LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Hi Girls :flower:

Cake yum yum yum yum oooooh i could soooo demolish cake right now lol!

It makes sense to start the progesterone at the correct day hun.

Barbs thats interesting that you count 1dpo as 2 days after last pos opk...i didn't know that! I used to just go off first neg day. or temps of course ;)

As for me boring CD18 no pos OPK apart from a breif one on CD 14 for literally an hour lol! no ov as temps remain stable :( looks like i'll be needing the drugs after all! Having said that there is a bit of hope - i was a late 0 er even on clomid sometimes CD20 so i'm not giving up my tiny bit of unrealistic hope yet! and we are BD everyother day just incase lol lol

House is nearly sorted!

So what are u all doing for xmas? We are having morming on our own with harrison then heading to jons mums for xmas dinner! x
Hi Becky! So glad the house is almost in order; that's awesome! :D Must be a relief!

Sounds like you have a lovely xmas planned... Christmas morning, DH and I are going over to my mums for breakfast with just my siblings. Then Christmas evening I am hosting my DH's family. Then boxing day back to my mums with my mums whole side of the family. Should be busy but a fun two days. I love the food and wine so I am good! haha.. and hey, if I get an Xmas eve BFP, even better :)

Becky, if you had a positive OPK on CD14, is it possible you did O? I trust you know your body though... are you planning to start clomid next cycle?

We have work xmas party today.. we are doing in on another floor in our building with more space... having an xmas catered lunch feast. I am hungry already!!!
I roll like I'm Queen of the Shite. :)

Hey Becky!! That's the standard measure for marking past ovulation if you're only using OPKs. You'll never really know unless you're temping or doing ultrasounds/blood work. So yeah if you have a surge one day, you'll likely Ovulate the next day so then the second day you are 1dpo. Some woman ovulate two days after the surge even. But anyway it's just a marker. The instructions on using OPK is also not to keep testing once you get a positive. It gets too confusing & some woman, the surge shows on the OPK for days. It's also thought that you can get a surge but there's a delay from when you really surged & when it shows on your OPK. So it's just too many variables.
Oh wow, I've read way too much about OPKs lol
Sorry I think I missed some thing, you have to take meds. What meds are you taking this cycle?

BTW I've decided to take the 'one day at a time' approach with IVF & not read the shit out of it! I don't want to have a University in IVFs lol.

So I went to see my RE today. Good times! LOL
So I'm going to stop my BCP on Sunday December 29th. I'll get my period & then will need to go in on CD2 or CD3 but no later than January 3rd. I will go in for ultrasound/bloods & start Gonal-F....I thought it was Lupron. Maybe he changed that. Anyway, that'll be for 12 days & he said transfer to occur on/around January 20th. I had to put a deposit down today for $4K for the drugs. They deduct off this deposit & refund me if there's money left over. Then at the END I can get a recipt for my insurance company. Wow was that a shock. I wasn't expecting to have to put a deposit down. I thought I could pay as I go. So strange. Anyway.
Then the $4200 is due on January 3rd for IVF. However if we need to, we can do a payment plan over the course of 4 months & we don't have to wait until it's all paid off. My doctor says first its getting me pregnant, payment is secondary to them. Wow - SO NICE! SO incase we dont get bonus before January we can deal with the payment plan.

Wow - YAY! I'm getting excited :)

HAHA & the weird thing was he showed me photos of both of my falopian tubes. That was so werid but cool. Anyway the dye they used, stayed in my tubes. It was not good. He said one was more damaged than the other but he made the executive decision to remove both. And may as well. I want the IVF w/the 2K government subsidy.

Enjoy your Christmas parties!!! xo
Barb I am sooooooooooooo excited for you! I am so glad you were given all that info today and the plan is in Motion!

And how great that they have a payment plan! Must have been nice to hear those words from the doctor about pregnancy coming first.

So if the transfer occurs around the 20th, when will you know about how round 1 went? I know you said you are more hopeful for round 2 because you will be getting used to the medication, but I am still crossing everything for a nice round one surprise lol :D

Crazy about your tubes, but if you are now qualified for the government subsidy that is good :D

What an awesome update today! xxx

PS - LOL @ your comment about IVF University... I feel the same.. I don't want to know anymore either! I have enough knowledge and just want to get pregnant haha
Hi ladies.....phew I am sooooo ker-plonkerised...
I have been run off my feet I forget what my name is...haha...MUG! Lol...

Anyways....cd13 here...opk is almost positive...recon I may have it tonight/tmr....:) very happy with that...we been bd'ing but it's bee kind of uncomfortable bc I have a yi....gah!.....and it's hit like a worm on a hook!....killer vag is in town :rofl:
So I'm using the VAGISIL at the moment...but once I am 1dpo I shall ring the doctors and ask for the "slandered" to be scripted for me.
Am affraid to take it right now as I worrie it would affect the o day.

Anyways enough about me....:)

Barbs.:wohoo: that's great news about the payment plan....I bet you feel a whole weight off your shoulders now.:)
So you say $2 k government that your endurance or do you get that extra?...great if you do.:thumbup: to lol at your "extended lunch break yesterday" ...that's

Meg..your Xmas sounds great,..lots of food and wine...yum.
Yaye your having a crimbo party this afternoon....who snogged the boss
There's always sombody isn't there lol... moved...:happydance:
So glad your in and settling now...
So you start the clomid this cycle or next...sorry I'm a tad confused too...
Haha...I watched "the valleys" last night....soooo funny..
I love the accent...
How is little Harrison now? I hope he is on the mend now love.
Cake!......go and get some it....fak the sooo deserve some cake...:)

Talking of cake!.....I want some too...make have to crack open the iced Xmas cake in a min...or maybe after tonight's stew for dinner...

So today I went straight into town...bought all the family Xmas cards...then straight off to morrisons to do the big Xmas food shop....I'm telling ya...I could barley move the trolley by the time I got to the end of the store haha...I have to back in again on Sunday and finish up...tonight I plan to sit and wrapp Harry's presents once he is in bed...oh has been manic.

I am finally sat with a nice ole cuppa tea and I have to move my butt to fold washing befor the hungry monster comes home later...
Gawsh he is such a miserable buggerr lately...I could slap a smile on him and he'd still look

Anyways lady's....I will be back on again later...meg...I wanna see some drunk text hahahaha...

Natalie xxx
So here I am ...sitting down...enjoying my tea break...just a pic to say hello ladies.:). :thumbup:

Oh sis...I almost for you lol...lhow are you coming along there?'s the unpacking coming along?...
Hope you are well my dear.:flower:

Natalie xxx


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Well if I do the transfer say on the 20th, then preggo test two weeks later.
So there is still a TWW. Which surprises me it's two weeks because if implantation usually is 6-12 days after ovulation normally, well - there is no traveling for the embryo when you do IVF. It gets put where it needs to be! So I'm a bit surprised by the time lines. Although now to think about it, its probably because I get the HSG shot again. So that has to leave my system too. I dunno. You bet your ass I'm goign to get IC's & test that sucker out!
Well there's a good chance I can get pregnant on our first cycle. It's not as if it's super low or anything but a lot of times it's a bit of an experimental phase with the drugs & how my body will react to them. I'm just hoping we get a 'first time charm' & just move forward with our lives. That'd be so nice. I am excited & really nervous that it wont work.

Gah, Sorry Nat for the YI...they are retched. I went through a phase of getting them a lot & it was awful. However once I was off the pill, the infection also went away! Go figure.
I get $2K knocked off the IVF cost so we pay $4200 instead of $6200. PLUS drugs & those drugs are covered under our plan.
Nat, you're so pretty :) HELLO!!! I'll post some Xmas photos some time.
I'll email them to you however.

Awe thankyou barbs :blush: lol....

Ahhh right I get it now.:re the $2k...that makes a whole lot of sense now.:thumbup:

Yaye Xmas photos...shortly after that one of me earlier I had thee biggest hot flush...I thought I had a semi transportation to the Bahamas...I almost passed out.
How strange eh lol.

So ladies....guess what? got it! positive opk has arrived! :wohoo:
I have ZERO o pains tho...I wonder if they are yet to set in and I caught my surge very early ...who
I don't care tho as long as it IS o.:)

So gone pretty quite love...drunk? Lol....or just done in by the LOOONG week and party at work...
I'd really love to see what you are like drunk..I have a feeling you are a BLAST!
But I bet you can be a wee bit feisty too if rubbed up the wrong way too teehee...
Here women drink...lambrini.....CHEAP ass white's called female petrol turns some really normally nice lady's into crazy satan.pmsl...I can't stand the taste myself but I have witnessed this oh too many can be funny but can turn slightly scary in a split second lol...
Bacardi makes me "scary lady" lol...
I can have one...but no more...we'll I'm ok...but if somebody acts like a dickhead I will usually be the first to point this out in my uncharecteristic way lol...
Anything else I am fine...I get told I am funny when
Haha look at me have a whole convo over a drink..can yu tell I am gagging for have to have a sneaky one when pete goes to bed tmr night...oooops :)

Well I was supposed to be wrapping pressies about now...but I cannot move...I'm sooo done bones actually I am almost close to flaking out on the

So ladies...what are we up to is's officially the Xmas weekend...exciting eh... must be close to 14 dpo by now...have you tested love?...
I hope it's bfp Alishuss :)

Well see you all tmr me petals...:flower:

Nighty night...:sleep:

Natalie xxx
I'm alive Nat still trying to get this house together :( been laying new floor in my room past few days finally done w that :happydance:

I'm 11dpo and temps have been down past few days so we will see what Tom brings!!

GL ladies!!!
Hi ladies...:)
Here is this mornings opk.:happydance:

Strange tho...bc I'm have very mild o pains and I had a temp rise this morning....yesterday mornings opk was negative so I didn't miss my surge...think I may be double o-ing...wohoo....

Hope you are having a great weekend :flower:
Sis good luck love.:thumbup:

Natalie xxx


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Hi Ladies!

Barbs YAY!!!! amazing news you must be so excited now and what a lovely thing for the doctor to say makes it all so much easier!! When i was starting the IVF (found out i was preg the day b4) I was going to be using Gonal F hun. You must be so pleased to have a time frame and i pray u are one of the ones who gets preggy 1st time :)

Nat wowsers great OPK and yay if its double 0...twice the chance lol! Sorry about the other problem...there is 1 antibiotic they can give that has no effect on 0 or pregnancy from what i maybe worth a quick doc visit - or go anyway so u have it ready to take! Hopefully you'll need the one i'm talking about as you'll have your BFP! Harrison is much better thanks a scary scary time tho - i hate seeing him so poorly and i felt so helpless :(

Sis fx temps go back up and i know how u feel crazy with house moving so close to xmas!!

Sorry to have confused everyone....We discovered pre harrison that my body does mini LH surges (so could show a pos opk breifly) but does not actually ovulate on its own without medication ie it doesn't release an egg (clomid or there was another drug it slips my mind a second) We where all hoping that having Harrison would have given my body a royal kick up the arse and started it working....nope unfortunately not. I had tests for a few months showing no ovulation but then last month I had a glimmer of hope as the blood test result that shows indication of ov came up as borderline. So i guess I was rather naively hoping or should i say wishful thinking that my body would 0 this cycle on its own.....i know i was kidding myself but hey a girl can hope! So I have the Clomid ready to start in Jan (i'm due AF on my fecking wedding day :( ) so will start next cycle - I would have started this cycle but as you girls may remember it makes me super emotional and i turn into a psycho crazy bitch lol - not good before my wedding LOL LOL!!

hope i've managed to explain.

OH & I had our first night away together without Harrison last night it was LOVELY but i missed him like crazy!! Any suggestions on a low cost Honeymoon for about 4days ... i can't face leaving him for longer :wacko: Bearing in mind i'm in the UK

Hope everyone's ok?!
Hiya Becky :)

I hear the Cotswolds is amaizballs if your looking for a quiet romantic honeymoon...if it's activitys and adventure your looking for your already in the right place :) future sil went there only a few months ago...I forget the actually plavpce name but I shall find out....anyways they LOVED it....
They did water skiing- hiking- swimming- rowing/sailing in the lakes...They had sooo much to do none of them wanted to leave lol...
I also here that the Canary Islands is great cousin just came back for there and the weather should be good till atleast end of January...

I TOTALLY get how it feels to leave your unsettling isn't felt guilty too :( ...but over time it's gets easier...not much tho lol...
Soo soo glad Harrison is on the mend now love...phew scary stuff eh.:hugs:

Becky I really hope the clomid is the magic medicine for you in January.
My birthday is just 3 days after your wedding...:)
January is an exciting month for us all eh.:happydance:

Come onnnn 2014 ....I'm sooo eager to bring you in.:) lol

Well my love take care ok...and you have a great Xmas too...I hear the uk is in for 100 days of snow...not sure where yet tho lol...
Oh and you must post pics of you in your wedding dress..l bet you will look spectacular.:thumbup:

Natalie xxx
Thanks Nat such kind words :) and thanks for the suggestions :) I will look into the cotswolds they are lovely!! oooh your Birthday are you planning anything nice? a BFP would be a great pressy xx
Oh it really would...but thing's a birthday I am not too excited marks a year exactly that I lost my baby.:( ...and I test on my birthday...if it's a's a double whammy shit cracker in my face lol..

But cay cera cera...what will be will be.

I am also praying I do not get my MRI apt on my birthday too..l(typical - it will work out like That for me) ...I don't want to be anywhere near the hospital for the same reasons...


But positive thinking is my plan for this has worked so far so I must remain on the same path!.:)
So good good good things are bound...Yaye :happydance:

Now I am in thinking mode...may I suggest edinbourough ....ohhh such a lovely city..
And it's great in the winter to visit too...and the shopping up there is brilliant.:thumbup:

Il keep thinking of nice places for you and put them put there lol..

Gah! Match of the day is on...oh is crashing out on the sofa with the remote firmly in his hand...I got to sit here and whatch this shite!.lol...

May just go to bed hehe...

Natalie xxx
Oh Nat i'm so sorry what a shitty time for you! I PRAY ITS TURNED AROUND AND HAS GOOD MEMORIES for you - you definately deserve it!!!!!!!!

Thanks for suggestions i'm looking into them all xx
Hi everyone !

Hope you are all doing great.

Becky - I hope Harrison is much better now! And thanks for explaining re your LH surge now I understand. FX for you next month when you are back on clomid. So exciting about your honeymoon. I am not a mother but my best advice about leaving the baby is that he needs you happy and well rested! And it's really healthy for you and DH to have that time together alone. Happy marriage happy babies right ?? So exciting for you :)

Nat - how's that OPK coming ??? And yes I am a lovely drunk you are right !! Haha. I had a bit too much wine last night and chugged two bottles of Gatorade before bed which saved me lol. Hate when I have a glass to many. I am good lately though. Done with hangovers and all that jazz. My body isn't the same as it once was !! Haha.

Barb - how is the ice storm where you are ?

We have had no power since last night. There are trees down on our street! Huge ones !! I really hope my turkey doesn't thaw I will be so pissed that was not cheap !! Lol

Thank goodness for gas stove and fireplace so I can still eat and keep warm. DH is still asleep lol. Ahhhhhh I want my power back! I am on my phone and as soon as it dies I'm screwed. I also need to take DH to the walk in clinic today for an ear infection poor guy. Hope this ends soon.
Hiya hun its xmas so a drunken state is most definately aloud ;) i know what u mean about hangovers tho i HATE them these days!!

I'm looking forward to the honeymoon....once we actually book it haha lol we will be honeymooning in our new house at this rate lol!

So sorry you have no power that is really bad - fx your turkey stays frozen and they get power back to you ASAP!!! Our boiler broke a couple of days ago so we have been a bit cold here - zero degrees and snow not the right time for a dodgey boiler!! plug in ratiators to the rescue. Really hope they get it back for u soon!! hope your OH gets the antibiotics and is better for xmas or you maybe eating a LOT of turkey ;) xx
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