a week and half and I was really loosing hope. Then yesterday I decided to really push him hard and we were starting to progress. Some feeds are better than others. I feel down about the fact that each feed except for two, he has to get upset with me. But I can see that he is capable of doing it and so I really want breast feeding to be established. I can't see myself pumping for a year & I want to avoid formula. All I want is the best for him. I get sad when things aren't going well and we have a bad feed and I start to question what I'm doing. Am I mad? Am I making him upset for no good reason because all he'll ever do is take the bottle anyhow? But then we have a good 5 to 10 minutes of feeding and I feel optimistic again. If I knew what I knew now and knew the therapist I would go back to the start & start all over again. I truly would. Redo the whole new born phase. Yup.

Anyhow, my boys is 12 weeks, almost 13 I guess (holy shit) and happy and healthy and thriving! And super cute :)

Here is some more baby eye candy.

btw, i spent this labor saying 'fuck' a lot lol


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Omg!! Look at that face!! <3 So in love with Owen. And I think you're doing great doing what you can breastfeeding. I think he's just a stubborn little one. Those five to ten minutes of good breastfeeding is great though and I think in time it'll always be like that. (At least I hope so!)

Can't believe he's 3 months old. Time sure is flying.

And XD I think all of us women have a favorite choice word/phrase for labor lol
Boo on the False Alarm Mowat!!!

Owen is soooo Cute!!

:hi: to everyone!!

AFM started Femara and got some more work done on my Tatt just going w the flow looks like I will O Easter weekend which is also DH and DS1 Bday so we will be having a Easter Bday Eggstravganza!! :)
Wow, 3 months! Where did the time go. Good luck with the feeding. I must admit I found it quite frustrating, but eventually it became very easy. Hope it turns out that way for you.

Good luck with the femara Sis. Tattoo work? Is it a big piece?

Love the labour language talk. I honestly don't remember saying anything. This time I'll definitely go for "fuck, fuck, fuck"!

Still no sign of babies. Starting to get a little anxious to get going now. Had a non-stress test yesterday and babies looked fine and the nurse said there were only mild tightenings (I think that's what she said). Will try to get in on Saturday to do another test and then I see the doctor on Tuesday and I know she'll want to do a sweep. Belly is getting harder to lug around and sleeping is becoming more difficult and uncomfortable. Think I'm ready!
Doctor called and asked me to meet her at the hospital tomorrow to do a non-stress test and a sweep. Thinking my body might be just about ready as I'm feeling some more low cramping (contractions?) and definitely lower pressure. Let's go babies!
Still no babies---boo! Cervix was barely open yesterday, but the doctor attempted a little sweep. Have to go in on Wednesday for another non-stress test and to meet the gynaecologist to see what he'll recommend. Trying everything in the meantime---pineapple, sex, red raspberry leaf tea.
I will be waiting :coffee:

Got a HIGH on my monitor today and trigger should be here tomorrow I'm ready to be PG!! ;)
I was really off on your baby arrival day XD Suppose it's all right too since they got more time to bake ^^ Hopefully soon!

Sis, yay! Hopefully this is your month!

Not much to report here. I'm starting to feel big ^^;; If I truly am measuring at least two weeks ahead then I'm measuring more like 32 weeks right now instead of 29w 4d.

Can't wait for our next scan though. It's kind of nice that I'm going every two weeks now so the time wont seem as long. On the 7th it's just a quick apt to check BP mainly and then two weeks after that is scan woot!
Got a Peak yesterday morning so I triggered after the dentist @3PM hope it wasn't to early I've been having Bad back pain ever since!! :shrug:

My Tatt is in my journal Mowat its pretty darn big :haha:
Mowat, hopefully the sweep will work on Saturday and you'll be in labor before you know it! Can't believe they are hanging in there this long!

2 1/2 weeks until my first growth scan. Pretty sure Logan just did another growth spurt yesterday as my bump was just aching for awhile in the evening. It's hard to explain but usually when I feel that I can easily see my bump has grown again the next day.

I went for a walk today only .7 miles so not that far to my parents house. When I got there I was having so many Braxton hicks for about 30 minutes. I think I had five or so. I wasn't really counting. I never experienced them with Claire but I have been feeling them with Logan whenever I walk even the slightest bit too much :/ It sucks since it's beautiful out today and I just want to walk out there XD Going to go for another short walk just around the block tonight and hopefully I'll be good for walking for awhile again.
Thanks Butterfly, I think I'll be desperate if there isn't some progress by Saturday! My doula is predicting labour before Saturday. Sure hope she's right!

My bump is super sore all the time lately so I really hope they're not growing too much more. Still don't know whether I've had Braxton Hicks---I don't think so. I've been trying to walk some too, but some days my legs and hips just won't seem to work together! Managed a short one today in the beautiful weather.

Love the tattoo Sis! I've got four, but my biggest one is still pretty small compared to yours! CAn't imagine sitting for one that size!
Well my DH and DS1 both have a Bday on Easter 4/5!!! ;) hope to see those Lil ones soon!!

AFM I finally Od! :)
I want a small tattoo (I currently have none) for my angel baby, but I don't know if I'll ever do it. DH is very anti tattoo and it's not the kind of thing I'd rather get forgiveness than permission (as the saying goes; not saying I have to have "permission" from my husband). But I still wouldn't do it if he was very much against. If he knew what and why, he might be fine with it, but I feel awkward bringing it up.

Yay for O!

Stalking ya mowat! ;)
I want to get a tat too for my angel babies. I have it already figured out. (minus the light lines on it) I am a huge wolf person and I just feel this tat would be perfect. Just have to convince myself to get it. Pain doesn't bother me so not worried on that, but I'm just not sure where to put it that I would like since I am not a huge tattoo person myself. I love tat's on other people if done well, but...not sure on me.

Mowat, hoping your doula is right!

Sis, woot! Two week wait now hopefully this is it for you!
Butterfly have you ever seen a white ink tattoo? I think they're subtle and lovely, and I'd for sure want that if I knew how it'd turn out. But seems like the end result is a bit unpredictable and can sometimes look more like scarification.
Oops, meant to say the doula predicted babies before Tuesday.
Dang we have to what until Tuesday unless they come Tomorrow the lucky #5 in my household !! ;)

I will either be adding tiny snowflakes on my other shoulder for my Angels or tiny birds on my leg w a bird cage wide open!! :)
Lovin' the tattoo idea ladies!

Had my non-stress test and everyone is still happy. Doctor came in and I've finally made some progress! Dilated 1 cm, 40% effaced and -1. Not huge progress but I'm happy. She did a sweep and I've been spotting ever since so I'm feeling a little better. Don't imagine it will be tonight but hopefully before Tuesday! If there is no progress by Tuesday I go in for an ultrasound and another non-stress. Hopefully another sweep too.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
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